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The murder of Swedish PM Olof Palme solved after 34 years?


Sorry, I could not necrobump my old thread: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/30-years-since-the-assassination-of-olof-palme.1191547/

Anyway, the prosecutor has announced that on Wednesday at 9:30 they will present evidence which will either lead to a prosecution or the closing of the investigation (meaning that the killer is dead).

In the media one (~new) suspect is the favorite. We will see if they are correct in this. I myself have doubts.
The person in question is the so called "Skandiamannen" who's name was Stig Engström.


Stig Engström


Olof Palme, Swedish Prime minister 69-76, 82-86.

He worked at Skandia which is a insurance company. Olof Palme was shot just outside this building.
Stig Engström left work that night just 1-3 minutes (the time has drifted) before the shooting. The description of this clothes closely matched what the witnesses had seen. He himself reported to the police that he was a witness and having arrived just after the shooting, but no other witnesses could confirm that they has seen him. He also reported his whereabouts to the media which made a broadcast about him.
According to media he circulated in groups which hated the prime minister, and he had a friend which collected firearms and also hated the PM, this friend had several handguns which were of the caliber which were used in the murder, .357 magnum.
It is known that the investigation have tested some of the revolvers from this friends collection, but the results are not known.

Another semi-hot lead is South Africa, Palme was a big opponent to the apartheid regime. It is suspected that they had him assassinated. It is known that the investigation recently has seeked information regarding foreign countries within the Swedish military.

My own personal take is if it was Stig Engström, he is the most chilled assassins of them all. He reported himself to the police, the media and spread FUD regarding the time he left work. Therefor I have my doubts.

On Wednesday we will know what the investigation has concluded after 34 years, and I will make sure to update this thread.

Mr Hyde

C.P was just a decoy. Still remember his legendary interview he did with TV 3 some year after he was acquitted from the murder. By this time he was protected by Double Jeopardy and the first thing he said to the interviewer was:

I did it.

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Prison Mike

They thought it was that olaf gunnar son if I remember off a crime show he got murdered in the states by a jealous woman's lover I think.


Man oh man.

Jag tycker synd om Christer Petterson.
Hur skall han nu kunna foersorja sig om fallet blir uppklarat?


Man oh man.

Jag tycker synd om Christer Petterson.
Hur skall han nu kunna foersorja sig om fallet blir uppklarat?


It would be great if this case is finally closed, but I wonder what kind of evidence could've surfaced after so many years. It has to be very definitive, like a murder weapon.


I am sorta in the C.P. camp. First of all, I mean look at him:

And I think it was just a mugging gone wrong... The boringest conclusion I know, but usually Sweden tends to be boring and gray, no conspiracies here... we're to dull....

Also - what would be S.E.s motive? Just that he hated the PM? A fourth of Sweden hated the PM, thats not enough to commit murder imo.
It would be great if this case is finally closed, but I wonder what kind of evidence could've surfaced after so many years. It has to be very definitive, like a murder weapon.
Yeah, the murder weapon or possibly DNA from clothes is the only thing that would satisfy people. Although there's a possibility the evidence is circumstantial and they're just doing this to close the case.
I am sorta in the C.P. camp. First of all, I mean look at him:

And I think it was just a mugging gone wrong... The boringest conclusion I know, but usually Sweden tends to be boring and gray, no conspiracies here... we're to dull....

Also - what would be S.E.s motive? Just that he hated the PM? A fourth of Sweden hated the PM, thats not enough to commit murder imo.
The murder doesn't fit his M.O. at all. C.P. robbed drug dealers and junkies and isn't known to have ever owned or used a gun. If we put these two against each other S.E. is the more likely candidate I think, considering his strange behaviour at the scene of the crime, his attention seeking personality, being friends with a weapons collector etc.
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It would be great if this case is finally closed, but I wonder what kind of evidence could've surfaced after so many years. It has to be very definitive, like a murder weapon.

Yes, it would have to be very definitive evidence, otherwise the investigation can not be closed.
Leif GW Persson fantasized that they had found the murder weapon and that it contained DNA evidence from Palme. Apparently a weapon fired at close range creates a vacuum which can suck up blood.

The bullets from the crime scene are in very poor condition, so it unlikely that they themselves could be matched to a weapon. Hopefully they have very solid evidence, or the speculation will just continue.

I am sorta in the C.P. camp. First of all, I mean look at him:

And I think it was just a mugging gone wrong... The boringest conclusion I know, but usually Sweden tends to be boring and gray, no conspiracies here... we're to dull....

Also - what would be S.E.s motive? Just that he hated the PM? A fourth of Sweden hated the PM, thats not enough to commit murder imo.

Thulehuset as the Skandia building is known as, housed the stay behind movement. There could be a connection there, but the Filter article who made S.E. popular did not find a connection there.
There was genuine fear (especially in the military) that Palme was a traitor about to sell the nation to the soviet union. He did not want nuclear weapons in the Nordic region (during this time Sweden was included in the NATO nuclear umbrella, a deal made not to develop our own weapon), and he was scheduled to meet with the soviet leadership in April (the assassination took place in February).
I don't believe Christer Pettersson did it, he was a scapegoat made by corrupt policemen. He does not fit at all. The gunman kept his cool. C.P. was nothing close to being cool. He did however murder a person, but with a bayonet.

But I am not personally convinced that the man was S.E. either. Gunnar Wall made some good points which made me seriously doubt that he is the killer we are looking for.

However there was a quote in the Filter article that gave me chills. S.E.s own words many years later how the murder could have happened.
He said the killer could have met Palme on the street, and that Palme rebuffed the man, and that the man shot Palme in anger. Where did he get this idea from? (several witnesses stated initially that they had seen the killer talking to Palme). He also mentioned that the gun could have been stolen from a night club in the vicinity. If S.E. left the building at the time initially thought, he would more or less have met with Palme on the street walking to the subway station. If so it was a murder by opportunity. But there are many things that point in the other direction, why did he return to the building after? And he mentioned things to the security guards which the killer would not have known.

I can hardly wait for Wednesday. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

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Things are heating up. Sounds like they have the murder weapon 😯

Yes! Things have taken off for sure.
I wouldn't be surprised things start leaking very soon.

Going by the timing of all the events surrounding this in the last few years, it seems the suspect is Engström. Too bad he killed himself in 2000.
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It was Stig.

No hard evidence sadly.

I am very disappointed honestly. I was expecting technical evidence (the news about the revolver was bullshit), but we got nothing. Only circumstances. It sounded like they were reading from Thomas Petterssons book.
Could it be Engström? Maybe, but they have not proved it.



"On 10 June 2020, Engström was announced as the prime suspect in the murder by the Swedish Prosecuting Authority and the Swedish police. However, as Engström was already deceased, Swedish police did not start a prosecution, and also stated the evidence against Engström would have been too circumstantial for a trial. Krister Petersson, prosecutor in charge of the investigation, announced the closing of the case at a press conference on 10 June 2020, stating twenty years after Engström's death that he was the prime suspect in the murder, but that the evidence against him would have been too weak for a trial "
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This is the quote that gave me chills btw, freely translated by me.

To me it reads a bit like a confession of what happened.

Witnesses mention having seen a man talking with the Palme couple, standing with his back against the lit shop window. Others mention having seen a man put his hand on Olof Palmes shoulder, when the Palme couple walk down the street past Beckers.

Put these two pictures together - the couple being spoken to by a man who might have recognized them and wants to say something to a living world celebrity which suddenly comes walking down Sveavägen from the cinema.
Many have friendly greeted Palme - he did not only have enemies.
Ponder that the beloved prime minister rebuffs this person in a contemptuous manner.
Rejected and having our backs turned on some of us become angry. If then some of us also carry a weapon - maybe we use it in such an opportunity.
The anger comes - we take a few steps after the man, put our hand on his shoulder to stop him - You bastard! - boom. It is unfortunately human, or inhuman.


Lisbeth Palme who survived, having a bullet grace her back makes no mention of this. Some witnessess say she walked a few steps ahead of Olof, she might not have noticed the confrontation. Otherwise her memory loss might have been due to the chock of having her husband suddenly killed.
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