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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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First tragedy, then farce.
MichaelBD said:
Tammany Hall sort of bombed with the group I played with. I haven't technically given up on it yet but do you have a trade list up on BGG? Is it something you'd want to trade for?

time to find a new group.


Pretty much everything StoOgE said about Carcassonne. I played with Princess and Dragon twice and it didn't go over well. I think it's way more direct screwage than people want from a game of Carcassonne. Screwing someone over by cleverly placing tiles is cool, stomping around and pulling their dudes off of the board with the dragon (or Tower, for that matter) is a great idea if you're trying to get your friends to punch each other in the face.


First tragedy, then farce.

played a game of Le Havre.

lets just say my "epic" strategy had me with 19 loans at one point (yes, 19). After you hit about 9 and the interest is due on the 2nd tile of the game it becomes a downward spiral. Taking loans to pay interest on loans, etc. Like, if this game had bankruptcy court I would have gone to it.

In any case, my not getting food strategy eventually led to me getting most of the good buildings, lots of steel, all of the steel ships and an epic final 2 rounds of selling massive amounts of steel, leather and coke I had amassed.. turning what was certainly a negative score into a scant 5 points shy of winning.

Fairly impressive turn around from playing a horrid game for the first half to playing circles around everyone for the back half of the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
That is indeed an epic strategy. I think the most loans I've ever seen in a game was... 2? 3?

It was completely by accident.. everything I tried to do kept getting blocked up and then there was just jack all I could do except take the biggest stack of resources, a few loans and hope I could do something the next round.


First tragedy, then farce.
So um..

anyone played Cosmic Encounter?

It seems like good stupid fun that my Bang! playing group could get behind.


Hail to the KING baby
choodi said:
I think I am ranked 1st in Hey, that's my fish on Yucata
oh damn i never knew they implemented trueskill on yucata -- that's awesome! (used to be just a crappy fewest-losses system)


AstroLad said:
new 2p game on yucata -- famiglia be friedeman friese. sent out some invites -- looks fun :p
I bought a copy with my last CSI order. It's a fun little distraction. Played a couple games last night. Well worth the $7 they charge for it.


StoOgE said:
So um..

anyone played Cosmic Encounter?

It seems like good stupid fun that my Bang! playing group could get behind.
I love Cosmic Encounter. I have the first expansion and we played a game a few weeks back. Others around me don't dig it as much as I do but I can at least get a play in once in a while.
We're going to buy one of the two BSG expansions. Pegasus or Exodus. Any opinions on which one to get? It's really annoying to play with four or six players right now, so we only play with five players, and someone heard one of the expansions fixed that but they weren't sure which one.


Schmattakopf said:
We're going to buy one of the two BSG expansions. Pegasus or Exodus. Any opinions on which one to get? It's really annoying to play with four or six players right now, so we only play with five players, and someone heard one of the expansions fixed that but they weren't sure which one.

This is really tough. Pegasus by itself blows. Hard. However, there are a few elements of Exodus that don't shine unless you have Pegasus.

So...this fucking pains me to say, but Pegasus. Find it cheap, as you'll probably toss a majority of the components into storage if you have any sense.

Follow up with Exodus quickly. It's vastly superior.

Edit -- For reference, our games use the following:

Base: Everything (except stuff that gets replaced via expansion, ala Admiral card)
Pegasus: Treachery cards, skill cards, new HUMAN characters (Cylon leaders...sigh, great idea, horrible execution, so left out), Pegasus ship board, Pegasus Crisis cards.
Exodus: Conflicted loyalty cards (if not playing with new people), Cyclon fleet board and rules, Crisis cards, new characters, skill cards..... pretty much everything but the Nebula rules, which aren't horrible, but seem to push it right over the "too many fucking rules" line.

Edit 2: With all of this stuff, 6 player BSG is nice and balanced without a sympathizer. We don't even use it in 6 player games and things still turn out pretty even. 5 is still best, and if there's only 4 of us, we just play something else.
Neverfade said:
This is really tough. Pegasus by itself blows. Hard. However, there are a few elements of Exodus that don't shine unless you have Pegasus.

So...this fucking pains me to say, but Pegasus. Find it cheap, as you'll probably toss a majority of the components into storage if you have any sense.

Follow up with Exodus quickly. It's vastly superior.

Edit -- For reference, our games use the following:

Base: Everything (except stuff that gets replaced via expansion, ala Admiral card)
Pegasus: Treachery cards, skill cards, new HUMAN characters (Cylon leaders...sigh, great idea, horrible execution, so left out), Pegasus ship board, Pegasus Crisis cards.
Exodus: Conflicted loyalty cards (if not playing with new people), Cyclon fleet board and rules, Crisis cards, new characters, skill cards..... pretty much everything but the Nebula rules, which aren't horrible, but seem to push it right over the "too many fucking rules" line.

Edit 2: With all of this stuff, 6 player BSG is nice and balanced without a sympathizer. We don't even use it in 6 player games and things still turn out pretty even. 5 is still best, and if there's only 4 of us, we just play something else.
Thanks, I guess we will get Pegasus. I don't know how else to find it cheap other than BGG where it's like ~25 vs. 30 new on Amazon.


sneaky77 said:
Has anyone played Memoir '44 looked kinda fun

Memoir '44 uses the same or similar rule set to BattleLore and Battles of Westeros -- it is a light, two-player tactics game that is heavy on balancing and randomness. A serious tabletop war gamer would scoff at the games, but they're fun in their own right.

Days of Wonder has an online version, which you can try out for free.


Hail to the KING baby
Memoir has a lot of haters because it is so dice-dependent but it is a lot of fun. It is probably the only war-ish game I will ever get my wife to play. Even my bro who is a pretty hardcore wargamer likes it because it is so easy to pick up and fun to talk shit when rolling the dice. I guess in that way it's like Risk but fun and doesn't take eight hours.


First tragedy, then farce.
sneaky77 said:
Has anyone played Memoir '44 looked kinda fun

It's a light war game that is fairly well liked with plenty of scenarios and very nice production values.

I think the scenarios are far too unbalanced and luck is way too big of a factor in the game, but most people seem to enjoy it.
Talisman 4th edition is getting another expansion thanks to FF games.

From Publisher's Website: Untold ages hence, a powerful wizard waged an epic battle with the Dragon King who ruled over the Firelands. Unable to slay the Dragon King, the wizard devised a ritual, using his most powerful magic to uproot the Dragon King’s tower, stone by stone, and banished the Dragon Lord into a horrible black void. Free to enter the Valley of Fire, the sacred birthplace of dragonkind, the wizard forged the Crown of Command in its eldritch fires. Now, eons later, the unceasing prayers of the Dragon Cults have been answered. Three of the Draconic Lords have returned.

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Talisman: The Dragon!

Epic Challenge

Playing with The Dragon expansion, players will encounter even more choices and strategic challenges, including a new, dual-sided Inner Region for their heroes to conquer. The alternate sides allow you to face familiar terrain along a path that requires all new tactics, or to venture into the Dragon Tower, where a hero’s every step meets opposition by the Dragon King’s minions and leads him ever closer to an ultimate confrontation with the Dragon King, himself.

Three new Draconic Lords vie for rulership of the Firelands–Varthrax, Cadorus, and Grilipus. Talisman grows more dangerous as they struggle to claim dominance over their territory and the Crown of Command. The winner shall rule as the new Dragon King, ushering in a new era of flame and danger. Each of the three new Draconic Lords has his own personality and strengths, and each is an awesome opponent.

Any hero who dares confront the Dragon King must be prepared for an epic battle!

New Stories

Talisman: The Dragon brings to life six new characters to confront the draconic challenges that lie ahead. It also adds over 300 new tokens and cards that expand the Draconic Lords’ influence over the land of Talisman and weave the stories of each Draconic Lord’s quest for control of the Crown of Command. New rules pace the increase of the Draconic Lords’ influence, and the heroes’ quests become more and more dangerous as the draconic influence increases.

Now, for those brave adventurers who seek the Crown of Command, the quest means more than power and influence. It is a race to save the land from the Dragon King’s tyrannical rule. Should the new Dragon King claim his throne and the Crown of Command, the new era of dragonkind will begin, and all living things shall bow before their might!

Look for the new Draconic Lords to invade Talisman in the third quarter of 2011. You can check here for sneak previews and articles with more insight into the expansion’s strategies and stories.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
It's a light war game that is fairly well liked with plenty of scenarios and very nice production values.

I think the scenarios are far too unbalanced and luck is way too big of a factor in the game, but most people seem to enjoy it.
It's designed that way though -- you're supposed to switch sides per the rules. Some may not dig that but I like it, and the games are so quick it's rarely a problem.


platypotamus said:
I just sent a bunch more yucata invites, my game count was getting too low, and too arkadia/stone age free.

aww.. denied! lol no invites.

Astro so far I am enjoying that famiglia game, I think I sort of figuer out the mechanics a little bit. I think I am figuring out Oregon as well, and Pompeii I figured it out too late in the game lol.


I received of copy of Age of Empires 3 in a trade yesterday and I'm really impressed by the quality. They don't make euros like this normally. Add on to the fact that it reads like it'll be a Dominant Species-Lite, and I think I'm going to enjoy this one.


platypotamus said:
Really? I swear I invited you to a game....

Yeah, when I check I see I sent an invite to you, Astrolad, and Joeyjoejoe for Arkadia.

ah yes, I guess I didn't see it the first time, cool.
I played a two player game of Letter from Whitechapel last night and I'm not a fan. The basic premise for the game is one player plays Jack the Ripper while the other players play the detectives who are trying to track down and arrest Jack. Jacks movements are all hidden while the investigators are moving on the board. The game is broken up into four nights (rounds) where Jack kills his victim and must make it back to his hideout before the police catch him or he runs out of time. Each night begins with a setup phase where both Jack and the detectives place tokens on the board representing possible victims and police patrols. Once that is done Jack has the opportunity to kill a victim or to wait a turn until it's the right time. Waiting allows Jack to reveal the location of a possible police patrol and gives him an extra turn to make his escape. Once Jack decides to make his kill he must make it back to his hideout from the scene of the crime. The detectives have three basic actions they can preform. They can move, search for clues, or make an arrest. The game ends on the fourth night after Jack reaches his hideout or it can end if the detectives catch Jack before the end of the fourth night.

That's pretty much it, it's not a hard game and it looks pretty but in the end I wasn't too thrilled with it. The are definitely some interesting things in the game. I like the setup phase, for instance. There are a couple blank tokens that are just there to throw off either the Jack player or the detective players. Waiting to make the kill feels interesting as well. It feels like you are stalking your prey and waiting for just that right moment to pounce. What I didn't like was the search phase. It boils down to Jack making a move, then the police moving, then the police just rattling off numbers in the hopes they catch a piece of Jacks trail. It's boring, and in the two player game last night, I made my move and said no for about 5 minutes while my fiance rattled off numbers while she was searching.

I wanted to give this game a shot because I wanted to see if stripping out the cards and combat from Fury of Dracula would make for a better game and it doesn't. To me Fury's charm is the randomness of the event cards. Sure the combat isn't the greatest but I can deal with it because it doesn't have the samey feel that LfW has.

And with that Letters from Whitechapel is officially on my trade list. If anybody is interested in trading let me know, my want list is on the geek.


If anyone else owns AoE3, can you tell me how many building tiles of each age I should have? These are some funky numbers, but maybe that's how it's supposed to be...
I played Cargo Noir last night and the game group and it was a completely average experience. In Cargo Noir you are basically placing your ships in different ports in the hopes to gather goods in order to sell them for point cards. The game is basically a bidding game with a very very light worker placement element to it. The goods you gather are priced depending on how many sets you have of one type of good or if you are able to get different kinds of goods. The main problem I had with the game was that the goods did nothing. The goods are just there to add flavor and it didn't matter if you went for guns or art they were all worth the same. At the beginning of the game I felt aimless and didn't really know where I wanted to go. By the end, however, I still felt aimless. It didn't help the matter that we had the slowest person in our group playing with us. She was able to stretch what should be a quick 70-90 minute game into 3 fucking hours. One turn took her almost 15 minutes to complete and, trust me, the game doesn't have that many meaningful choices. I don't think I am going to rush out to play this again anytime soon.


Neverfade said:
Other Gaffers are in there? Man, now you got me wanting to go.

Stooge was in there for sure. I don't remember getting interviewed, might be in the background gaming ;)

I'll be at BGG.Con this year for sure, though it's looking like I'll be skipping Saturday/Sunday this year unfortunately.

For us Austin-ites, one of the game groups here in town is throwing a mini-con in August - basically a conference room & a small library of games, but it should bring out most game groups here in town like Give2Game.



Hail to the KING baby
Ebaying a bunch of games I'll never play again (or play in the first place :p).

On the chopping block:
Space Hulk
Summoner Wars

And a few others. Mostly a matter of wrong theme + too much complexity and/or time. Also need to make space for my OTHER 150 games. Pretty fun to take a hatchet to your collection occasionally, like deleting crappy songs out of your music library (not that those games are crappy by any stretch, but same purpose).


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Other Gaffers are in there? Man, now you got me wanting to go.

Ha, im the ginger with the glasses.

Lots of gaf in the vid and a ton of my game group a well.


First tragedy, then farce.
So.. I have 40 dollar amazon credit.

I have a few options for this money.. trying to get caught up with Walking Dead trade papers, a couple games I kind of want.. or most likely.. a board game.

I'm looking for something fun. Which should be obvious.. but I mean something fun and mostly stupid that would be a good social beer and pretzel sort of game.

I've had my eye on Cosmic Encounter for this basic premise.. but wanted to see if anyone here played Space Alert.. looks like it could be a lot of fun.

Also, Galaxy Trucker might be a winner, but it's been OOP for like 2 billion years.

I really liked Dungeon Lords a lot, but thought it was a bit too complicated for my friends, so some of Vlaada's other games could be nice. Though, I do own like 5 coop games already in Space Alerts case.


Man, can't really help with those questions specifically but you just reminded me of how much I can't wait to play Space Alert. I'm waiting for some people to move and another friend to switch to a different work schedule later this year because I think they'd like it. Pretty psyched. This review really sold me on it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cathcart said:
Man, can't really help with those questions specifically but you just reminded me of how much I can't wait to play Space Alert. I'm waiting for some people to move and another friend to switch to a different work schedule later this year because I think they'd like it. Pretty psyched. This review really sold me on it.

he sells me on 90% of games he reviews :lol
StoOgE said:
So.. I have 40 dollar amazon credit.

I have a few options for this money.. trying to get caught up with Walking Dead trade papers, a couple games I kind of want.. or most likely.. a board game.

I'm looking for something fun. Which should be obvious.. but I mean something fun and mostly stupid that would be a good social beer and pretzel sort of game.

I've had my eye on Cosmic Encounter for this basic premise.. but wanted to see if anyone here played Space Alert.. looks like it could be a lot of fun.

Also, Galaxy Trucker might be a winner, but it's been OOP for like 2 billion years.

I really liked Dungeon Lords a lot, but thought it was a bit too complicated for my friends, so some of Vlaada's other games could be nice. Though, I do own like 5 coop games already in Space Alerts case.

I have yet to try it but what about something like Saboteur (light coop with traitor, plus an expansion with more depth was just realeased), or something silly like telestrations or tadaaam!

Got to play a few games of agricola this weekend after a long hiatus, the app to calculate the score is a huge help.


any upcoming events in New Jersey or an hour or two away from it that will have alot of board game stations for begginers ?


Hail to the KING baby
eastmen said:
any upcoming events in New Jersey or an hour or two away from it that will have alot of board game stations for begginers ?
there are some nj board game groups on meetup i believe. just moved away last month tho :p
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