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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Also got a a new shelf handmade for my games. I underestimated the number of larger box games I have, which all have to go under the coffee table. But hey, it's an excuse to buy more games and fill those holes!



Cool Smoke Luke
Also got a a new shelf handmade for my games. I underestimated the number of larger box games I have, which all have to go under the coffee table. But hey, it's an excuse to buy more games and fill those holes!

Fantastic! Great looking shelf and collection


Cool Smoke Luke
Sorry for the crappy pic quality, camera phone...but I finished my game room last night.

All the things like Monopoly are in the cabinet, out of sight.

thats great!
looks like your setup to have a couple small games going or push tables together for the large games. Wish I had that much room :)


May contain jokes =>
One day I'll have a game room like those. At the moment my collection surely pales in comparison, but since I already had the picture:


cell phone picture

No room in my apartment besides sitting in the bottom of the closet sadly. Add Mansions of Madness to this and that's my collection. Considering I didn't own a single game before November I think it's come along pretty rapidly.


Cool Smoke Luke
One day I'll have a game room like those. At the moment my collection surely pales in comparison, but since I already had the picture:

No room in my apartment besides sitting in the bottom of the closet sadly. Add Mansions of Madness to this and that's my collection. Considering I didn't own a single game before November I think it's come along pretty rapidly.

I ended up taking all the books out of my Bookshelf and putting them in boxes, then I put my Games in their place instead, since I use my Kindle to read now and books on the shelf are just decoration.

I notice you got the second edition of War of the Ring.. did you play the FFG 1st edition? is it worth upgrading? I'm sorry tempted to buy the 2nd edition and selling the first, before I start painting things in the first edition minis
This was my setup in my old apartment. Not quite happy with how my new place is setup at the moment, but I'll need to invest in new shelves to improve it.



May contain jokes =>
I ended up taking all the books out of my Bookshelf and putting them in boxes, then I put my Games in their place instead, since I use my Kindle to read now and books on the shelf are just decoration.

I notice you got the second edition of War of the Ring.. did you play the FFG 1st edition? is it worth upgrading? I'm sorry tempted to buy the 2nd edition and selling the first, before I start painting things in the first edition minis

Good idea. I actually don't even have bookshelves. I have one little one that holds all my medical reference books, which I use pretty regularly. When I get out of school and get a real place I'll definitely get a better display solution though.

I never played the 1st Edition though, so I can't advise you unfortunately.


is it worth upgrading?

I'd say nab the upgrade kit instead. I don't think there's anything super major components wise that isn't covered by that.

Here are the rules differences:

1. Witchking: Cannot enter play unless Sauron and one Free Peoples Nation is at war (Previously only required Sauron at war).
2. Gandalf the Grey: Guide ability allows draw of new event card if event die is used to play it (previously only applied to character deck).
3. Merry/Pippin: When taken as a casualty in the Fellowship can be placed on the board as if they'd separated (this previously cost an action die).
4. Gollum: Has a slight clarification on which tiles reveal the Fellowship (I do not see much beyond a wording clarification here).
5. Path of the Woses: An army from Rohan can use to reach Minas Tirith under any circumstances (previously required a friendly army be present at Minas Tirith)
6. The Last Battle: Now restricted to Aragorn, who must be with an army in a region outside a Free Peoples nation (previously could be Aragorn or Gandalf the White, with a Free Peoples army in North Ithilien, South Ithilien, Dagorlad, or any region in Mordor)
7. Ent cards: Now only require that Gandalf the White be in play, and a Companion be present in Fangorn (previously required both Gandalf the White and Saruman, and that Gandalf be present in Rohan or Fangorn)
8. There is an extra Dwarf elite placed in Erebor in set-up.
9. The Shadow player is required to place a die in the Hunt Allocation if the Fellowship moved the previous turn.
10. The combat card playing sequence has been clarified. There are also priorities added to the combat cards to help clear up confusion on the order of effects.
11. When the Fellowship has reached Morannon or Minas Morgul, they can decide during a Fellowship phase to enter Mordor. This does not require the Fellowship to be hidden, as in the First edition, and prevents turn stalling through cards that reveal the Fellowship.


Cool Smoke Luke
I'd say nab the upgrade kit instead. I don't think there's anything super major components wise that isn't covered by that.

Here are the rules differences:

1. Witchking: Cannot enter play unless Sauron and one Free Peoples Nation is at war (Previously only required Sauron at war).
2. Gandalf the Grey: Guide ability allows draw of new event card if event die is used to play it (previously only applied to character deck).
3. Merry/Pippin: When taken as a casualty in the Fellowship can be placed on the board as if they'd separated (this previously cost an action die).
4. Gollum: Has a slight clarification on which tiles reveal the Fellowship (I do not see much beyond a wording clarification here).
5. Path of the Woses: An army from Rohan can use to reach Minas Tirith under any circumstances (previously required a friendly army be present at Minas Tirith)
6. The Last Battle: Now restricted to Aragorn, who must be with an army in a region outside a Free Peoples nation (previously could be Aragorn or Gandalf the White, with a Free Peoples army in North Ithilien, South Ithilien, Dagorlad, or any region in Mordor)
7. Ent cards: Now only require that Gandalf the White be in play, and a Companion be present in Fangorn (previously required both Gandalf the White and Saruman, and that Gandalf be present in Rohan or Fangorn)
8. There is an extra Dwarf elite placed in Erebor in set-up.
9. The Shadow player is required to place a die in the Hunt Allocation if the Fellowship moved the previous turn.
10. The combat card playing sequence has been clarified. There are also priorities added to the combat cards to help clear up confusion on the order of effects.
11. When the Fellowship has reached Morannon or Minas Morgul, they can decide during a Fellowship phase to enter Mordor. This does not require the Fellowship to be hidden, as in the First edition, and prevents turn stalling through cards that reveal the Fellowship.

Thanks for the info thats great! I might just put the first edition up for sale and see if I can get 40 bucks for it..if I can..it will be a wash vs just buying the upgrade.


I had a thought that maybe some people would like to see how the Quick-shade Varnish really makes painting mini's easier for new painters.
As well as how a basic paint job really comes alive with it.

I figured a before and after would demonstrate just how big a difference it can make.
Obviously the real professional jobs look better, but I'll let the results speak for themself.

So here is the first picture, the complete paint job I used for the Ghouls.


Its very basic and straightforward just used about 4 colors all is basecoat painting
I mixed the purple(which turned out darker then I ment..was looking to make it more grey/purple)
little red and Flesh Tone(which is just ratman Flesh and some white )
and a light sugars sack brown( basic brown with some white).

Here's the finished result after dipping into the Quickshade and letting dry for 48hrs then a dullcoat spray on matt finish.

I find the results are very dramatic, the only thing is I should have used a sponge to remove excess where there are deep creases(the arm across the chest has abit to much).


What kinda brand of quick shade do you use and what tone (soft, dark strong etc.) do you use? It really looks great.


Cool Smoke Luke
What kinda brand of quick shade do you use and what tone (soft, dark strong etc.) do you use? It really looks great.

Army Painter Brand Strong tone..which seems to be their standard general use Shade.

tho if you tried to do the dip and shake holding a mini like that it would go flying(who choreographs these photos?)

that being said I've never tried another brand or style of Dip.

The minis's for the Legend of Drizzt game I used colored wash's for the shading.
All the Castle of Ravenloft mini's I've used the Army Painter Quick shade.

I'm about 3/4 of the way thru the Ravenloft Figures and I'd say the Quickshade is much easier to do. Wash's really do expect you have a better understanding of shading and shadows ect..I winged it for the Drizzt set and it was ok but I could feel like if i took more time and gradually built up the wash it would have turned out better.
Quickshade is more...dip...shake 9 times..Abracadabra thats what you get.


Cool Smoke Luke
Heres some before and after with the Castle Ravenloft Zombies.
you can see where i should have cleaned up the inner hand abit..anywhere there is a major pool point needs to be dabbed in the first couple minutes of drying.

Fully Painted predip

Post dip and Dullcoat
Yup the dip is awesome for quick and easy paint jobs, great for army building. Just gotta make sure to not over do it, have had many friends fuck up on their first couple figs with giant masses of goop on the figs.


Cool Smoke Luke
. Just gotta make sure to not over do it, have had many friends fuck up on their first couple figs with giant masses of goop on the figs.
Ya i can see how you have to be careful..honestly was thinking of thinning it out abit with varsal see if it works better at not globbing up so much.
Board games across the top and also have them on the bottom.






Also, a pic of my miniature painting supplies and my whopping 6 completed Descent figures I have painted, just for Bloodydrake




Cool Smoke Luke
Board games across the top and also have them on the bottom.

Also, a pic of my miniature painting supplies and my whopping 6 completed Descent figures I have painted, just for Bloodydrake

Wow! awesome..you must paint a ton of warhammer stuff to eh? Love to have that paint supply shelf :)


Has anyone played the Star Wars Mini;s me and a buddy of mine just started playing a bit. We had to make up some of our own rules to make the game a bit more fun.

Apples to Apples seems to pretty popular party board game now.
Has anyone played the Star Wars Mini;s me and a buddy of mine just started playing a bit. We had to make up some of our own rules to make the game a bit more fun.

Apples to Apples seems to pretty popular party board game now.

Have a massive collection of them, never played much of the actual mini game though, but it was enjoyable. It's a simple game, but really most people bought the figs for collecting and use in the roleplaying games.
Wow! awesome..you must paint a ton of warhammer stuff to eh? Love to have that paint supply shelf :)

It seems like you and I are kindered souls in that we like to paint our board games. Most do not. We do not really fit in this thread for that reason, and the miniature painting thread is generally full of table top gamers and painters who expect 10/10 figures or get the fuck out. There is a reason hardly no one posts pics of their miniatures in that thread. You would get burnt at the stake for mentioning Quickshade!

Board games must have miniatures I can paint in order to spark my interest. It is 80% of the reason I purchase and get invested into a board game. I already own a slew of games that I need to buy, paint, and probably never play and there is a plethora of upcoming games that are miniature heavy that I would also like to own. I will end up getting them eventually, but right now I just need to concentrate on the board games I already own. I will be buying Descent 2.0 Day 1 though because I want the updated board and all the new minis to mix with my old ones. After I do more Descent figs, I'll switch over to Mansions of Madness for a change of theme. I can only do so much fantasy!

I used to paint a lot of 40k, but due to lack of time and other hobbies I kind of quit. The price is pretty restrictive too. Gee, 1 squad of terminators or a new board game with 50+ miniatures? That is a pretty easy call for me to make right now. This is a "sometimes" hobby for me so I cannot justify the Games Workshop tax on everything they sell. I like to do 1 mini at a time right now so board games are perfect. Each hero in Descent takes an afternoon for me to do with most of the time dedicated to coming up with a theme, gathering the supplies, and building the base. Each hero has an entirely unique approach and execution. It always feels like a great accomplishment when I make the time to create. I really need to get back into it. I haven't put brush to paint in a year!


Cool Smoke Luke
:) I'm finding it almost as much fun painting them as playing the games these days heh.

I'm not a professional or even an amateur artist, so I'm not to worried about them not being showroom quality. I'm just an old Geek that thought it would be fun to try for the hell of it. :)
I hoped it would be fun to share and the board game thread here seems pretty easygoing and inclusive..figured why not.

I think its one of those things from when I was a kids playing Dnd on graph paper, I always wished we could afford those cool mini's from the magazines like Dragon. Now boardgames come packed full of minis its great!


First tragedy, then farce.
So, Origins is over.

I'm so so so very tired. I taught about 50 games of Tammany Hall last weekend. I didn't actually wind up buying anything at all. Though, Mayfair did have a few copies of "Martin Wallace's Totally Renamed Train Game" that were very tempting to get.

I wanted to get Manhattan project but it sold out.. and after playtesting Tournay I decided the symbology was too much for me to deal with (I hate when card games do this). I got some free copies of Pantheon and Let's take a hike. So, I didn't leave empty handed, and my suitcase was full anyway. Though, I'm really regretting not getting the special edition of Steam from Mayfair.

On the other hand, I played Sentinels of the Multiverse (really awesome!), and the lead designer is a super nice guy. I hung out with him for a few hours after the show Saturday night and he gave me some really good advice on Tammany Hall. Really great guy, and his game is one of the more fun co-ops I've seen... and it totally solves the "jerk taking over the game" problem most Co-Ops have.

Also, Ground Floor (TMG) went absolutely nuts yesterday. I woke up on Monday and it was at like 68K. I was at 116K when I went to bed. Tycho mentioned it on Penny Arcade's front page (during E3 no less).


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Has anyone had issues lately with the way Amazon ships their board games? I ordered a copy of Risk: Legacy and it pretty much looks like someone took the box and chucked it down a flight of stairs. It also doesn't help that the sticker seal on the game box was already opened and there are huge UPC stickers across the side and front of the box. I have already gone through the return process on their website to get a replacement sent to me, but I think I am moving back to CSI exclusively, even for my smaller 1 to 2 game orders.


Has anyone had issues lately with the way Amazon ships their board games? I ordered a copy of Risk: Legacy and it pretty much looks like someone took the box and chucked it down a flight of stairs. It also doesn't help that the sticker seal on the game box was already opened and there are huge UPC stickers across the side and front of the box. I have already gone through the return process on their website to get a replacement sent to me, but I think I am moving back to CSI exclusively, even for my smaller 1 to 2 game orders.

I never had an issue with amazon in the board games I have gotten from them.


Cool Smoke Luke
So, Origins is over.

I'm so so so very tired.

sounds like a meetgrinder :) heh tammany's already cleared 90k and almost 1500 backers!so I think all the exposure had a positive effect.

sounds like a great time..gonna have to try and go to one of these game conventions someday.


Fortress America hitting distributors already and some retailers getting copies already.

Lawd, thanks for the heads up. Must go nab one....even though I have the Original Saddam box, I've never played it.


Also, Ground Floor (TMG) went absolutely nuts yesterday. I woke up on Monday and it was at like 68K. I was at 116K when I went to bed. Tycho mentioned it on Penny Arcade's front page (during E3 no less).

I backed it. I watched UDV's vid review at the last minute. I'd totally written it off for some gut-reaction non-reason until then. Looks like a really cool spin on something familiar.
Anyone try Uncharted yet? The production quality of the cards and stuff seem decent for once from Bandai. Only watched a few of the vids but they didn't post all of them yet to show off how you play.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Alright guys, I don't post here often (I'm not even sure if I ever have), so I'll just say hi first.


I'm an avid lover of boardgames, I just don't have too much time and people to play with, usually :( I've been trying to get my girlfriend to start playing more boardgams with me, and have had some success. E.g. Forbidden Island was a huge hit, Innovation.....not so much. She found it boring :/. iOS boardgaming has made me extremely happy, since it connects me to so many people and I'm getting some sweet sweet Ascension/Nightfall/Carcassonne/Hero Academy (yes I'm counting that, it's like a much simplified version of Summoner Wars) time in.

But anyway... I'm on the verge of just bulk-buying some games and I'm wondering what you guys think of the choices, both with regards to how good they are per se and if someone who's not thaaat much into extremely complex and long games (like my girlfriend) will like it too. And also, if they're not too long, we don't have 4h to play them :/ Also, if they're good for 2p games (since getting 4p together won't happen too often, but 2p is more possible) or not, that'd be much appreciated.

1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.

-> Civ 2-5 are my most played PC games, love the franchise, have heard there is a board game and it's not terribad, must-buy for me. Please tell me this is good. :D

2. Race for the Galaxy

-> I don't know toooo much about this, but it seems to not be too long and space exploration sounds like a really cool theme.

3. Summoner Wars

-> Seems fairly "simple" to learn and play, and not too long, as well as being designed for 2p, so it seems like a perfect choice? Also, I love Hero Academy on iOS, which I've been told is similar, albeit a lot easier.

4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set

-> It's coop, so that plays into my positive experience with my gf and Forbidden Island, even though it's a bit more complex (which I find good. :p ). She also loves LOTR and so do I, so that might help her get through it, and the whole mechanics seem fun.

I've watched/read some reviews on them (mainly Dice Tower, no idea what his reputation on GAF is) and they all seem fun, as well as BGG ratings and stuff... But yeah, I trust GAF with some opinions. :)

So, please let me know what you guys think! Good/Bad games? Not too complex/long/hard to learn? Fun for 2p or only more?

Thanks a lot in advance. :)


1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.
2. Race for the Galaxy
3. Summoner Wars
4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set

Civ is complex and long. It IS however great for 2 and 4 players alike. I'd expect a learning game of this with all 4 players to go about 4 hours.

Race for the Galaxy is quick and an excellent 2 player game, probably the most preferred way to play it for many folks. The only barrier here is iconography. Some people get baffled by it, but there's plenty of cheat sheets and it soon becomes second nature. A must have in my opinion.

Summoner Wars is quick, light, and very simple. Also chiefly 2 players.

LOTR LCG: I have very limited experience with this, but it is hailed as one of the better LCGs. It being fully co-op is probably a boon for teaching/helping with the game and not "being mean" if your girlfriend is one of those types.


Cool Smoke Luke
1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.
2. Race for the Galaxy
3. Summoner Wars
4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set

Howdy and welcome :)

Of those four I've only played RFTG tho I have a lot of long Fantasty Flight games that I really like but I do find the longer the game the less often it gets played.
If Civ is a really long game you should consider that.

I've have Race for the Galaxy and its great but ya the symbols do confuse and frighten off nongamers alot.

When I brought out a few card based boardgames this was the one the nongamers went wide eyed to.

Lost cities and Dominion went over better..but if your girls willing to try RFTG, it is awesome or ya can't go wrong with Dominion


I haven't played Summoner Wars or the LOTR card game.

But I can say that while Civ and RFTG are excellent games, I cannot recommend them if you're going to just play with your girlfriend. Civ is a long and complex game and I really don't see someone who isn't already into board games liking it.

RFTG is shorter and simpler but the learning curve is pretty high. It takes several plays to really get it. And all the symbols and stuff are very intimidating. I also cannot recommend this for someone who isn't already into games.


Alright guys, I don't post here often (I'm not even sure if I ever have), so I'll just say hi first.

I do not recommend #1 and #2. With your girlfriend (who isn't as into boardgames as you are) as your only gaming partner right now, you will just be throwing money away. Best thing for you is to find a gaming group nearby. If not, then look into the KOSMOS 2-player line. They are designed to be easy to learn and fast to play, specifically for people that are just getting their feet wet (or have no interest in getting into the more complicated mechanics). I have no experiences in #4 but it is not a short game by any means, it is also fairly complex from what I've seen. Unfortunately, I think all LOTR related games are pretty thematic and therefore takes a big investment in time and effort to learn the rules and play.
Alright guys, I don't post here often (I'm not even sure if I ever have), so I'll just say hi first.


I'm an avid lover of boardgames, I just don't have too much time and people to play with, usually :( I've been trying to get my girlfriend to start playing more boardgams with me, and have had some success. E.g. Forbidden Island was a huge hit, Innovation.....not so much. She found it boring :/. iOS boardgaming has made me extremely happy, since it connects me to so many people and I'm getting some sweet sweet Ascension/Nightfall/Carcassonne/Hero Academy (yes I'm counting that, it's like a much simplified version of Summoner Wars) time in.

But anyway... I'm on the verge of just bulk-buying some games and I'm wondering what you guys think of the choices, both with regards to how good they are per se and if someone who's not thaaat much into extremely complex and long games (like my girlfriend) will like it too. And also, if they're not too long, we don't have 4h to play them :/ Also, if they're good for 2p games (since getting 4p together won't happen too often, but 2p is more possible) or not, that'd be much appreciated.

1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.

-> Civ 2-5 are my most played PC games, love the franchise, have heard there is a board game and it's not terribad, must-buy for me. Please tell me this is good. :D

2. Race for the Galaxy

-> I don't know toooo much about this, but it seems to not be too long and space exploration sounds like a really cool theme.

3. Summoner Wars

-> Seems fairly "simple" to learn and play, and not too long, as well as being designed for 2p, so it seems like a perfect choice? Also, I love Hero Academy on iOS, which I've been told is similar, albeit a lot easier.

4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set

-> It's coop, so that plays into my positive experience with my gf and Forbidden Island, even though it's a bit more complex (which I find good. :p ). She also loves LOTR and so do I, so that might help her get through it, and the whole mechanics seem fun.

I've watched/read some reviews on them (mainly Dice Tower, no idea what his reputation on GAF is) and they all seem fun, as well as BGG ratings and stuff... But yeah, I trust GAF with some opinions. :)

So, please let me know what you guys think! Good/Bad games? Not too complex/long/hard to learn? Fun for 2p or only more?

Thanks a lot in advance. :)

Civ is a great game, one of my favorites, but it can be complex and long. When I play with four experienced players it can take close to 3 hours. Two players is actually much shorter but there is still a learning curve so expect your fist couple two player games to take close to three hours as well. That being said if you are willing to learn the rules inside and out it's not that hard of a game to teach. Most of the complexity comes in the various win conditions and the interactions with your techs. Once you become familiar with that the game moves fairly quickly.

I'm not the biggest fan of RFTG. It's a good game in it's own right but the iconography is needlessly cryptic for beginners and teaching the game to someone is a bitch and a half because of it. If your girlfriend didn't like Innovation she will not like RFtG.

Lord of the Rings the card game is ok. It might be more exciting for former or current CCG players. I never was so the concept of deck building is lost on me. The system itself is interesting and not too hard to get a handle on.

If you are looking for good two player games that aren't too complex I would suggest taking a look at the Kosmos two player line. Games like Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel and Lost Cities are easy to teach, lean, and play. Pillars takes about 45 minutes to play while Lost Cities will play in roughly 20-30 minutes. I also got a game called Hemloch recently that I really dig. Good two player area majority card game that plays in about 30 minutes.

If you want a short Civ building like game Roll through the Ages is one of mine and my wife's favorite game. It plays a bit like Yahtzee where players are rolling dice in order to score points though various means. You can use workers to build more cities which give you more dice or monuments which give you massive points. You sell goods to fund the research for technologies that will give you a special benefit. You also need to balance your food in order to make sure your cities don't starve causing you to lose points. It's a quick game that scales nicely and is very accessible to non gamers.
Alright guys, I don't post here often (I'm not even sure if I ever have), so I'll just say hi first.


I'm an avid lover of boardgames, I just don't have too much time and people to play with, usually :( I've been trying to get my girlfriend to start playing more boardgams with me, and have had some success. E.g. Forbidden Island was a huge hit, Innovation.....not so much. She found it boring :/. iOS boardgaming has made me extremely happy, since it connects me to so many people and I'm getting some sweet sweet Ascension/Nightfall/Carcassonne/Hero Academy (yes I'm counting that, it's like a much simplified version of Summoner Wars) time in.

But anyway... I'm on the verge of just bulk-buying some games and I'm wondering what you guys think of the choices, both with regards to how good they are per se and if someone who's not thaaat much into extremely complex and long games (like my girlfriend) will like it too. And also, if they're not too long, we don't have 4h to play them :/ Also, if they're good for 2p games (since getting 4p together won't happen too often, but 2p is more possible) or not, that'd be much appreciated.

1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.

-> Civ 2-5 are my most played PC games, love the franchise, have heard there is a board game and it's not terribad, must-buy for me. Please tell me this is good. :D

2. Race for the Galaxy

-> I don't know toooo much about this, but it seems to not be too long and space exploration sounds like a really cool theme.

3. Summoner Wars

-> Seems fairly "simple" to learn and play, and not too long, as well as being designed for 2p, so it seems like a perfect choice? Also, I love Hero Academy on iOS, which I've been told is similar, albeit a lot easier.

4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set

-> It's coop, so that plays into my positive experience with my gf and Forbidden Island, even though it's a bit more complex (which I find good. :p ). She also loves LOTR and so do I, so that might help her get through it, and the whole mechanics seem fun.

I've watched/read some reviews on them (mainly Dice Tower, no idea what his reputation on GAF is) and they all seem fun, as well as BGG ratings and stuff... But yeah, I trust GAF with some opinions. :)

So, please let me know what you guys think! Good/Bad games? Not too complex/long/hard to learn? Fun for 2p or only more?

Thanks a lot in advance. :)

RFTG is simple, there just an initial learning bump you have to get by with new players as the way it's designed often confuses people.

Summoner Wars is really simple game, made for 2 players primarily that is quick to teach and learn, but lots of expansion options and re playability.


IMO Pandemic is the best 2-player game to use to introduce a girlfriend to board games.

For cooperative games, I agree. It was the first one my wife and I played, and it's still a hit with us and our friends.

In general, my vote would go to Ticket to Ride. It's simple to learn, the pacing is perfect, and -- though experienced players obviously have an advantage -- even a first-time player can be competitive and have some very satisfying moments.

Even if you don't win, those successes (completing a long route, having a 15-point turn, blocking someone's path, or finding a creative way around a blocked path) give you some serious positive reinforcement and a desire to play again and build off your experience.


Heres some before and after with the Castle Ravenloft Zombies.
you can see where i should have cleaned up the inner hand abit..anywhere there is a major pool point needs to be dabbed in the first couple minutes of drying.

Fully Painted predip

Post dip and Dullcoat

Thanks for the answers BD, will order a bucket of quickshade if I ever start painting my miniatures. It's really amazing how that dip brings the models alive.

The only games I have so far with figures to paint is Talisman and Wiz-War and all those figures are pretty small. Hopefully it will work great on these aswell. :)


Been grabbing board games like crazy the past few weeks ever since discovering an awesome local distributor here in Vancouver (Starlit Citadel).

Collection went from nothing to this:

Everything's been a hit with my group of friends, none of whom have had experience with designer board games prior to my binge either.

Looking at 7 Wonders and Nightfall for my next haul, but any other recommendations are welcome. I'm looking to start getting into some more complex stuff (hence Nightfall), and maybe one more introductory/filler type game to round out my collection for the friends who aren't quite as into board games just yet (hence 7 Wonders).
Been grabbing board games like crazy the past few weeks ever since discovering an awesome local distributor here in Vancouver (Starlit Citadel).

Collection went from nothing to this:

Everything's been a hit with my group of friends, none of whom have had experience with designer board games prior to my binge either.

Looking at 7 Wonders and Nightfall for my next haul, but any other recommendations are welcome. I'm looking to start getting into some more complex stuff (hence Nightfall), and maybe one more introductory/filler type game to round out my collection for the friends who aren't quite as into board games just yet (hence 7 Wonders).[/QUOTE]Just my two cents, Nightfall does almost nothing for me. It works fine on the iOS but my live games have been really clunky. Also if you get a bad combination of cards to purchase the game drags on forever. I've had a game last close to three hours once and that's just too long.


Cool Smoke Luke
Been grabbing board games like crazy the past few weeks ever since discovering an awesome local distributor here in Vancouver (Starlit Citadel).

Collection went from nothing to this:

Everything's been a hit with my group of friends, none of whom have had experience with designer board games prior to my binge either.

Looking at 7 Wonders and Nightfall for my next haul, but any other recommendations are welcome. I'm looking to start getting into some more complex stuff (hence Nightfall), and maybe one more introductory/filler type game to round out my collection for the friends who aren't quite as into board games just yet (hence 7 Wonders).

Thats great!

I just picked up some cardgame based addons recently and played our first game of Dominion with Prosperity.. quiet fun,definitely a worthy addition.
7 Wonders is my regular 4 players favorite card based game. Its agreat night starter and agood break after or inbetween more meater games.
I'd recommend 7 wonders to any group of 4 that likes lighter games like what you have in that pic..plus its feels different from the other card based games I see you have.

a light to medium worker placement game like Stoneage or Pillars of the earth might suit your group if they like lighter games
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this thread! My girlfriend and I have been playing a lot of games lately with her sister and brother in law. We've been going through games of Clue, Apples to Apples, and Monopoly.

I've been wanting to branch out more and bam! Here's this thread. Awesome. I went ahead and ordered a copy of Pandemic to see how well that goes over. If it's a success, I'm planning on picking up Ticket to Ride and Carcassonne. I can't wait for the weekend.
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