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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Yeah. I thought I got it from the P500 list a while ago but it turns out I didn't. As much as I want to play it I think I need to hold off a while. Definitely looking forward to some impressions, though.


King of Tokyo arrived today, woot! OK, so after a first reading of the rules it seems pretty simple but I do have one question. It says you can pay for a sweep and buy a card in any order. Can you buy more than one card on your turn or just the one? As an extreme example, say you had a ton of energy. Would it be possible to buy, sweep, buy again and sweep again or is it limited to only one of each action?

Can't wait to try it out, though. Looks awesome.
In case anyone's interested, there's a 1 day math trade on BGG that opened today, it's called "Almost-instant Gratification Math Trade." Submissions are due tomorrow 9am EST and Want Lists are due later tomorrow at 5:30pm EST.


Saint Nic
BattleMonkey said:
I'm not sure on that, some of the ideas I've heard rumored for the rule changes didn't excite me like going with random defense values like Gears of War which make combat a whole more more chaotic and random. I'll wait for the final book to judge and hopefully the upgrade pack does what its meant to do well.

The final rule book will decide the whole thing, for sure. I think the thing I did NOT like about 1st ed. was the time involved. It sounds like 2nd ed. is going to be a lot quicker to play (maybe 2 vs 4 hours?). And I'm hoping the campaign side that they are inherently building in will play well.

Balance issues may come into play with random dice shit, I agree. I always wished that they would incorporate the "depth" that Warhammer Quest had with the huge monster trees and ability to spawn super monsters. There were so many things that WHQ did right (but just as many things that were a little less than desirable). Maybe FFG is taking a few notes? It's impossible to tell at this point.
Think the game was fine as is, perhaps some balance revisions, but if they change the actual game system too much I will be dissapointed. I frankly was fine with the time investment, it's not a small game and it has a hefty set up investment involved. I hate so many games where you got all these pieces and heavy set up periods, but the game goes incredibly quick that it felt like you spent most of the time just getting the game ready.


Cathcart said:
omg seriously how cute is this? I haven't tried the demo so the game might suck but holy crap those minis. Damn you, Robert Florence. I should just send that guy my credit card and get it over with.


Wow, that's so ridiculously cute. I want to play it.
Hero said:
Wow, that's so ridiculously cute. I want to play it.
I saw Super Dungeon Crawl at GenCon. It was explained to me as a light Dungeon crawl "for gamer girlfriends and kids." Unfortunately the girl who was behind the desk explaining all of this was just covering for the regular demo people, who were out to lunch so I couldn't see it in action. the minis they had out were all painted and looked really nice.
Does anyone have any experience selling things on BGG's marketplace? I was thinking of getting rid of some games and was wondering if that would be a better route than ebay.


Spent the better part of this afternoon sleeving cards for a bazillion games. Got enough leftover to hopefully have everything else I'm buying this year sleeved as well.

This weekend should have a nice long gaming session. I talked my mom into letting me open my Fortune and Glory XMas present early, so that one should be hitting the table. Then my friend got Middle Earth Quest in the mail yesterday and we'll be taking on that as well. Throw in a couple games of Dominion and maybe Innovation and I think I'm going to have a long Friday night!
Neverfade said:
Well that seals that. Nothankyooooooou.

Edit: Haha, that is one ghetto fucking avatar gryph. Steal a scan from BGG. :p
Hey hey hey now... I took that picture myself! :p

Something about the artwork on that card makes me laugh everytime, it's getting to the point where I think people are annoyed by it
Doublethink said:
Does anyone have any experience selling things on BGG's marketplace? I was thinking of getting rid of some games and was wondering if that would be a better route than ebay.

I bought one game through their marketplace. I think your best chance is to math trade it, unless you strictly want cash
Just a quick heads up, the kickstarter project for Alien Frontier: Factions is about to end.


Some of the extra stuff for backers is quite sweet. Plastic sculpts as replacement for all the domes on the base game and fields and dock covers.

EDIT: Did Loyang bomba so bad that now they are selling the components separated or they just had a surplus of veggiemeeples?



Doublethink said:
Does anyone have any experience selling things on BGG's marketplace? I was thinking of getting rid of some games and was wondering if that would be a better route than ebay.

You definitely get a bigger market by going eBay, but there is no fee for listing on BGG. So if you're not in a hurry to sell, I'd definitely try BGG first. Not to mention I much prefer to give BGG a cut of my sale rather than eBay, it is also less convoluted, a straight-up percentage and no hidden fees.


Quiet game night last night, and the first I've been to in ages. Just the five of us, ended up playing a classic for the first time in oooh years - Puerto Rico. And you know what? It's still bloody brilliant. One noob, and the first game in ages for the rest of us, so the play wasn't /quite/ as tight/scheduled as I've seen PR go in the past, which made it a little more enjoyable. It's still easy to see why this had such a huge impact & still sits high in the ratings on the 'Geek.

We wrapped up the night with a quick game of Dixit, my first. Light, enjoyable, fun with the two couples that were there. I can see why it'd *suck* with certain gamers...
Zalasta said:
You definitely get a bigger market by going eBay, but there is no fee for listing on BGG. So if you're not in a hurry to sell, I'd definitely try BGG first. Not to mention I much prefer to give BGG a cut of my sale rather than eBay, it is also less convoluted, a straight-up percentage and no hidden fees.
I believe it's something like 3%, reasonable and the money goes to the site.

You can always hold a geeklist auction and try to sell that way.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I believe it's something like 3%, reasonable and the money goes to the site.

You can always hold a geeklist auction and try to sell that way.

If you're serious about clearing out on BGG, a Geeklist auction is the way to go. Note, you'll be lowballed in many cases by bargain hunters, and you'll need a catchy headline/justification to catch attention.

Though if you put up sensible BINs at the same time, you've got a good chance of selling stuff. BIN FTW.



I've played the card game Munchkin. Is the board game version any different? Or does it just add a board to put the cards on?


Neo Member
Originally Posted by Gryphter:
"for gamer girlfriends and kids."

Well that seals that. Nothankyooooooou.

I think whoever was running that demo shortchanged the game a bit with that description... Yes, it's a 'lighter' dungeon crawler that will appeal more to girlfriends and kids (moreso than Descent, at least), but I think anyone who likes dungeon crawlers will enjoy it.

Frankly, I'd describe it more as a cross between Diablo II and Gauntlet in boardgame form... There's lots of loot to grab & use (Diablo II), but the combat is fast and 'arcade-y' (Gauntlet).
Steenbock said:
I think whoever was running that demo shortchanged the game a bit with that description... Yes, it's a 'lighter' dungeon crawler that will appeal more to girlfriends and kids (moreso than Descent, at least), but I think anyone who likes dungeon crawlers will enjoy it.

Frankly, I'd describe it more as a cross between Diablo II and Gauntlet in boardgame form... There's lots of loot to grab & use (Diablo II), but the combat is fast and 'arcade-y' (Gauntlet).
That sounds like a lot more fun than what the person told me. it was clear she was just covering for people though, so I'd toss her explanation out. *shrug*


Hail to the KING baby
Ryuukan said:
The Resident Evil Deck Building Game Outbreak expansion is in stock on Amazon. Should get it Saturday.
Please tell me if you've figured out a fun way to play this game. I have base and expansion (bought at the same time -- whoops) but there are no good randomizers online and the couple times I've played it's just a mess.


Gryphter said:
I saw Super Dungeon Crawl at GenCon. It was explained to me as a light Dungeon crawl "for gamer girlfriends and kids." Unfortunately the girl who was behind the desk explaining all of this was just covering for the regular demo people, who were out to lunch so I couldn't see it in action. the minis they had out were all painted and looked really nice.

Steenbock said:
I think whoever was running that demo shortchanged the game a bit with that description... Yes, it's a 'lighter' dungeon crawler that will appeal more to girlfriends and kids (moreso than Descent, at least), but I think anyone who likes dungeon crawlers will enjoy it.

Frankly, I'd describe it more as a cross between Diablo II and Gauntlet in boardgame form... There's lots of loot to grab & use (Diablo II), but the combat is fast and 'arcade-y' (Gauntlet).

That sounds more appealing though. I do love me some Diablo II and I am a loot whore. Still want to try it out someday.

AstroLad said:
Please tell me if you've figured out a fun way to play this game. I have base and expansion (bought at the same time -- whoops) but there are no good randomizers online and the couple times I've played it's just a mess.

Yeah. I think I'm done with the RE deckbuilding game unless something drastically changes the gameplay for the better.
AstroLad said:
Please tell me if you've figured out a fun way to play this game. I have base and expansion (bought at the same time -- whoops) but there are no good randomizers online and the couple times I've played it's just a mess.

What don't you like?


I played Discworld: Ankh Morpork last night for the first time. It's easy to learn/teach, quick to play, and each player has a secret win condition (each player is dealt out a character card at the beginning of the game). Our game went the distance (draw pile ran out) and even with it being our first try at it, we finished in a little over an hour. A big part of the fun was wondering what everyone else was trying to do to win. I drew the character that had me winning if the draw pile ran out. Everyone else thought I was going for the "control 4 areas at the start of your turn" condition so they kept dumping/playing cards to stop me.

Also played another game of Dominant Species and my win streak was cut down. With 4 players we managed to get the game in in about two and a half hours. It felt long but mainly because I was pretty much out of it by the mid-game. I do love DS but feel like it's a once every 8 weeks or so type of game. It's exhausting to play.

**edit** And I got my copy of ST Fleet Captains late last week. I have had the chance to play it once and as a Star Trek fan it's a dream come true. Very well done.


You guys weren't kidding about King of Tokyo, that's fun stuff! I won the first of our two games on victory points last night but got a little greedy in the second and was knocked out. The second game turned into a slugfest when two Evacuation Orders (each other player loses 5VP) were played so it was actually won by elimination. Really cool that we saw both victory conditions and a handful of cool cards in the two games. There's a bit of strategy to the game, too. Not enough that you're going to agonize over your turn for five minutes but enough that it's not just mindless dice rolling and tuning out until your next roll. Very cool, everyone had a good time.

After that we played a couple of games of Blokus and a round of Citadels. Two of the players (my sister and her friend) were new to all three games so afterward I asked them what they would play if they had to play one more game of the three. My sister thought about it and then said Citadels (she almost said KoT) but her friend immediately said KoT. Woot.
Last weekend I played an 8 person game of Elder Signs which is pretty cool because I generally only ever play with my wife or with another couple. It was a lot of fun and people really enjoyed the cooperative aspect. For the competitive people at the end, we declared an MVP (the person who had collected the most trophies at the end) and that was pretty hilarious. One of my friends was hilariously stingy with his cards when helping other players ("I used to have 4 spells...I guess I'll heal you"). The most successful aspect of the game was that only three of us had any "gaming" experience.
BattleMonkey said:
What don't you like?

The random mansion deck.

Game always consists of building up till you have x power then run through the mansion deck.

Might as well just deal out the mansion deck equally to everyone and see who wins. Of the 5 games I've played, this has happened. Everyone has the same amount of monsters, and it wasn't your deck that got you the high-scoring monsters, it was random.

I guess it was fun the first time I played it because no one knew any better. We all took a gamble on the mansion deck throughout the whole game and it was kind of fun to see all the RE monsters. Then we figured that you should just build up to an average hand of 80 power or whatever then run through the mansion deck without even looking at what the monster is because you're guaranteed to kill it.
narcosis219 said:
The random mansion deck.

Game always consists of building up till you have x power then run through the mansion deck.

Might as well just deal out the mansion deck equally to everyone and see who wins. Of the 5 games I've played, this has happened. Everyone has the same amount of monsters, and it wasn't your deck that got you the high-scoring monsters, it was random.

I guess it was fun the first time I played it because no one knew any better. We all took a gamble on the mansion deck throughout the whole game and it was kind of fun to see all the RE monsters. Then we figured that you should just build up to an average hand of 80 power or whatever then run through the mansion deck without even looking at what the monster is because you're guaranteed to kill it.

I figured that would be it.

But I never had the "build up" thing and in my games have found that gambling is a major part of the game, and often those who gamble pull off victory. I can imagine many players don't like the random gamble of going into the mansion without being completely prepared, and they just turtle to build up their deck.


Lord of the Rings: The Card Game is becoming one of my favorite board (card) game experiences. It takes the right partner(s) with the appropriate mindset; when these conditions come together, it's amazing. It's something I haven't seen before; it's a co-op game with a robust core structure with plenty of strategic meat on its bones, and a card-driven foe that presents a novel challenge to players on a monthly schedule.

But you gotta be willing to play a customizable game and you need to find a way to distribute the cards (and the costs) between the various players. Draft systems are worthless in this game; deck building with a limited pool of cards must be just as much a coordinated activity as the gameplay.
piratepwnsninja said:
Ordered Dreadfleet Should be here Tuesday. :p Is there a Board Gamers Anonymous? I have a problem. I order more games than I can possibly play. :p

We're here for you bro.

Actually, no. Coming here is only going to make it worse. Stop reading recommendations!


Dreadfleet is in the house. I look forward to setting it up 3-4 years from now when I've murdered it with paint. Everything looks awesome, though.

Also picked up Elder Sign and played about half of a practice 3 investigator game to try it out. Cool stuff, interested to see if it scales any better with more players than Arkham.

Speaking of which...we just got our asses handed to us in six player Arkham against Cthulhu using base + Black Goat. We played at a friend's house and I didn't realize he didn't have Dunwich or I would have brought it. Man, playing with injury/madness is tough. We drew a lot of really hard monsters early that set us back a lot (drawing 3 per gate didn't help) and by the time we finally got rolling Cthulhu popped. We only had two seals up at the time but I think we were really close to turning things around. We had just picked up two Elder Signs and had finally cleared all but a couple of monster because people had geared up a bit. Not enough to finish the big guy off in head to head combat, though. Cthulhu with 78 hit points and 6 regen per turn is kinda tough.

Blerg. At least it only took four hours :p


platypotamus said:
Yup, that part was cool. Leads to some agonizing decisions at times. Keep the should-score 3-power card of your own family, or the almost-definitely-will-score 4-power of your opponent, so that you can screw them out of scoring with it. I kind of expected the drafting mechanic existed purely to increase your chances of getting your own family members into your hand, but after the first round it was clear that that wasn't going to be the case any longer, haha.

Finally got this game on the table with 4 players and it was pretty damn intense. In a good way! There were several moments where I thought "so this is what that fellow on GAF was talking about with the whole king-making deal", but time and time again, someone spun it around into a fairly neutral situation somehow and the game kept going (which I thought was really cool). In one particular case, it LOOKED like the player to my right was going to choose between me and a 3rd player for victory, but then he saw that I had enough gold to stop the 3rd player's win and keep the game in motion. So after spending some money to mess up my win, he also forced me to spend to keep the game going. There were probably 3 separate times where I thought I had the game in the bag, but everyone was delicate enough with their plays to keep it from my reach (the same happened to the others, too!)

In the end game, the goal is all about getting other people to do your work for you, which is sneaky, awesome, and underhanded all at the same time. If I have the means to put a stop to a game winning play by one player, if the player after me ALSO has the means to stop it, I can go hands off and essentially force them to make the play (or else we'll both lose). You can also just threaten people with a tidy sum of cash sitting in your possession; just the idea of a late game merchant can make people play very differently. It felt very spot on with the theme even though it's a pretty abstract game; with these powerful families plotting against each other and trying with all of their might to make sure no one else gets too far ahead. :)

Oh and the art is gorgeous. I love all of the masks.


Played a second game of Discworld: Ankh Morpork and it went over well again (with all new players). There's some nice mind-game action going on as you try and figure out what type of win your opponents are going for.

The winner of the game had a victory condition to occupy 10 locations with his minions (your guys). Half the game was spent trying to stop him from doing so, but even though it was two against one throughout most of the game, he was still able to pull off a VP win when the game ended.

Again, it's easy to teach/learn, quick to play, and fun.

I also played ST: Fleet Captains again and now that we're getting the rules down it's getting much tighter. We adjusted the VP total from 10 to 13 (but kept the board the same) and both felt it actually made the game go a little long. We'll keep it at 10 next time.
Fleet Captains can take a while even at just 10 VP.

We played Star Trek Expeditions today, was a big hit. Really good and lot fluff to it which is nice. First easy mode game went OK. Second game played on medium difficulty and was very tense. We ended up losing because of time. One character action only away from victory and we were doing awesome too with our scores.

Awesome game, looking forward to the expansion.


Hail to the KING baby
soldat7 said:
if done right.
this part is important. there are definitely more crappy iOS board-game devs than good ones. at this point needs async play or no buy from me. i wish people tried to at least be as good as carc by now but no one has yet come close.
Has anyone here played Battleship Galaxies? I think it's right up my alley but I'm worried it'd be redundant since I have Star Trek: Fleet Captains. I know they are very different but I can't help but group them together as the same type of game in my head.


Gryphter said:
Has anyone here played Battleship Galaxies? I think it's right up my alley but I'm worried it'd be redundant since I have Star Trek: Fleet Captains. I know they are very different but I can't help but group them together as the same type of game in my head.
I own it. It's uh....well I'll sell or trade you for it. :p

Lots of people like it. It's just too simplistic for my tastes. I need meaty games.


Super Sleuth
AstroLad said:
this part is important. there are definitely more crappy iOS board-game devs than good ones. at this point needs async play or no buy from me. i wish people tried to at least be as good as carc by now but no one has yet come close.
How would async Dominion or RFTG even work? That sounds way too slow to be possible.
Gryphter said:
Has anyone here played Battleship Galaxies? I think it's right up my alley but I'm worried it'd be redundant since I have Star Trek: Fleet Captains. I know they are very different but I can't help but group them together as the same type of game in my head.

They are nothing alike. Galaxies is just a real mediocre naval combat game, no exploration, no missions, just battle. Also it looks cooler in pics, the game is really small with small ships when you see it for real.


Yaboosh said:
How would async Dominion or RFTG even work? That sounds way too slow to be possible.
Have you played Ascension on iOS? I think it actually does come close to Carcassonne for board game implementations on iOS. If the single player was better it would almost be even. Carc is top notch, though.


Hail to the KING baby
Cathcart said:
Have you played Ascension on iOS? I think it actually does come close to Carcassonne for board game implementations on iOS. If the single player was better it would almost be even. Carc is top notch, though.
Yep, Ascension gives me pretty good hope that asnc Dominion would be no prob really.
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