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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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XiaNaphryz said:
Hmmm...looking around BGG, Vassal may be the better option for Twilight Struggle.
How does it work? Is it PBE (play by email) or is it live online?

Speaking of PBE I've always wanted to play Diplomacy but I'm not sure I could get the numbers needed for a live game. Would anybody be interested in playing Diplomacy over email or PM?
Just wanna thank you guys for putting this thread together. I've always liked board games, and have been playing Carcassonne and Catan for the past couple of years from time to time with certain groups of friends, but it wasn't until I rediscovered Axis and Allies a couple months back that I realized how much I actually loved the tabletop world.

I live in Seattle and hit up PAX a few weeks back, doing (what was previously) the unthinkable: I spent most of my time playing board games with randoms. I lost my virginity for Betrayal at House on the Hill (absolutely loved it and have pre-ordered the reprint), Pirate's Cove (pretty fun, but we got screwed at the end, so I'd want to play again to cement my thoughts), and Munchkin (this was everywhere at PAX, but great people made it a blast).

My own group of friends are mostly a bunch of sporadic to ex-videogamers that now typically prefer to just hang out and shoot the breeze. As such, I thought introducing board games would go over well by as they'd allow us to catch up and chat, as well as scratch our geek itch. I stumbled upon BGG and cobbled together a quick, dirty collection of gateway games, personal interests and some BGG-approved recommendations (Carc, Catan, Axis & Allies, Last Night on Earth, Pandemic, Ticket to Ride, Dominion, Munchkin, LOTR: Confrontation and Puerto Rico). Without announcing it, I brought a selection over for our next get-together and, much to my delight, they immediately demanded we play LNoE. We played for hours (I played as the zombies and we drew the series) and now they're demanding I bring a selection along regularly -- I'm planning on trying Pandemic or Dominion next time, both of which I've yet to play.

Anyway, to the point: It's been great the past couple of weeks to use your discussion and the amazing OP as a way to quickly orient myself in a new field. I don't know how deep my love for the medium goes (I listened to a couple episodes of Dice Tower and came away a little less than enthused :lol), but I'm glad to have such a resource on GAF.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
How does it work? Is it PBE (play by email) or is it live online?
Pretty sure it supports both live play and PBEM. You download the Vassal app, then whatever boardgame modules you want to use with it.


Hail to the KING baby
plaidtopia said:
Anyway, to the point: It's been great the past couple of weeks to use your discussion and the amazing OP as a way to quickly orient myself in a new field. I don't know how deep my love for the medium goes (I listened to a couple episodes of Dice Tower and came away a little less than enthused :lol), but I'm glad to have such a resource on GAF.
Awesome! And don't worry about your feelings on The Dice Tower. It's mostly just a good resource for news and oftentimes I'll just skip to the Top 10 to get some more ideas for games to explore but it can be ubergeeky at times too. The nice thing about the modern hobby is that it requires no such ubergeekiness.


After further reading, it sounds like Vassal's fine if you have a specific group of people to play with or are learning the game (or need to PBEM), and that Wargameroom is where to go once you're familiar with the game and are just looking for a quick match (and don't mind having to be online to play).


First tragedy, then farce.
Good God.

I went to one of my local board game stores looking for something to pick up. I had heard good things from some of the guys at the game night about it.. though about picking up something a bit heavier that I can take to these board game nights and play. The store was pretty nice, lots of gaming room in the back, huge minitures collections. and *tons* of demo board games. Looked pretty damn awesome.

but FFS, buying these things at a B&M is impossible. Most of the games were 50 or 60 dollars, plus tax brings them up about another 5 or so. I can buy all of these same games for 20-30 dollars online. I wanted to buy a lighter game, maybe a card game for 20 dollars but they don't even stock that shit.

and the FFG wargames? 70-100 dollars depending on the game. Fuck that noise.

Online purchases it is for me. I'm really liking BGG's used market. It's pretty awesome, other than some people hosing you on shipping (much like ebay sellers.. on, 15 dollar purchase, that will be another 15 S&H)


First tragedy, then farce.
I am still fuming at that last game.

First, I screwed up bad. I could have settled a non-military world because I had Colony Ship sitting in my hand and never used it.

But 9 card draw and not a single military world :(

This is what I get for going with a military strategy. I'm terrible at it

GG guys, it was fun.


Hail to the KING baby


Hail to the KING baby
It's so nice to play Race for the Galaxy + expansions without having to shuffle. :lol

Edit: I forgot how rewarding beating the Keldon AI can be. Is it just me or does it seem that when you need them to do a phase (even a simple dev or settle) they never do it? Psychic. Anyway, beat it thanks to Hidden Fortress + New Galactic Order. I love Hidden Fortress.


Hail to the KING baby
That's pretty solid! Seems that a nice production strategy can work well. Too bad I favor military and quick-build. :lol

Neuroshima Hex: Nothing like 2-player tile-placement post-apocalyptic wargaming (lowercase 'w')! One of the most commonly recommended mediumweight 2P games on BGG, so I'm excited to finally try it out.

Snow Tails: Simple racing game. Suck it haters! I think I might like the mechanics of this one more than Formula D though, which is a baseline requirement.

Tales of the Arabian Nights: Probably our "long" game for Saturday night. Played this for the first time a couple of weeks ago and recounted our exploits on the old thread, but for some reason this storytelling game, which is basically a glorified Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book really grabbed me.

Honorable Mentions: Agricola always threatens to make an appearance and suck up all of our time, and Dominion and Carcassonne are always contenders. My flame for Race for the Galaxy has also been rekindled. And there's also a decent chance I'll get some more 2-player gaming in with Battle Line or Jaipur.

Looks like the date for Prosperity is now September 29th. Damn it, I have so many games being held up by this game and its ever-changing release date.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
It's supposed to be reprinted sometime next year with an updated rule book.

Praise be.

WOTR's rulebook is atrocious. The Collector's Edition is much better at fleshing out the rules, but the original... bring your decoder ring, kids.


Two months until BGG.Con! I canceled my room at the Westin because my wife can't come, switched to the Ramada next door for a third of the price. Driving up Wednesday morning, driving back home on Sunday morning.

Got my yearly game of Twilight Imperium 3 booked for Friday!

Card could be devastating with a military strategy. Dear lord.

It's also devastating if you've got some regular settle discounts, like -1 for brown or -2 for all planets...


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
Like to hear how Neroshima Hex plays out, the art intrigued me but the game itself didn't look as visually impressive.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. It's pretty basic tile-laying-game aesthetics and definitely not the more FFG-style aesthetics you might expect because of the theme. Same goes for the gameplay really. I'll take a pic of the endgame though.

Two months until BGG.Con! I canceled my room at the Westin because my wife can't come, switched to the Ramada next door for a third of the price. Driving up Wednesday morning, driving back home on Sunday morning.
Yeah really looking forward to it. Do you happen to have an extra tick as a result? My brother-in-law really wants to go but sort of squashed the plan when he found out that tix have been sold out since forever.


AstroLad said:
Yeah really looking forward to it. Do you happen to have an extra tick as a result? My brother-in-law really wants to go but sort of squashed the plan when he found out that tix have been sold out since forever.

Unfortunately no - she was just coming to hang out with friends in Dallas (we used to live there) but she'd no interest in the actual con.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
That's pretty solid! Seems that a nice production strategy can work well. Too bad I favor military and quick-build. :lol

Yeah, I'm starting to sour on produce - consume. It's been really hurting me in our games because I'm the only one really going that direction so I have to do all the lifting. i.e. the producing. If you have a few players going produce - consume you can get help.. i.e. when I pick consume x2 there is a fair chance that someone will pick up produce behind me.

In our games, I use consume and then have to produce the next turn and consume again on the one after that. It really takes the advantages of a produce-consume engine and kills them.


Hail to the KING baby
StoOgE said:
In our games, I use consume and then have to produce the next turn and consume again on the one after that. It really takes the advantages of a produce-consume engine and kills them.
yeah suck it producer boy! i did produce a couple of times in our first game (when i had the windfall-world strategy) but that was mostly just to get enough cards to finish the game off


First tragedy, then farce.
Weekend plans are up in the air.

Sunday I'll play Battle Line and Lost Cities for sure.

Saturday night is a football game. I plan on getting some Power Grid in after the game, but if a ton of people come over it may turn into Roborally which I have not played in months so I'll need to brush up on the rules.

Kind of which I had Mall of Horror actually because I think it is a killer light/party game. I've found some used copies on BGG for 50 bucks so I may go that route.
Fantasy Flight announced Mansions of Madness, which takes place in the Lovecraft universe.
Horrific monsters and spectral presences lurk in manors, crypts, schools, monasteries, and derelict buildings near Arkham, Massachusetts. Some spin dark conspiracies from the shadows while others wait for hapless victims to devour. It’s up to a handful of brave investigators to explore these cursed places and uncover the truth about the living nightmares within.

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Mansions of Madness, a macabre board game of horror, insanity, and mystery for 2-5 players! This winter, gather your fellow investigators and unravel the dark mysteries within... before it’s too late.

Designed by Corey Konieczka (Battlestar Galactica, Runewars) and based on the horror fiction of master writer H.P. Lovecraft, Mansions of Madness creates an engrossing new narrative every time you play. Each game takes place within a pre-designed story that provides players with a unique map and several combinations of plot threads. These threads affect the monsters that investigators may encounter, the clues they need to find, and which climactic story ending they will ultimately experience. One player takes on the role of the keeper, controlling the monsters and other malicious powers within the story. The other players take on the role of investigators, searching for answers while struggling to survive with their minds intact.

During setup, the keeper secretly makes choices that will affect both the plot of the unfolding story and the gameplay objectives of both sides. Is the mysterious cult attempting to murder the investigators, or is their goal far darker? Did the master of the house go insane with grief over his dead family, or is a horrible otherworldly force controlling his mind? Only by following the trail and piecing these clues together will the investigators discover the true evil and successfully complete the story!

Depending on the combinations of plot choices the keeper makes, clues are scattered throughout the various rooms that make up the board. Each clue is represented by a card, placed face down in the room in which it can be found and consisting of deeply thematic text leading investigators to the next clue card. Investigators must work together, finding the clues and discussing how best to proceed. Meanwhile, the keeper is ever vigilant in pursuing his own agenda, and if he completes his secret objective before the investigators discover and thwart it, then dark forces will prevail. The result is a tense race between good and evil!

Both the engaging plot and the stunning components will draw you in to a world of cosmic horror. The beautifully rendered modular map tiles show every intricate feature of the rooms you’ll search, and the monster figures represent the otherworldly forces of evil in horrific detail. The bases for each monster figure even have slots into which you can insert that monster’s token, displaying only the pertinent statistics. These components (a total of 24 monster figures), along with the eight included investigator figures, over 300 cards, over 200 tokens and markers, and nearly 70 puzzle tiles, will help immerse you in a sanity-bending story of terrifying mystery.

It sounds pretty neat.


Gold Member
Two HUNDRED tokens and markers for this MoM game? FFG just HAS to start streamlining their games, or at least pack in a good storage solution! And it sounds way more like Descent than I'm cool with, something like this needs to be fast and simple, letting the story carry the game. Instead I think this is gonna be combat heavy with lots of counters to keep track of.

Minis might be cool though, wonder if they could carry over to AH? Hmmm, maybe they repurposed those investigator minis already :p


Here's hoping MOM is more my style than AH.

Curious how inspired by Betrayal this will be. There was rumors before the reprint that FF might pick up the license. Wonder if it was false, fell through, or FF just said 'screw it, we can use an existing license to make a game that will sell more'.

In other news, Innovation is in stock at CSI.

From the maker of Glory to Rome. HLKJHLSHkljLWHeeeeee


First tragedy, then farce.
jason10mm said:
Two HUNDRED tokens and markers for this MoM game? FFG just HAS to start streamlining their games, or at least pack in a good storage solution! And it sounds way more like Descent than I'm cool with, something like this needs to be fast and simple, letting the story carry the game. Instead I think this is gonna be combat heavy with lots of counters to keep track of.

Minis might be cool though, wonder if they could carry over to AH? Hmmm, maybe they repurposed those investigator minis already :p

It's FFG, of course there will be minis. Hell, AH isn't even their design and they tried to force minis into it.


Gold Member
Well, looks like the ill fated arkham horror minis are in mom. I think I can see Jenny barnes and Harvey walters in the game board shot, plus those monster minis look like they hold squares about the size of ah monster chits. Yeah, ffg knows their cross brand marketing :)
The new warhammer fantasy rpg they put out is a good example of them using way too much love for counters. Take something as simple as a pen and paper rpg and drown it in counters and tokens.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, the math trade is finished an I'm waiting on results. It seems unlikely that I'm going to dump Clue, Monopoly or Risk :lol

One guy wanted all 3 of them, but only 2 people wanted what he was offering for them. So I guess it could happen, but seems unlikely they will wind up part of the deal.

It's amazing the amount of shit that winds up in these things. Maybe half of the trades were for games.. 10% were for gift cards at online game stores and the rest was just random shit. PS1 games people didn't want. Some guy was offering to make you dog tags, another was trying to dump bad scifi pulp novels from the 60s. We'll see what happens, but the people running these things really need to tell people to knock that crap off. It's a board game math trade.. not a board game and random shit around your house trade.


First tragedy, then farce.
Looks like I'm getting 1960: Making of a President for Memoir 44.

It was pretty low on my want list (in fact, it might have been the bottom of the games I was willing to trade it for. In fact, I almost pulled it off of my want list last night when I got home. So I'm not really thrilled with the exchange. Hopefully the game is more to my friends liking.


Hail to the KING baby
Have you played 1960? That's a pretty solid trade imo if you hate Memoir.

Neuroshima Hex for iPhone came out yesterday -- amazing implementation. Basically just quickly local or vs. computer but it's quite pretty. Hopefully they'll add online at some point as thye seem to be intimating.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Have you played 1960? That's a pretty solid trade imo if you hate Memoir.

I haven't played it yet and am looking forward to taking it for a spin. It's just kind of a downer when you go "shopping" for 15 or so games that you really wanted and come back with one you just sort of wanted.

I figure worst case scenario is I hate it and put it up in another trade later.

And yes, Memoir 44 and I weren't great friends so this will almost surely be an improvement. I don't even know the last time I *tried* to get someone to play that with me.
StoOgE said:
Looks like I'm getting 1960: Making of a President for Memoir 44.

It was pretty low on my want list (in fact, it might have been the bottom of the games I was willing to trade it for. In fact, I almost pulled it off of my want list last night when I got home. So I'm not really thrilled with the exchange. Hopefully the game is more to my friends liking.
Great game but it helps if you are a history buff. It's more complicated than Memoir too so I they are up for it. I personally love the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Great game but it helps if you are a history buff. It's more complicated than Memoir too so I they are up for it. I personally love the game.

I'm a history nut and my girlfriend is as well, so she will likely try it at least once.

The problem with Memoir 44 is I didn't want to play it anymore either, so it's good that I'll get something that might get more play.. and if it isn't my cup of tea, I'll just trade it too.


First tragedy, then farce.
Oh jeez, there is some poor guy who listed 5 of his games as a single lot instead of individual items and is now trading 120 dollars worth of games for Castle Panic :lol

I don't feel so bad anymore.
StoOgE said:
I'm a history nut and my girlfriend is as well, so she will likely try it at least once.

The problem with Memoir 44 is I didn't want to play it anymore either, so it's good that I'll get something that might get more play.. and if it isn't my cup of tea, I'll just trade it too.
Then I think you guys will get a kick out of it.

I'm actually surprised you weren't able to do a straight up trade for Memoir. That game seems to be really popular on that site. Some people even get two copies to run the overlord campaign.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Then I think you guys will get a kick out of it.

I'm actually surprised you weren't able to do a straight up trade for Memoir. That game seems to be really popular on that site. Some people even get two copies to run the overlord campaign.

Yeah, I really got nowhere trying to trade it normally, but got a lot of people who wanted Memoir 44 from me. This worked out pretty well honestly. It will be a good test case for Twilight Struggle.


StoOgE said:
Oh jeez, there is some poor guy who listed 5 of his games as a single lot instead of individual items and is now trading 120 dollars worth of games for Castle Panic :lol

I don't feel so bad anymore.

I know it's kinda dick, but I'd have to bail if I were him, that's just shitty.


Petrie said:
I know it's kinda dick, but I'd have to bail if I were him, that's just shitty.
Yeah, absolutely. I could stand finding other methods of trade if I had to. What numbnuts was running this thing and though it was ok to pair that off?
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