That LoW game looks pretty cool, how does it play?
Worker placement game, with some "quests" and "rogues" and stuff to flavor it instead of the usual "farmers and workers" stuff.
easy to learn? Cause I was looking at it on bgg and I dig the concept and setting
Hey AstroLad, you might wanna edit the OP with regards to the new iOS boardgame thread!![]()
I wish there were more board games on android lol, one of the reasons I'll consider ios at some point
hehe. there are some choices though. here's what i have on my GN:
-Elder Sign
-Androminion (text-based Dominion)
-Through the Ages
-Condado (San Juan clone)
It's not really complicated, especially if you've played worker placement games before.easy to learn? Cause I was looking at it on bgg and I dig the concept and setting
I have the expansions you have + Seaside and Alchemy. Between those I'd definitely recommend Seaside. Alchemy is the weakest, for me. I don't know how Hinterlands compares to Seaside, but I don't think you can go far wrong with Seaside. It's a great addition.
Without a doubt, get Seaside. The general consensus is that Prosperity and Seaside are the two best expansions. And of those two, it seems like a 50/50 split on which is better than the other. I give the edge to Seaside slightly.
The duration cards are really a fantastic addition. They allow for whole new layers of depth without being overly complicated.
Attack cards, in Seaside, are amongst the best in the series, too. In fact, Pirate Ship may be too good.
Any upcoming New Jersey board gaming events. My gf came to pax this year and got crazy into the vibe there.
Any upcoming New Jersey board gaming events. My gf came to pax this year and got crazy into the vibe there.
First preview of Descent 2nd ed is up, and like I speculated they are going for much smaller scale games. Instead of dungeon crawls you basically have what are essentially encounters which are like a battle found in your common RPG. Some ideas sound neat, though as others have commented about it so far, it seems to be a completely different game. Yet to see really how this really relates to the original.
It sounds similar to how Road to Legend was, a series of linked one floor dungeons. I hope that the first scenario map they showed is much smaller than later/harder levels, I could see that working for the later scenarios of a campaign where the heroes have amassed some serious loot and skills. Also will be interesting to see where they take the overlords role as they state they want the overlord to be mor of a player rather than just someone running the game. Hope it's out for gencon
Anyone know why the Be not Afraid! Small World expansion is about twice the price
Of the other two race expansions? Is it because of the tray?
Lack of sleep is bad for me, I ended up buying 2 games last night and pledging to 2 kickstarter games lol
Lack of sleep is bad for me, I ended up buying 2 games last night and pledging to 2 kickstarter games lol
I guess Mage Knight reprint is available for pre-order at Cardhaus and CSI. Should I pre-order to wait for it to be on sale?
Astrolad is bad for me. I had no idea there was an Elder Signs game for iOS, and now I own it. Needs more Elder Gods, though.
Do tell! I love supporting kickstarter!
yeah he is a bad influence, I bought it for android I haven't even had a chance to try it.
I went for
For some reason they seemed cool to me, but there are a lot of board games listed if you search.
Astrolad is bad for me. I had no idea there was an Elder Signs game for iOS, and now I own it. Needs more Elder Gods, though.
Not to continue to be a bad influence, but doesn't the expansion have more gods and other stuff? Also if you are an iOS gamer, how have you not joined us in the iOS boardgaming thread?
Astrolad is bad for me. I had no idea there was an Elder Signs game for iOS, and now I own it. Needs more Elder Gods, though.
On a side note and I know this was actually probably lame, but did anyone play the game Omega Virus back in the day? I remember that game at the time being like OMFG AWESOME back when I was a kid. LOL
I will have to read on the first one. I played Zpocalypse at PAX. Great choice there!
Check out ...
I backed it. I think it looks cool.![]()
I will have to read on the first one. I played Zpocalypse at PAX. Great choice there!
edit: removed comments. This might come to blows publicly at some point, but I'm not going to lob the first shot.
No idea what you said, but I know *I* have a bugbear about well known/funded companies like Queen & Steve Jackson games going down the Kickstarter route just for extra PR.
is this about the escape the mayan temple company? Are they a large successful company? I didn't really get drawn all that much to their game so I didnt put any money down, but drama.. yes please lol
edit: removed comments. This might come to blows publicly at some point, but I'm not going to lob the first shot.
Did I say something wrong? If so I am sorry. I did not mean to.
I don't think Stooge's comments were directed at you. My guess is he was venting about big companies using Kickstarter as their own personal preorder system. I would have to agree. Queen Games is a small company but it's not like they didn't have the means to produce their own games. In fact the two Queen games (Escape and Edo) on Kickstarter would have been printed with or without the help.
Too bad there is no easy way to know who is publishing it, etc. With knowledge of if its a total indi or not.
On a side note and I know this was actually probably lame, but did anyone play the game Omega Virus back in the day? I remember that game at the time being like OMFG AWESOME back when I was a kid. LOL