Holy shit, Amazon had a copy of War of the Ring 2nd Edition for 19 bucks. I ordered it. I wonder if this will actually work out.
Sure it's not the upgrade kit?
Holy shit, Amazon had a copy of War of the Ring 2nd Edition for 19 bucks. I ordered it. I wonder if this will actually work out.
Sure it's not the upgrade kit?
What about multiplayer mode?
Caylus provides local pass & play mode (Hotseat) and online mode (asynchronous).
I was reading up on the Caylus IOS faq and it says this
What is asynchronous online mode mean?
I'm hoping to just be able to hop in to some online games realtime or is it more a turn by turn play by post kinda thing(where you wait for the other players to login and make their move)
This thread saddens me... all me and my bros play is Risk. We all got into 40k for one summer but promptly stopped, and the most hardcore thing we've played since was Space Risk, which was fucking tits, but still...
Asynchronous multiplayer actually ideal for the iOS device. All it means is that you take your turn and can close out the app, when it's your turn the app will notify you.
Anyone on here taking part on the boardgaming.com beta? I just started on the site and have been really enjoying thus far. Far more navigable than BGG. I think it has some real potential long term.
Okay, so I just saw a dicetower review of Mage Knight and that game instantly caught my interest. Any who have played it and wanna share thoughts on it?
BGG is getting an overhaul sometime this quarter, Add on 11 years of collected information and a super niche market and...well... good luck to these boardgaming.com guys I guess, they'll need it.
I'll let you know when it doesn't cost so damn much.
I believe Totally Rad Show just did a video review of Dungeon Run this week. Check it out, maybe that will give you a better idea.
I always go to the dicetower video reviews when available. I love the TotallyRadShow (watch every episode) but dicetower gives a quick breakdown on how to play which I find very useful
so was reading this thread on BBG
and it says its out tomorrow the 16th(or today for those down under)
Interestingly the devs say they aren't going to release it on Android due to to high a piracy rate on the Android platform vs IOS..I've not heard about this..is piracy really overwelming on Android or is this just more a perception issue?
so was reading this thread on BBG
and it says its out tomorrow the 16th(or today for those down under)
Interestingly the devs say they aren't going to release it on Android due to to high a piracy rate on the Android platform vs IOS..I've not heard about this..is piracy really overwelming on Android or is this just more a perception issue?
Thunderstone Facebook app is up:
This needs to hurry up and get released for iPad.
Never played the real game before, but I just spent like an hour playing on/off, it's pretty fun. I still don't get some of the mechanics. I can't figure out what determines when I can level up a card (besides needing XP of course). Same goes with being able to buy higher level cards. Haven't figured out the strategy yet, as I lost my first two games against the AI.
Well in the real thunderstone game, you just spend xp from killing creatures by paying the up cost in the bottom corner during a village purchase.
Maybe I just wasn't able to level up during a dungeon visit then. What about buying the higher level cards from the village? Do you need to have one of those higher level cards in your hand already? One time I had like 14 money and I couldn't buy an higher level cleric, even though I already had one that level in my deck.
Maybe I just wasn't able to level up during a dungeon visit then. What about buying the higher level cards from the village? Do you need to have one of those higher level cards in your hand already? One time I had like 14 money and I couldn't buy an higher level cleric, even though I already had one that level in my deck.
How does one even access the math trade on BGG..that site is such a clusterfuck when it comes to navigation.
When you do a village turn, you take a hero from your hand paying the upgrade cost to take the next level of that hero out of its stack and put it in your discard, while removing old hero from the game.
Played my first game of Arkham Horror yesterday. Cool game, though it went pretty long since two of us were learning it. We went up against Azathoth--was a bit rough at first with a lot of monster surges, and we came close to losing on open gates, but things got a lot easier once we sealed our first two gates. Ended up with just enough clues to seal the final gate for a win. Good times.
Ah okay, that makes sense. The short tutorial never explained this.
I really must not buy another deckbuilder. I already own Dominion + almost every expansion, Ascension, Nightfall Martial Law/Blood Country, Eaten By Zombies, Eminent Domain, and I'll be getting that upcoming Warcraft deckbuilder for sure. I kind of want Core Worlds too. Must... resist... No more deckbuilders!
It's like everyone I know picked up Dominion for Christmas, myself included.Lttp on Dominion, but wow what a fun game. So many different cards to keep the game fresh and fun, I see lots of room for strategy, although forgoing action cards in favor of money and victory points seem to do the trick most of the time. It's definitely joining Settlers of Catan, Arkham Horror, and Bang! as one of our gaming staples.
Can you really call it lunch at 4 PM?
Gluttons for punishment, huh. Just how much does Dunwich crank up the difficulty, anyway?
It's like everyone I know picked up Dominion for Christmas, myself included.
It's fun. I seem to do alright against my friends mainly because they get too fixated on buying action cards. They don't buy enough currency or they litter their deck with coppers.
You should play on isotropic against ranked people if you ever get too cocky about your Dominion skills or think you have the game solved.
For the time being my board gaming group is just down to 3 people (including myself)
Any good games with just 3 (and the occasional 4th)?
Was thinking of picking up Blood Bowl or maybe even Chaos in the Old World
Alright, I've finally gotten around to checking out Yucata, and it seems pretty sweet. I've played some games with the GF, but I'm looking for more. How do I get in on the GAF action? Yucata username is RiOrius.
Aside from Dominion which I already own, which is your favourite you'd recommend?
Chaos is playable with 3, but it is certainly designed with 4 in mind.
Alright, I've finally gotten around to checking out Yucata, and it seems pretty sweet. I've played some games with the GF, but I'm looking for more. How do I get in on the GAF action? Yucata username is RiOrius.
What games are you enjoying at the moment.
I'll send you a few invites.
I'm in the UK so might just be a couple of turns a day depending on when we overlap.
Here's the list of everyone from GAF that ever played on there. I'm certainly still active, and AstroLad and SuperRobot. MrMan and Triphibian too. I have been wanting to send some invites out, but am unsure who still plays.
But you can invite me to nearly anything (Down with Luna!)