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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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AstroLad said:
there are some nj board game groups on meetup i believe. just moved away last month tho :p

thanks i did some light binging but didn't find anything yet. Closest i could find is out deep in PA close to ohio


Hail to the KING baby
eastmen said:
did some light binging
well clearly there's your problem :p

this is one: http://www.meetup.com/North-Jersey-Game-Meetup/
one i went to once: http://www.meetup.com/BoardgamesNJ/

tbh there are fewer public game groups on the east coast than you'd imagine. i think bay area where i'm at now is better but i haven't really looked around yet though i did play some games with a bunch of engineers at my company, which was interesting (though thank God we didn't play Galaxy Trucker)

in terms of conventions and stuff, pax east is super solid though it's in boston (but worth the trip imo).


StoOgE said:
he sells me on 90% of games he reviews :lol
Same here, but so far he hasn't let me down. Too bad he stopped doing them :(

eastmen said:
any upcoming events in New Jersey or an hour or two away from it that will have alot of board game stations for begginers ?
Depends on what part of Jersey you're leaving from but WBC in August has a lot of events where you can learn new games as you play them. Thinking about going myself if I can get a few days off.



Hail to the KING baby
Cathcart said:
Selling Space Hulk equals frowny face.
Yeah I gotta pare down my Ameritrash -- it really doesn't work well for me in terms of the time I have for gaming and the people I game with. And it also generally takes a up a lot of space.
Any impressions of Call of Cthulhu LCG Core Set? I am thinking about getting my fiancee into card games - gonna buy CoC Core Set + MtG Duel Deck, however I'm sure CoC should suit her more in terms of themes - she is a big mystery fan, not so much fantasy fluff.

Can reasonable strategies be developed using the Core Set cards? I'm thinking in terms of putting factions together - read comments some of them do not work very well together.

Or maybe I should buy one or two Asylum Packs to go along with it? Which ones do you reccommend?


Castor Krieg said:
Any impressions of Call of Cthulhu LCG Core Set? I am thinking about getting my fiancee into card games - gonna buy CoC Core Set + MtG Duel Deck, however I'm sure CoC should suit her more in terms of themes - she is a big mystery fan, not so much fantasy fluff.

Can reasonable strategies be developed using the Core Set cards? I'm thinking in terms of putting factions together - read comments some of them do not work very well together.

Or maybe I should buy one or two Asylum Packs to go along with it? Which ones do you reccommend?

The Core + the first "boxed" expansion work well together as a good jumping off place for CoC. It's /very/ Magic in feel, mind, which can turn some people off it, though the individual mechanics of battling over story cards is different.

I like it enough to have two copies of it & a bunch of the asylum packs.


Made my first order with Miniature Market last night. They're usually out of stock of one game I want to put in an order but I ended up getting Black Gold, Pergamon, and The Resistance for just as cheap as CSI and didn't have to meet the 100 dollar FS cap. How fast the box gets to me will determine how often I order from them in the future.
Neverfade said:
Made my first order with Miniature Market last night. They're usually out of stock of one game I want to put in an order but I ended up getting Black Gold, Pergamon, and The Resistance for just as cheap as CSI and didn't have to meet the 100 dollar FS cap. How fast the box gets to me will determine how often I order from them in the future.
Really interested to hear how this is.
AstroLad said:
Yeah I gotta pare down my Ameritrash -- it really doesn't work well for me in terms of the time I have for gaming and the people I game with. And it also generally takes a up a lot of space.
If you want to maximise your profit on Space Hulk, sell the items individually. The Terminators alone can fetch upwards of 100$ on Ebay. I bought 2 copies of the game and still cannot bring myself to sell off the extra sealed copy. Such a great game. The 3rd edition package is amazing!


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Really interested to hear how this is.
I may make a video for it...maybe. The forums are awful quiet at BGG and I know there's alot of "how is it", so I bit the bullet. The game it remakes is apparently held in a fairly high standard and the original designer was in on the tweaking, so hopefully it'll turn out well.
Sorry for holding up all the games I am involved in on yucata.

I got a surprise visit from family, and then a second surprise(?!?) trip out of town with the wife.

Bright side: I played tons of board games, and got some new ones!

Mom and sister hated Innovation, which is sad. It remains near the top of my wife and my lists.

Played Fresco 4 player for the first time, and it is wayyyy better than 2 player. It helps that we didn't mess up the rules this time either. Played a couple games, both with and without the included expansion modules. A bit tough to plan ahead sometimes, but looking forward to playing again.

Got the Cornucopia expansion for Dominion, and played a few rounds. Dominion is a big favorite with all the players (of course), and Cornucopia has some awesome cards. The Tournament, and its associated Prizes in particular, is a game changer-- 5 ridiculously overpowered unique cards that you can "win" in the tournament. My favorite: "Followers. Gain an estate. Everyone else gains a curse and discards to 3 cards in hand". Might have + action or something on it too.

Played a few rounds of 7 Wonders. It was new to my sister, but the rest of us had played before. Another hit! I'm really enjoying taking new approaches in this game. My wife almost won a game with only 1 grey card and 0 brown cards, using trades, yellow cards, and free-upgrades to build all her stuff. I wouldn't have thought it possible.

Got Kingsburg, and played a game. I liked it a ton. The dice mechanic was really interesting, I absolutely love the "spending" dice thing, and figuring out how to screw/avoid screwage by spending the right dice in the right order. Pretty much instantly decided I needed the expansion (and I've got it, but haven't played it yet).

Also got (but haven't played yet) the new-to-me Farmers of the Moor expansion for Agricola. I love to hate loving Agricola, and this looks like it's going to be equally hate-loved.
platypotamus said:
Also got (but haven't played yet) the new-to-me Farmers of the Moor expansion for Agricola. I love to hate loving Agricola, and this looks like it's going to be equally hate-loved.

I've been eyeing this too, but it seems too add more "fiddlyness" than options. I'd love to hear some opinions though.
Hoping to get at least a 2 player game going before the end of the week, and I'll definitely post some impressions. Knowing Agricola, they will likely be very vulgarity-laden.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Hoping to get at least a 2 player game going before the end of the week, and I'll definitely post some impressions. Knowing Agricola, they will likely be very vulgarity-laden.

My girlfriends brother got it for Xmas and we haven't gotten it to the table. He's looked over the rules and says it makes the game significantly more complicated.
It depends, I guess, on which of the 3 ways from the rulebook you use to combine it with the base game.

1. Family Game rules

2. Using the base game's normal rules, but no occupations (default)

3. Using everything (considered a variant, oddly).

But yeah, it does look like it gets more complex no matter what...
We've played Farmers of the Moor like once or twice. Both times with everything included and it makes the game super complicated. It's not unplayable, mind you, but it makes the game pretty damn tough. Keep in mind, I personally don't think base Agricola is all that hard. So yeah, FotM is a tough game to play.

On a side note am I the only one who keep reading it as Farmers on the Moon?


Hail to the KING baby
I don't think FotM is that bad but the other people I've played it with agree with you guys re complexity.

Do you play with minor improvements & ocks?
I'm planning on minor improvements for sure, but occupations seem to be left out in the standard rules for farmers of the moor, so I don't know about them.

Unrelated: I'm not super clear on the accountants in famiglia.


First tragedy, then farce.
So.. GoT last night..

played the Clash of Kings expansion:

1) I don't like the leaders.. at all.
2) I don't care for the new game scoring mechanic that makes the regular non-city areas of the game worth very little other than resources.
3) I really really really don't like the ally cards you can purchase.
4) Along those same lines, the tactics deck isn't all that great.

It takes all the streamlined simplicity of the base game and mucks it all up with complexity it just wasn't calling for.

The game itself was still fun because the base game is good.. but it all ended in turn 6 when the guy who owned the game had to leave game night because his mom was mad at him or something. Couldn't exactly follow it, but we had to wait 15+ minutes between turns a few times so he could yell at his mom on the phone.

Way to live up to stereotypes dude.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Leaders and allies come from Storm of Swords.

Clash of Kings redeemed!

sorry, that's what I meant.

I own Clash of Kings.

We played the Storm of Swords map and I didn't like it nearly so much.
StoOgE said:
So.. GoT last night..

played the Clash of Kings expansion:

1) I don't like the leaders.. at all.
2) I don't care for the new game scoring mechanic that makes the regular non-city areas of the game worth very little other than resources.
3) I really really really don't like the ally cards you can purchase.
4) Along those same lines, the tactics deck isn't all that great.

It takes all the streamlined simplicity of the base game and mucks it all up with complexity it just wasn't calling for.

The game itself was still fun because the base game is good.. but it all ended in turn 6 when the guy who owned the game had to leave game night because his mom was mad at him or something. Couldn't exactly follow it, but we had to wait 15+ minutes between turns a few times so he could yell at his mom on the phone.

Way to live up to stereotypes dude.
I still really want to play this game but, goddamn, the prices nowadays. People are price gouging like it's nobody's business and it's keeping me away.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I still really want to play this game but, goddamn, the prices nowadays. People are price gouging like it's nobody's business and it's keeping me away.

They should have gotten the game reprints out in time for the TV show premier but of course they failed that. Show came out and the prices sky rocketed.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
They should have gotten the game reprints out in time for the TV show premier but of course they failed that. Show came out and the prices sky rocketed.

Seems like they are banking on the card game? Who knows.

Reprint will be December at the earliest.
StoOgE said:
Seems like they are banking on the card game? Who knows.

Reprint will be December at the earliest.

Well game has been scheduled for reprint for a long time now, they really should have bumped it up either way. FFG puts priority on new releases and continually keep pushing back reprints for their games. GoT reprints have been pushed back so many times now


This looks interesting:


A Few Acres of Snow.

A two-player deck-building war-ish game from Martin Wallace.
Finally played a 4 player game of Sid Meier's Civilization. I now understand the love for the game. My previous experiences with the game have only been 2 player and while I liked it didn't light my world on fire. With four it felt like more things were going on and the end game pressure was intense. All four of us were within one or two turns from winning by the end and it felt like a horse race to see who can get there first. I played the Romans and lost but I screwed up my turn and really should have won a turn before the winner won. Basically, I was two coins away from an economic victory and if I had spent my trade in democracy during city management, like I should have, I would have won on the research phase because I was about to research a tech that gave me an extra coin. C'est la vie.

One thing we house ruled, and I'm going to be using it from now on, is techs that gather coins generally have a limit of four coins. We played it with three max and that makes for a more interesting game. Econ victories are probably the easiest to pull off and by limiting the tech cards to only three max coins gave us the opportunity to look for coins elsewhere making it a little more challenging.

This weekend is going to be interesting. I'm going to be playing Twilight Imperium III for the first time and I couldn't be more excited. I read through a majority of the rules and the rest will be explained as we play. I guess we are playing with pieces from both expansions so this game is going to be long.
Didn't have time to try Farmers of the Moor yesterday, so that'll happen next week now since the wife works all weekend.

DID have time (barely!) for Kingsburg + Expansion. I feel like gushing a bit, so here's a run down:

  • Everyone has 3 dice. Everyone rolls said dice. They than use them to "buy" influence with advisors numbered between 1 an 18. You have to spend a whole die at once.... so if you rolled a 3, 4, and 6... you can spend all 3 to influence number 13, or the 4 and 6 together to influence number 10 (with the 3 going to adviser number 3). This all gets further complicated by the ability to have an extra die, as well as little additive markers. Oh, and once someone influences an adviser, they're unavailable to other players for the round, so choose... wisely.
  • Everyone is building their own city, and within that city you've got a huge range of buildings to choose from. These are the main source of victory points, but also provide you with powers to use during productive seasons or...
  • Winter is coming - Every winter, something nasty invades the kingdom. The game takes 5 years, and more powerful invasions occur each year. The invasions do a great job of forcing you to break away from your main goal, because you don't want to get dicked over by goblins or barbarians or whatever

Expansion stuff:
  • More buildings, including unique ones randomly distributed to each player, so you aren't all building the same stuff. This is awesome.
  • Every player gets to "be" a governor, with their own unique power. This is awesome (you get to choose from 3, to try and combo with the strategy you want to pursue, or the unique buildings you got from the above bullet point).
  • Destiny cards (an event deck), dictating things beyond player control that affect each year of the game. Can be good or bad, but affect everyone the same. I like them, but they're my least favorite part of the expansion, and the only part that I'd leave out ever (though I probably won't)
  • A better invasion mechanic. In the base game, a die gets rolled with the king supplying reinforcements to your armies based on the result. Sometimes the king's reinforcements could win the battle alone. Now you have tokens that you choose in secret (BEFORE you know what you're fighting), and this makes it much more strategic.
platypotamus said:
Kingsburg stuff

That sounds awesome, too bad I have (theoretically) Alien Frontiers to scratch that same itch although the Kingsburg mechanic to decide which spots to use seems much more straightforward. I say theoretically because it's been two months and the package hasn't arrived yet :(
Finally got to play Troyes last night with some friends. This game is awesome. It took a while for the flow of the game to become clear to everyone else (I'm a horrible teacher and this was the most complicated game my friends had played up to this point), but after that the game went very smoothly. We had a lot of fun trying to kick each other out of the buildings and "stealing" dice from other players. I won the game going with a cathedral strategy, since I had the cathedral guy. And luckily for me, the third white activity card was the one that allows you to gain victory points for every 2 cubes you have in the cathedral. I was gaining something like 5 victory points for each activation. It was at that point that the other players were scrambling to use up all of the white dice before my turn came around. So good. I definitely can't wait to play it again.
I've played a couple of games of Kingsburg. On the whole, I like it, and thought using the dice to purchase things was a pretty neat mechanic. However, I don't think I was quite as enamored with the game as platy.

Also, I still haven't played Through the Ages. Take that platy!


Kingsburg sounds very good. I might have to look into that one in the future, although my gaming group is going to change dramatically at the beginning of September since my wife and I are moving out of state.
Steve Youngblood said:
I've played a couple of games of Kingsburg. On the whole, I like it, and thought using the dice to purchase things was a pretty neat mechanic. However, I don't think I was quite as enamored with the game as platy.

Also, I still haven't played Through the Ages. Take that platy!

I'm kicking you off of Team Steve


Hail to the KING baby
Vinci said:
Kingsburg sounds very good. I might have to look into that one in the future, although my gaming group is going to change dramatically at the beginning of September since my wife and I are moving out of state.
It and Stone Age are two of the best light worker-placement games out there. I really don't know which I prefer though I've certainly played a fair bit more of Stone Age. The expansions definitely ratchet up both the complexity and playtime a couple notches though.


I played Heroscape for the first time yesterday. A friend has a pretty expansive collection and 4 of us go together to play. We randomized the map (just threw tiles together really) and had at it 2 on 2. Loving to roll dice certainly makes it an appealing game from the get go and throw in some Marvel superheroes and I had a "why haven't I done this before" type feeling.

Though with the system being discontinued and too many games already in my collection, I'm going to try to simply enjoy what my friend has as opposed to trying to get my own set together.


Have any of my dice-loving brethren heard of Quarriors? It's a dice-building game from the guys who created Thunderstone and Chaos in the Old World. Dice-building is all I needed to hear to preorder it with CSI.


Been a while since I posted in here. I've played a lot of new stuff in the past two weeks that I'll get to in another post...

But just got home from an all day affair... Night ended with us starting a game of Die Macher at 10 PM. Five player game with two people familiar with it. Big fucking mistake.

Game ended at 3am and every single person has pretty much said they'll never play that goddamn game again. Even if we all knew the game very well, I don't see how you get that one done in less than three, three and a half hours without forcing people to rush through their turns unnecessarily.

The theme is horrible, it is way too fiddly, its a mean spirited game, the cards are annoyingly small, the iconography is terrible (some icons look too similar to others), the colors are bland/boring, its way too fucking long (did I say that already), the mechanics are confusing without player aids and even then you're lucky if you don't mess something up.

Ugh, did I mention it takes too long? I would have much rather gotten in two or three other games (even Eurotrash) over this game. Its rated per highly on BGG and alot of people consider it the 'grandaddy' of Euro games.

Burn it. Burn it with fire.


Wow. My experience with Die Macher wasn't quite so negative. Sure it was slow and a brain-burner, but I didn't HATE it.


Hey guys not sure if you know already but Spiel des Jahres is Qwirkle and Kennerspiel des Jahres is 7 Wonders.

The Kennerspiel des Jahres award is new for 2011 and is reserved for games that are for more experienced players.

Kind of cool that I picked up one of the winners last year in Essen.


Ironic, considering 7 Wonders is one of the least complicated games ever.

And maybe I'm not understanding how this works, but why did a 5 year old game win this award? I thought it was for new stuff.


7 Wonders is one of those easy to learn but tough to master games.

I've only played my copy a handful of times but I can already see why it's so beloved in the board game community already. There are many routes to victory and your strategy can be different each time while attempting to disrupt or block off your neighbors as well.

Can't wait for the first expansion Leaders as well.
Neverfade said:
Ironic, considering 7 Wonders is one of the least complicated games ever.
I'm a little baffled as well it got nominated for the Kennerspiel as well. 7 Wonders is definitely a light game.
And maybe I'm not understanding how this works, but why did a 5 year old game win this award? I thought it was for new stuff
I think it just came out in Germany.


Hero said:
7 Wonders is one of those easy to learn but tough to master games.

Different strokes, I guess. I've played it a fair amount with a relatively high win percentage. Got rid of it once I got tired of going through the motions.


Still waiting for my friend who buys all the games to come back from grad school, haha. Tons of stuff he's bought and I haven't gotten to play yet, like 7 Wonders and Mansions of Madness.

Anything else exciting coming out? I noticed a lot of people are getting interested by Quarriors, even though it has a lame name.
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