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The Music of the Next Zelda


I've got the mp3. I've even got it on CD (a German magazine release a Soundtrack CD with misc OST tracks of alle consoles). But thanks.


I enjoyed more Wind Waker soundtrack than OOT, specially since it has some themes I absolutely love it while OOT I hardly remember any theme (but the one in the Temple of Time). I remember it had a lot of quality of course, but I fail to see that supremacy over Wind Waker soundtrack out of personal taste (and take on count I don´t use to listen BSOs, that is just my two cents of the soundtrack taken from my game experience).

And no, no nostalgia for me. I think it was a very mediterranean music, very traditional and very attached to the sea, for some reason, I think it has a lot in common with the zone where I live. Doen´t try continuosly to be "epic" but offer some themes that really moved me without being attached to big moments or using nostalgia.

Of course it´s only my opinion. Sometimes I think I´m the only one that loved Wind Waker.


I have almost finished Zelda Minish Cap, and the music walks all over WW.

There's some very good music in MC. I bet it's kondo alone again.


SantaCruZer said:
I have almost finished Zelda Minish Cap, and the music walks all over WW.
Wow, and thats with GBA quality sound?

Be sure to check up the credits when you're done to see if it is in fact Kondo alone.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I really hope that they stick with the same soundtrack as OoT with some remixes in the next Zelda. OoT has the best soundtrack ever. Gereudo valley is the tune that really sticks to my head, I used to go to gereudo valley just to listen to that tune. All of OoT's music was amazing. I truly think that there is no soundtrack that can compare to OoT's soundtrack.


Eric-GCA said:
Wow, and thats with GBA quality sound?

Be sure to check up the credits when you're done to see if it is in fact Kondo alone.

Of course the GBA sound wont be the same as on Gamecube, but I am thinking more about the melodies. Some very nice remixes and news tracks in MC.

I love the music in
Hyrule town.

I will check if it is only Kondo when I am done.


yay!! good to see alot of ppl like dragonroost island theme as well. someone make a thread like that fav temple one, but for a track in the zelda games. lets see what comes up.


psycho_snake said:
I really hope that they stick with the same soundtrack as OoT with some remixes in the next Zelda. OoT has the best soundtrack ever. Gereudo valley is the tune that really sticks to my head, I used to go to gereudo valley just to listen to that tune. All of OoT's music was amazing. I truly think that there is no soundtrack that can compare to OoT's soundtrack.
Yeah, Gerudo Valley is my favourite too. Check out the remixes at here too:

Gerudo Peeples and Gerudo Interlude are the best.


I just wish the actual music in the game is not Red Book/Midi crap but streaming, recorded-at-a-studio orchestral music.All this digital crap is just not warm/organic enough.
Next Zelda game needs to use a full symphony. Screw the music that changes on the fly, just go the SSX route and bring up or bring down the various pieces of the music based on area and action.

Listening to some of the better game soundtracks in recent years, such as Medal of Honor Frontline and Freedom Fighters has me wanting an orchestra and choir in a Zelda game.

Oh, I've heard the Zelda orchestrated medly and it is wonderful.


Warm Machine said:
Next Zelda game needs to use a full symphony. Screw the music that changes on the fly, just go the SSX route and bring up or bring down the various pieces of the music based on area and action.

Listening to some of the better game soundtracks in recent years, such as Medal of Honor Frontline and Freedom Fighters has me wanting an orchestra and choir in a Zelda game.

Oh, I've heard the Zelda orchestrated medly and it is wonderful.

I agree.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'll have to chime in with support for TWW soundtrack - one of my favorite OSTs and I think the overall best Zelda soundtrack so far. The next Zelda shouldn't sound like it because it has a different setting, but, TWW OST is example of perfect fit of form and function and complimenting the visuals, mood, and play. Ironically, TooT's soundtrack for me was a little generic sounding, seeming to stick too close to LttP in too many places.


I agree that OoT had some great music. Even when it wasn't melodic or 'pretty' it fit the game content well (like the cacaphony of the boss battles or when link was escaping from gannon's castle with Zelda near the end).

The dungeon music was perfectly atmospheric wih little snippets of melody mixed in with ambient noises and they always seemed to fit the environment like a glove. MM followed up with and equally good soundtrack. tWW's is lacking in comparison. There are a few good tunes but overall it's much weaker. Kind of a pity since the Gamecube actually has some sound hardware for the musicians to work with.

I think tWW was a negative departure in many ways. If they pick almost any Zelda prior to it and emulate its soudtrack we'll end up with good music in the Next Zelda.


Links next instrument will be Magical Bongos, plug in your Donkey Kongas into a controller port to compose songs ala OOT!



Kaijima said:
I'll have to chime in with support for TWW soundtrack - one of my favorite OSTs and I think the overall best Zelda soundtrack so far. The next Zelda shouldn't sound like it because it has a different setting, but, TWW OST is example of perfect fit of form and function and complimenting the visuals, mood, and play. Ironically, TooT's soundtrack for me was a little generic sounding, seeming to stick too close to LttP in too many places.

I agree that TWW soundtrack is great. I was underwhelmed at first, but the more I've played the game the more the music has stuck with me. I think the underwhelm reception of Wind Waker's soundtrack is evidence enough that Nintendo really needs to hire an orchestra or use better sound equipment and samples. That alone would've made a huge difference in the case of TWW.
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