So in spite of my wife hating board games, my son being a too cool for that teenager and me wanting to play them I have my two daughters (7 and 10) left over. But they LOVE to play.
They love ticket to ride and forbidden island ( is that right? the sinking one) I also have pandemic and last night on earth but it is unplayed so far. We have played zombies! with house rules and no cards which was hilarious ( but broken because we changed the rules)
The 7 year old just has some trouble at times still ( to make it a challeneg for all) and does not deal well with losing yet. So I am trying to pick my games on simplicity and preferably co-op style. The also love sherlock a memory game for all ages that kids beat the crap out us adults with little buggers.
This weekend we picked up a few new games, just wanted to share the experience with you guys with kids.
1. card game : fruit ninja
Easy, fast , I see it more as a quick side think like between bigger games or waiting for you dinner at a restaurant. the youngest hated it cause she had bad luck a few times in a row, and it is pretty mch based on luck and pushing your luck.
2. magic labyrinth
Also simple rules, and a memory type game.. easy to pick up and play , part luck based and part depending on how good your memory is.
3. card game .
There is a moose in the house.
picked this up on a whim like the ninja fruit cards. I know it score kinda low on GbG but for kids it was alot of fun. First it is silly and second , despite the incredible convelted written rules it is simple enough and a quick enough game to get a few rounds in and have a good time
dread pirate
It was on sale , but I am not sure it is any good.. We have not played it yet, but the kids picked it so ..
I really wanted to get betrayal on the house on the hill (?) but the youngest is to young for that.. no poker face.
any other suggestions?