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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Gryphter said:
did much better at keeping it together this time but didn’t realize until the middle of the game that Ally cards get removed as the terror track increases, and for like 4/6 gates when closed/sealed I forgot to remove monsters with matching symbols.
Yeah, I wouldn't sweat it. Pretty much everyone forgets a few rules like that early on. Like you said, it really helps when you've played a few games and don't have to look at the book much. I rarely look at it anymore and it's really cool when you can bring a new person in and just act as the rules engine for them. It becomes extremely easy to introduce new people to the game who would otherwise be intimidated by all of the bits and cards.

One suggestion my friend came up with a few games ago was to place the piles of Arkham Encounter cards along the side of the board near their respective neighborhoods. That's great for me because I'm kind of colorblind and I had to keep looking at the pictures trying to figure out which cards to use. I've also taken to putting some of the smaller card decks right on the board where they make sense. So I put the loan cards in an empty space next to the bank, membership cards next to the Lounge, etc. Frees up a little bit of table space if you're hurting for that. Of course, then you add expansions... :D

Other world encounters aren't usually too bad although we've had situations where a card knocks off 3 sanity and sends someone LiTaS just before they were about to close a gate. That's always frustrating, especially when you're fighting Yog-Sothoth (auto kills anyone who is LiTaS).

Grats on the win :)


I tossed this question out in the iOS gaming thread to no avail: Has anyone played the Small Worlds iPad adaptation? I'm getting ready to head out on road trip and was hoping to find a good, portable board game to bring along.
Random question:

How many of you that have game stores in you area buy your games from them? I would like to support my local shop more often, but can buy the same game for 40% less on Amazon. I was looking at picking up Arkham Horror, Ticket to Ride, and Betrayal at House on the Hill, but I would end up spending almost 60$ more to buy it local. :(


Hail to the KING baby
Well I'm not going to support some stanky-ass Magic shop that's for sure. If I came across a place like the one platy posted, with lots of table space and a friendly atmosphere, I would support them if I used the area. I still think that's kind of silly because if the value I'm getting is purely in the space, I'd rather pay only for that a la Snakes & Lattes in Toronto. I think that is much more what most eurogamers are looking for is a nice space -- maybe a place to try out games or get recommendations, vs Magic players where they are looking for a place that sets up tournaments and is a branded shop and the like, and maybe staff who knows Magic. So there is very little overlap there from a utility perspective which makes a great game store for boardgamers a really rare thing imo since there is no good business model yet for that aside from rare exceptions.
Stairs said:
I tossed this question out in the iOS gaming thread to no avail: Has anyone played the Small Worlds iPad adaptation? I'm getting ready to head out on road trip and was hoping to find a good, portable board game to bring along.
It's decent but very limited. It only has a local two play multi-player and only a couple of the expansions.

Days of Wonder did put out Ticket to Ride recently and from what I played last night it's really nice. The only thing it's missing is local Multi-Player but it does have game center support and you can play online. They also have the Euro and Swiss maps available for .99 each.

If you want to play local Multi, Carcasonne is the best of both worlds. It has local pass and play multi-player as well as online. Gaf also has a really active Carc community so you will never be without a game to play.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
It's decent but very limited. It only has a local two play multi-player and only a couple of the expansions.

Days of Wonder did put out Ticket to Ride recently and from what I played last night it's really nice. The only thing it's missing is local Multi-Player but it does have game center support and you can play online. They also have the Euro and Swiss maps available for .99 each.

If you want to play local Multi, Carcasonne is the best of both worlds. It has local pass and play multi-player as well as online. Gaf also has a really active Carc community so you will never be without a game to play.

Beautiful. You've convinced me, Carcassone it is. Thanks!


Hail to the KING baby
Carcassonne is the best iOS board-game implementation by far.

In terms of local multi, I would put Neuroshima Hex a very close second.


I used to support my local shop in Minneapolis because they kept the best selection of board games I've ever seen. It wasn't a matter of price, but of convenience. If I wanted to buy a game on a whim 9 times out of 10 they had it.
I just bit the bullet and ordered 4th edition Talisman, both big box expansions, and the 3 small box expansions from Amazon. It was 150$ but I applied 50$ of credit for a total of 100$ out of pocket. I saved 65$ off MSRP for the full order before even applying my credit. My local gaming store charges full MSRP and I simply cannot justify paying that much more for the same product. With free 2 day shipping (Plus member) and no tax, I honestly have no idea how local stores stay in business selling at MSRP.

I've never played the game before, but the rules make it seem as though it has an easier barrier of entry than many of the other games I have gotten recently. And besides, it has miniatures!


First tragedy, then farce.
outunderthestars said:
Random question:

How many of you that have game stores in you area buy your games from them? I would like to support my local shop more often, but can buy the same game for 40% less on Amazon. I was looking at picking up Arkham Horror, Ticket to Ride, and Betrayal at House on the Hill, but I would end up spending almost 60$ more to buy it local. :(

I have 4 FLGS.

The nice thing about FLGS is getting stuff that is out of stock online. I was able to get a few expansions and even a copy of Game of Thrones recently by visting them. Online stores sell out extremely quickly once word gets out that something has or is going OOP for a while. Be it peope trying to make a buck or people who decide to jump on something while they can still get it. FLGS' are less likely to be picked over (that and the profit margin from MSRP to crazy 2nd market prices isn't as big as online discount to crazy 2nd market prices)

3 of my 4 are FLGS.. 1 of them is filled with mean people and has very little table space.

1 of the friendly ones is really small with very little table space, but they sponsor board game night at a local bar so they are on my good list and I'll shop there from time to time. They also stock trade papers of comics more regularly than the closer comic store who tries to hang on to hardcovers for as long as possible.

The two closest to me both have giant amounts of table space, but only 1 of them really does board game nights.. the other has a good board game selection but seems most interested in Warhammer, Magic, Pokemon, etc.

Great Hall Games is an amazing store with great selection.. *tons* of demo games and about 15 tables in the back to play on.. and they host 3-4 game nights a week. The only issue is they don't really have an active online forum so it can be difficult to find a game unless you set one up with your friends beforehand.

I buy a lot of my stuff from them. Very rarely will I make a large purchase in store.. but I bought my Bang! expansion from them and a few other sub 30 dollar items where an online purchase might save me 10 dollars or less.

My larger purchses? Online only. I can't justify paying 75-80 dollars for some games that are 40 or less online.. or 50 dollars for a 30 dollar game. As much as I want to support those stores, it just isn't economical... and honestly, I think the "boom" in our hobby is due to cheap online stores. My game group regularly puts large group orders together on CSI to get free shipping.. it's just the way it is.


First tragedy, then farce.
Flynn said:
I used to support my local shop in Minneapolis because they kept the best selection of board games I've ever seen. It wasn't a matter of price, but of convenience. If I wanted to buy a game on a whim 9 times out of 10 they had it.

My (near) move to Mpls is one of the reasons I got so into board gaming. I was already somewhat into it on the site, but the prospects of long winters and a good community really drove the size of my collection. When that fell through it just stuck.

I guess the 4 months + of 100 degree temps may drive me inside as well :p


StoOgE said:
My (near) move to Mpls is one of the reasons I got so into board gaming. I was already somewhat into it on the site, but the prospects of long winters and a good community really drove the size of my collection. When that fell through it just stuck.

I guess the 4 months + of 100 degree temps may drive me inside as well :p

I miss MSP a ton. I found a board gaming group here in So. Cal, but its nothing like the crew I had in Minneapolis.


KingHenrik30 said:
board game newbie here - can someone give me the heads up on scotland yard? awesome or not awesome? hard for a new comer?

It's considered a classic, I believe. It's not really difficult.

Modern games like it include Fury of Dracula (more difficult) and Letters from Whitechapel (Less difficult than FoD).
Finally got a few games of Dominion under my belt. Incredibly simple rules, but interesting variety of cards changes how you play each game. I like that aspect. Anybody want to play a few rounds of Dominion on Isotropic today (5/27) around 4:30pm Pacific?
KingHenrik30 said:
board game newbie here - can someone give me the heads up on scotland yard? awesome or not awesome? hard for a new comer?
Neverfade pretty much nailed it. Scotland yard is good but there have been hidden movement games since that updated the mechanic. Fury of Dracula and Letters from Whitechappel are the two most popular. I just wanted to add Nuns on the Run. It plays like a reverse Scotland Yard, where everybody is hidden except for one or two players. It's the easiest game out of the three but not my favorite.
So my so called buying freeze netted me, Antike, Race for the Galaxy + Gathering Storm, Cuba, and the '99 edition of Acquire. One of my game group members passed away and we all got a chance to buy a couple of games from his collection before they went to auction.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
So my so called buying freeze netted me, Antike, Race for the Galaxy + Gathering Storm, Cuba, and the '99 edition of Acquire. One of my game group members passed away and we all got a chance to buy a couple of games from his collection before they went to auction.
Acquire 99s components put the current version to shame for sure. I need to play it more though. I could probably net a nice trade for it as much as it just sits there.
Neverfade said:
Acquire 99s components put the current version to shame for sure. I need to play it more though. I could probably net a nice trade for it as much as it just sits there.
That's the main reason why I even bothered (that and the price was extremely reasonable). If I end up not liking it, it's easily trade-able for something big.
Did you guys see this?


It looks like Fantasy Flight changed the Chinese leader from Mao to Wu Zetian in Civ. I know there was a bit of a dust up that he was included but I would never have thought they would have secretly removed him from the game. This is supposedly the latest printing of the game.

EDIT: It actually might be from the European print run.


I saw.


I have a buddy who hated that Mao was in the game and even after his argument I don't get why the fuck it matters. It isn't going to murder anyone. Its pigment on cardboard.

Then again, I'm pretty anti-PC and thick skinned. Oh well. Now people can play as someone they've never heard of! Exciting!


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
That's the main reason why I even bothered (that and the price was extremely reasonable). If I end up not liking it, it's easily trade-able for something big.
Man, stop talking about Acquire like that. It's super awesome :(
Neverfade said:
I saw.


I have a buddy who hated that Mao was in the game and even after his argument I don't get why the fuck it matters. It isn't going to murder anyone. Its pigment on cardboard.

Then again, I'm pretty anti-PC and thick skinned. Oh well. Now people can play as someone they've never heard of! Exciting!
Agreed. What gets me is Cesar gets a pass while Mao is the one being complained about. I only know who Wu is because of Civ V.
Bitch kept starting shit so I ended up taking over Beijing and burning it to the ground.
Cathcart said:
Man, stop talking about Acquire like that. It's super awesome :(
I'm sure it is, I just never played it before.


outunderthestars said:
Random question:

How many of you that have game stores in you area buy your games from them? I would like to support my local shop more often, but can buy the same game for 40% less on Amazon. I was looking at picking up Arkham Horror, Ticket to Ride, and Betrayal at House on the Hill, but I would end up spending almost 60$ more to buy it local. :(
I have one FLGS nearby and the people are nice but the prices are insane. Since I don't frequent it for boardgaming (it's mostly a Warhammer shop) I rarely by there. I'll spend $25 on a card game or maybe a small expansion to another game but I save all my big purchases for online.

A couple of local comic shops are also branching out a bit into games. The selection is thin but being a comics fan it's much easier for me to go into one of those shops and support them with some cash. But again, I keep the purchases low.
outunderthestars said:
Random question:

How many of you that have game stores in you area buy your games from them? I would like to support my local shop more often, but can buy the same game for 40% less on Amazon. I was looking at picking up Arkham Horror, Ticket to Ride, and Betrayal at House on the Hill, but I would end up spending almost 60$ more to buy it local. :(

Only the first game that I've ever bought a game (carcassone H&G) was from a local store, everything else I've bought has been online. Even as an international buyer it's still cheaper for me to order from the US and ship to my country instead of buying local. If they offered table space maybe I'd buy local more often.

I vote with my wallet and while I'd love to see the market for boardgames expand, it's not happening on my local stores and I'm not going to subsidize the M:TG players which are treated like first class citizens while board gamers are not. It makes no sense to support a local brick and mortar store if the product range you are interested is treated like a second thought, instead I attend to a local monthly meetup in a bar which offers a lot of table space plus the organizers brings a lot of games.


Anyone have Samurai for iOS and want to play a game? I just learned it yesterday so I'm terrible. I'm Cathcart on there so feel free to invite me.

I've been playing Samurai on the iPhone but with all of these iOS boardgames coming out now I'm seriously thinking about an iPad. I mean, I'd use it for other stuff but games might be the deciding factor in a purchase. I was thinking about waiting for the 3 but man that could be another ten months. Blerg. Who's got an opinion on iPad gaming?
Cathcart said:
Anyone have Samurai for iOS and want to play a game? I just learned it yesterday so I'm terrible. I'm Cathcart on there so feel free to invite me.

I've been playing Samurai on the iPhone but with all of these iOS boardgames coming out now I'm seriously thinking about an iPad. I mean, I'd use it for other stuff but games might be the deciding factor in a purchase. I was thinking about waiting for the 3 but man that could be another ten months. Blerg. Who's got an opinion on iPad gaming?
I created a game with you and Astrolad.


I left my phone upstairs and I hadn't heard the Samurai notification sound before so all of a sudden I was pretty sure someone had broken into my house and pulled out a sword. But instead it was just time to play a game. Sweet!
My Talisman order arrived today via UPS. Dungeon, Highlands, Sacred Pool, Reaper, and Frostmarch are all here. However, the main game is not on track to be delivered until Tuesday! All the boxes are sitting there unopened until I get the main game. It's a tad frustrating. I was going to play it tonight or tomorrow with my wife. Oh well. I guess I'll get back to painting instead.
In the middle of a 4 player game of Arkham Horror (base game only) right now, took a pause to cook and eat dinner though. The 2 of us are playing 2 characters each, so this is our first game with more than 2 characters. Taking a break to cook and have dinner, then right back into the action.

We have 2 gates sealed, doom track is at 4/11 Ithaqua. Game seemed a little easy up until the point we called half time; we have 7 enemies on the board which is the max, plus some of them are very strong. The road to Arkham Asylum is blocked off by 2 beefy guys, and 3/4 of us are low on sanity...

When the game tells you to discard half your items (due to insanity or unconsciousness) what does that all include? Common and Unique items are obvious since they have the word item in their title, but do spells and Allies count? Anything else?

edit: looked it up on the FAQ, looks like it's common and unique items, plus spells. there's another type of item that counts but I don't have that expansion

The book and the FAQ have slightly different damage explanations during the Final Fight. So let's say there are 4 of us, each turn each player rolls for combat. 1 person gets 5 successes on their investigator. Since that exceeds 4, does that 1 damage hit the Ancient one immediately and then the success count resets, or do the other 3 players roll in turn, then after all 4 go (1 round) the total amount of successes take effect?

edit: I looked it up on BGG and the wiki, FAQ is correct


In my continuing quest to fill my collection with dice rolling affairs, I picked up a copy of Ra: The Dice Game today.

Played a quick game with my daughter and it could/should be a nice filler.


listen to the mad man
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
So my so called buying freeze netted me, Antike, Race for the Galaxy + Gathering Storm, Cuba, and the '99 edition of Acquire. One of my game group members passed away and we all got a chance to buy a couple of games from his collection before they went to auction.

That's kind of depressing. All my gaming friends are still below the age of 40, so I should at least be theoretically insulated from their IRL deaths for a while.


Gold Member
Went to the Atlanta game fest this weekend. Could only stay for one day but played Yggdrasil, Shadows over Camelot, Alien Frontiers, and Black Friday. LOVED Black Friday, but then I dig all of Friese's designs. Yggdrasil was cool, but a bit mechanical for a co-op. Will grab it for the cool theme and as a solo game. Alien Frontiers was cool, but it is too complex for a drinking game yet isn't as deep as something like Caylus. So while it may not be my fav, it is pretty easy to teach and relatively fast if folks don't panic about maximizing their turns. Alas, the dice rolling mechanic means you can't really start planning your turn until it is your turn to roll.

Played AH's "History of the World" as well. LONG ass game, but lots of fun. Shame it is OOP and so ridiculously expensive.


Gold Member
yeah, saw that game but didn't get a chance to play it. Will have to see what the alien frontier expansion adds. I like the game but the dice rolling mechanic might add too much frustration that outweighs the fun. But it is hard to evaluate a dice game when you bookend it with diceless games like Camelot and Black Friday. II love dice, but damned if the highs and lows they generate don't wear me out :p Yggdrasil somehow escapes this by allowing vikings and elves to pay off poor dice rolls.

Also played an ancient AH game called Dragon Hunt. Full of dice and the terribly archaic movement systems of old wargames. Took 4 hours but damned if it wasn't a nostalgic blast.


One of the best parts of Troyes is the combination of that dice thrill mixed with actual control. Between buying your opponents dice, and two ways to spend influence points to manipulate your own dice, you never feel helpless. Add on theres a ton of ways to actually use those dice, and I think your frustrations will disappear.

The rolling in AF and getting a turd of a "hand" was my major complaint with that game as well.

In other news, Carl Chudyk designed a Glory to Rome update called Uchronia! The rules are tweaked, the art is new, and it has an actual fucking box. An improvement to one of my favorite games = salivating!!


Neverfade said:
One of the best parts of Troyes is the combination of that dice thrill mixed with actual control. Between buying your opponents dice, and two ways to spend influence points to manipulate your own dice, you never feel helpless. Add on theres a ton of ways to actually use those dice, and I think your frustrations will disappear.

The rolling in AF and getting a turd of a "hand" was my major complaint with that game as well.

In other news, Carl Chudyk designed a Glory to Rome update called Uchronia! The rules are tweaked, the art is new, and it has an actual fucking box. An improvement to one of my favorite games = salivating!!
In AF, with the launch pad, low cost for fuel, and a variety of alien tech to jigger with your rolls, I rarely if ever feel like I'm saddled with a turd of a roll. The more I play the game the more combinations open up and I appreciate the design. With all that said and with my love for dice games, Troyes will end up in my collection sooner rather than later.

Also, has anyone mentioned Dice Town? That's another fun game that's quick to teach and fast to play.

And I haven't played Glory to Rome since last summer. It had a tepid response with the group of people I game with (though one guy really liked it). I haven't given up on it yet but it didn't grab me as much as I had hoped.


The tepid response thing is kinda how AF went down in my group. :D

I was researching Uchronia stuff and came across another Cambridge Games release this year called Barons. There's an extensive review up on BGG that instantly sold me. The one drawback is that its made up of components nearly identical to Glory to Rome. Blech. I'm still going to pre-order it right effin now.
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