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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Oh, that's AT as fuck.

Still, get GoT, it's as euro as a Risk-eque game can get with its diceless combat. If you jump straight into TI3 you'll have a fucking aneurysm, man. :p

Yeah, and I really like the books, so it's a no brainer.

except some really smart person at FFG let the game get super out of print right as the HBO show starts.

Looks like it may be summer before I can get a copy.
Noisepurge said:
been playing a lot of Arkham and today i caved and bought:

instead of the Kingsport Horror expansion :p

All experiences from Arkham players welcome, im a little afraid the 5 quests wear out fast, but im hoping for expansions and fan-made stuff online.

Do the Arkham players here enjoy a little Mansions on the side? :D (i have Arkham+Dunwich+Innsmouth)

Tell me what you think of it! My group plays a lot of AH but I'm hesitant to make the plunge on MoM before we've dug into AH a bit more first. Still, it looks like a good counterpart.


Haven't really gotten the chance to really dive into MoM, but our brief initial playthrough was promising. Definitely a change of pace from AH.


Good game of Campaign Manager earlier Astro. That last Breaking News card was pretty rough for me, it sealed any real chance I had at a comeback. Now that I have a game under my belt, I can see that there were a lot of mistakes I made in picking out my deck initially. Your control of the Media Support throughout the game was one glaring result. I also grossly underestimated the value of "draw" cards, it felt like I was playing with an empty hand most of the game.


BigAT said:
Good game of Campaign Manager earlier Astro. That last Breaking News card was pretty rough for me, it sealed any real chance I had at a comeback. Now that I have a game under my belt, I can see that there were a lot of mistakes I made in picking out my deck initially. Your control of the Media Support throughout the game was one glaring result. I also grossly underestimated the value of "draw" cards, it felt like I was playing with an empty hand most of the game.

yeah damn astro is good at that game, I haven't been able to beat him yet


Hail to the KING baby
hahah yeah that game was crazy close. yucata has given me such an appreciation for CM. really the perfect game for it -- hope they get more jason mathews titles on there


I am currently addicted to Hey, that's my fish! on Yucata.

I can't get enough. It is so simple, but that's the best part. You can pick it up just by reading the rules.
timetokill said:
Tell me what you think of it! My group plays a lot of AH but I'm hesitant to make the plunge on MoM before we've dug into AH a bit more first. Still, it looks like a good counterpart.

will do, im hoping we can start the first game tomorrow. But i will post impressions after 2 games or so, the first one will most likely be ruined by a lot of manual reading to really get into it :D
choodi said:
I am currently addicted to Hey, that's my fish! on Yucata.

I can't get enough. It is so simple, but that's the best part. You can pick it up just by reading the rules.

I love HTMF! but I'm constantly beat by my sisters, I only have 1 game going right now, so feel free to invite me (carno on Yucata).

that was a real close CM08 game, after getting my ass kicked by astrolad so many times (270 vs 200. ugh) I can't belive I actually won once.


Hail to the KING baby
Game day! Playing the indomitable 1960 (from the designer of CM08!) with my friend:

Then gonna probably play RftG & Gric once wife and friends come over afterwards. Been addicted to those two games recently.


Hail to the KING baby
Well didn't get to play 1960 after all. Setup and then teaching takes a while so we ran out of time. Busted out some Gric (E+Austria+Czech) and then some Dominion. Got to pull out a sneaky Duke+Duchy win in Dominion so I was happy. :D
Played AH today, but with 6 -- the first time I've played with that many.

We won, but I think 6 is perhaps too many. Even with Innsmouth, we were able to keep monsters in check so well that for some turns people felt like there wasn't really much to do. There was pretty much no action on the Terror Track at all.

Still, introduced 3 new people to the game, and had a good time :) Still not using Heralds -- I guess I'm just not seeing a lot of compelling reasons to use them just yet.


Hail to the KING baby
yeah 6 is too many. AH is pretty strictly a 3-5 game. More than 5 and it just gets too easy. Though I'm sure there are some pretty decent house rules on BGG that make it work with more players, but I've never looked into it myself.
AstroLad said:
yeah 6 is too many. AH is pretty strictly a 3-5 game. More than 5 and it just gets too easy. Though I'm sure there are some pretty decent house rules on BGG that make it work with more players, but I've never looked into it myself.

Yeah, I was tempted to use some of the house rules that would make it more difficult but decided against it because we had so many new players. In hindsight, I probably should've just used them anyway.


Super Sleuth
I have absolutely no idea how to play Vikings, but figured I would give it a try on Yucata. I read through the rules, but I am still almost surely going to be completely lost for at least 5/6 of the game.

I also don't know how to play Hunters and Gatherers, but I figure knowing Carcassonne will make that a pretty easy transition (aside from some of the fiddly seeming rules with animals and gold pieces and fish and such).


Hail to the KING baby
Yaboosh said:
I have absolutely no idea how to play Vikings, but figured I would give it a try on Yucata. I read through the rules, but I am still almost surely going to be completely lost for at least 5/6 of the game.

I also don't know how to play Hunters and Gatherers, but I figure knowing Carcassonne will make that a pretty easy transition (aside from some of the fiddly seeming rules with animals and gold pieces and fish and such).
-Yeah Vikes is one of those games you really have to read the rules once, play the game once, then skim the rules and you'll get it. I was the same way at first too. Now that I've got a couple games under my belt though I really like it. Thinking of adding it to a future order potentially.

-H&G give the rules a quick skim. It's basically just regular Carc with a couple interesting tweaks.


AstroLad said:
-Yeah Vikes is one of those games you really have to read the rules once, play the game once, then skim the rules and you'll get it. I was the same way at first too. Now that I've got a couple games under my belt though I really like it. Thinking of adding it to a future order potentially.

-H&G give the rules a quick skim. It's basically just regular Carc with a couple interesting tweaks.

At what point during scoring do you have the opportunity to place the vikings that got sent to your first slot?


Hail to the KING baby
At the beginning of the big scoring in rounds 2, 4, and 5:

1) Boatsman: only at the beginning of a large scoring can the boatsman move Vikings from the base to the islands. 1 boatsman can move either all Vikings of one color or 1 Viking of each available color from the base to empty island tiles. All rules for placing Vikings must be followed. In each large scoring, a player may use as many of his boatsmen as he wishes. A player may only use a boatman to move Vikings from the base to the islands. He may not move Vikings among the islands. After a player uses a boatsman, he discards it from the game.
During the third large scoring (after the 6th round) each player must use all boatsmen that he can to move any remaining Vikings from the base to the islands!


Fail out bailed
Played Catan against someone who gives a shit for the first time. It was sort of bizarre. I guess it never occurred to me that some people take it seriously... weird stuff.

Can't say I'm eager for my friends to start playing that way.


AstroLad said:
At the beginning of the big scoring in rounds 2, 4, and 5:

1) Boatsman: only at the beginning of a large scoring can the boatsman move Vikings from the base to the islands. 1 boatsman can move either all Vikings of one color or 1 Viking of each available color from the base to empty island tiles. All rules for placing Vikings must be followed. In each large scoring, a player may use as many of his boatsmen as he wishes. A player may only use a boatman to move Vikings from the base to the islands. He may not move Vikings among the islands. After a player uses a boatsman, he discards it from the game.
During the third large scoring (after the 6th round) each player must use all boatsmen that he can to move any remaining Vikings from the base to the islands!

Ah, I mis-remembered the part about needing boatsmen to do that.


Last night was boardgame night for my group.

7 Wonders made it to the table for the first time and it was a HUGE hit with everyone. Was great too because we had seven players. Man what a fantastic game. Its easy to teach, pleasing to look at, thematically works well for what it is, and the strategy looks easy to understand yet difficult to master. This will be a HUGE hit for us and expect for it to come to the table VERY often.

Then played a five player Fury of Dracula game. Damn we started this game too late and paid for it with a game that didn't end until 1am. It could have gone on even longer than that but we were either going to end it quick or toss it. Fun game, but deceptively long.


OH! To anyone who remotely likes Fury of Dracula you owe it to yourself to hunt down a copy of Clue: The Great Museum Caper!

It's super light, super quick, and is pure hidden movement mechanic. Don't be fooled, this is NOTHING like Clue.


Get it.
Neverfade said:
OH! To anyone who remotely likes Fury of Dracula you owe it to yourself to hunt down a copy of Clue: The Great Museum Caper!

It's super light, super quick, and is pure hidden movement mechanic. Don't be fooled, this is NOTHING like Clue.


Get it.

Damn... I've been looking into FoD for a while now, would you say Clue is better/worse?

Edit: Oh wait, I've played it, ages ago! in the 90's. I had totally forgotten that was its name! Just saw some pics on BGG and the memories came flooding back :)


Yeah, its a different beast. There's room for both Museum Caper and FoD (or LfWC!)

Damn...I'm gonna have to order myself a copy of Whitechapel....


Played an excellent game of 4-player Alhambra last night...got 125 points. Most points we've seen in that game in a looong time.
Could anyone recommend one of the LCG on the market? Dominion doesn't do it for me and I don't want to go back to magic. I think thematically Call of Cthulhu is the best for me but I'd like to hear some recommendations.

_woLf said:
Played an excellent game of 4-player Alhambra last night...got 125 points. Most points we've seen in that game in a looong time.

Wow, that's a lot. I usually score over 100 but mainly play 2 or 3 players. I guess with more than 4 it'd be too chaotic.


Super Sleuth
BomberMouse said:
Could anyone recommend one of the LCG on the market? Dominion doesn't do it for me and I don't want to go back to magic. I think thematically Call of Cthulhu is the best for me but I'd like to hear some recommendations.

Explain what you don't like about Dominion and I think we can better help you out.

Edit: AstroLad, I am about to play a game of Ticket to Ride with the wife, but if you are still on in an hour or so I would be down for a game or two.
Yaboosh said:
Explain what you don't like about Dominion and I think we can better help you out.

I like the combos and the idea of a centralized/shared game area but that's it, there are lots of minor annoyances like lack/boring theme, too much shuffling, I don't like the endgame trigger, don't like the goal of the game, TOO MUCH SHUFFLING. I could withstand most of these on other games which compensates them with something else, but not Dominion, whole package is just not for me.

Of course these are all in my debatable opinion, but that's not the point of my original post.
BomberMouse said:
Could anyone recommend one of the LCG on the market? Dominion doesn't do it for me and I don't want to go back to magic. I think thematically Call of Cthulhu is the best for me but I'd like to hear some recommendations.

Well Dominion is not a LCG, that could be an issue ;)

If you like Cthulhu you might also want to try out Game of Thrones as it has some similar aspects. I like Warhammer Invasion, but it's a 2 player only game sadly and is more combat oriented unlike Cthulhu.


BattleMonkey said:
Well Dominion is not a LCG, that could be an issue ;)

If you like Cthulhu you might also want to try out Game of Thrones as it has some similar aspects. I like Warhammer Invasion, but it's a 2 player only game sadly and is more combat oriented unlike Cthulhu.

I really enjoy Call of Cthulhu (just got a second copy of the base set in a trade!) but it "feels" very Magic like to me, which isn't everyone's cup of tea. There's a lot of back and forth attack/defense wise, with the four different 'attack types' when you resolve a story.

I haven't played it, but I've heard good things about the Game of Thrones LCG being very different to the CCG gameplay model, which attracts people to it (and it supports upto 4 players).
fenners said:
I really enjoy Call of Cthulhu (just got a second copy of the base set in a trade!) but it "feels" very Magic like to me, which isn't everyone's cup of tea. There's a lot of back and forth attack/defense wise, with the four different 'attack types' when you resolve a story.

I haven't played it, but I've heard good things about the Game of Thrones LCG being very different to the CCG gameplay model, which attracts people to it (and it supports upto 4 players).

Game of thrones is similar to Cthulhu, as you have story conflicts that are key to the game. All the LCG games are based off CCG mechanics, they simply changed how they package and sell the games.


Hail to the KING baby
Yaboosh said:
I have been trying to connect to Keldon's RFTG server for a while now and it keeps failing. Are the servers down?
looks like it is down. i was using it to learn Brink of War and man . . . let's just say i'm looking forward to the new expansion arc and starting fresh.


With the posts about Clue: The Great Museum Caper mentioned above, I figured I should mention that I have an extra complete copy available. If anyone's interested, message me.
Major Williams said:
A friend who is into D&D invited me to play Vampire the Masquerade part 2. Should my wife and I be scared, gaf?

Part 2?

If it's the pen and paper RPG, well it depends. Vampire Masquerade I found to be a tough game to get into because of the massive amounts of lore involved. It's also a completely different game from D&D. D&D is rule heavy with very strict combat rules and rules for everything. Vampire is a narrative RPG, you mostly play through dialogue with very light mechanics, some groups can go whole sessions without ever looking at a rulebook or rolling dice even at times. If you are not good or enjoy the roleplaying aspect of these games, then it won't be for you. The game appeals greatly to those who care more about characters and the roleplay, and not the rolling of dice.

Now if it's a Vampire Masquerade LARP session (live action rp), then be afraid.
BattleMonkey said:
Part 2?

If it's the pen and paper RPG, well it depends. Vampire Masquerade I found to be a tough game to get into because of the massive amounts of lore involved. It's also a completely different game from D&D. D&D is rule heavy with very strict combat rules and rules for everything. Vampire is a narrative RPG, you mostly play through dialogue with very light mechanics, some groups can go whole sessions without ever looking at a rulebook or rolling dice even at times. If you are not good or enjoy the roleplaying aspect of these games, then it won't be for you. The game appeals greatly to those who care more about characters and the roleplay, and not the rolling of dice.

Now if it's a Vampire Masquerade LARP session (live action rp), then be afraid.
Nah, not the larping, and it is the revised 2nd edition. We've set up our characters and sort of did 1 session already, it was just okay to me.

My wife liked ist a bit more than me, the whole "being the character" is kind of dumb at times to me - like if my character sees something in the distance I have to TELL everyone even though they all heard the narrator. Kind of hokey and embarrassing IMO.
Major Williams said:
Nah, not the larping, and it is the revised 2nd edition. We've set up our characters and sort of did 1 session already, it was just okay to me.

My wife liked ist a bit more than me, the whole "being the character" is kind of dumb at times to me - like if my character sees something in the distance I have to TELL everyone even though they all heard the narrator. Kind of hokey and embarrassing IMO.

Well that is how it's supposed to work in D&D as well. The GM is just doing things wrong in such a case and players are just being meta witih the game and just ignoring many aspects of the game. Roleplaying at it's core is supposed to be immersive as you take on the role of a character, and D&D is supposed to be the exact same thing, but it just has a much more comprehensive game system.

Sadly lot of DM's for D&D ignore the roleplay aspects of the game and make it out to be basically a more complex board game. Some DM's though will be more anal about this kind of stuff and will force you to be more "in character" and such.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Not sure if this is the place for this but I really love munchkin. I have not played in a really long time but I love that game.
MThanded said:
Not sure if this is the place for this but I really love munchkin. I have not played in a really long time but I love that game.
I used to like Munchkin, but am very bitter towards it nowadays. The endgame is just a massive cluster. Probably 60% of the games I've played (4 player or more) have ended in "This is taking too long, let's just let him win," or "Does anybody want to just move on to something else?"

The 3 player games I played went much smoother, I probably will never play any version of Munchkin ever again unless it's 3 players.


Gryphter said:
I used to like Munchkin, but am very bitter towards it nowadays. The endgame is just a massive cluster. Probably 60% of the games I've played (4 player or more) have ended in "This is taking too long, let's just let him win," or "Does anybody want to just move on to something else?"

The 3 player games I played went much smoother, I probably will never play any version of Munchkin ever again unless it's 3 players.
Yeah, same situation here. My friend has Munchkin & Munchkin-Fu and back when my only other exposure to "modern" boardgames was Catan and Risk 2210, I enjoyed a few plays of it.

I hadn't played it for a few years, but I picked up a copy of the base set of Munchkin at a thrift store for a dollar and brought it to a local gaming event since a friend said he wanted to try it out. We played a five player game with a few people who were more into RPGs than boardgames, and they all enjoyed it quite a bit.

I was pretty miserable when it just kept going on and on, though. I just wanted the game to end so I could play some other games, so I didn't bother sicking any more monsters on the player who was about to reach level 10. Of course, I didn't let anyone else know that I could have put up more of a fight.

Maybe it would be better with less players, but it put me off playing the game again for a long while. Munchkin is a very "novelty" game that's fun for a few plays, but then starts to wear thin, in my opinion.
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