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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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AH question: If someone gets sucked into a portal for their Arkham Event Phase, do they then also take an Other World Event Phase card? I assume not, but it's worth asking.

We never finish or beat this game.


Hail to the KING baby
Schmattakopf said:
AH question: If someone gets sucked into a portal for their Arkham Event Phase, do they then also take an Other World Event Phase card? I assume not, but it's worth asking.

We never finish or beat this game.
yes, and they are delayed
AstroLad said:
yes, and they are delayed
Sorry, just to make sure: you pull a card for your Arkham Encounter and this card ends up somehow sucking you into like The Plateau of Leng. You are now delayed and after everyone else does their Arkham Encounter, your delayed character takes an Other World Encounter card? So before passing the governor token, you've done two encounter cards.


Hail to the KING baby
Yes. Always important to remember to do all the phases.

I. Upkeep
II. Movement & Combat
III. Arkham E
V. Mythos

From the rulebook:
Important: If an investigator is drawn through a gate
that appears as a result of an encounter (such as “A gate
appears!” or “A gate and a monster appear!”), then he is
delayed, just as if he had been drawn through a gate in
the Mythos Phase
But unlike being pulled in in Mythos you are pulled in in Arkham E, so you are then subject to OW E and you will likely have three OW Es rather than the usual two.
Schmattakopf said:
Sorry, just to make sure: you pull a card for your Arkham Encounter and this card ends up somehow sucking you into like The Plateau of Leng. You are now delayed and after everyone else does their Arkham Encounter, your delayed character takes an Other World Encounter card? So before passing the governor token, you've done two encounter cards.

From my understanding and to be explicit:

Follow the phases specifically.

- Round 1, Phase 3 (Arkham Encounters): Player 1 pulls encounter card. Portal opens, sucking Player 1 into The Abyss. Player 1 is delayed.
- Round 1, Phase 4 (Other World Encounters): Player 1 pulls card for The Abyss.

- R2, Phase 2 (Movement): Player 1 doesn't move, but is no longer delayed.
- R2, Phase 3 (AE): Player 1 does nothing (not in Arkham)
- R2, Phase 4 (OW): Player 1 draws card for The Abyss.

- R3, Phase 2 (Movement): Player 1 moves to next section of The Abyss.

(play proceeds as normal).

edit: damn, beaten


Yes, I believe that's how it works. AE's happen before OW encounters. And they are delayed (although, I think if you get an encounter that kicks you out of the gate back to Arkham, you are still delayed (or sent to lost in time and space--I don't remember for certain)).


Gryphter said:
My fiance is interested in Twilight Imperium, she asked me to get some feedback from you guys.

So it's good, but possibly long and drags in the middle depending on how many players you have?

Is there a lot of stat tracking/math involved? Are there a lot of cards, chits, pieces, etc to keep track of during a single game?

This here is a big concern for me with every game: are the rules/cards written out in a manner that can be subjectively interpreted? if so, is it bad? This is a direct issue for me due to Magic the Gathering and Last Night on Earth; where you have to analyze the order of the words in the text, where 2 people can come up with different end results on how cards work due to the way the text is interpreted. Know what I mean? i can elaborate if not
I know I've mentioned it before, but to me TI is an event game. I personally don't have a problem with the length. I love the epic crawl of moving out of my home system and making my move on the galaxy.

As for the bits and pieces to keep track of, it's not as crazy as FFG's Civilization or even the new Mansions of Madness if you just play the base game, but there are a lot of plastic ship pieces, a few decks of cards each player needs to manage, and if you decide to get into the included variants, lots of extra chits that you can swap in and out. It can get a little hectic when you have decent size fleets doing battle (and if there is a ground assault thrown in there as well that will add to the complication) as each ship has its own attack values, etc. but what I did was buy a lot of extra 10 sided dice in various colors so players could roll one color to represent a specific brand of ship. That has helped.

The rules are typical FFG rules: simple mechanics layered with all kinds of fiddly exceptions and actions requiring subtle timing. We've played 4 or 5 times now and we still have to work on rules interpretations. And given that we haven't played since late summer I'm assuming we'll need to spend some time refreshing ourselves to the basic rule set.

With all that said TI:3 is easily in my top 3 favorite games. Growing up a scifi geek, this game scratches the itch to lead my own intergalactic expansion with trade and politics thrown in to boot. It's awesome.

I'm also one to recommend getting the Shattered Empires expansion with the base set. It's an expensive barrier of entry but it adds so many more options and variants that you can customize games along a crazy amount of criteria. Plus the new Strategy Cards and Objective cards spur conflict, which the base game did not (and could thus lead to turtling by players).


Sorry if this has already been mentioned but is anyone keeping an eye out for the new FFG Lord of the Ring LCG? I've had a chance to play half a dozen games or so of Warhammer: Invasion and I'm really enjoying the LCG experience.

I'd like to try LotR because it has a solo aspect (and it cooperative), which sounds pretty interesting.
MichaelBD said:
The rules are typical FFG rules: simple mechanics layered with all kinds of fiddly exceptions and actions requiring subtle timing. We've played 4 or 5 times now and we still have to work on rules interpretations. And given that we haven't played since late summer I'm assuming we'll need to spend some time refreshing ourselves to the basic rule set.

Never really found this to be the case with the game, it is one of the more streamlined game systems out there, it just has alot to it, but still straightforward rules. Much of it all is merely the nature of the game which causes it to be dragged out and how players handle it.
platypotamus said:
I don't understand why that game of Roll Through The Ages ended on Yucata, Astro, Stooge, and Joeyjoejoe
The game ends the round after the first person builds all the monuments or five developments. I built my fifth development.


Not Wario
7 Wonders came in today. Really nice artwork across the board, though I think the non-art portions of the cards could use some improvement. Rules seem easy enough to understand. Hopefully, there's enough depth here to demand some thought and planning and enough viable strategies to give it some replayability. Guess I'll find out soon enough; our game group meets up tomorrow night.
I just played Wrath of Ashardalon last night and it was awesome.

We played a short adventure that wasnt supposed to have Ashardalon in it, but we forgot to take him out of the pile. We drew him and one of our masochistic players insisted on keeping him in the game.

Epic battle and we ended up killing the damn thing and winning the adventure. So fun.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
The game ends the round after the first person builds all the monuments or five developments. I built my fifth development.

Five DEVELOPMENTS! Totally misread that in the rules, thought both end conditions were tied to wonders.


First tragedy, then farce.

I've decided to buy an EPIC GAME.

My playthrough of Here I stand has me wanting more... just not 6-8 hours of playtime more.

I have a few options I'm semi-considering.

Successors - GMT mostly card driven game that seems similar to Here I stand.. slightly simpler, 3-4 hour playtime.. and the theme is pretty awesome.. various generals vying for power after the death of Alexander.. you can try and win by having the most legitimacy as leader, through brute force or a combination of the two. 4 player game

Twilight Struggle - I guess this is one of the big ones.. I'm not huge into Ameritrash games and find war games (which I know this is not a member of) to be more my 2nd gaming type of choice behind Euros.. but, I like SciFi and I hear this has some very Euro elements to the game.

Game of Thrones - not as long of a playtime.. love the series it's based on.

Any other suggestions for some nice "epic" feeling games that weigh in at 4-5 horus?


Hail to the KING baby
sneaky77 said:
i'm always up to learn new stuff and let you beat me
Yes! Let me start up a few new Yucata games. Dominion and RftG are kinda tough to teach over the net because the games are liveplay only.


AstroLad said:
Yes! Let me start up a few new Yucata games. Dominion and RftG are kinda tough to teach over the net because the games are liveplay only.

I am home and free right now if you wanna play one. shoot me a pm


Hail to the KING baby
sneaky77 said:
I would do that except I am sick so I am caughing a lung all over the place.. we can give it a shot at playing though I have the rules up who knows it may be alright
Ah okay sure. DL the game and hop on and join.


So after going to PAX East, I felt like I got enough of my friends interested in board games to finally make the proper plunge myself. After reading through Astro's fantastic OP, I decided to go with Dominion for my first one. I finally got around to ordering it last week and played my first game with my roommate last night. We were learning as we were playing, but I'm pretty sure we did everything correctly. I ended up winning pretty convincingly as I think I picked up on the basic strategies before he did (he was still buying mainly action cards very late in the game), but it was quite fun.

I hopped on to online Dominion to play a game since I was feeling the desire to play again. The person I played against was very patient and helpful after I explained I was still learning the game. I've got to say it was a very pleasant experience after being on nothing but XBOX Live recently. I somehow managed to pull off a narrow victory, which was surprising because I wasn't familiar with at least half of the action cards we used.

I think next on the "To Learn" list is either Race For The Galaxy or one of the Yucata games, so that I have the ease of playing them online. Does anyone have any suggestions on a game from the Yucata list?


Super Sleuth
My internet took a dump and the game froze. Sorry sneaky and astrolad, can't figure out how to reconnect, if that is even possible.

Edit: Oh, I guess it wasn't just me.

You clearly kicked our asses in that second game I think.


Hail to the KING baby
BigAT said:
So after going to PAX East, I felt like I got enough of my friends interested in board games to finally make the proper plunge myself. After reading through Astro's fantastic OP, I decided to go with Dominion for my first one. I finally got around to ordering it last week and played my first game with my roommate last night. We were learning as we were playing, but I'm pretty sure we did everything correctly. I ended up winning pretty convincingly as I think I picked up on the basic strategies before he did (he was still buying mainly action cards very late in the game), but it was quite fun.

I hopped on to online Dominion to play a game since I was feeling the desire to play again. The person I played against was very patient and helpful after I explained I was still learning the game. I've got to say it was a very pleasant experience after being on nothing but XBOX Live recently. I somehow managed to pull off a narrow victory, which was surprising because I wasn't familiar with at least half of the action cards we used.

I think next on the "To Learn" list is either Race For The Galaxy or one of the Yucata games, so that I have the ease of playing them online. Does anyone have any suggestions on a game from the Yucata list?
Yucata has lots of great entry-level-type games. Maybe not super easy, but one step up. I would recommend Campaign Manager and Stone Age -- my two favs on there. Other current favs are Arkadia, Hey That's My Fish! (very easy), and Vikings.


Super Sleuth
I want to learn some of the Yucata games, and it seems like it may be easier since it isn't live, so me going slower as I learn might not hold up the games too much.


AstroLad said:
Rats, think we must have gotten disconnected. ggs though guys that was fun; hope it wasn't too obtuse sneaky

hit me up in yucata whenever, I'll take some time to read over the rules when I feel better and we'll give this another shot


Super Sleuth
RFTG was fun (except for the disconnect of course), I am definitely down to play more in the future.

I also just registered on Yucata, screen name is Yaboosh, so I also look forward to hooking up with some of you on there. I don't know how to play any of the games though.


StoOgE said:
yeah, that is what I meant.

The one with the space lion on the box.

That just screams AT

Oh, that's AT as fuck.

Still, get GoT, it's as euro as a Risk-eque game can get with its diceless combat. If you jump straight into TI3 you'll have a fucking aneurysm, man. :p
AstroLad said:
Yucata has lots of great entry-level-type games. Maybe not super easy, but one step up. I would recommend Campaign Manager and Stone Age -- my two favs on there. Other current favs are Arkadia, Hey That's My Fish! (very easy), and Vikings.


I don't think I've ever gotten not-last place with the feesh. Something about the movement mechanics, I just can't wrap my head around planning ahead.


BigAT, are you on Yucata? I'll start a game of Carcassone hunters/gatherers for you and Yaboosh if you are, since that one is pretty quick to learn and a good starter :)

Who wants the last two spots?


Hail to the KING baby
I'm always up for some Carc. Yeah, didn't mean that HTMF! was easy in any way other than the rules. It's actually a pretty bad analysis-paralysis game IRL.


platypotamus said:

I don't think I've ever gotten not-last place with the feesh. Something about the movement mechanics, I just can't wrap my head around planning ahead.


BigAT, are you on Yucata? I'll start a game of Carcassone hunters/gatherers for you and Yaboosh if you are, since that one is pretty quick to learn and a good starter :)

Who wants the last two spots?
I just registered, as BigAT. I'm already familiar with the basics of Carcassone since I have the XBL version, I really need to pickup on some strategy though.


Hail to the KING baby
BigAT said:
I just registered, as BigAT. I'm already familiar with the basics of Carcassone since I have the XBL version, I really need to pickup on some strategy though.
Cool I sent out several invites to you guys. Be sure to go to Overview and then check the bottom for your invites and hit the checkmark to accept.
been playing a lot of Arkham and today i caved and bought:

instead of the Kingsport Horror expansion :p

All experiences from Arkham players welcome, im a little afraid the 5 quests wear out fast, but im hoping for expansions and fan-made stuff online.

Do the Arkham players here enjoy a little Mansions on the side? :D (i have Arkham+Dunwich+Innsmouth)


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, stop buying non-orange cards in St. Pete.. they aren't going to do you any good.

The game is already over.. blue and green cards are now worthless.
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