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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Cathcart said:
Not that I have to worry about it because we never play but for me it's even worse. I've got the third edition so my choices are to get the 4th edition of the expansions and have mismatched tiles (omg noes), rebuy the base game and then get the 4th edition expansions (we don't even play it so probably not) OR try to find expansions for the third edition which is difficult and/or super expensive. I saw Seafarers 3rd edition going for over 100 dollars a while back. Bleh.

Ouch, that is rough. Makes my situation seem not so bad.
Yesterday's game night was interesting. Instead of playing something myself and two other people decided to learn High Frontier. High Frontier is an uber-complicated space simulation where you play space agencies competing to build factories in space. We basically spent the entire time going over the rules and seeing if we can successfully build and launch a rocket to Mars. The game has a mixture of trading, auctions, and a little bit of hand management. While the mechanics themselves are simple the game is fucking hard. In the beginning of the game you have nothing except for four tanks of water (which is used as fuel as well as currency). You have the option to bid on various parts of a rocket, thrusters, robonauts, refineries. Besides juggling the price for each piece you also have to be aware of the weight, if your rocket is too heavy you aren't going to get far. Once the rocket is built you can launch it and attempt to build a factory on various planets and comets. Besides giving you points it allows you to build more complex items for your rocket which you can sell back down on earth or use it to build an even better rocket to get further out into space.

The game is complex and dry but it's intriguing to me. It's definitely the hardest game I have ever attempted to play and while I'm not sure how fun it will be I'm anticipating finally playing it next week.


Cathcart said:
Not that I have to worry about it because we never play but for me it's even worse. I've got the third edition so my choices are to get the 4th edition of the expansions and have mismatched tiles (omg noes), rebuy the base game and then get the 4th edition expansions (we don't even play it so probably not) OR try to find expansions for the third edition which is difficult and/or super expensive. I saw Seafarers 3rd edition going for over 100 dollars a while back. Bleh.
If you want to get the fourth edition expansions and use them with the third edition of Settlers of Catan, you can buy this Adapter Kit for $10. You might be able to find it a bit cheaper on eBay as well.


This is what I'm using with my third edition base set. Everything else is fourth edition, including the 5-6 player expansion for the base game. It's never been a problem, except that I have to tell new players that the "Pokemon shields" (development cards from the fourth edition) are never victory points. It's actually kind of nice because it makes it easy to separate out the pieces that are only needed for a 5-6 player game.


Yeah, I picked that up a while ago when I was thinking about getting the expansions. I hate the way the tiles don't match, though.


Last night we played a 6 player game of Dominant Species with one new player. With rules explanation we were able to pull the game off in under 4 hours. Excellent, excellent game.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Yesterday's game night was interesting. Instead of playing something myself and two other people decided to learn High Frontier. High Frontier is an uber-complicated space simulation where you play space agencies competing to build factories in space. We basically spent the entire time going over the rules and seeing if we can successfully build and launch a rocket to Mars. The game has a mixture of trading, auctions, and a little bit of hand management. While the mechanics themselves are simple the game is fucking hard. In the beginning of the game you have nothing except for four tanks of water (which is used as fuel as well as currency). You have the option to bid on various parts of a rocket, thrusters, robonauts, refineries. Besides juggling the price for each piece you also have to be aware of the weight, if your rocket is too heavy you aren't going to get far. Once the rocket is built you can launch it and attempt to build a factory on various planets and comets. Besides giving you points it allows you to build more complex items for your rocket which you can sell back down on earth or use it to build an even better rocket to get further out into space.

The game is complex and dry but it's intriguing to me. It's definitely the hardest game I have ever attempted to play and while I'm not sure how fun it will be I'm anticipating finally playing it next week.

Sounds like Outpost, which I suck at.
Thank you to whoever suggested Onirim as a solitare game. I have played it a few times now and really love the game! Shadi Torbey has a new game coming out this summer and I'm really looking forward to it! :)





"For eons, Incubi (bad, negative dreams) and Sognae (happy, positive dreams) have dwelled in Equilibrion, opposed but complementary. As the king of this City, you must establish and maintain the delicate balance between those dreams: place them in the various districts, harness their power, and beware of the Chaos -fearsome entities that thrive on discord and hatred...
Equilibrion is a solo/cooperative card game: you (and your partner) must work (together) against the game, and claim all the cards from the City deck -before the Dream deck runs out!

Victory is achieved by balancing the twelve City cards: when the sum of all Dream cards played next to a City card is equal to zero, you may claim it. In order to prevail, you must play your Dream cards skillfully, or discard them at the right moment to trigger helpful effects. And you will have to dodge the penalties of the Chaos cards…

Two expansions are also included with the basic game:

“Arch-Squares and Metas” introduces more City cards, and a new type of Dream: the double-sided (positive and negative) Metas.

“The Books of Powers”, gives you more effects to choose from when discarding a Dream card –at the cost of starting the game with fewer Dream cards."
Doing a test run of Arkham Horror with my fiance tonight, wish us luck. What do you guys use for the Monster Cup? There's some BGG threads where people got custom dice bags with the elder symbol on it from etsy, do want
Based on BGG and this thread, I put in an order for Dominion (Big Box from amazon, Alchemy and Prosperity are included too). I know it's 2-4 players, but our gaming group is 5, any tips to expand to that # of players?


kryptikjoker said:
Based on BGG and this thread, I put in an order for Dominion (Big Box from amazon, Alchemy and Prosperity are included too). I know it's 2-4 players, but our gaming group is 5, any tips to expand to that # of players?

It'll play just fine with five using the 3 to 4 player rules. You won't need to change anything.


Gryphter said:
Doing a test run of Arkham Horror with my fiance tonight, wish us luck. What do you guys use for the Monster Cup? There's some BGG threads where people got custom dice bags with the elder symbol on it from etsy, do want

I use a cup.


Hail to the KING baby
Yes, I got a custom monster bag from a girl on Etsy (Heather I believe). Very awesome and worth it -- I presume you may have come across my thread there.
kryptikjoker said:
Based on BGG and this thread, I put in an order for Dominion (Big Box from amazon, Alchemy and Prosperity are included too). I know it's 2-4 players, but our gaming group is 5, any tips to expand to that # of players?

May want to grab Intrigue ASAP. It comes with an extra set of money/victory/curse cards, and it's slightly recommended that you use more if you play with 5/6.
platypotamus said:
May want to grab Intrigue ASAP. It comes with an extra set of money/victory/curse cards, and it's slightly recommended that you use more if you play with 5/6.
We're just starting out, but Intrigue is still recommended? I was just going to keep the Alchemy and Prosperity sets out of play until we got a few sessions under our belt.


I use the Carcassonne Traders & Builders bag as an Arkham monster cup. I also use it for Acquire tiles, elements in Dominant Species, tiles in Ra and pretty much any game that needs a bag. Sometimes I even use it for Carcassonne.
outunderthestars said:
Thank you to whoever suggested Onirim as a solitare game. I have played it a few times now and really love the game! Shadi Torbey has a new game coming out this summer and I'm really looking forward to it! :)





"For eons, Incubi (bad, negative dreams) and Sognae (happy, positive dreams) have dwelled in Equilibrion, opposed but complementary. As the king of this City, you must establish and maintain the delicate balance between those dreams: place them in the various districts, harness their power, and beware of the Chaos -fearsome entities that thrive on discord and hatred...
Equilibrion is a solo/cooperative card game: you (and your partner) must work (together) against the game, and claim all the cards from the City deck -before the Dream deck runs out!

Victory is achieved by balancing the twelve City cards: when the sum of all Dream cards played next to a City card is equal to zero, you may claim it. In order to prevail, you must play your Dream cards skillfully, or discard them at the right moment to trigger helpful effects. And you will have to dodge the penalties of the Chaos cards…

Two expansions are also included with the basic game:

“Arch-Squares and Metas” introduces more City cards, and a new type of Dream: the double-sided (positive and negative) Metas.

“The Books of Powers”, gives you more effects to choose from when discarding a Dream card –at the cost of starting the game with fewer Dream cards."

I love Onirim!
kryptikjoker said:
We're just starting out, but Intrigue is still recommended? I was just going to keep the Alchemy and Prosperity sets out of play until we got a few sessions under our belt.

Only for the extra sets of money/victory cards. I've never played 5p without them, though, so I'm not sure how well it would work out. You definitely have more than enough cards to have fun, but it's not going to take long until you want more anyway :)
After a few videos I'm partially sold on troyes, although I refuse to make another order before my last one arrives! (it's been three weeks already, I'm dying to try alien frontiers).

When are you moving astro? Two weeks ago I moved to a bigger apartment in the same building and even when my game collection is really small it was a PITA. I can't even imagine the hassle it is to move a big collection.


Hail to the KING baby
Moving right now! Living in temporary corporate housing for a few weeks. Thankfully we have movers handling all the packing and unpacking though, and we just signed the lease on a fairly big apartment so our board-game family has room to grow.


Picked up Nightfall last week and sleeved it all in prep of our first play today. Also got Puzzle Strike but not sure if that will get played.

Dominion (which I don't own) remains a dear favourite, and both games mentioned above share similar deck-building mechanics. I'm hoping I don't burn out on that type of game but they look fun and the fan response is high for both.

Nightfall is a well-delivered package too. Labelled dividers for all the minions, lovely art and the rulebook has a nice bit of mythology thrown in for good measure. The rulebook is available as a full PDF on the official website, and I downloaded it to my iPad and have been reading it from there, which I love (yay living in the future!).
Gryphter said:
Doing a test run of Arkham Horror with my fiance tonight, wish us luck.
Just got finished, we chose to fight Yig since the manual says he makes for a shorter game. We weren't able to seal a single gate, so 8 opened (the limit for 2 players) waking him up. We proceeded to get killed, very quickly. Goddamn curse card

I made the mistake of not spawning a monster every time a gate opened.

Questions I have:
1) The curse card says to roll a dice and discard on a 1 during your upkeep phase. At the beginning of each fight round (when you're allowed to move your sliders) does that still apply?

2) Yig woke up and we were both in Otherworlds. Do we get transported back to Arkham or does it really not matter?

3) You add 1 to the doom tracker every time a new gate appears? It moved very quickly, it felt too fast but I read that part in the manual half a dozen times to check


Hail to the KING baby
1) The curse card says to roll a dice and discard on a 1 during your upkeep phase. At the beginning of each fight round (when you're allowed to move your sliders) does that still apply?
Not sure what you mean -- apart from special abilities, you can only adjust sliders during upkeep. You also roll once for blessings, curses, retainers, etc. during upkeep. Except you don't roll on your first turn after you acquire the above (believe that's in an FAQ, not the rules).

2) Yig woke up and we were both in Otherworlds. Do we get transported back to Arkham or does it really not matter?
Doesn't matter as long as you're not Lost in Time and Space. I think there is one GOO that devours people in Other Worlds too, but otherwise you're fine afaicr.

3) You add 1 to the doom tracker every time a new gate appears? It moved very quickly, it felt too fast but I read that part in the manual half a dozen times to check
Generally yes. This includes gates opening via encounter cards in addition to regular mythos openings (manual isn't 100% clear on this iirc). It's just something you have to keep in mind that if a monster has a shorter doom track, awakening via filling is much more likely. The main way to slow that down is through seals which of course pull from the doom track.

Ah, you got the place? Awesome.
Thanks! Well not awesome for my pocketbook but lots of space for gaming in my apartment and throughout the building. And as we all know that is Priority One in life. :p


Gryphter said:
Just got finished, we chose to fight Yig since the manual says he makes for a shorter game.
Yeah, you kinda don't want a shorter game early on because it's over before you can do anything. Azathoth is a pretty good one. His ability seems really bad (if he wakes the game just ends) but it takes a while for him to wake and his passive stuff isn't so bad. The mask monster guy is also not so hard to beat.


Loved Kill Doctor Lucky after the first two plays, although I wonder how much life that game has.

Nightfall is a tricky beast. Not quite as Dominion-like as I expected, and difficult to actually implement and execute a chain of actions without being disrupted by an opponent. We did play with a full complement of five, so I'd imagine chains would be easier to pull off with less players there to stuff things up. It requires a bit of thought and forward-thinking, and as it was the first playtrough a lot of time was spent simply learning the rules with no real understanding of the best strategies to employ. It'll require a few more plays before I make my mind up on whether I like it or not.
AstroLad said:
1) The curse card says to roll a dice and discard on a 1 during your upkeep phase. At the beginning of each fight round (when you're allowed to move your sliders) does that still apply?
Not sure what you mean -- apart from special abilities, you can only adjust sliders during upkeep. You also roll once for blessings, curses, retainers, etc. during upkeep. Except you don't roll on your first turn after you acquire the above (believe that's in an FAQ, not the rules)
Cathcart said:
Yeah, you kinda don't want a shorter game early on because it's over before you can do anything. Azathoth is a pretty good one. His ability seems really bad (if he wakes the game just ends) but it takes a while for him to wake and his passive stuff isn't so bad. The mask monster guy is also not so hard to beat.

Thanks, Astro and Cathcart. What I mean about the curse is that you roll to see if you keep it during the upkeep phase of a regular turn. Do you even get upkeep phases during the final fight? Basically, are you supposed to roll to keep/discard for blessing/curse between final fight rounds?

Cathcart, I think we're going to go again today. There's A LOT of mechanics shared/stolen by A Touch of Evil so I think that gives me a leg up on learning AH. I'll try Az or the mask monster guy


The mask guy is easier in the sense that he's one of the easier guys to fight if you get to the big boss fight at the end. Azathoth is easier to get a gate sealing victory against. But hey, as long as you're having fun it's all good. It's not very Lovecraftian to win all the time, anyway :)


Hail to the KING baby
Yes that made it hard for me to enjoy ToE even though I picked it up Day One -- just came from lots of AH.

Gryphter said:
Thanks, Astro and Cathcart. What I mean about the curse is that you roll to see if you keep it during the upkeep phase of a regular turn. Do you even get upkeep phases during the final fight? Basically, are you supposed to roll to keep/discard for blessing/curse between final fight rounds?
Ah I see -- yes, that's correct it's a regular Upkeep.


Gryphter said:
Just got finished, we chose to fight Yig since the manual says he makes for a shorter game. We weren't able to seal a single gate, so 8 opened (the limit for 2 players) waking him up. We proceeded to get killed, very quickly. Goddamn curse card

I made the mistake of not spawning a monster every time a gate opened.

Questions I have:
1) The curse card says to roll a dice and discard on a 1 during your upkeep phase. At the beginning of each fight round (when you're allowed to move your sliders) does that still apply?

2) Yig woke up and we were both in Otherworlds. Do we get transported back to Arkham or does it really not matter?

3) You add 1 to the doom tracker every time a new gate appears? It moved very quickly, it felt too fast but I read that part in the manual half a dozen times to check

Played a bunch of games by myself and one with Dan this week. Game is brutal but I'm wanting to play it with 3+ players. I think the game is actually harder with 1 or 2 players since you don't have as many Investigators to work with and regardless of the player count you're always getting a Gate spawning during the Mythos phase. 3 players was nice since I could always send someone to the Otherworld and leave someone else to clean up the streets.

I've found so far that the Nun is pretty bullshit from the get-go. Starting out with Blessing is pretty huge and Guardian Angel is a decent ability.

Also, fuck the Woods and Independence Square. Got so many god damn monster surges off those places.


Yeah, plus I'm always getting bushwhacked by the Sheldon gang in the Woods. Those jerks.

In my experience 3 is the sweet spot for Arkham difficulty, at least in the base game. 4 is too easy, 5 gets harder because of the double monsters. Of course, you could always just control multiple investigators when you have less than 3.


Hail to the KING baby
5-8 is generally easy. Especially 6+. The extra occasional monster does not make up for being able to do a million things with all those players. 3-4 is fine imo, unless you are playing with ubernerds who memorize gate rates and stuff, in which cause it can be auto-win unless you start playing with expansions.


I thought 4 was easier than 5. But still a lot of fun if you're playing with friends. We also added the rule where you aren't allowed to read your own encounter cards. Takes a little longer but so much better than watching a bunch of people stare at a card for a few seconds, role 2 dice and then sigh.


Hail to the KING baby
That might be true -- I haven't played with 5 very often so maybe there the extra monster is enough to mitigate the extra player. That's how we play with encounter cards too.


Hail to the KING baby
Bay-Area GAF: Let me know if you wanna meet up for some gaming. I'm meeting up with a few friends over the week and then have people coming down for Memorial Day, but between right this minute and Friday I'm pretty damn open. I brought some stuff with me (Pandemic, Twilight Struggle, Memoir 44, Race for the Galaxy) and I've got some games coming in tomorrow too. I'm in Santa Clara but have a car. Noticed it's a lot easier to find spaces for gaming here than in NY.

Drop me a PM or something if you like. I'll just be here reading rules for the games I have coming in and tomes on privacy law. :p
So while I was out drinking the other night, I swung by that game shop that I posted about earlier in the thread (http://www.yelp.com/biz/card-kingdom-seattle).

Good gravy.

Those photos at yelp show off how nice of a place it is, but they don't really do justice to just how BIG the place is. It's like 6 separate rooms, each the size of any of the other local game stores.

1 Room is the bar (where you can play games, of course, but I think food/drink has to stay in there? Not sure.)

1 Room just for jigsaw puzzles, another for kids/family games.

Sorta two main rooms for the board games, and with as much space as they've got their selection is pretty awesome. Since I had taken the bus down there, and had a lot more walking around/drinking to do, I wasn't planning on buying at all, so I wish I had paid attention to prices, but I didn't.

Then there's the RPG room, the Warhammer et al room, and the Magic/CCG room. The place is just ridiculous.

Oh, and the bar has pinball!

^ link is broke, platy

Hero said:
I've found so far that the Nun is pretty bullshit from the get-go. Starting out with Blessing is pretty huge and Guardian Angel is a decent ability.
Ha, that's funny, I was the nun for the 1 game we played. Yeah, she's pretty stacked but I found her max numbers a little low, she has a max of 3 for combat and the Great One we were fighting has -3 for combat. I didn't have any weapons for her so I was a sitting duck. Blessing is awesome, though.

I managed to paint another Descent mini this weekend. I wanted this guy to look as though he's been through hell and back and is about to die by taking as many of the enemy with him as possible.

As I was finishing him off (my 6th Descent Hero), I realized I really don't know anything about this game at all. So my question to Descent veterans out there is which Heroes are great and which ones are crappy? Would you suggest that I paint them in a certain order? (assuming the players can actually choose their hero) I have the game and all expansions, so please let me know which Heroes "rise to the top".


Hail to the KING baby
Gryphter said:
^ link is broke, platy

Ha, that's funny, I was the nun for the 1 game we played. Yeah, she's pretty stacked but I found her max numbers a little low, she has a max of 3 for combat and the Great One we were fighting has -3 for combat. I didn't have any weapons for her so I was a sitting duck. Blessing is awesome, though.
Mandy Thompson is the really fucked-up one. Her ability is absurd.



SillyEskimo said:
As I was finishing him off (my 6th Descent Hero), I realized I really don't know anything about this game at all. So my question to Descent veterans out there is which Heroes are great and which ones are crappy? Would you suggest that I paint them in a certain order? (assuming the players can actually choose their hero) I have the game and all expansions, so please let me know which Heroes "rise to the top".

Mad Carthos always seemed to be a crowd favorite. He is a superb spellcaster that does extra damage. He's a glass cannon though in that he is very fragile. Smart hero parties will keep him safe in the rear until they comfortably have a sizable conquest token buffer, and then he can go nuts destroying monsters. He'll die though, but he usually makes up for it by being able to one shot almost anything on the board.

There's also the one dude with the Falcon... Vyrah I think or something like that. His pet is particularly annoying as the Overlord because its aura weakens your monsters and the heroes (if smart) will always have it in the best position available to affect the most mobs every turn.


Hail to the KING baby
Games I learned today:

-LOTR Card Game

I was really impressed with how succinct and clear the Innovation rules were. Can't wait to try it out. LOTR was pretty easy just based on familiarity with other FF games and Magic I suppose. Troyes had . . . a lot of stuff. That one's going to require a playthrough or two.


First tragedy, then farce.
I've had a couple of game night "busts" in a row.

Namely, too many people showing up.

I tried to have one two Fridays ago, and what was supposed to be 4 people turned into 11 because everyone just invited everyone. Played 3 games of Wits and Wagers.. had a lot of fun, but wanted to get some "core" gaming in.

Last Wed night was supposed to be Agricola + Farmers of the Moor + dinner for 4. That turned into 2 games of Bang as 2 more people showed up.

I got a 2 player game of Le Havre in which was great, but that is the only "core" game I've played in 3 weeks. Shudder.

Granted, a week vacation in Chicago and 3 days in Galveston are what made up most of that 3 weeks so I probably shouldn't bitch too much.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
I've had a couple of game night "busts" in a row.

Namely, too many people showing up.
I am having this experience over Memorial Day. Was going to have a couple friends and maybe my brother over and now all of a sudden my brother's like "I have a friend who loves board games PLEAAASE let him come!" Har. It's cool though; I don't mind the idea of tournament-style play too much and even though I only have a small subset of my collection here I also have like 10 new games I picked up. :p

Boo! Weekdays are tough for me atm.
Well then you'll just have to come over and join our Memorial-Day gaming!
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