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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Super Sleuth
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Anybody up for Roll through the Ages on Yucata?

Astrolad, Platy and I have been waiting on a 4th for a few days now. Is there anyway to expand the invitations to more people?

Regardless, I am down for some Roll Through the Ages, though I have never played. It seems simple enough though.
Yaboosh said:
Astrolad, Platy and I have been waiting on a 4th for a few days now. Is there anyway to expand the invitations to more people?

Regardless, I am down for some Roll Through the Ages, though I have never played. It seems simple enough though.
I can start up a new game with you four. I don't know how to add people to already existing games.

EDIT: Are you Yaboosh on Yucata as well?


Hail to the KING baby
yes he is

people need to send out more yucata invites! like platy i'm up for anything. there are a good ten or so of us on there so there's no reason we can't have a bunch of different games going.

also anyone up for some online rftg later this evening? i can play between 8-10 eastern time


I'm always up for a game of anything on Yucata, even if I don't know how to play.

Except fucking Vikings, I will never work that game out

Sucks for my ranking, but whatever.
choodi said:
I'm always up for a game of anything on Yucata, even if I don't know how to play.

Except fucking Vikings, I will never work that game out

Sucks for my ranking, but whatever.

Me too, I'm still unsure of what I'm doing on Vikings.

(carno on Yucata)


Super Sleuth
Certain things about Vikings I get, but I still am lost on other aspects. I just kind of wing it. Of course the same thing is true for Stone Age, I still don't get what the cards at the bottom of the screen really do.


Hail to the KING baby
I think three is the sweet spot with Vikings. I really enjoy the game even though I've barely got my head around the basic strategy so far. Need to re-read rules for that and Roll Through The Ages.


I agree on Vikings, I am trying to wrap my head around the scoring lol, I enjoyed the balloon game, although the game end Astrolad did confused me a bit lol.


The end of balloon cup confused me at first, but I get it now.

After a cup has been claimed, the cubes of that colour can be traded 3:1 for other colours, allowing someone to claim the cups they need to win.

The problem is that it is done automatically and doesn't give any indication that it has happened.


AstroLad said:
*paging neverfade, battlemonkey, et al*

hahah yup. used to play heroquest myself when i was a kid, and we still have the game back at home.

some quick hits from me (check out neverfade's section on thematic games in the op too) while we wait for the experts to chime in:


BattleMonkey said:
"Descent" is the best DM dungeon crawl board game, with tons of options and expansions that pretty much give it near infinite replayability.

BomberMouse said:
Those seem to be the best regarded in print dungeon crawlers. I'll add couple more to that list:

Dwarf King's Hold: Dead Rising Recently released from a new miniatures company, looks fun.
Castle Ravenloft there are 2 other games in the same vein.
Catacombs A flicking "dungeon crawler".
Last night on earth Not really fantasy themed, but it's a 1 player (zombies) v/s many (humans) dice fest

Sorry for the delayed response, but haven't had time to delve into these games until tonight. I just want to say thanks to you all for your advice!!! Much appreciated.

Looks like Descent is going to be my first purchase of this list, as it looks very similar to HeroQuest. A couple reviews I've read about it say that the combat system gets stale late in the game due to your characters becoming too powerful, and that it's very difficult for the DM to win. Has this been your experience(s)? I'm assuming there are some alternate rule sets online that solve these issues, if so.


Played Shogun tonight. Another very tightly knit game. Love the cube tower. Love the random way the actions occur. Love the risk/reward. Big thumbs up.
I had my Board game group meeting last night and I played Steam and Alien Frontiers. It was the first time I played Steam and the second time I played Alien Frontiers.

Steam: I'm not really a fan. I think I'll need to play it again in order to get the flow but I felt like I was constantly behind the curve and I never really got my balance of points and money right. Obviously I came in dead last but even then I never really felt that spark I get with games that I like. Like I said I think I'll play it once or twice more but for now it's really not my thing.

Alien Frontiers: This went over really well with my group. I played it with two other people and they both seemed to really enjoy it. Once my other group members were done with their game of Power Grid they came over and seemed really interested in playing. Personally I really enjoy this game and it was the a good palate cleanser after our Steam game.


Played a second game of Dominant Species last night. This time we played with 5; 2 of which hadn't played the game before.

What I found surprisingly refreshing was we finished the game in 3 and-a-half-hours, with rules explanation. This makes me super confident we can get the game in some time of Thursday night, regular rotation.

The consensus is that the game stalls when there are a lot of action pawns in play (APs let you make action choices). In a 5 player game you start with 4, so there are 20 actions per turn. There are some Dominance Cards that give players extra APs but as the luck of the draw had it, they didn't show up until the next-to-last round. In our 3 player game over the past weekend, we started with 6 apiece (18 actions per round) but 2 of the 3 AP cards came out in the first turn, so we were playing with 7 apiece (21 actions per turn) and about a little over halfway the last one came out, and I ended up with 8 APs for the rest of the game. The more choices, the more the game can crawl.

It was a definite hit. I suffered from one of the perceived negatives of the game: I was knocked out fairly early by a couple of devastating moves by opponents that left me with very few cubes left. And without cubes you can't dominate (cubes taken off of the board in most instances are removed permanently from the game). So for me last night wasn't the greatest gaming experience as there was really little I could do. I didn't even have the opportunity to play spoiler and mess with the other players because most of the devastation cards had already been played.
Finally got around to playing Mansions of Madness this past weekend. For a first play, it went really well. Does a great job of creating a narrative with lots of little things in place to really add to it.

For instance, in the scenario we played, the next to last even card came up, revealing the plot for the investigators and changing the rules for winning. Myself, as the Keeper, had to kill any investigator to win. They could win by escaping the house (all of them.) It also locked the front door with a puzzle lock. They beeline for the front door. My wife had an axe, which on a successful strength roll, would break any puzzle lock. So she gets there first, uses the axe and succeeds and escapes. I end up using a keeper ability to move one of the other players back into another room and end up surrounding her with a zombie and maniac. The other investigator runs back, kills the zombie, but it was too late. They ran out of time and the house was consumed by the earth. I won. Muahahahaha.


Cosmic Encounter is amazing. Half the game is just the table talk and alliances. We played a 90 minute game with a full complement of players, and only two players got more than one turn. So much can happen in each turn and it's the deals that are made that make the game so engrossing. It's a bit longer than other games, but every minute of it is hilarious.

I've only gotten into boardgames in the last few months or so, courtest of another gaffer, but I just placed an order for Puzzle Strike and Nightfall. I really like Dominion, and there's a deck-building element to both those games (or so I'm told) so looking forward to fleshing out my own collection of board games.
Cyrillus said:
Looks like Descent is going to be my first purchase of this list, as it looks very similar to HeroQuest. A couple reviews I've read about it say that the combat system gets stale late in the game due to your characters becoming too powerful, and that it's very difficult for the DM to win. Has this been your experience(s)? I'm assuming there are some alternate rule sets online that solve these issues, if so.

Descent is an excellent and the best dungeon crawl game out. However, if you're looking for something that is more immediately playable, please, please, please, get Wrath of Ashardalon. It's the second in the D&D Board Game series and is excellent. Doesn't require a DM, is completely co-op, and can also be played solitaire.

You do mention HeroQuest, and Descent is the closest modern equivalent to that. I made it moreso by order plaster-cast pieces to use. :p I think that Road of Legends and Sea of Blood campaign rules add a ton to the game personally and would recommend getting one of them. All of the expansions are fantastic though.

As for your concern, I actually think the game does a good job of this. At the beginning, the DM is a force to be reckoned with, to the point that many say the game is unbalanced in his favor. I don't think it necessarily becomes stale as the game progresses, but actually has a good progression of power for the players. I personally don't see the point of getting more powerful if I am not going to feel like it. By that point, the scenario should be close to the end and the DM is probably going to pull out his big guns for the finale. Even in campaign games, the power is just spread out. I've just seen a lot of DMs that don't really understand all the options they have to "win" in a campaign game and instead put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak, allowing the players to overcome things easily. A good DM is generally going to be able to keep the combat interesting through clever use of what he has available though.


This is my newest game, i got it in the post this morning, its by Richard " magic the gathering" Garfield, and its basically a dice rolling VP collecting game, where you have to power up your monster by adding mutations to them ( extra heads, jetpacks, shrink rays etc..) the more powerd up your monster the easier it is to control Tokyo and rack up the VP's. It's super fast paced for 2-6 people, and went down a treat as a palete cleanser after a longer game this evening.

King of Tokyo !

King of Tokyo by shasla, on Flickr


Bernbaum said:
Cosmic Encounter is amazing. Half the game is just the table talk and alliances. We played a 90 minute game with a full complement of players, and only two players got more than one turn. So much can happen in each turn and it's the deals that are made that make the game so engrossing. It's a bit longer than other games, but every minute of it is hilarious.
shas'la said:
This is my newest game, i got it in the post this morning, its by Richard " magic the gathering" Garfield, and its basically a dice rolling VP collecting game, where you have to power up your monster by adding mutations to them ( extra heads, jetpacks, shrink rays etc..) the more powerd up your monster the easier it is to control Tokyo and rack up the VP's. It's super fast paced for 2-6 people, and went down a treat as a palete cleanser after a longer game this evening.

King of Tokyo !

Nice! Didn't know about this. For those who don't know, Garfield also did Roborally. Will have to look into this.


Neverfade said:
That's the amazing thing about it though. Non-main players still play an active role outside of their turns. It does depend on the people you're playing with, but there's a lot of discussion and chest puffing built around getting players to support your invasion/defense. The different races are intentional unbalanced, but that usually results in weaker players ganging up with others or refusing to co-operate with players who have a malicious race. The game mechanics are pretty simple (outside of learning the attributes of the races; developing a familiarity with their 'flare' or special abilities; and knowing what types of cards exist in the destiny deck) but half the game is just the table talk. Even first-time players get into the swing of things pretty quickly.

I've played it three times and it's been hilarious on each occasion - although I recommend playing it against people with whom you're familiar.


Freakinchair said:
Is there a way to join a game in Yucata? Or is it all done by invites only?

Just go to Games>Invitation list and click on the ticks next to the game you want to join.

If you want to keep it private, then you need to use the invites
Played a game of 7 Wonders yesterday. First time playing with my main game group. Went over well, especially since 3 of the 4 players were within 1 point of each other, my wife squeaking out the win.


Troyes is awesome. If it's sold out and you don't have a copy then that's bad and you should feel bad.

Edit: But, the theme blows. Calling it Troyes?! Really?!


Yay, I won my first game of Twilight Struggle yesterday. Things weren't going super great for the US (me) at the start of mid war. In the last turn of early war I received three scoring cards, three USSR cards and I think one split card. I couldn't do much to influence scoring so two of them went to waste for no VP and thanks to USSR playing the China card I lost some VPs. He was up to about +5 VP, so it could have been worse.

Mid war, turn one, I headline Cuban Missile Crisis because that's just how I roll. BAM! DEFCON goes from 4 to 2. He headlines Missile Envy to swap it with my highest scoring card. My highest scoring card is We Will Bury You. Since it is a red card it gets played immediately, lowering DEFCON to 1 and winning the game for the US, woo hoo!

Kinda crazy how the game can go from a relatively stable state (DEFCON 4 and -5 VP) to over during a headline phase. One of the cool things about that game, I suppose, is that it seems to fit thematically. At least, it emphasizes how close we may have been to the end of the world at key moments of the war. Neat stuff. Plus it meant I didn't have to finish what was shaping up to be a crappy game for America, lolz.

Anyway, sorry I blew us all up, guys. But hey, at least we went out as winners.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah that's one of the things I love about TS is there are so many interesting and often surprising paths to victory.

(Now please please please put it up on Yucata.)


Ever played with someone that would constantly complain throughout the game, either about how others or the game itself have screwed him, yet still end up 9 points from 1st place? Really cannot stand people like that.


I'm looking to trade my copy of Descent: Journeys in the Dark, the Road to Legend expansion, and the Descent Quest Compendium.

In return, I'm looking to score a copy of the two DnD boardgames, Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon.

Two main reasons really... One, Descent just takes a bit too long for our our group. It's not the type of game we'd like to bring to the table for the 'big' game for the night. Road to Legend makes this even worse by being an extremely long campaign that has to be played over many sessions. We don't meet or play enough to justify trying to do a complete campaign. Secondly, we're all DnD fans already and would like something 'familiar'. While I know the DnD boardgames are NOT 4e through and through, I do know from reading through rules and watching some play reports that alot of the mechanics are similar. Seems like it would scratch a bit of that itch in a boardgame format.

Large trade...so some shipping costs to be incurred here... but its still a very meaty trade that if you're looking (or know someone looking) to unload the DnD boardgames and would like one of the best dungeon crawlers on the market... I think you'd get a great deal out of this.

Looking for folks that have a trade history to refer to somewhere...either here on GAF's B/S/T topic or BGG's trade feedback.
Here are some Descent miniatures I've painted. I thought others here might enjoy seeing them.




Here's one of all 4 Heros that I have completed.


I have 3 others based and ready to be primed and painted, but I've been pretty busy lately. Talisman is on the way in the mail too, giving me another 40ish heroes to paint up, although I likely will not go hog wild on those bases given the nature of the game.
My gaming group is thinking of making the trip from Philly to Gencon this year, 11 hour drive. Do you guys have any thoughts, feelings, tips for Gencon? My main concern is that we're so late to the decision that hotels options are probably slim, and you can't check to see what's available until you register for a badge.


My LAN group is getting older and we find ourselves playing more and more board/card games. This past weekend most of our time was spent playing Munchkins.

I really fell in love with Munchkins and I was wondering what version I should purchase? What do the numbered sequels add etc. Basically what do you vets recommend?


They're all pretty much the same damn thing really, just different themes. Don't really have to care which one you can buy, they all can be mashed together if you like.

My problem with the game is it really starts to drag toward the end. Someone gets close to winning, then everyone dog piles upon them. This repeats over and over until people just start getting bored, and let someone win. Least that's how the majority of my games have ended.


Hail to the KING baby
Can't speak to Munchkin, but if you guys are into light funny fantasy games, you should definitely give Small World a try too.

also reposting gryphter's question for the new page:

"My gaming group is thinking of making the trip from Philly to Gencon this year, 11 hour drive. Do you guys have any thoughts, feelings, tips for Gencon? My main concern is that we're so late to the decision that hotels options are probably slim, and you can't check to see what's available until you register for a badge."


Ferrio said:
They're all pretty much the same damn thing really, just different themes. Don't really have to care which one you can buy, they all can be mashed together if you like.

My problem with the game is it really starts to drag toward the end. Someone gets close to winning, then everyone dog piles upon them. This repeats over and over until people just start getting bored, and let someone win. Least that's how the majority of my games have ended.

I found this the case with our games, specially once everyone was drunk. They tended to drag on for hours. You nailed it, the person that wins is helped by others that are tired of getting screwed.

I will check out Small World.


Hail to the KING baby
joelseph said:
I found this the case with our games, specially once everyone was drunk. They tended to drag on for hours. You nailed it, the person that wins is helped by others that are tired of getting screwed.

I will check out Small World.
If you are looking for a good drunk game with lots of backstabbing, a light fantasy theme, and quick play also check out Citadels.
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