Interestingly Dwarves tend to do pretty well in our 3-4p games -- in part b/c they rarely get targeted but also b/c they're pretty passive and defensive so they never rile people up by making tackles. There's definitely a psychological element to the 3-4 where if you're orcs or another tackling team you start to piss people off and become a target pretty fast whereas elves it's a lot easier to just sort of mind your own business and sneak out with a W.
-Dark elves are supposed to be one team I think.
-I do hope they clarify the Guard rule and functionality though, at least enough to make that Dwarf upgrade (one sprint per use of guard) useful and to buff them team up a tad.
Probably my favorite team to play as. I really love pushing my luck though (and also complaining about getting screwed by whistles.

). There's a headline card that gives you two tokens for every one cheat icon -- and I was chaos in a game where that came up. yeaaah. You get screwed at times but also you can sometimes sneak out ridiculous wins and everyone's kind of scared of you b/c they don't know what your tokens are hiding (until you get like 4-5 on one guy and they're pretty confident you're going to get ejected).
One of our first 2P games. Loved it for quite a while, but then the analysis paralysis really got to us because the pressure and benefit from minmaxing is intense.