Alright guys, I don't post here often (I'm not even sure if I ever have), so I'll just say hi first.
I'm an avid lover of boardgames, I just don't have too much time and people to play with, usually

I've been trying to get my girlfriend to start playing more boardgams with me, and have had some success. E.g. Forbidden Island was a huge hit, Innovation.....not so much. She found it boring :/. iOS boardgaming has made me extremely happy, since it connects me to so many people and I'm getting some sweet sweet Ascension/Nightfall/Carcassonne/Hero Academy (yes I'm counting that, it's like a much simplified version of Summoner Wars) time in.
But anyway... I'm on the verge of just bulk-buying some games and I'm wondering what you guys think of the choices, both with regards to how good they are per se and if someone who's not thaaat much into extremely complex and long games (like my girlfriend) will like it too. And also, if they're not too long, we don't have 4h to play them :/ Also, if they're good for 2p games (since getting 4p together won't happen too often, but 2p is more possible) or not, that'd be much appreciated.
1. Sid Meier's Civilization - The Board Game.
-> Civ 2-5 are my most played PC games, love the franchise, have heard there is a board game and it's not terribad, must-buy for me. Please tell me this is good.
2. Race for the Galaxy
-> I don't know toooo much about this, but it seems to not be too long and space exploration sounds like a really cool theme.
3. Summoner Wars
-> Seems fairly "simple" to learn and play, and not too long, as well as being designed for 2p, so it seems like a perfect choice? Also, I love Hero Academy on iOS, which I've been told is similar, albeit a lot easier.
4. The Lord of the Rings Living Collectible Card Game Core Set
-> It's coop, so that plays into my positive experience with my gf and Forbidden Island, even though it's a bit more complex (which I find good.

). She also loves LOTR and so do I, so that might help her get through it, and the whole mechanics seem fun.
I've watched/read some reviews on them (mainly Dice Tower, no idea what his reputation on GAF is) and they all seem fun, as well as BGG ratings and stuff... But yeah, I trust GAF with some opinions.
So, please let me know what you guys think! Good/Bad games? Not too complex/long/hard to learn? Fun for 2p or only more?
Thanks a lot in advance.