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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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platypotamus said:
I'm also kind of low on yucata games at the moment. Invite me to anything, I'll accept whether I've played before or not. I'll even accept invites to Hey That's My Fish if anyone wants to basically earn free points off of me :(

I'll create some games then, I'll invite Yaboosh since he asked on last page and AstroLad as he seems to play a lot.

Is anyone else still active on Yucata?


Hail to the KING baby
Just to add on to the weekend gaming reports. Had a nice evening with friends yesterday that included gaming.

-RFTG game where I won with two takeovers in the last two rounds. Really intense. Definitely starting to enjoy takeovers as a concept despite the annoying bookkeeping that goes along with them. Can't say the same for Prestige in my limited experience so far though (we played up through RvI, so no Prestige).

-Alhambra, which we hadn't dug out in forever. Might grab some of the expansions one day since my wife and friends just love this game and I dig it alright. They should put this on iOS Carc-style but who am I kidding there's already so many games that need a proper mobile treatment.
Hey! first of all, thanks for all the great advice. I've picked up some incredible games thanks to you all.

If anyone here is in Boone we are putting together a regular board game night/game club. :)

Also: Outside of carcassonne, any good iphone board games?


Hail to the KING baby
Hah, I was just thinking about checking out the Labyrinth forums actually. Although there aren't that many OBL cards in there afaicr.


Okay, after finally getting back around to getting to play the games, I think I'm going to trade Power Grid and Catan Card Game. PG just doesn't suit the group I play with, and CCG hasn't been actively played for a long, long time.

I've listed them for trade on BGG, but I'm considering just running over to the local game store and seeing what I can get for them to save some time.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, how hard is it to get a trade when you have very little history on BGG? Do people typically give you a chance, or no?


I would set up my trade and wants, find a user with a lot of positive feedback, and just offer to ship first.

I find people are largely honest there. You can build some feedback while setting their mind at ease this way.
Vinci said:
Okay, after finally getting back around to getting to play the games, I think I'm going to trade Power Grid and Catan Card Game. PG just doesn't suit the group I play with, and CCG hasn't been actively played for a long, long time.

I've listed them for trade on BGG, but I'm considering just running over to the local game store and seeing what I can get for them to save some time.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, how hard is it to get a trade when you have very little history on BGG? Do people typically give you a chance, or no?
Most people are very receptive to trades. I usually send a PM first to test the water and if they accept I will set up the trade using BGG's trade tool.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Most people are very receptive to trades. I usually send a PM first to test the water and if they accept I will set up the trade using BGG's trade tool.
I've only got a couple of trades under my belt and both went flawless. I also had some PMs shoot back and forth for deals that didn't follow through.

Regardless of the medium (ebay, trades, etc.) I always try and kill with kindness and go overboard with communication--it's just good business practice.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Most people are very receptive to trades. I usually send a PM first to test the water and if they accept I will set up the trade using BGG's trade tool.

Yep. Blind Trade Requests through the tool get ignored - PM the person & make the offer first. I've had success through doing that, and from people offering me trades like that.


Bought Citadels the other day. Had played it once before with a group of friends and decided to pick it up to introduce it to another group.

It kinda turned out ugly early in the game and I pissed off one of my friends by exchanging my empty hand with his. He took it personal some reason (i targetted him cause he had the most card) and got extremely pissy then we started exchanging words with each other. Sure soured their first introduction to that game.


Hail to the KING baby
bahah that's awesome. that's what you're supposed to do and citadels is supposed to foster precisely that kind of spite. really zero purpose in hoarding cards so lesson learned perhaps. if you think that's bad, i presume you didn't have any peoples' tableaus getting wrecked with the warlord (i actually play with the diplomat instead of the warlord for this reason)


Citadels is awesome. Every time I play it, I like it more and more.
Our preferred set is: Assassin, Tax Collector, Magician, Emporer, Abbot, Merchant, Navigator, Diplomat.
I finally won a game of Hey That's My Fish, and I think it's my proudest gaming victory ever. I no longer feel helpless!

EDIT: And now I just beat Astrolad at Campaign Manager while playing as McCain no less! I clearly have gained some sort of board gaming super powers within the last day or two.


Not Wario
Group enjoyed 7 Wonders last week, though- speaking just for myself- I've yet to really figure out a way to approach each game strategically. It's been moment to moment thus far. The B Sides of the Wonders seem more interesting, though, so I think we'll switch over to those. Leaders looks to shake things up a bit too.

I'm buying a new game to try out this week. Looking for another accessible, easy to get into game that can accommodate a fairly large group. Would also like to try out something a little different in terms of mechanics and theme. I think I've settled on Small World. It looks like a much better version of Risk and I really like both the decline mechanic and the ways the various race/power combos can change up the game.

I also ran across the latest Civilization based board game and it looks like a very faithful and fun translation of the PC games. Our group is also very familiar with the series and I think they wouldn't have too hard a time picking up the board game rules, depending on how much of a literal translation the bg is. Still, I'm scared by the run time. We have around 3 - 4 hours each week to play and that seems like the low end of Civ's length estimation. And that's not including setup or the fact that the first week would have to be spent just learning the rules. Still interested in trying it out but I'm not sure it'd work with our current setup.


platypotamus said:
I finally won a game of Hey That's My Fish, and I think it's my proudest gaming victory ever. I no longer feel helpless!

EDIT: And now I just beat Astrolad at Campaign Manager while playing as McCain no less! I clearly have gained some sort of board gaming super powers within the last day or two.

I feel is easier to beat him using McCain lol. But maybe that's because that has been my only victory against him.
traveler said:
Group enjoyed 7 Wonders last week, though- speaking just for myself- I've yet to really figure out a way to approach each game strategically. It's been moment to moment thus far. The B Sides of the Wonders seem more interesting, though, so I think we'll switch over to those. Leaders looks to shake things up a bit too.

I'm buying a new game to try out this week. Looking for another accessible, easy to get into game that can accommodate a fairly large group. Would also like to try out something a little different in terms of mechanics and theme. I think I've settled on Small World. It looks like a much better version of Risk and I really like both the decline mechanic and the ways the various race/power combos can change up the game.
Small World is a good choice if you are looking for a Risk replacement. It is very accessible although some might be turned off by the fantasy theme. It's very tongue in cheek so it's not really heavy on the fantasy but it still might turn people off.
I also ran across the latest Civilization based board game and it looks like a very faithful and fun translation of the PC games. Our group is also very familiar with the series and I think they wouldn't have too hard a time picking up the board game rules, depending on how much of a literal translation the bg is. Still, I'm scared by the run time. We have around 3 - 4 hours each week to play and that seems like the low end of Civ's length estimation. And that's not including setup or the fact that the first week would have to be spent just learning the rules. Still interested in trying it out but I'm not sure it'd work with our current setup.
Civ isn't very accessible to new gamers. The mechanics can be tough for non-gamers to wrap their head around. It will help if they are familiar with the computer game but it's still a tough game. The length may also be a turn off to some people. It's a really long game and with four new people playing it can last even longer. My two player games with my fiance last roughly two hours. All that being said, I really like the game and if you are up for the challenge you should check it out.
Has anyone figured out how to win with science in 7 Wonders? I've played it seven times and have seen military win and balance win, but I've never seen pure science win. That includes two games where someone had five of one tech.


Super Sleuth
I played a game of RFTG last night with my wife, got a nice little production machine going, got all of the vp chips, and she kicked my ass by going military and finishing with one of the big military 6 point developments. It was a pretty good game.


Gaming Truth said:
Has anyone figured out how to win with science in 7 Wonders? I've played it seven times and have seen military win and balance win, but I've never seen pure science win. That includes two games where someone had five of one tech.

Science certainly doesn't seem underpowered to me. I've seen several wins where Science was responsible for the majority of the winner's points (around 45-50 Science points?), but that has only occurred when someone who is new at the game is sitting next to someone who has played the game before. You really need to be fed a stream of green cards to make it happen, and you have to decide in Age I that that's the way you're going to go.

It's definitely a gamble of a strategy, as Blue or Purple cards are going to give you more immediate points without the contingency of needing additional cards that may or may not come your way. Certainly if someone else is collecting science cards too, you might want to avoid the strategy.

Two other points... First, another nice benefit of the Science cards is that they have a lot of strong "free" buildings associated with them, which aren't necessarily Green, and add benefit to trying that strategy. Second, there is a Wonder (Hanging Gardens) that gives you a free Science symbol of any type. That can be huge and certainly makes a Science strategy more viable.


Fuck, I suck at RFTG. About 20 plays using Keldon AI and I've lost every single time (my first game ironically was my highest VP total, but still a loss). Before I starting using the AI, I had only played the game once. The icons are not a problem anymore, but I'm struggling building an engine.

Also, I think it also takes advantage of the mistakes I make in action selection.


Hail to the KING baby
Mashing said:
Fuck, I suck at RFTG. About 20 plays using Keldon AI and I've lost every single time (my first game ironically was my highest VP total, but still a loss). Before I starting using the AI, I had only played the game once. The icons are not a problem anymore, but I'm struggling building an engine.

Also, I think it also takes advantage of the mistakes I make in action selection.
The Keldon AI is all sorts of fucked up. I mentioned this during our GAF game a couple of nights ago but it makes completely nonsensical (not just suboptimal) decisions in >2p games. That said I still find it pretty fun to play against if just to get a feel for all the cards. But live Keldon games are definitely the way to go.


Gaming Truth said:
Has anyone figured out how to win with science in 7 Wonders? I've played it seven times and have seen military win and balance win, but I've never seen pure science win. That includes two games where someone had five of one tech.

I "won" a game of 7 Wonders pursuing science almost exclusively with the B Side of Halicarnassus. Each wonder lets you build any discarded card for free, so I kept choosing science. Nobody else built any science in this game at all, and I ended up with like 60-something points from science.

Technically, my win didn't really count because I found out later that I used the wonders wrong. You're supposed to take and build a card from the discard immediately when you build the wonder. I was told by another player that I could "bank" the wonder's power until the end of the age, when everyone has to discard a card.

Because no one else went heavy on science I think I still would have won if I had used the powers correctly.


AstroLad said:
The Keldon AI is all sorts of fucked up. I mentioned this during our GAF game a couple of nights ago but it makes completely nonsensical (not just suboptimal) decisions in >2p games. That said I still find it pretty fun to play against if just to get a feel for all the cards. But live Keldon games are definitely the way to go.

If I can't win against the AI, then I have no chance against live players.


Hail to the KING baby
Mashing said:
If I can't win against the AI, then I have no chance against live players.
I don't think that's true actually. The AI just plays so oddly I wouldn't say the skills are just the same. I'm sure if you know the rules and most of the cards you could easily win your fair share. Much as I love the game it's not like any of us are hardcore RFTGers. Maybe Cyan but he doesn't post here anymore. :p


AstroLad said:
I don't think that's true actually. The AI just plays so oddly I wouldn't say the skills are just the same. I'm sure if you know the rules and most of the cards you could easily win your fair share. Much as I love the game it's not like any of us are hardcore RFTGers. Maybe Cyan but he doesn't post here anymore. :p

What's "hardcore"? 500+ games of it under my belt.

The Keldon AI is weak in the 2 player special game rules. It's fine 3+ players, sometimes brutally efficient. I've seen it stall in pointless explore/produce loops, but it still regularly beats me. 2 player, not so much.
MrMan2k3 said:
I "won" a game of 7 Wonders pursuing science almost exclusively with the B Side of Halicarnassus. Each wonder lets you build any discarded card for free, so I kept choosing science. Nobody else built any science in this game at all, and I ended up with like 60-something points from science.

Technically, my win didn't really count because I found out later that I used the wonders wrong. You're supposed to take and build a card from the discard immediately when you build the wonder. I was told by another player that I could "bank" the wonder's power until the end of the age, when everyone has to discard a card.

Because no one else went heavy on science I think I still would have won if I had used the powers correctly.
Actually, that is the only way I've seen science win, but he was subtle about naturally building science until he used his b-side powers. By then, we were way too late (and he used his legit too).

But for the other 13/15 sides, you can only gamble hard early and pray. Age I is where the cheap science is. You're generally sacking production for it. Unlike military, yellows, etc, you really can't abandon ship and still be okay. Dunno, maybe biased against it. I'll try to make it a goal to win that way next time.


Gaming Truth said:
Has anyone figured out how to win with science in 7 Wonders? I've played it seven times and have seen military win and balance win, but I've never seen pure science win. That includes two games where someone had five of one tech.
I've won with Science, but I committed early. Blue was the complimentary colour.


First tragedy, then farce.
So.. played Blood Feud NY tonight..

that was certainly a thing,

It's like Axis and Allies.. but in New York.. and worse.

Things I could have lived without ever playing


7 Wonders isn't a horrible game by any stretch of the imagination, but the unbroken fervor and frothing at the mouth has me completely fucking dumbfounded.

P.S: Troyes on order! Here Friday!


Neverfade said:
7 Wonders isn't a horrible game by any stretch of the imagination, but the unbroken fervor and frothing at the mouth has me completely fucking dumbfounded.

I don't know if I'd go that far. It's the flavor of the month. It's new, it's a solid game and it's a rare game that plays well and fast with a large group.


I guess I just don't find myself in that situation often enough. I have plenty of games that play well with 5+ and when I do have that many together for gaming, time generally isn't an issue. Oh well.

Edit: FOTMs also don't generally rocket to #14 at the Geek.


Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
P.S: Troyes on order! Here Friday!
Damn nice. Moving cross-country this month so probably going to have to hold off until that's done before my next big CSI order.
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