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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Any good non-expansion deck building games in the last six months besides Ascension and Penny Arcade: Gamers vs Evil? My immediate gaming circle seems to be liking card games more recently.

You seem like the kind of guy that would enjoy a Few Acres of Snow, though it's only 2 player...


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah I was gonna suggest AFAOS as well.

Blood Bowl Team Manager is not really a DBG, but it has light DB elements and is awesome.


Can I recommend you spend the $5 and pick up Ascension on iOS? The game has expansions, but the base game is very playable, very fast, and thematically much better than Dominion.

If you hate it, you're out $5, but if you like it, you could then conceivably buy the iOS expansion, or even the actual analog game(s). What's great about Ascension is that the expansions are playable on their own, without the base game. You might even picking up Return of the Fallen (the first expansion); you can play it two player right out of the box without the need for the base game, and it's small enough that if you don't like it, it's not too expensive.

I love Ascension, but playing the base game without any expansion felt a little samey to me every time. With the first expansion, however, it's awesome. I still like Dominion better, but Ascension is a nice change of pace.


Whoa. A friend just turned me onto the game Cave Evil.


Looks like a dungeon crawler designed by dudes who really like death metal.
Fuck Arkham. Seriously. Never again.

Also, what do you guys think of Rune Age? I've played it three times now, and I'm still not feeling it. It feels too limiting, and that Cataclysm scenario is impossible.


Fuck Arkham. Seriously. Never again.

Also, what do you guys think of Rune Age? I've played it three times now, and I'm still not feeling it. It feels too limiting, and that Cataclysm scenario is impossible.

I like it. It's not as good as Dominion by a long shot, but it's fun. I never had a lack to do or no goal to achieve, so I didn't think it felt limiting. Better than Quarriors.


I also wanted to say again that I really really like the Lord of the Rings LCG that FFG is doing. It's a beautiful, well-designed game. The card art is stellar. As a game it's good, but it's also a work of art.
I like it. It's not as good as Dominion by a long shot, but it's fun. I never had a lack to do or no goal to achieve, so I didn't think it felt limiting. Better than Quarriors.

I just find it limiting in the amount of cards you can use, and the fact that you have three different currencies to worry about. It seemed like a whole lot of turns went by where I was just hoping to have the right hand of attack cards to beat the main boss (in the first scenario). Also, the number of different cards you can buy is pretty low.


Man, I wish publishers would print more copies of their games. I don't buy a lot, but when I want something it seems to always be sold out (unless it's an FFG game). PRINT MORE COPIES! Guess, they just don't have the revenue for that or something?
Man, I wish publishers would print more copies of their games. I don't buy a lot, but when I want something it seems to always be sold out (unless it's an FFG game). PRINT MORE COPIES! Guess, they just don't have the revenue for that or something?

These are almost all small companies, they can't afford heavy print runs, and making a large print run is a risk. Company makes too much of a game that doesn't sell, and a small company can be sunk over night. Its also why most designer games are expensive as hell.


Cool Smoke Luke
Finally got around to playing/learning a game of Twilight Struggle last night.
Lost horribly at end of 3rd round but we've got the flow of the game down now.

Really helped watching tutorial video by Jason,then going thru the rulebook. It all made much more sense,for whatever reason when ever I was reading rules before it wasn't clicking.

http://www.boardgamegeek.com/video/9064/twilight-struggle/bgrwj-008-twilight-struggle Long and kinda dry but great if you want to learn the rules.

Think this will hit the table alot has a great unique feel compared to most other 2player games(not in that family of coarse).

Anyone know if War of the Rings first edition has any trade in value?
Was thinking of picking up the 2nd Edition..who's board looks way easier to use(found 1st addition wasn't great functionally due to things blending into background to much.)
Anyone know if War of the Rings first edition has any trade in value?
Was thinking of picking up the 2nd Edition..who's board looks way easier to use(found 1st addition wasn't great functionally due to things blending into background to much.)
I'm sure you will find someone who doesn't care about which edition they have. Besides the board, a first edition owner can easily upgrade to the second edition so you have that going for you too.


Anyone here have any experience with Summoner Wars?
I found the Master Set for cheap.

My friend is the lead tester for Summoner Wars (and the winner of most SW tournaments), so I picked up all the factions. I like it a lot, though I haven't played enough to figure out longterm strategies. It's very different playing a game against my friend than against my wife (though both always manage to win against me).


listen to the mad man
I was thinking about trying the Star Trek DBG because I think the theme would attract a lot of the casual players in my social circle. I saw that it's gotten some praise and good ratings. The last Star Trek board game I played was this VHS game turd, though, so I'm a little scared of licensed products hahaha.

@Stumpokapow: Any reason you want one without expansions? They are never required and can breath new life into a game you grew tired of.

I don't necessarily require one with no expansions, but a) I don't want one that's totally broken without expansions, and b) I don't want people to just suggest the most recent Dominion / RFTG expansions. I probably should have elaborated more initially. ;)

Can I recommend you spend the $5 and pick up Ascension on iOS? The game has expansions, but the base game is very playable, very fast, and thematically much better than Dominion.

Already did, and I also own the physical game.

You seem like the kind of guy that would enjoy a Few Acres of Snow, though it's only 2 player...

Yeah I read the rules a few weeks ago to try it on Yucata but never got to actually run a few rounds. The Canada and English vs French theme would go over pretty well around here, but the wargame elements less so. I think it could work though. Thanks.
I was thinking about trying the Star Trek DBG because I think the theme would attract a lot of the casual players in my social circle. I saw that it's gotten some praise and good ratings. The last Star Trek board game I played was this VHS game turd, though, so I'm a little scared of licensed products hahaha.

It's a decent game, and comes with coop and team mode decks separate in the box to play. Only issue I had with the game was the image quality on the cards are pretty hit and miss with some blurry quality images used from the show. Both sets out currently are stand alone, and can be mixed. TOS set is the next one and it too is supposedly going to be stand alone, but again compatible as an expansion.

It's a longer playing DBG than most I've played though so far.
Yeah I read the rules a few weeks ago to try it on Yucata but never got to actually run a few rounds. The Canada and English vs French theme would go over pretty well around here, but the wargame elements less so. I think it could work though. Thanks.

Feel free to invite me to a game if you want to give it a go on there!


Cool Smoke Luke
I've been on the fence about this game for a long time. I hate the box art. Thanks for the impressions, though. It's definitely on my list, but pretty far down.

Ya I bought the second edition and its got "Improved quality compenents" its to bad they dont' have a good graphic artist .. The board and cards are fine honestly but the box put me off as well it just looks so cheap its hard to get past..

But on the other hand Fantasy Flight shits out everything that is beautiful and I buy more of their games then any other publisher..but for the most part their games don't play any better then less attractive games.
It's nice for what it is. I love the photos on the cards. The actual map/board and the tokens are a bit spartan, but certainly not ugly.

Also: now I want to play again


Anyone played Yomi? I watched some vids on it last night, looks really cool (not $100 cool, mind you). I like Sirlin as a designer; he's a smart guy.
I always thought Twilight Struggle was pretty nice aesthetically. Especially the Deluxe Edition.

The board is nice and the tokens are appropriate for the game, it doesn't really need anything else. The only thing that looks cheap and lacking are the game cards as they are very plain looking with random stock photo on them. A little nicer formatting and backing on them would be nice, but otherwise TS and Labyrinth are pretty nice packages.


Wasn't Sirlin the center of some controversy a while back? I think Astro posted some details maybe in the last boardgame thread.

In a related note, I NEVER get tired of watching Seth Hiatt (of mayday games) trying to cover his tracks. If backpedaling made a bike go faster, he'd take the tour de france.
Wasn't Sirlin the center of some controversy a while back? I think Astro posted some details maybe in the last boardgame thread.

In a related note, I NEVER get tired of watching Seth Hiatt (of mayday games) trying to cover his tracks. If backpedaling made a bike go faster, he'd take the tour de france.

Heh, what happened now?


Hail to the KING baby
Wasn't Sirlin the center of some controversy a while back? I think Astro posted some details maybe in the last boardgame thread.

In a related note, I NEVER get tired of watching Seth Hiatt (of mayday games) trying to cover his tracks. If backpedaling made a bike go faster, he'd take the tour de france.

Yes, he has a tendency to go on rants. I think his last one was about how online game stores are destroying board gaming and how people who buy from those stores instead of him or full-price retailers are evil.

I think the guy is a jag but I do enjoy the occasional Puzzle Strike. I also have Yomi on the shelf but haven't bothered to learn it yet. (Bought both on CSI, so suck it Sirlin.)
Yes, he has a tendency to go on rants. I think his last one was about how online game stores are destroying board gaming and how people who buy from those stores instead of him or full-price retailers are evil.

I think the guy is a jag but I do enjoy the occasional Puzzle Strike. I also have Yomi on the shelf but haven't bothered to learn it yet. (Bought both on CSI, so suck it Sirlin.)

at least people are buying board games at all. in terms of media entertainment this is like the only one I can think of that can't/isn't pirated, at least on a major scale. not on the levels of music, movies, and video games.

I just finished a solo game of Elder Sign, loved it! Fought Yog-Sothoth, who eats trophies instead of dealing damage when attacking. The Elder Sign to Doom Token ratio was like 6/12 (ES) to 8/10 (DT) so I decided to give up on Elder Signs and just build up trophies and let him wake up. As I collected trophies I grabbed an Elder Sign here and there, looked at the board and between what was available and the large amount of trophies I had stocked up (we're talking like 26 points worth) I could afford to seal him off. I beat the adventure cards I needed to (1 yielded 2 Elder Signs!) and cashed in the rest at the Entrance ftw.

Really glad with this purchase, I think adding more players will make it harder, though.
Played BSG tonight using the Pegasus expansion (minus New Cap and Cylon Leaders) and we won as the Cylons. We were able to get the humans down to two pop and one morale. I played the Caprica action and drew two crisis cards. The first was an attack, the second an Admiral chooses, "lose 1 morale or two population". Amazingly lucky card draw but I'll take it.

The game was extremely tense throughout and really goddamn fun. I need to try and get it to the table more9, it's been too long.
Any yucata players who want to play while there's a bit of DNS/server migration disruption can continue as normal here.

Otherwise you'll get the message that the system won't let you make moves until later.

Played Forbidden Island and Catan for the first time last night.
Catan went from "stupid game" (I was losing) to "brilliant game" (seven rolls of 8's in a row took the largest army and longest road and won not long after).
Forbidden Island was fun.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I sold Mall of Horror for 102 dollars. Pretty good considering I payed 50 dollars for it about 18 months ago and played it once.


Yeah, hence the resemblance haha.

Man, thats a crazy haul on MoH. I like it a lot. Despite the player elimination it doesn't overstay its welcome. Reprint, please!


Hail to the KING baby
Any yucata players who want to play while there's a bit of DNS/server migration disruption can continue as normal here.

Otherwise you'll get the message that the system won't let you make moves until later.

Played Forbidden Island and Catan for the first time last night.
Catan went from "stupid game" (I was losing) to "brilliant game" (seven rolls of 8's in a row took the largest army and longest road and won not long after).
Forbidden Island was fun.

I need more *ACTIVE* Yucata games. Is anyone *ACTIVE* on Yucata? I have 20 games going, but mostly only take turns in 4-5 games/day. I'll play/teach anything.
Yeah, hence the resemblance haha.

Man, thats a crazy haul on MoH. I like it a lot. Despite the player elimination it doesn't overstay its welcome. Reprint, please!


Actually not so much a reprint as a new game with the same mechanics.
asmodee said:
I respond to this question on an another post earlier this week. The new version of the game is done, the release is schedule for GENCON 2012.

It's not a reprint. It's a new version.

I'll take it either way, I've been dying to play MoH.


Anyone played Yomi? I watched some vids on it last night, looks really cool (not $100 cool, mind you). I like Sirlin as a designer; he's a smart guy.

I actually learned it last night. I played two games and won one of them. As my friend just gave a very quick summary of the rules, I got a few things wrong in my first game (mostly having do do with combos). I enjoyed it enough to want to try it again sometime, but I'm not rushing out to buy my own copy.


Hail to the KING baby
Sorry, I've been pretty busy, both at work and at home, but I try to at least take a turn or two each day

yeah jerk. actually i was referring to a couple of my friends irl having created this issue where i don't get many turns b/c their slowness is holding up like 80% of my games
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