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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Neo Member
BomberMouse said:
I like the combos and the idea of a centralized/shared game area but that's it, there are lots of minor annoyances like lack/boring theme, too much shuffling, I don't like the endgame trigger, don't like the goal of the game, TOO MUCH SHUFFLING. I could withstand most of these on other games which compensates them with something else, but not Dominion, whole package is just not for me.

Of course these are all in my debatable opinion, but that's not the point of my original post.

Some other Deck Construction games you might want to look into include;
  • Thunderstone
  • Nightfall
  • Puzzle Strike (uses tokens in a bag in place of a deck, so no shuffling!)
  • Ascension (more tactical than strategic)


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Finally my copy of Alien Frontiers has been shipped to me today. I get it Monday, stoked!

Do you know if this second printing is sold out? I need to re-pick this up eventually, I suppose.


Neverfade said:
Do you know if this second printing is sold out? I need to re-pick this up eventually, I suppose.

It's sold out to preorders & distributors - meaning there'll be a ton of copies in the supply chain until shops/online stores sell out their stock allocation. They're already talking about a third print run.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Finally my copy of Alien Frontiers has been shipped to me today. I get it Monday, stoked!
I can tell you that AF has become a fixture with the group I game with. I bring it every few weeks and it is rare that it sits unused. Play moves pretty quickly now that most of us have the nuances down, but there is still a lot of strategy and tactics involved.

I'm really glad I jumped on the Kickstarter campaign for this one.

I also jumped on the KS for Eminent Domain, though it appears it will still be a while before it's shipped out.
Thanks everyone for the LCG recomendations.

A new "something" has been anounced for Smallworld, and it seems it's not just another small expansion


All the speculation is here
MichaelBD said:
I can tell you that AF has become a fixture with the group I game with. I bring it every few weeks and it is rare that it sits unused. Play moves pretty quickly now that most of us have the nuances down, but there is still a lot of strategy and tactics involved.

I'm really glad I jumped on the Kickstarter campaign for this one.

I also jumped on the KS for Eminent Domain, though it appears it will still be a while before it's shipped out.
Yeah, I'm pumped. I heard about the game after the kickstarter program ended so I missed out on that. Then I had the opportunity to buy it for cheap a little bit after that and I passed on it only to regret it later.
BomberMouse said:
Thanks everyone for the LCG recomendations.

A new "something" has been anounced for Smallworld, and it seems it's not just another small expansion

All the speculation is here http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/643342/small-world-underground
I'm interested to see what the new races are but I might pass on buying it. I don't get to play Small World enough to warrant yet another expansion.


BomberMouse said:
Thanks everyone for the LCG recomendations.

A new "something" has been anounced for Smallworld, and it seems it's not just another small expansion


All the speculation is here

So far, two new races are confirmed: Gnomes and... Shadow Mimes?


Looking forward to it, but is anyone else annoyed that the representative image on BoardGameGeek for Small World changed to that graffitied version, and now it's the angled view of the game box, with black bars on the side? Funny that the graffiti version didn't really bother me, but I like the rep. images to be straight on views of the box cover.
So I have $20 in Amazon credit and I need to use it by the 30th. I have it narrowed down to a couple games but I need some thoughts and suggestions.

Imperial - Played it before and love it. I heavily leaning towards this one.
Cosmic Encounter - Interested but theme may turn off the people I normally play with.
Isla Dorada - Seems interesting but I'm not too sure about this one. Thoughts?
Ghost Stories - Do I really need another co-op? Probably not.
Kingsburg - Love the iPhone app but with Alien Frontiers on the way it might be redundant.

Any others I'm missing? I kind of want to stay away from war games for now and I'm leaning towards another Euro.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
So I have $20 in Amazon credit and I need to use it by the 30th. I have it narrowed down to a couple games but I need some thoughts and suggestions.

Imperial - Played it before and love it. I heavily leaning towards this one.
Cosmic Encounter - Interested but theme may turn off the people I normally play with.
Isla Dorada - Seems interesting but I'm not too sure about this one. Thoughts?
Ghost Stories - Do I really need another co-op? Probably not.
Kingsburg - Love the iPhone app but with Alien Frontiers on the way it might be redundant.

Any others I'm missing? I kind of want to stay away from war games for now and I'm leaning towards another Euro.
Not to discourage you from buying games, but are you talking about the Portal 2 credit? I misread my email initially, the expiration for that credit is actually April 30, 2012.
BigAT said:
Not to discourage you from buying games, but are you talking about the Portal 2 credit? I misread my email initially, the expiration for that credit is actually April 30, 2012.
Well, I'll be damned it does expire in 2012. Thanks for the heads up.


Hail to the KING baby
gg of CM08 MrMan. The way it started out I could barely keep up thought you might run away with it but then I caught some good runs myself.


AstroLad said:
gg of CM08 MrMan. The way it started out I could barely keep up thought you might run away with it but then I caught some good runs myself.

whatever man, you're like the CM master lol
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I don't get to play Small World enough to warrant yet another expansion.

I don't play it that much either but despite the fantasy theme I love the concept so I'll buy almost anything SW (I'm only missing the leaders expansion). Also the interesting part is that it's not supposed to be a small expansion but a complete new standalone game or big box expansion.
I know the OP has an iPhone section, but I just got an Android and I was curious if there are any recommended board gaming apps for them? I saw some Dominion shuffler programs to check out...


Hail to the KING baby
platypotamus said:
I know the OP has an iPhone section, but I just got an Android and I was curious if there are any recommended board gaming apps for them? I saw some Dominion shuffler programs to check out...
Yeah need to update that.

Androminion: Nice little 3P vs. CPU Dominion that has up through Seaside. Pretty addictive.
Condado: Also vs. CPU, San Juan. Same, quite good.
(My personal experience.)

This geeklist seems solid: http://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/54397/android-board-games


Hail to the KING baby
Yep. Yucata list is fully updated with my entire friends list. Think there may be a couple on there that don't Yucata anymore (eznark? stump seth?) but that's the whole thing.

Maybe it would be easier if we had a list of people who do Yucata on the regs. This is just from my recent games so let me know if I missed you or if you're on this list or the full list but don't yook no mo:

After much debating I ended up using the Amazon credit on London by Martin Wallace. I watched a couple of videos, read a few reviews; it looks good so I figured why not. It's my first Martin Wallace game but it seems a hell of a lot lighter than his other stuff. Anybody have any experience with it?


Played it this weekend. Much like his previous offerings you have to watch out for debt spirals. I did enjoy the game. You can make one of 4 actions per turn, take 3 cards (either from the cards face up on the game board or from the deck. Play cards from your hand to build your city (play them in front of you, this is your tableau). Run your city (at which time you perform the actions and pay the cost--if any--on the face up cards in your city). You then have to pay poverty points per face up card in your city + what is in your hand. This is where the crux of the game happens and you have to try to prevent the poverty points from stacking up (worth negative points at the end of the game and the amount increases based on how much poverty points you have). There are cards that allow you to get rid of poverty points. Your last action you can take is to build one borough in the city of London. Each borough you build allows you to take x# of cards, get x amount of VP's after you pay the pound cost to build them. That's pretty much it. It takes between 1-2 hours to play so it's definitely one of his lightest games.


Anyone here play Dominant Species? Not sure if I remember anyone talking about it. It's been on my radar for a while and now that it finally seems to be available I'm feeling ready to take the plunge.

And because I seem to be on an FFG LCG kick right now I just ordered the Lord of the Rings Card Game from amazon. A few of us have been really enjoying Warhammer Invasion so I have high hopes.

I also still need to get the A Game of Thrones LCG to the table. I like that it's playable with 4 out of the box.


MichaelBD said:
Anyone here play Dominant Species? Not sure if I remember anyone talking about it. It's been on my radar for a while and now that it finally seems to be available I'm feeling ready to take the plunge.

Played it a couple of times, own it, love it. I suck at it, but I like it. Bit long for my usual Wed night group, but between us we own 4 copies regardless, lol.


Neverfade said:
I own it too. Its a fantastic game that doesn't get as much play as it should due to its length. I still say you should buy it! :)

fenners said:
Played it a couple of times, own it, love it. I suck at it, but I like it. Bit long for my usual Wed night group, but between us we own 4 copies regardless, lol.

Realistically, what kind of time are we talking about?

I am definitely an acolyte of the Cult of the New. I buy games because I like new experiences but also realize time is something finite. I don't shy away from long games (hell I love Twilight Imperium) but as I get on in years I realize there is only so much time to play. Whatever head trash I've collected around Dominant Species it's that we're talking a 4 to 6 hour experience to play. That won't make it to the table a lot (not because of me). Is that a fair estimate of time?


MichaelBD said:
Realistically, what kind of time are we talking about?

I am definitely an acolyte of the Cult of the New. I buy games because I like new experiences but also realize time is something finite. I don't shy away from long games (hell I love Twilight Imperium) but as I get on in years I realize there is only so much time to play. Whatever head trash I've collected around Dominant Species it's that we're talking a 4 to 6 hour experience to play. That won't make it to the table a lot (not because of me). Is that a fair estimate of time?

It's only six hours if you're strange and play it six player with the wrong people :) Basically, it scales 2-6, but should never be played with 6, and I reckon 5 is pushing it as it just adds to much chaos to the board. I reckon 45 minutes per player, roughly 4 hours for a 5 player game (which is roughly what our time was last game, with ~15 mins rules explanation I think). A lot of the people complaining about its length are doing 6 players with long rule explanations. Not good.

It's a fun four hours.


fenners said:
It's only six hours if you're strange and play it six player with the wrong people :) Basically, it scales 2-6, but should never be played with 6, and I reckon 5 is pushing it as it just adds to much chaos to the board. I reckon 45 minutes per player, roughly 4 hours for a 5 player game (which is roughly what our time was last game, with ~15 mins rules explanation I think). A lot of the people complaining about its length are doing 6 players with long rule explanations. Not good.

It's a fun four hours.
First off, a little alcohol and a Paypal account and the point is moot. Dominant Species is on the way. ;-)

The game sounds awesome and everything I look for in a game: area control, lots of player interaction (Ameritrash FTW), and variable powers. The only aspect the game is missing, IMHO, is dice rolling.

Having spent a fair amount of time in sales, it is important that I can "sell" the game well enough that the group I play with is willing to overlook the play time, because from everything I've read, the game is all about what I personally want to play.


The longest I've had was a 5 player game with two real thinkers and that took 4 hours.

It's quicker now, but plan on it being longer initially for sure.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Isla Dorada - Seems interesting but I'm not too sure about this one. Thoughts?

We've got this one just because it supports such a large group of players. We actually liked it and will probably play it again.

Basically you get a turn at "leading" the movement token around the board, with the goal of completing your given task. Everyone has their own task they want to complete for points, that you don't know about, and will try to persuade the leader to go down the path that completes their own goals.

The hardest part of the game is trying to pronounce the names of the game's cities


I have just started a five day weekend!

I will be on Yucata quite a bit, so if anyone is up for some games, just invite me and I will be happy to play.

Not bloody CM08 with Astrolad though ;)


Hey folks, 7 Wonders can be played online in similar format to Yucata (either live or not) at http://www.jeuxsurunplateau.com/fr/jeux-en-ligne/jeux-en-ligne~34~playing~m7.html

French site so you might need help registering / getting going via translator or something... but I've already played a few games and the interface is pretty well done.

I'm up for a game with GAFers at any time.

As long as you can get registered, you do NOT need to know French to play the game. It is all icon based.
Artadius said:
Hey folks, 7 Wonders can be played online in similar format to Yucata (either live or not) at http://www.jeuxsurunplateau.com/fr/jeux-en-ligne/jeux-en-ligne~34~playing~m7.html

French site so you might need help registering / getting going via translator or something... but I've already played a few games and the interface is pretty well done.

I'm up for a game with GAFers at any time.

As long as you can get registered, you do NOT need to know French to play the game. It is all icon based.
Oh shiz.
Anybody here play Dixit? I'm having a group over tomorrow night for games and 1 guy just bought it. I read the game's description online and to be honest, I think it sounds really dumb. It's high on the BGG list, somewhere in the mid 60's. How do you guys feel about it?
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I think I may have figured out the jeux site, does anybody want to play 7 Wonders? We need at least three people.

I'm in. bombermouse at the site. Never played before.

EDIT: I'll create name:neogaf, pass:believe
Gryphter said:
Anybody here play Dixit? I'm having a group over tomorrow night for games and 1 guy just bought it. I read the game's description online and to be honest, I think it sounds really dumb. It's high on the BGG list, somewhere in the mid 60's. How do you guys feel about it?

I think it's great fun. It's a social game more than a strategy game like the ones we usually discuss, but it's not a brainless one. Really enjoy it.


Made an account at French site (platypotamus). It's got Jaipur too! I've also been interested in trying Utopia for awhile...

I think you guys started a game already, or I'm too dumb to use the interface
platypotamus said:
I think it's great fun. It's a social game more than a strategy game like the ones we usually discuss, but it's not a brainless one. Really enjoy it.


Made an account at French site (platypotamus). It's got Jaipur too! I've also been interested in trying Utopia for awhile...

I think you guys started a game already, or I'm too dumb to use the interface

We played a quick game on the afternoon. If you ever create a game of utopia, count me in (bombermouse), I'd like to try it as well.


Just to ask for some feed back on a game that I am eyeing at the moment. Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-?. Does anyone have first hand experience with it? I'm certain that I will solo play it as my friends are not that inclined to war games. Do you think is worth it just for that?


Corto said:
Just to ask for some feed back on a game that I am eyeing at the moment. Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-?. Does anyone have first hand experience with it? I'm certain that I will solo play it as my friends are not that inclined to war games. Do you think is worth it just for that?

Do you like Twilight Struggle's mechanics? If so, and you like the theme of this game, then yes, you'll like it.

It's a pretty solid game.
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