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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I know Vasel gets way overhyped on games sometimes, but his Lords of Waterdeep review has me seriously intrigued. Mediumweight D&D-themed euro that plays in under an hour? Sounds pretty fresh.

The fellow that runs the games store I frequent was hyping this game up to my brother when he was there yesterday. He was saying that it's like "nothing else he's ever played". I'm currently checking out some impressions and might be considering a pick-up if things look good...
I know Vasel gets way overhyped on games sometimes, but his Lords of Waterdeep review has me seriously intrigued. Mediumweight D&D-themed euro that plays in under an hour? Sounds pretty fresh.

Buddy of mine just got it this weekend and won't shut up about how much he likes it.


I know Vasel gets way overhyped on games sometimes, but his Lords of Waterdeep review has me seriously intrigued. Mediumweight D&D-themed euro that plays in under an hour? Sounds pretty fresh.

Just watched the video because of your post. This game looks awesome. Could replace Stone Age for me. I like the theme more and I don't have to roll dice. Please let this get a domestic release by Essen. PLEASE!


Hail to the KING baby
Buddy of mine just got it this weekend and won't shut up about how much he likes it.

Yep I ordered it shortly after my post -- had a few things I was waiting to get such as the Dice Town & Claustrophobia expansions so perfect. Threw in TTR India to round it out to 100.

Also, Martin Wallace now knows I exist which is crazy cool. Trying to decide if I should tell him I take excedrin aroun 10 PM on game night and refer to it as 'Wallace time"
Sweet, you'll have lots of fun people to introduce us to at the next BGG. :D


Cool Smoke Luke
Speaking of stone age, it seems that worker placement games seem to be the one that goes over well with the 3-4 people i generally play with. With that being said, I was looking into what would be a good next step in the worker placement genre. I know Agricola and Caylus seem to be the popular, would be answers based on what I've read, but I was afraid of the learning curve. Plus, I wanted something with a little more "theme" to it. I watched some videos of Lords of Waterdeep, and it looked like something that might be a nice next step game. Next up, I would definitely like to get Power Grid on the table. I just need to man up and be confident in the rules explanation department.

Another Worker Placement game with Fantastic Theme which is easier then Caylus(which is good but much more of a brainburner) is Pillars of the Earth.With the addon it accommodates up to 6 players.
We usually just play with 4 but use all the new cards and stuff from the addon.
It is simply gorgeous heres pic with the addon board on the left side


on a related note, how do you handle the first play of a game? is it basically a write off unless its really simple, because you'll have to keep stopping to look at the rules? I guess I could read up on them before myself but then its hard for the other person to know what to do if they don't know the rules and they are too complex to explain succinctly.

Depends. After a good readthrough and maybe taking the board or cards out for a game and looking them over I also browse the games forums and see if they have a "FAQ" which clears up some stuff that the manual doesn't. I also use my android tablet and usually have the forum up while playing the game, that way if a question comes in I can see if someone else answered it or asked it previously.

First games also depend a great deal on the players. Some grasp particular rules and their caveats quicker than others despite any ability on the owners part.

For example I have a good number of friends who can handle and grasp games that are card based, far better than games with true gameboards, and the opposite situation as well.


Yep I ordered it shortly after my post -- had a few things I was waiting to get such as the Dice Town & Claustrophobia expansions so perfect. Threw in TTR India to round it out to 100.

That India map is wonderful.

On the issue of maps, how badly am I going to want the various Power Grid maps?


That India map is wonderful.

On the issue of maps, how badly am I going to want the various Power Grid maps?

I got like 4 of them shortly after I got the game. They have interesting rule variations. You really don#t have to get them but some of the stuff is just super appealing. Like Korea with two different ressource markets.


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, guys Wil Wheaton has a boar game show now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9QtdiRJYro

Guests on the first episode are Day[9], Grant Imahara and some girl I don't know. First episode is about Small World, so nothing new for us BUT it is very well produced and I can see the potential for it.

Scott Nicholson was going off on them getting a rule wrong for the amazons or something, but I like the look of it. If nothing else it shows how mainstream games are going, or at least how main stream part of nerd culture they are.

I went to my future brother in law (college kids) house the other day to pick him up and they were all playing Race for the Galaxy... they are a bit nerdy, but pretty normal college kids. This stuff wasn't in nerd circles when I was in school.


Scott Nicholson was going off on them getting a rule wrong for the amazons or something, but I like the look of it. If nothing else it shows how mainstream games are going, or at least how main stream part of nerd culture they are.

Eh whatever. If this gets more people to play board games that's great. Also Wil is a uber nerd so he'll probably pick great games.


Hail to the KING baby
Wil is definitely a legit boardgamer. I remember him talking about Small World at his Pax East keynote like three years ago.


First tragedy, then farce.
Wil is definitely a legit boardgamer. I remember him talking about Small World at his Pax East keynote like three years ago.

Really cool, and he has a lot of nerd cache beyond board games. Anything that helps more people into our hobby the better.


Hail to the KING baby
Gah BGG being down is the most annoying thing ever on game night. Stooge must be quadruple annoying for you given your big announcement today.


First tragedy, then farce.
Gah BGG being down is the most annoying thing ever on game night. Stooge must be quadruple annoying for you given your big announcement today.

Before Game Salute decided to pick up the tab to finish the artwork on Roller Coaster Rush it was going to launch yesterday. That would have sucked. I know a couple kickstarter projects lost either their launch windows or their end dates almost entirely. StelCon infinity (a 4x game I badly want to play) probably won't fund because they got almost no funding the last 3 days, and they *really* needed momentum.

It's mildly annoying on my end, but the announcement is going pretty decently still. My website has had 4x as many unique visitors today as the second best day, and that includes when I was giving games away. So, yeah.

Also, it turns out the French Canadians are super excited about Tammany Hall. There is a board game forum that linked to my page and they are resonsible for like 10% of the web traffic.

Things I didn't expect.

More than anything, I was trying to read reviewes of 18xx games all weekend because sometimes I get the stupid idea in my head that what I really want is a game that takes 10 hours to play that I will never get to the table. I've been looking at Twilight Imperium for the same reason, despite all evidence being that I will not like that game. lulz.
Before Game Salute decided to pick up the tab to finish the artwork on Roller Coaster Rush it was going to launch yesterday. That would have sucked. I know a couple kickstarter projects lost either their launch windows or their end dates almost entirely. StelCon infinity (a 4x game I badly want to play) probably won't fund because they got almost no funding the last 3 days, and they *really* needed momentum.

It's mildly annoying on my end, but the announcement is going pretty decently still. My website has had 4x as many unique visitors today as the second best day, and that includes when I was giving games away. So, yeah.

Also, it turns out the French Canadians are super excited about Tammany Hall. There is a board game forum that linked to my page and they are resonsible for like 10% of the web traffic.

Things I didn't expect.

More than anything, I was trying to read reviewes of 18xx games all weekend because sometimes I get the stupid idea in my head that what I really want is a game that takes 10 hours to play that I will never get to the table. I've been looking at Twilight Imperium for the same reason, despite all evidence being that I will not like that game. lulz.
So how did the deal come about? I know you were a fan of the game, did you go to them or did they reach out to you?

EDIT: And what looks like to be a Hail Mary someone just put up their copy of TH on the BGG marketplace for $175.


First tragedy, then farce.
So how did the deal come about? I know you were a fan of the game, did you go to them or did they reach out to you?

I reached out to them actually.

It's a really strange story.

I set out to create an economic engine game that sucked, then wound up creating a much simpler game about building roller coasters that did not suck. I decided to publish that game and for the sake of personal protection started a company to do so.

In the middle of my contract negotiation for production/wharehousing/etc for Roller Coaster Rush, I wound up getting connected to Game Salute who are able to handle most of the back end stuff I don't want to do for an amount of money that allows me a reasonable profit margin.

With this newfound combination of company and distribution deal, and my pre-existing hubris I decided to email Stratamax. We've been talking for over a month back and forth, and ; last week it all sort of fell into place.

I've also signed another few games (some announced, some unannounced) that I think are fun, but need work. There are also another half dozen games I'm in various stages of considering. I figured out that I don't have enough time to design a bunch of games and publish them. But I do have enough time to find games I think are fun, work with the designers to fine tune them, I can market them, get art, graphics, etc. and then hand the stuff I don't want to do to Game Salute for a reasonable fee.

And thus is the story of the accidental game publisher.


First tragedy, then farce.
EDIT: And what looks like to be a Hail Mary someone just put up their copy of TH on the BGG marketplace for $175.

I saw that. It reminds me of the time I tried to buy some of the Power Grid cards for 10 dollars each. The guy was asking 20 each and I declined. 3 months later he accepted my offer and was pushing me to paypal the money.

Checked the BGG front page.. coming to the geekstore for 5 dollars total.
And thus is the story of the accidental game publisher.

I really wish it would have happened when I was basically unemployed. I have a lot less time/motivation to work on my board games and pitch them to you now :\

I mean, I haven't lost ALL my time/motivation, so it'll happen at some point, but still...
Guys, guys Wil Wheaton has a boar game show now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9QtdiRJYro

Guests on the first episode are Day[9], Grant Imahara and some girl I don't know. First episode is about Small World, so nothing new for us BUT it is very well produced and I can see the potential for it.

Ugh, the way the show looks is terrible. The font should be remotely readable. Not to mention the fact that the way they explain the rules is very unclear.

Other than that, Grant, Sean, and Wil? That's pretty cool.
Played Jungle Speed for the first time in years today in a pub for so long. Fantastic time. Such a great game (especially with the expansion pack).

Will have to give that show a watch. I haven't a clue about the intricacies of Starcraft but my my, Day9 is so fun to watch.


Played Jungle Speed for the first time in years today in a pub for so long. Fantastic time. Such a great game (especially with the expansion pack).

Will have to give that show a watch. I haven't a clue about the intricacies of Starcraft but my my, Day9 is so fun to watch.

If possible, try the wii ware version, it's one of the most fun multiplayer games ever (no hyperbole)


Picked up Lords of Waterdeep, and tried my hand at 7 Wonders today which my brother picked up a few days ago. No time to actually play Waterdeep today, unfortunately. :|

7 Wonders is pretty cool. We only played once and with four players but I can definitely see some strategies blossoming based on what we played, especially when we get more familiar with what potential cards there are. We basically went in blind and didn't know some of those 3rd age cards could be so amazing.

It probably didn't help that my first civilization was the Mausoleum, which I'm SURE has a really sweet power, but I didn't think of a very good way to use it aside from picking up an unwanted 2nd age card that ended up being sub-par. Afterwards I thought about perhaps selling a good 3rd age card that I can't afford to play normally, then pick it up from the discard pile with the Mausoleum's ability... although it was already too late for that and it might be more trouble than it's worth.

It might sound like I'm down of the game a little bit, but that's not the case! I definitely want to play again to get a better sense of things. I was very impressed with the artwork and general component quality, too. Hopefully we'll find time to try this one again sometime soon.


Hail to the KING baby
I almost forgot to pimp this here!

I made a Community Megathread for people to hook up for iOS boardgaming. Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Ascension, Samurai, etc. we've got it all -- join us! Great place to find new players for the big hitters like Carc & Ascension and hopefully a place to get games going for lesser-known titles as well.


Glad to see I am not crazy and Table Top seems to be a pretty good show. Especially good for the first episode. I am sure they will work out some of the kinks over time.


Glad to see I am not crazy and Table Top seems to be a pretty good show. Especially good for the first episode. I am sure they will work out some of the kinks over time.

It was pretty entertaining for me! Especially not knowing a whole lot about Smallworld. Looks like an interesting game, politics definitely seems to play a big role in how things play out.
True story: my wife and I are talking about getting a bigger place within the next few years.

My only requirement: enough space for Geek Chic's Vizier or Sultan.

(Her only requirement is that we get to have chickens)
I would get one of those furniture pieces but I live to far. They have to literally come to your house themselves to set up, deliver, and install your order. Farther away you are from Seattle, the more expensive it gets. Being in Florida, the cost to ship a table I wanted was going to be crazy. You also generally have to wait a long period of time. Guildies who had ordered one and live in Seattle had to wait almost 8 months after ordering for their table to get done.
OK dudes,

Two of my board game group is gone for the week so I'm looking to pick up a new game to keep the 4 of us remaining engaged.

I'm looking at the following:
- Dungeon Run
- Lords of Waterdeep

Lords of Waterdeep especially has been getting a lot of good word of mouth, and I'm highly interested.

When we have our full group we usually play Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones or Arkham Horror. Smaller groups lead us usually to Small World, Pandemic, Dominion and 7 Wonders. But I'd like to get a game that has a bit more "meat/fun" on it than these for our smaller groups.

Generally we play for about 4 hours during each game night, possibly more if we're playing a long game that runs long. Any recommendations among these, or others?

I should note that I'm also interested in getting Eclipse, but it's supposedly $100 at the game store near me, and $169 at Amazon. Is it in any way worth that insane amount of money???


OK dudes,

Two of my board game group is gone for the week so I'm looking to pick up a new game to keep the 4 of us remaining engaged.

I'm looking at the following:
- Dungeon Run
- Lords of Waterdeep

Lords of Waterdeep especially has been getting a lot of good word of mouth, and I'm highly interested.

When we have our full group we usually play Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones or Arkham Horror. Smaller groups lead us usually to Small World, Pandemic, Dominion and 7 Wonders. But I'd like to get a game that has a bit more "meat/fun" on it than these for our smaller groups.

Generally we play for about 4 hours during each game night, possibly more if we're playing a long game that runs long. Any recommendations among these, or others?

I should note that I'm also interested in getting Eclipse, but it's supposedly $100 at the game store near me, and $169 at Amazon. Is it in any way worth that insane amount of money???

Eclipse will be getting a reprint in the next few months.
I should note that I'm also interested in getting Eclipse, but it's supposedly $100 at the game store near me, and $169 at Amazon. Is it in any way worth that insane amount of money???
$100 is actually the MSRP. If you don't want to wait for online stores, which will sell it around $60, grab it. Anything over $100 is absolutely ridiculous. I personally would wait. It will be cheaper in a couple months so there is no real rush.


Why not do Arkham with four?

Or maybe pick up Mansions of Madness.

It's not meaty, but if you're looking for a filler (30-1 hour) game, High Noon Saloon with four players is a blast. And it's inexpensive.
OK dudes,

Two of my board game group is gone for the week so I'm looking to pick up a new game to keep the 4 of us remaining engaged.

I'm looking at the following:
- Dungeon Run
- Lords of Waterdeep

I did not like Dungeon Run. Excellent concept but it doesn't play out right. Not enough tiles and not enough enemies to level you up as intended.
Good to know Eclipse is getting a reprint. I'll hold off on that one for now. Probably.

Why not do Arkham with four?

Or maybe pick up Mansions of Madness.

It's not meaty, but if you're looking for a filler (30-1 hour) game, High Noon Saloon with four players is a blast. And it's inexpensive.

I actually have Mansions of Madness. We may end up playing it, I just feel like everyone sort of got burnt out on Arkham since we played it every week for like 3 months straight. But who knows, maybe everyone is getting a taste for it again, since we haven't played it since 2011.

I did not like Dungeon Run. Excellent concept but it doesn't play out right. Not enough tiles and not enough enemies to level you up as intended.
I was worried about that. I remember hearing a lot of good things about it a few months ago, and then it sort of died down into a "great concept, meh execution" thing for most. I think people were in love with the idea more than the game itself, maybe.
I was worried about that. I remember hearing a lot of good things about it a few months ago, and then it sort of died down into a "great concept, meh execution" thing for most. I think people were in love with the idea more than the game itself, maybe.

It's pretty good but most complain about it going way too fast. Expansion coming for it should hopefully fluff it up and make for a more interesting game. The design and concept is solid, it just needs a bit more meat added.
I did not like Dungeon Run. Excellent concept but it doesn't play out right. Not enough tiles and not enough enemies to level you up as intended.

Yep, it doesn't play out that well. The rules definitely need to be redone and some other things might need to be added in order for the game to play a lot better.

The idea is awesome though.


WTF is going on with Infiltration. BGG news said April several months ago, Dice Tower news reel says it hits this week, and FFG site shows it still at the printer, which means it'd be almost June before it hit CSI shelves.
WTF is going on with Infiltration. BGG news said April several months ago, Dice Tower news reel says it hits this week, and FFG site shows it still at the printer, which means it'd be almost June before it hit CSI shelves.

I'm still trying to figure out what the hell it's even about. It sounds like a gussied up Incan Gold. Not sure if I want.
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