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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I have absolutely no idea if the people I game with will like Tammany Hall, but I'm in for a copy. Dat expensive uk shipping :( I realize it's what it costs to get it shipped, but it still hurts everytime I see a boardgame kickstarter :(

Hope I love the game :D

In other news, I finally got around to playing Elder Signs on my Galaxy Nexus - holy shit! Is the board game much different? Is multiplayer pure co-op or is there some competetive element?

Am also going to have to get some Cthulhu epubs because I love the atmosphere and what I've read seems very interesting.


Hmm, played my 4th game of Lords of Waterdeep yesterday (all 4-5 player games). Turned out to be pretty frustrating because I seemed to be on everyone's radar from turn two because of an early lead. I ended up on the wrong side of THREE mandatory quests in the mid-to-late game, which put me far enough behind that I couldn't possibly keep any semblance of a lead. Ended up with a tie between two other players which was decided by gold in hand.

What are your guys' opinions on these quests? At first I thought they could "backfire" by passing along victory points (if they're completed), but if you look at how many points they procure, it's not worth it at all. eg. 2 warriors and 1 wizard for only 2 points (!). It feels like they're such a big disadvantage for the person it's played on, and in a 3+ player game, they don't do anything for the person who attacked either. They end up feeling like kingmakers, particularly if played late enough in the game. I'm curious of other people's experiences/counters.

I can see the kingmaker aspect, but I guess it really depends on your group. I don't mind the mandatory quests. A lot of the time (especially when a lot of buildings are out), it's the only way to stop someone from scoring that 20 VP quest.

The person playing the card has to take a turn to go to the harbour, so it's not a thing people do lightly in my group. As a "defense" to mandatory quests, leaders tend to grab cubes of different colours just to have them on hand.
It sounds like your group got carried away with targeting you though.


Hmm, played my 4th game of Lords of Waterdeep yesterday (all 4-5 player games). Turned out to be pretty frustrating because I seemed to be on everyone's radar from turn two because of an early lead. I ended up on the wrong side of THREE mandatory quests in the mid-to-late game, which put me far enough behind that I couldn't possibly keep any semblance of a lead. Ended up with a tie between two other players which was decided by gold in hand.

What are your guys' opinions on these quests? At first I thought they could "backfire" by passing along victory points (if they're completed), but if you look at how many points they procure, it's not worth it at all. eg. 2 warriors and 1 wizard for only 2 points (!). It feels like they're such a big disadvantage for the person it's played on, and in a 3+ player game, they don't do anything for the person who attacked either. They end up feeling like kingmakers, particularly if played late enough in the game. I'm curious of other people's experiences/counters.
I've played the game 4 or 5 times now and I've only seen a mandatory quest played once on someone (and it was me that played it). It's not like they weren't available, I guess it just depends on the group you play with, and like others have said, it looks like you were harshly targeted.

It's frustrating to be targeted, but the consolation for me in such an instance is that the game is so short. It will be over quick enough and you hope the next game goes better.

Now, if this was Dominant Species and you were half hour in to a 3 hour game, then I'd be pretty annoyed, but again, it's just a game.


Cool Smoke Luke
Heres the Wolves from Castle Ravenloft

I tried to make each one different, tho its hard to tell in the pic but the first one is more grey and the second more brown.. 3rd was much more white/ cream till I Dipped it heh.


Contemplating the Flesh Golem atm..torn between a green/grey Frankenstein skin color or more a pasty white/grey zombie flesh tone

And here are the spiders..don't really like them..was trying for brown and orange tarantula ..but didn't turn out well...ah well live and learn


Question for those who have played the Game of Thrones board game - can a routed unit still do a Raid or Consolidate order (in a future round)? I think the answer is Yes but wanted to double-check.


Trade advice needed, guys. Been offered Space Alert for my Hannibal Rome vs Carthage. Hannibal's opened & played (Not by me sadly). I've wanted to try Space Alert for a year at least, but unlikely to get to the table much with my current group. I love 2 player games like Hannibal but never get the time to play...

Should I trade? I dunno.


Question for those who have played the Game of Thrones board game - can a routed unit still do a Raid or Consolidate order (in a future round)? I think the answer is Yes but wanted to double-check.

Of course. Routed units never stay routed to the next round. Step 4 of action phase, called clean up, includes standing routes back up.


My gaming group will have three copies of Tammany Hall at least. I got two friends to dive in. Two more and we'll all have our own copy, which is an achievement of dubious utility. But I'm glad we can help out.


I think there is a Care Bear variant on BGG because of this very issue. Seems reasonable. They're definitely negatives although it sounds like you got ganged up on to an extreme.

I can see the kingmaker aspect, but I guess it really depends on your group. I don't mind the mandatory quests. A lot of the time (especially when a lot of buildings are out), it's the only way to stop someone from scoring that 20 VP quest.

The person playing the card has to take a turn to go to the harbour, so it's not a thing people do lightly in my group. As a "defense" to mandatory quests, leaders tend to grab cubes of different colours just to have them on hand.
It sounds like your group got carried away with targeting you though.

I've played the game 4 or 5 times now and I've only seen a mandatory quest played once on someone (and it was me that played it). It's not like they weren't available, I guess it just depends on the group you play with, and like others have said, it looks like you were harshly targeted.

It's frustrating to be targeted, but the consolation for me in such an instance is that the game is so short. It will be over quick enough and you hope the next game goes better.

Now, if this was Dominant Species and you were half hour in to a 3 hour game, then I'd be pretty annoyed, but again, it's just a game.

Thanks for the replies.

You guys may be right. I think it could just be my annoyance talking and making the mandatory quests seem worse than they are. I'll definitely try and play more games before I go hunting for variants.


Of course. Routed units never stay routed to the next round. Step 4 of action phase, called clean up, includes standing routes back up.

Oh wow, thanks. I missed that note when I was reading through the manual and thought they stayed routed (which I thought was kind of weird).


First tragedy, then farce.
My gaming group will have three copies of Tammany Hall at least. I got two friends to dive in. Two more and we'll all have our own copy, which is an achievement of dubious utility. But I'm glad we can help out.

Thanks a ton! It's kind of mind blowing the support GAF has given the game. The analytics on kickstarter aren't that great, but a huge chunk of the support has come from here. neogaf is only behind Kickstarter, Board Game Geek and Reddit on the number of supports coming from a website.


You can try before you buy with the online version at... slothninja, I think?

I'd rather wait until I have it in front of me, to be honest.

It's not a risk I'd usually take - almost $100 on a game I've never tried - but through the updates on Kickstarter and seeing the guy post on here it's obvious that there's a lot of passion there which makes it worth it for me.

If my group don't enjoy it then I'm sure I'll find somebody who'll love it and I'll just trade it for another game :)
If anybody was interested Amazon has Campaign Manager 2008 for ~$6 shipped. It's from a third party seller but it's cheap as hell. It's a good two player card game. In the same vein as 1960: Making of the President.


I know it's not a board game, but are there any Call of Cthulhu players in here?
I'm thinking of starting up a game as DM and could use some advice on what I should be doing, so I'm trying to find some good resources


I know it's not a board game, but are there any Call of Cthulhu players in here?
I'm thinking of starting up a game as DM and could use some advice on what I should be doing, so I'm trying to find some good resources

I used to play CoC. I don't get much time with RPGs anymore. As for resources, the original material is always good, particularly if the players haven't read it. CoC has a bunch of modules, some of which you can probably pick up cheap.

This would be a good place to start:

If you're just looking for seeds, try:

Amazon has a bunch of campaigns, modules, and Keeper books available.


Finished game 13 of Risk Legacy over the weekend. My group has enjoyed it so much we're going to chip in on another copy and go through it again. :)


I know it's not a board game, but are there any Call of Cthulhu players in here?
I'm thinking of starting up a game as DM and could use some advice on what I should be doing, so I'm trying to find some good resources

There's an RPG thread where people like myself and some other CoC players would be delighted to help you out. Come on over.
I'd rather wait until I have it in front of me, to be honest.

It's not a risk I'd usually take - almost $100 on a game I've never tried - but through the updates on Kickstarter and seeing the guy post on here it's obvious that there's a lot of passion there which makes it worth it for me.

If my group don't enjoy it then I'm sure I'll find somebody who'll love it and I'll just trade it for another game :)

There's a second UK bulk order group trying to get started on BGG
Check the thread for the first group for an idea on how much it might cost after taxes and charges.


Slowly goIng through MK rules finally. Really cool stuffI'm seeing here, excited to get this to the table.

Also interested in that new LOTR WizKids game, Nazgul -- despite the board being atrocious.


Slowly goIng through MK rules finally. Really cool stuffI'm seeing here, excited to get this to the table.

Also interested in that new LOTR WizKids game, Nazgul -- despite the board being atrocious.

I did a set up at home just to feel the game out before I taught it. I feel that probably saved a half/hour of set up and explanation fumbling on game day.
I have next to no experience with board games outside of your typical family orientated Monopoly, etc, and Heroclix I guess, it that comes under the board game banner. I've always found the concepts interesting and I've wanted to jump in with something more difficult and interesting. I had no idea where to start, but on reading the opening I have made note of a few board games that sound reasonably accessible.

I was browsing Kickstarter yesterday and came across a handful of projects that have captured my interest and I'd happily open my wallet for, but I wanted to ask Board Game GAF whether or not they might be suitable given my inexperience.
Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster


The following Kickstarter projects have finished, but in researching I found I could still pre-order both through their respective company websites, though without the Kickstarter bonuses.





On another note, I'm a huge fan of Locke & Key and I've been tracking the card-based game that has been released a couple of months ago. I haven't been able to find much information in terms of reception and/or reviews. Has anyone here played it? Or does anyone have maybe information more in-depth than the product description available?


I have next to no experience with board games outside of your typical family orientated Monopoly, etc, and Heroclix I guess, it that comes under the board game banner. I've always found the concepts interesting and I've wanted to jump in with something more difficult and interesting. I had no idea where to start, but on reading the opening I have made note of a few board games that sound reasonably accessible.

I was browsing Kickstarter yesterday and came across a handful of projects that have captured my interest and I'd happily open my wallet for, but I wanted to ask Board Game GAF whether or not they might be suitable given my inexperience.

On another note, I'm a huge fan of Locke & Key and I've been tracking the card-based game that has been released a couple of months ago. I haven't been able to find much information in terms of reception and/or reviews. Has anyone here played it? Or does anyone have maybe information more in-depth than the product description available?

To be honest, as long as you're willing to read through the rulebook properly with your group and play a game or two slowly to get used to it, you'll be fine with anything.

My first board games (aside from Monopoly and the like) was Lord of the Rings Risk and Puerto Rico - I got to grips with those pretty quickly, so I'd suggest those, maybe Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan or something like that as very easy games to start out with
I have next to no experience with board games outside of your typical family orientated Monopoly, etc, and Heroclix I guess, it that comes under the board game banner. I've always found the concepts interesting and I've wanted to jump in with something more difficult and interesting. I had no idea where to start, but on reading the opening I have made note of a few board games that sound reasonably accessible.

I was browsing Kickstarter yesterday and came across a handful of projects that have captured my interest and I'd happily open my wallet for, but I wanted to ask Board Game GAF whether or not they might be suitable given my inexperience.

On another note, I'm a huge fan of Locke & Key and I've been tracking the card-based game that has been released a couple of months ago. I haven't been able to find much information in terms of reception and/or reviews. Has anyone here played it? Or does anyone have maybe information more in-depth than the product description available?
The kickstarter games are unknown entities at this point. They look and sound neat but no one has played them yet. I personally backed Zombicide because it sounded interesting but even I have no idea how good it actually is. As far as getting into gaming you should take a look at the Gateway section of the OP. Really classic gateways in there and you should have no problems getting those to the table. If you like the zombie theme check out Last Night on Earth. It's probably the best zombie game on the market now. It's a game that has people playing on two teams competing for what ever goal the scenario has you doing. For instance there is a scenario where the survivors have to survive in a house a lot like Night of the Living Dead.

As for Locke and Key there is a video review of it here. You can also check out the game's page on boardgame geek for other impressions.

Good luck.


Anyone hitting up Origins in Columbus this weekend? I'm going with a nice sized group and we plan on drinking, playing Arkham Horror, Lords of Waterdeep, 7 wonders and Zombies! +expansions. (with sealed booster drafts of MtG in between). Can't wait!


May contain jokes =>
Mansions of Madness arrived today. I read through the rules and did a setup/half-play by myself to acquaint myself with it. This game is seriously awesome.


I'm just giving you a hard time. If you think you'll get enjoyment out of it, thats great. Personally, it fell really flat and then the hard truth that at some point during the game its not super uncommon that a scenario be mathmatically impossible to win for one side. This isn't a problem in other games like Betrayal because of dice and the randomness. To look at the board and be like 'fuck. there's 40 minutes of game left to play this out to an anticlimactic finish' was a real bummer.

Maybe I shouldn't have even pointed this out. If you can try to not notice, I suppose there's fun to be had. But I think the super-regulars here will attest to me being the resident FFG defense force, but FFG is on their own here, haha.


May contain jokes =>
I'm just giving you a hard time. If you think you'll get enjoyment out of it, thats great. Personally, it fell really flat and then the hard truth that at some point during the game its not super uncommon that a scenario be mathmatically impossible to win for one side. This isn't a problem in other games like Betrayal because of dice and the randomness. To look at the board and be like 'fuck. there's 40 minutes of game left to play this out to an anticlimactic finish' was a real bummer.

Maybe I shouldn't have even pointed this out. If you can try to not notice, I suppose there's fun to be had. But I think the super-regulars here will attest to me being the resident FFG defense force, but FFG is on their own here, haha.

No worries really, I appreciate the opinion.

I can certainly see your point and how that could be a problem. There won't be any way to know until I get a chance to play for real next weekend. But for the moment my game group and I are all pretty damn excited for it.

Personally I think anyone could probably agree that the game is just overflowing with theme, and the Arkham theme is one I absolutely love already.


Mansions of Madness didn't work for my group either.
It was just soooooo much set up for such simple gameplay. We found the story/experience of it not as strong as other people claimed it would be and gameplay could be frustrating. The card-based combat is so bad... And I swear, half the time the heroes trying to attack with their gun will just result in throwing it at my monster instead of shooting. If nothing else, there was at least a lot of comedic value in that.

We never got to the later scenarios though. So maybe it gets better. I don't know if we ever will because no one ever wants to play it and I'm too lazy to set all that stuff up for a game people aren't too excited about.
MOM is fun, but you have to set it up before players show up. Game has ridiculous set up time so the owner of the game should have it all planned and set up beforehand since its really a quick game, while players get dismayed that set up takes almost as much time as setup.

Set up takes a while, and if you also got to teach new players.....


May contain jokes =>
The setup didn't seem any worse than Arkham Horror to me honestly. Not that that's a short setup at all.


The setup didn't seem any worse than Arkham Horror to me honestly. Not that that's a short setup at all.

But I feel Arkham Horror is a more complex and fulfilling game, so the set up time is more justified. Mansions of Madness feels like too much work for too little reward for me. But there are a ton of people who enjoy it, so I hope you do too :)

And it may be because I'm so used to setting up Arkham Horror now, but it feels like less work to me.
EDIT: Clarification, maybe not less time, but less effort (?)
No worries really, I appreciate the opinion.

I can certainly see your point and how that could be a problem. There won't be any way to know until I get a chance to play for real next weekend. But for the moment my game group and I are all pretty damn excited for it.

Personally I think anyone could probably agree that the game is just overflowing with theme, and the Arkham theme is one I absolutely love already.

To offer a contrasting opinion I've had MOM since the day it came out, have played it tons and have never had a bad game. It's always entertaining, at least with the people I play it with.

Set up doesn't take that long if you keep your bits organised (and is no where near as long as Arkham, I mean really!). While people are picking characters, set up the board and sort the cards. That doesn't take long at all really.

It's also super easy to teach. Two moves, one action. all of which are obvious stuff like search, attack, move again etc. Simples.

Anyway hopefully you'll get a long and fulfilling shelf life out of it like I did.


Cool Smoke Luke
Finished game 13 of Risk Legacy over the weekend. My group has enjoyed it so much we're going to chip in on another copy and go through it again. :)

I'm curious. So this version of the game customizes the game over time till the campaign is finished and you have a fully customized version of RISK at the end.

Is the end resulting board not really worth using? or is it you find the experience of the creation campaign much more compelling then using the completed board?


I'm curious. So this version of the game customizes the game over time till the campaign is finished and you have a fully customized version of RISK at the end.

Is the end resulting board not really worth using? or is it you find the experience of the creation campaign much more compelling then using the completed board?

In another few months I'll be able to tell you for sure. For now, I will say that the process of changing the game seems more fun than playing the finished product. We're actually planning to buy another copy and go through the 15 game cycle again. However, one of the reasons we want to do that is there are a few changes we made along the way that will be made differently the second time through, and we're interested to see how that goes. Also, the first time through, it's very tempting to let your desire to open the next envelope get in the way of smart gameplay. This time, we'll know what surprises are in store for us and will take our time a little more along the way.

Once our second board is done, I think we'll end up playing that one long term. At that point I think it'll take a position in our normal rotation like Risk 2210AD. The only thing that'll keep us from playing it is the fact that there are so many good games out there, and so little time. ;)

TL;DR - We enjoyed playing through the first time enough that we're chipping in for a new copy. After that I think we'll still play the finished product long term.


No worries really, I appreciate the opinion.

I can certainly see your point and how that could be a problem. There won't be any way to know until I get a chance to play for real next weekend. But for the moment my game group and I are all pretty damn excited for it.

Personally I think anyone could probably agree that the game is just overflowing with theme, and the Arkham theme is one I absolutely love already.
I've only played it a few times, but it went over well with the group I play with.

It's so much drive by the story and how The Keeper runs the game. Each time we've played I've been the Keeper and as goofy as it sounds I try and put some feeling into the intros and how I read the cards and atmosphere-type stuff like that.

I've read how the game is broken, etc., but as you pointed out, it's got a lot of theme and I like to approach it as a "mystery-night" type experience and not really a game at all. I think if you go at it in the same way you'd go at Ticket to Ride you'll be disappointed.

Just my two cents.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, Origins is pretty awesome.

I've taught 17 games of Tammany Hall. I think tommorow I'm going to have 3 copies of the game and the designer to help me teach it to people.

I'm trying not to buy a billion games for sale. I want to get tournay really bad.

Also, let's take a hike is awesome. It's Stratamax games new title. It's kind of like diamant/Incan gold but with a better decision making mechanic of creating your pack and the artwork is really awesome.


So, Origins is pretty awesome.

I've taught 17 games of Tammany Hall. I think tommorow I'm going to have 3 copies of the game and the designer to help me teach it to people.

I'm trying not to buy a billion games for sale. I want to get tournay really bad.

Also, let's take a hike is awesome. It's Stratamax games new title. It's kind of like diamant/Incan gold but with a better decision making mechanic of creating your pack and the artwork is really awesome.

I want to get Tournay really bad too. :(

Have fun!


Cool Smoke Luke
I had a thought that maybe some people would like to see how the Quick-shade Varnish really makes painting mini's easier for new painters.
As well as how a basic paint job really comes alive with it.

I figured a before and after would demonstrate just how big a difference it can make.
Obviously the real professional jobs look better, but I'll let the results speak for themself.

So here is the first picture, the complete paint job I used for the Ghouls.


Its very basic and straightforward just used about 4 colors all is basecoat painting
I mixed the purple(which turned out darker then I ment..was looking to make it more grey/purple)
little red and Flesh Tone(which is just ratman Flesh and some white )
and a light sugars sack brown( basic brown with some white).

Here's the finished result after dipping into the Quickshade and letting dry for 48hrs then a dullcoat spray on matt finish.

I find the results are very dramatic, the only thing is I should have used a sponge to remove excess where there are deep creases(the arm across the chest has abit to much).



Cool Smoke Luke
So, Origins is pretty awesome.

I've taught 17 games of Tammany Hall. I think tommorow I'm going to have 3 copies of the game and the designer to help me teach it to people.

I'm trying not to buy a billion games for sale. I want to get tournay really bad.

Also, let's take a hike is awesome. It's Stratamax games new title. It's kind of like diamant/Incan gold but with a better decision making mechanic of creating your pack and the artwork is really awesome.

Wow big jump on Kickstarter looks like Origins is helping alot

Grats making 81k!
Meeples for everyone!


Hail to the KING baby
I had a thought that maybe some people would like to see how the Quick-shade Varnish really makes painting mini's easier for new painters.
As well as how a basic paint job really comes alive with it.

Those are awesome dude. You should offer your services. :D

I can't stand unpainted minis but I have no painting skills so ... dilemma.


Cool Smoke Luke
Those are awesome dude. You should offer your services. :D

I can't stand unpainted minis but I have no painting skills so ... dilemma.

Much appreciated. Its probably gonna take me 2years just to finish all the minis in my collection tho hehe.

I've wanted to try to paint components since getting into board gaming about 4 years ago but was just too intimidated. I finally decided to jump in once buying the DnD boardgames.

It has turned out to be easier then it looks to do them this way. It did cost abit of money to buy the supplies tho..

Magnifier Lamp has been crucial I wouldn't try and do em without it.
Oh and the best tool to hold the mini's i found was a Glue-stick tube with Sticky-tack blob at end..helps to be able to hold things steady for an old guy like me with shaky hands
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