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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Hell yeah!

For what it's worth, we don't use those powers either. It's usually just ports. Sometimes fortifications and siege towers are fun though.

The alternate Westeros decks from expansion 2 should be next on your list!
StoOgE said:
Game of Thrones is pretty fucking amazing.

I bow down to my Ameritrash overlords.

I think the expansion is pretty well critical for playing the game.. without the port options several players would have been fucked early on (Lannister).

I'm not sure I like the One time Use powers.. or I should say, I'm not sure I like the special ones. Some of them are super powerful while others aren't My guess is that is used to offset some balance issues in the base game.

I must admit that the HBO show really picked my interest on the game. I'll take a look at the rules later. I hope they do a reprint soon.


BomberMouse said:
I must admit that the HBO show really picked my interest on the game. I'll take a look at the rules later. I hope they do a reprint soon.

A reprint is in their Upcoming section. That being said, War of the Ring has been there too, for quite a while. Who knows when it'll actually hit.


First tragedy, then farce.
I almost bid on the War or the Ring going for 80 bucks in the charity auction.

Then I realized I'm not a super nerd.

I am a Super Nerd.. I just don't know anyone who would play with me


StoOgE said:
I almost bid on the War or the Ring going for 80 bucks in the charity auction.

Then I realized I'm not a super nerd.

I am a Super Nerd.. I just don't know anyone who would play with me

It was a total bargain at that price, frankly, and could have been flipped for easy profit.

I love my CE set. My favourite 'big' game by far, and the production quality of the CE is just top notch as it should be.
I was lucky to find a shop that had WOTR on the shelf at original MSRP still recently. The reprint is likely going to be much more expensive when it comes out, the amount of stuff in the box is pretty hefty and I wouldn't be surprised if the game doesn't come back with close to $80 MSRP.


Hail to the KING baby
Gryphter said:
Any of you guys use card shufflers, sleeves, dice trays, dice boots, basically any gaming accessories at all? Please share!
I use a handmade wooden dice tray that I got from Dwarven Sweatshoppe back in the day (unfortunately they don't exist anymore though). I am a sleeves hater so I don't use sleeves for much. I have a crap-ton of Arkham Horror bling though. Custom gates, custom-made monster bag, three sets of specialty dice from BGG, and one or two other things I'm forgetting.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gryphter said:
Any of you guys use card shufflers, sleeves, dice trays, dice boots, basically any gaming accessories at all? Please share!

I have a dice tray and have sleeved most of my games.

After railing against it for the first year, my mom bought me some for Xmas, so I felt obliged to sleeve that game (it was a little Le Havre set with meeples). Since then and a few beer spillage moments at the bar I play at and I felt compelled at first to sleeve my more expensive games with just a few cards (Richard III).. eventually it got to the point when I started sleeving games that cost as much as the sleeves (Bang!, Citadels).

I haven't sleeved Dominion yet.. it will literally cost 40 bucks to sleeve the full collection... and I'm sure the better part of a day.

My reasoning behind sleeving is somewhat sound.

1) easier to shuffle cards, especially small amounts of them.
2) Encourages people to take better care of your games.. if they see you sleeve your cards it's like yelling at them to be careful without actually yelling
3) I play my games in a bar a lot, or with people over eating/drinking. I've had beer hit cards more than once. The sleeves have protected them well. It would take a soaking to really hurt them.
4) 10-15 years from now I would like to be able to play Brass/Twilight Struggle/etc. You never know what will be or won't be in print at that time... and while it's unlikely that my games will become unplayable in that time, stuff can get really rough looking. I would like to bust out a 6 player GoT game 10 years out and have it look as good as it does today.

that and I'm super OCD


My friend sleeves EVERYTHING. I used to be a hater of sleeves, but it makes shuffling games like Dominion SO much easier. I'll never play Dominion unsleeved again if I can help it.

I'm going to be sleeving LOTR: TCG as well.
I hate sleeving, I used to do it when I played MtG but now it seems like an worthless extra investment unless cards are under heavy use or can't be easily replaced. I can relate with stooge though, I regulary play some card games at pubs with some friends, and I must admit we need to buy a new deck monthly, under that circumstance I'd definitely sleeve.

I remember sleeving making it harder to shuffle, not easier. Maybe I just had crappy sleeves.


Hail to the KING baby
Ditto. But it is generally a matter of just what you're used to. I definitely understand why some people like sleeves. It is funny the extent the nutsos on BGG go to though -- people literally talking about whether there are sleeves for the tiles in Forbidden Island and Carcassonne.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Ditto. But it is generally a matter of just what you're used to. I definitely understand why some people like sleeves. It is funny the extent the nutsos on BGG go to though -- people literally talking about whether there are sleeves for the tiles in Forbidden Island and Carcassonne.

Yeah, some people are beyond insane.

Especiall since cardboard holds up to water/beer spillage pretty well if you are quick to clean it up... and it isn't like the thick cardboard really "wears" the way cards do if you take care of it at all.

RE: shuffeling.. once I got used to sleeves I can't go back. I was terrible with it at first, but it's pretty nice. I can shuffle a giant stack about as well as I can unsleeved.. small stacks (Dominion) are much easierl with sleeves I find.

One other thing I should mention: some games just have crappy crappy cards. Terrible quality that either feel cheap in the hand or are extra prone to bending.

I dunno, I've probably gotten to the point of overdoing it, but I only own ~40 games or so, and cards are only a major part in about half of them so it cost less than 100 bucks to fully sleeve everything (except for Dominion).. and several of the games in question retail for more than that now (OOP, lots of expansions, etc).. so I consider my sleeves more than payed for considering they have saved cards in Twilight Struggle, Brass, Le Havre and Richard III to this point.. and those games retail for ~160 alone.. not to mention some smaller games like Bang! that have been saved.

Where Sleeves can really suck is when you have to have large stacks of cards.. the stack gets knocked over more easily, and sometimes just slides off of itself if the stack is large enough.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah stuff like RFTG and Dominion, that stuff just WEARS. For me it's a matter of wear doesn't bother me but I can see how others feel different. Played Dominion with a guy who didn't sleeve but wouldn't let anyone riffle shuffle, which is how I roll. I accidentally did like 30m in and caught myself halfway and I could see right away it attracted his eye and he was about to say something. At that point just sleeve.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Yeah stuff like RFTG and Dominion, that stuff just WEARS. For me it's a matter of wear doesn't bother me but I can see how others feel different. Played Dominion with a guy who didn't sleeve but wouldn't let anyone riffle shuffle, which is how I roll. I accidentally did like 30m in and caught myself halfway and I could see right away it attracted his eye and he was about to say something. At that point just sleeve.

Wear and tear bothers me a bit.. my concern is, if Dominion wears like this in 2-3 years of play what will it look like 10 years out? I intend to still play Dominion 10 years from now, and while I don't mind a little wear, I know what an old deck of cards can look like. Really soft, etc.

Like I said, I'm OCD as well which certainly pushes me this way. I was that kid who kept all of my toys and cars in mint condition and played really nice with all of them. I like my stuff to look as new as possible.
BomberMouse said:
I hate sleeving, I used to do it when I played MtG but now it seems like an worthless extra investment unless cards are under heavy use or can't be easily replaced. I can relate with stooge though, I regulary play some card games at pubs with some friends, and I must admit we need to buy a new deck monthly, under that circumstance I'd definitely sleeve.

I remember sleeving making it harder to shuffle, not easier. Maybe I just had crappy sleeves.

Are you guys riffle shuffling with sleeves? Cause you totally aren't supposed to shuffle like that.

Shuffle like this. Easier than riffle, doesn't damage cards in any way, feels goood.

It "unsticks" cards and is just as random as the riffle. If you can't riffle shuffle unsleeved cards then you're just left with hindu shuffle, which doesn't even count as a shuffle.


platypotamus said:
True, but since I'm often taking my turns during my classes while my students work, it's tougher for me to coordinate live play.

For sure. I think games like RTFG and Dominion aren't as well suited towards asynchronous though.
I've been thinking about sleeving my cards, my games get a lot of use with our group. Do you guys suggest any particular brand? I was looking at Mayday sleeves (awesome that they provide various sizes) but after reading that Crokinole BS I'd like to avoid supporting them if they're not the best.


Gryphter said:
I've been thinking about sleeving my cards, my games get a lot of use with our group. Do you guys suggest any particular brand? I was looking at Mayday sleeves (awesome that they provide various sizes) but after reading that Crokinole BS I'd like to avoid supporting them if they're not the best.
Fantasy Flight makes sleeves now. I'm sure they're high quality, but I have no idea which ones are dominion / RFTG sized.
Neverfade said:
Fantasy Flight makes sleeves now. I'm sure they're high quality, but I have no idea which ones are dominion / RFTG sized.
Dominion is listed in one of their descriptions half way down the page:

Standard European Board Game Sleeves

50 sleeves per package.
Package Color Code: Purple
Fits Cards of This Size: 2 5/16" x 3 9/16" (59x92 MM)
Examples of games with cards that this sleeve will fit: Agricola™, Dominion™, Lord of the Rings™, BattleLore™, San Juan™

I think I might just have to go with Mayday, their list of games and what sleeves to get is ace. FFG has a list too but it only shows FFG games?


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Fantasy Flight makes sleeves now. I'm sure they're high quality, but I have no idea which ones are dominion / RFTG sized.

Fantasy Flight Sleeves are actually better than Mayday.

Fantasy Flight makes the vast majority of sleeve sizes you will need (mini USA, mini Euro, Standard USA, Standard Euro, Card Game). There are a few oddball sizes that you have to go to Mayday for (Power Grid, WOTR:CE).

Maydays premium sleeves are about as good as FFG sleeves with the caveat that about 5% of the mayday sleeves will be slightly off and the cards won't fit in.

Fantasy Flight makes their sleeves coordinated for their own games (the back of the box will tell you what size and how many) but fit 95% of all games.. in fact, you can use Maydays sleeve size guide and then buy FFG sleeves.


Puerto Rico pre-beta screenshot on iOS look pretty horrible, hope it plays well. I'm hoping Caylus looks better when it is released in the fall.



Hail to the KING baby
I wish the Carcassonne iOS guys made more apps. But from the looks of how long it took them to update that I think they must have like two people on their team. :/ Most iOS board games are just inexcusably bad, with notable exceptions like Carc, Neuroshima (still needs netplay though), and Samurai.


Through the Desert is pretty nice. The zoomed out map is playable but a little cramped on a phone, although I bet it would look pretty great on an iPad. Ra is also good. Knizia seems to be doing well on iOS.
Astro, I went online to look at pictures of the Dwarven Sweatshoppe dice trays, they’re nice. I think the site is still active though, http://sites.google.com/site/dwarvensweatshoppe/

I’d love to have one, maybe I’ll order in the near future and report back if they’re still active and what the wait time is like.

I decided to sleeve my cards, some of my games I plan on playing forever so better start taking care of them now. My Magic cards are beat to hell from years of abuse, I won’t make that mistake again. I went with Mayday standard sleeves since they’re the cheapest, I was able to feel them at a comic book store a few weeks ago, they’re a little on the thin side but hey, you get what you pay for. One of these days when I win the lottery I’ll treat myself to some FFG sleeves, lol. What sucks is that one of the 4 sizes I ordered is on backorder til end of May. I doubt they do partial orders so I’ll have to wait til then to get any of them, bah. Ah well, better late than never. I was sure to order an extra pack of each, just in case I have issues with some not fitting.

I am guilty of riffle shuffling. It’s such a quick and effective method, plus its habit since that’s how I’ve been shuffling since I was like, 13. Sleeving the cards will stop me from doing that.

Thanks everyone for the tips!

Edit: I never said what I use! I have a Dragon Chow dice bag. It’s a Canadian girl who custom makes them for you, really quickly too. They’re reversible and she makes them with a flat bottom, so the bag stands up on it’s own without falling over and spilling your dice out. You can choose which fabrics you want for the inside and the outside, it’s really nice overall.


Hail to the KING baby
Battle Line is wack. It came out really buggy at least. I've heard the opposite about Knizia games -- that they're mostly buggy rushjobs. But maybe that has changed. I need async netplay though, that's an absolute necessity for iOS board games imo. I make a limited exception for Neuroshima since it's so purty and well done (and since they've promised async netplay -- we'll see).
AstroLad said:
Battle Line is wack. It came out really buggy at least. I've heard the opposite about Knizia games -- that they're mostly buggy rushjobs. But maybe that has changed. I need async netplay though, that's an absolute necessity for iOS board games imo. I make a limited exception for Neuroshima since it's so purty and well done (and since they've promised async netplay -- we'll see).

I can't disagree more. The 2 largest developers of the good doctor's games have put out some great quality product, and both are very good about updates for universality and bug fixes. Ra, Through the Desert, Kingdoms, and Samurai have all received fantastic treatments and support and all 4 have excellent AI. I appreciate only wanting async play, but I enjoy playing these games by myself in the interim. I firmly believe the adage of "support them if you want them" is far truer and rewarded more on iOS than it ever would have been on XBLA.


Hail to the KING baby
Gatekeeper said:
I can't disagree more. The 2 largest developers of the good doctor's games have put out some great quality product, and both are very good about updates for universality and bug fixes. Ra, Through the Desert, Kingdoms, and Samurai have all received fantastic treatments and support and all 4 have excellent AI. I appreciate only wanting async play, but I enjoy playing these games by myself in the interim. I firmly believe the adage of "support them if you want them" is far truer and rewarded more on iOS than it ever would have been on XBLA.
well i mentioned samurai earlier as a standout ios game. as to the rest alls i know is battleline is wack and what i read on bgg like a year ago. not much of a knizia fan outside of battle line and to a lesser extent samurai so that's sort of the extent of my personal experience
I think I like this Balloon Cup game on yucata, but I should have done more than skimming the rules, I don't think I knew you could pop a balloon on your opponent's side to screw them. Now I know, and knowing is half the something.
AstroLad said:
well i mentioned samurai earlier as a standout ios game. as to the rest alls i know is battleline is wack and what i read on bgg like a year ago. not much of a knizia fan outside of battle line and to a lesser extent samurai so that's sort of the extent of my personal experience

Why is that? I'll agree that some of his games can be derivative of one another, but they're generally well-balanced and do a good job of really making the player live and die by his or her choices to balance out the luck.
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