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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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easy to learn? Cause I was looking at it on bgg and I dig the concept and setting

I haven't played the game yet, but I've played other worker placement games.

I read the rules for Lords of Waterdeep and it reads incredibly easily. It's a very easy game to understand. It should be no problem to learn at all.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hey AstroLad, you might wanna edit the OP with regards to the new iOS boardgame thread! ;)


Hail to the KING baby
I wish there were more board games on android lol, one of the reasons I'll consider ios at some point

hehe. there are some choices though. here's what i have on my GN:
-Elder Sign
-Androminion (text-based Dominion)
-Through the Ages
-Condado (San Juan clone)


hehe. there are some choices though. here's what i have on my GN:
-Elder Sign
-Androminion (text-based Dominion)
-Through the Ages
-Condado (San Juan clone)

yeah I have androminion, does it have mp? I thought you had an iphone lol. I'll check into the others thanks dude, you're always awesome.

Can't find Through the Ages on the market store. Elder Sign and Carcassonne worth the price tag?


easy to learn? Cause I was looking at it on bgg and I dig the concept and setting
It's not really complicated, especially if you've played worker placement games before.

Another plus for me is how quickly it plays. With 5 new players at PAX we were able to finish the game in about 75 minutes, including rules explanation. I also like that the game has a great insert which makes it easy to set up and break down the game.


I have the expansions you have + Seaside and Alchemy. Between those I'd definitely recommend Seaside. Alchemy is the weakest, for me. I don't know how Hinterlands compares to Seaside, but I don't think you can go far wrong with Seaside. It's a great addition.

Without a doubt, get Seaside. The general consensus is that Prosperity and Seaside are the two best expansions. And of those two, it seems like a 50/50 split on which is better than the other. I give the edge to Seaside slightly.

The duration cards are really a fantastic addition. They allow for whole new layers of depth without being overly complicated.

Attack cards, in Seaside, are amongst the best in the series, too. In fact, Pirate Ship may be too good.

Thanks for the input!


Just played my first game at Board Game Arena, I played dominion, I like the interface is not too terrible, a little too much scrolling to see the cards until I kinda got used to it.
Gonna have 5 people tomorrow night, and after we play Lords of Waterdeep there's a good chance that the group is going to want to play Blood Bowl.

I figure adding a fifth highlight isn't too much trouble, but what of the number of players in each hand? Should I have everyone draw 7 players instead of 6? Or just keep as-is?


Hail to the KING baby
Finally got a chance to play Ghost Stories at game night. Really enjoy this game -- think it may be my go-to co-op from now on. The dice-rolling to exorcise ghosts, as superficial as it may be, really gives people more ownership over their individual characters, as do the player boards. Might pick up the expansion but I should probably play it live more than once before doing that. :p

Lords of Waterdeep, and the TTR: India, Claustrophobia, and Dice Town expansions all get here tomorrow. Gonna put Dice Town to good use on a big trip coming up in a few days (and probably King of Tokyo as well).


Any upcoming New Jersey board gaming events. My gf came to pax this year and got crazy into the vibe there.

If Baltimore isn't too far for you, Games Club of MD is holding its annual Game Days later this month. It's pretty decent and usually have plenty of people from PA, NJ, MD, VA and DC attending.
First preview of Descent 2nd ed is up, and like I speculated they are going for much smaller scale games. Instead of dungeon crawls you basically have what are essentially encounters which are like a battle found in your common RPG. Some ideas sound neat, though as others have commented about it so far, it seems to be a completely different game. Yet to see really how this really relates to the original.


First preview of Descent 2nd ed is up, and like I speculated they are going for much smaller scale games. Instead of dungeon crawls you basically have what are essentially encounters which are like a battle found in your common RPG. Some ideas sound neat, though as others have commented about it so far, it seems to be a completely different game. Yet to see really how this really relates to the original.

It sounds similar to how Road to Legend was, a series of linked one floor dungeons. I hope that the first scenario map they showed is much smaller than later/harder levels, I could see that working for the later scenarios of a campaign where the heroes have amassed some serious loot and skills. Also will be interesting to see where they take the overlords role as they state they want the overlord to be mor of a player rather than just someone running the game. Hope it's out for gencon
It sounds similar to how Road to Legend was, a series of linked one floor dungeons. I hope that the first scenario map they showed is much smaller than later/harder levels, I could see that working for the later scenarios of a campaign where the heroes have amassed some serious loot and skills. Also will be interesting to see where they take the overlords role as they state they want the overlord to be mor of a player rather than just someone running the game. Hope it's out for gencon

Seeing as the single intro encounter they previewed is supposed to take 45min and they say a normal series of 2 would be under 2 hours, I can't imagine the other scenarios being any bigger. As they are using encounters as the buzzword behind the stages, it seems to be more of a linked set of battles with outcome of one affecting the next one.

The smaller encounter design also would mean more direct interactivity with the overlord compared to the original dungeon crawl design which basically had the overlord be a GM of a rpg like set up. Players instead of exploring and going around the dungeon avoiding danger now will be constantly in direct conflict with the overlord.


Anyone know why the Be not Afraid! Small World expansion is about twice the price
Of the other two race expansions? Is it because of the tray?


Anyone know why the Be not Afraid! Small World expansion is about twice the price
Of the other two race expansions? Is it because of the tray?

Pretty much the tray which holds all the other race expansions. It also adds five new powers and five races, including the Leprechauns, which have a bunch of extra tokens with them. I found it to be completely worth it to have a nice way to carry around the other expansions.
So I played probably 10 games of Kingdom Builder this weekend. Somewhere therein, I figured the game out. I went from having never won, to winning several in a row and being at least competitive in the others.

I totally disagree with our previous assessment of the card drawing system. I don't think the player needs to have more than the one card in their hand, and I think with skillful play, the damage from poor draws can be mostly mitigated. Your first two turns are crucial. The ONLY goal in your mind for those first two turns should be getting as many of the special power tokens as possible while allowing the largest choice in future placement. For example, (strategy stuff behind spoiler in case people don't want to see it)
an awesome first move is one in which you get a token, and 4 of the 5 possible terrain draws would let you place houses unconnected to your first move (so you can grab a second token for sure). This is made even better if the token that you grabbed DEFINITELY lets you place an unconnected house... you can end turn 2 with 3 tokens (assuming the applicable spots don't get stolen before your turn). At that point, you've laid enough groundwork to where you can respond decently to most draws from there on.


Astrolad is bad for me. I had no idea there was an Elder Signs game for iOS, and now I own it. Needs more Elder Gods, though.

yeah he is a bad influence, I bought it for android I haven't even had a chance to try it.

Do tell! I love supporting kickstarter!

I went for http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...days-fantasy-deckbuilding-combat-and-surviv-0


For some reason they seemed cool to me, but there are a lot of board games listed if you search.


yeah he is a bad influence, I bought it for android I haven't even had a chance to try it.

I went for http://www.kickstarter.com/projects...days-fantasy-deckbuilding-combat-and-surviv-0


For some reason they seemed cool to me, but there are a lot of board games listed if you search.

I will have to read on the first one. I played Zpocalypse at PAX. Great choice there!

Check out ... http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1016374822/escape-the-curse-of-the-mayan-temple

I backed it. I think it looks cool. :)


Not to continue to be a bad influence, but doesn't the expansion have more gods and other stuff? Also if you are an iOS gamer, how have you not joined us in the iOS boardgaming thread?

It has one more Elder god and I already bought it! And I fear the iOS gaming thread, because I'd have to buy all the games. I keep planning on going over there, and then I get caught up in a game of Saboteur.
Astrolad is bad for me. I had no idea there was an Elder Signs game for iOS, and now I own it. Needs more Elder Gods, though.

heh, at least you're playing post update. this time last week there was only Azathoth. Now there's him, Yig, and a purchasable Cthulhu. It erased all my high scores when I downloaded and doesn't count my pre-update victories towards the unlockable character :mad:


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
On a side note and I know this was actually probably lame, but did anyone play the game Omega Virus back in the day? I remember that game at the time being like OMFG AWESOME back when I was a kid. LOL
On a side note and I know this was actually probably lame, but did anyone play the game Omega Virus back in the day? I remember that game at the time being like OMFG AWESOME back when I was a kid. LOL

I did! My friend owned it and we played like 3 times. One time, at the time I thought it was a glitch, but in retrospect it was probably me being wrong, but I thought I had all 3 weapons but couldn't beat the end boss so I called foul.


edit: removed comments. This might come to blows publicly at some point, but I'm not going to lob the first shot.

No idea what you said, but I know *I* have a bugbear about well known/funded companies like Queen & Steve Jackson games going down the Kickstarter route just for extra PR.


First tragedy, then farce.
No idea what you said, but I know *I* have a bugbear about well known/funded companies like Queen & Steve Jackson games going down the Kickstarter route just for extra PR.

check your PM.

big publishers on kickstarter bothers me.. what I wrote is a bit more damning than that.

I want to shout from the rooftops what is going on, but I'm a bit scared to at the moment.


is this about the escape the mayan temple company? Are they a large successful company? I didn't really get drawn all that much to their game so I didnt put any money down, but drama.. yes please lol


May contain jokes =>
Since we've been talking Kickstarter and I've gone on a bit of a "kick" lately:


Chicken Caesar


Who's For Dinner?- Looks like a neat, cheap little card game. May or may not get it.
Zpocalypse- More expensive than I like to go, but it does look pretty damn cool
Zombicide- Very similar to the above and I think too pricy so I doubt I'll back it.
Shadow Days- Still trying to decide on this. The art is great though.
Fleet- Seems like another simple and fun card game
We Didn't Playtest This: Legacies- Never played the previous editions, will probably pick this up


First tragedy, then farce.
is this about the escape the mayan temple company? Are they a large successful company? I didn't really get drawn all that much to their game so I didnt put any money down, but drama.. yes please lol

Queen is pretty succesful. I'm not all that mad about them and they are at least honest about who they are.

It's about some of the "small guys" out there.
Did I say something wrong? If so I am sorry. I did not mean to.

I don't think Stooge's comments were directed at you. My guess is he was venting about big companies using Kickstarter as their own personal preorder system. I would have to agree. Queen Games is a small company but it's not like they didn't have the means to produce their own games. In fact the two Queen games (Escape and Edo) on Kickstarter would have been printed with or without the help.
I don't think Stooge's comments were directed at you. My guess is he was venting about big companies using Kickstarter as their own personal preorder system. I would have to agree. Queen Games is a small company but it's not like they didn't have the means to produce their own games. In fact the two Queen games (Escape and Edo) on Kickstarter would have been printed with or without the help.

For some companies kickstarter will be a big help most likely, but I think the bigger fear is that kickstarting will become how most games will get green lit from now on since it's an easy way to get guaranteed sales for a product instead of taking risks.

Smaller publishers will benefit from it in that they can put out product faster, as some game companies often have to put games on hold till one game's sales bring in enough money to fund their next publishing effort. Many wish they could be huge like FFG and constantly pumping out new product, but even the considered successful game companies often have to limit themselves and where there funding goes. Also more publishers will take risks on picking up games potentially if they can supplement their normal releases with kickstarter projects. And when people say "big" when talking about gaming companies, that is really hard to judge as many of these companies are just a couple guys in an office warehouse somewhere even if they have a few successes.

It's going to be abused and as more and more keep using kickstarters, it's going to dilute the market potentially. People will be more selective with who they back when theres thousands of kickstarter projects out there. And then you got video game publishers jumping on the bandwagon too.


Too bad there is no easy way to know who is publishing it, etc. With knowledge of if its a total indi or not.

Does it really make a difference? I don't think that a smallish to medium company doing a kickstarter is going to prevent a small to tiny company from doing one. In fact, didn't recent numbers show that the big companies (like Double Fine) are just bring more money into the system?
On a side note and I know this was actually probably lame, but did anyone play the game Omega Virus back in the day? I remember that game at the time being like OMFG AWESOME back when I was a kid. LOL

I mentioned it a page or two ago, actually :p I watched a video of it recently and realized it was a lot more obnoxious than I remembered it being. I had a lot of fun with it but that voice thing would make it hard to play today.
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