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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a bridge game is Dungeon Petz?

I want to get my family to give the worker placement mechanic a go again, and I'm undecided between this, Agricola or nothing at all yet.

* puerto rico was the second game they tried (agter bang!) and they thought it is meh
** the biggest hits for my family are bang!, quarriors!, pandemic, forb island, small world and ticket to ride

Bridge game? Perhaps a 3? I think it's much more involved that stuff like PR and such with all the little detail rules. The theme they might like if they are into fantasy stuff, but I imagine it would be a big turn off for most. Something like PR or Stone Age are more streamlined and simple worker placement games for people to get. Agricola is very simple but often scares people right off the bat due to the size of table space it takes up and all the symbols everywhere
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a bridge game is Dungeon Petz?

I want to get my family to give the worker placement mechanic a go again, and I'm undecided between this, Agricola or nothing at all yet.

* puerto rico was the second game they tried (agter bang!) and they thought it is meh
** the biggest hits for my family are bang!, quarriors!, pandemic, forb island, small world and ticket to ride
I agree with Battlemonkey here, it's a 2 or 3. It's just a hard game for non gamers to get a handle on. There are a lot of moving pieces and the main puzzle of the game may overwhelm new players. If you are looking for a next step worker placement, Pillars of the Earth is a good introduction to the worker placement genre. The family game of Agricola might work too. Lancaster is another good one. There is more direct confrontation in Lancaster so if your players are turned off by that be warned.


Thanks for the advice, I was very very close to pulling the trigger on DPetz.

The problem with Agricola is all the text it's got, I would have to do paste ups for it all in spanish. The easy to understand theme and no text at all where the reasons why I was considering this game.

I think this time I'll only get the quarriors expansion, and I'll save my money for more days of wonder stuff until my family gets more experience.


Hail to the KING baby
I went in there when I went through Berkeley like 5 years ago. Pretty nice shop!

I recommend Ghost Stories. It's my favorite co-op game lately, up to 4 players. You are Taoist monks trying to lift a curse and banish spirits from a small Chinese village. It's great!

Ghost Stories is amazing for 4. Just play on Novice difficulty for a while. It's one of my favorite games right now, and I actually picked up the first expansion yesterday.
Ghost Stories is amazing for 4. Just play on Novice difficulty for a while. It's one of my favorite games right now, and I actually picked up the first expansion yesterday.

I had only played a coworker's copy, and when I bought my own I ALMOST grabbed an expansion with it, but my wife said I had to wait :(


Thanks for the advice, I was very very close to pulling the trigger on DPetz.

The problem with Agricola is all the text it's got, I would have to do paste ups for it all in spanish. The easy to understand theme and no text at all where the reasons why I was considering this game.

Get Le Havre instead. Much less wordage.



A much better game. BELIEVE.


Hail to the KING baby
Just put in an order at CSI. Likely to drop some stuff but I have a lot of time until Netrunner comes out (though hopefully not too much).

7 Wonders: Cities Expansion (New, Board Games, Asmodee Editions) expected release: july 2012
Eclipse Board Game (New, Board Games, Asmodee Editions)
Ghost Stories: Black Secret Expansion (New, Board Games, Asmodee Editions)
Android: Netrunner Core Set (New, Board Games, Fantasy Flight Games) expected release: 3rd quarter of 2012


Bought the following after cashing in my textbooks for amazon credit

-Ascension: Retrun of the Fallen and Storm of Souls.
Ascension went over real big with my family because there's always been a segment that liked the concept behind Yugi-Oh and Magic but didnt want to spend money

-Dominion Seaside. Dominion went over real well once the rest of the family realized holy fuck, these combinations can get crazy!

-Small World

Still have plenty left over. Mulling over some other choices
Been playing a couple of games recently, here's my thoughts on them in case anyone is on the fence about playing them:

Troyes is a fun worker placement game with dice, but the secret victory conditions made everyone at the table realize the game could have been a bit better thought out.
Lords of Waterdeep, on the other hand, is just plain fun, and I cant recommend it enough. Same goes for Quarriors. Such a fun and lighthearted game with good mechanics (we played with the new rules out of Quarmageddon). I've read elsewhere that some people like to bash this game based on it's mechanics, but I'm guessing they just don't get that this is a game one shouldn't take too seriously.

Eclipse is a beast of a game. Has anyone else played it yet? I really need to get my hands on a copy of this gem. Such depth and complexity in a game that takes about 45 minutes per player. The hype is very real.
Finally able to have a 4 player game of Pandemic this afternoon. Looking forward to it since I've been soloing it the last two weeks waiting until everyone had time to play.

Also ordered a copy of Thunderstone: Dragonspire for solo play. Only played one game but I'm really enjoying it.

What does everyone think of Munchkin? It looks like fun but I've heard so many mixed reviews I'm unsure if I should bother with it.


Been playing a couple of games recently, here's my thoughts on them in case anyone is on the fence about playing them:

Troyes is a fun worker placement game with dice, but the secret victory conditions made everyone at the table realize the game could have been a bit better thought out.

The secret victory conditions should be explained and made known of the possibilities. Correlating a game having secret objectives and not being thought out doesn't make much sense. Troyes is probably a top 3 game from 2010.

Same goes for Quarriors. Such a fun and lighthearted game with good mechanics (we played with the new rules out of Quarmageddon). I've read elsewhere that some people like to bash this game based on it's mechanics, but I'm guessing they just don't get that this is a game one shouldn't take too seriously.

This argument has been beaten to death in this thread, most recently only a page or two ago. Everyone in this thread owns light games not to be taken seriously that actually present you with choices that matter. It's not the lightness.
Eclipse is a beast of a game. Has anyone else played it yet? I really need to get my hands on a copy of this gem. Such depth and complexity in a game that takes about 45 minutes per player. The hype is very real.
Played it for the first time on Thursday. I had a really good time with it. We played it three player and only one person had played before, we finished in a little under three hours. It's not a hard game to play there is just a lot of choices a player can make. As far as other space 4x type games this is my favorite.


So I am again playing some Race for the Galaxy agains the AI and am I just terrible or is it really hard? I just can't win. Maybe I should finally get the real thing so that I can get some more experience.


So I am again playing some Race for the Galaxy agains the AI and am I just terrible or is it really hard? I just can't win. Maybe I should finally get the real thing so that I can get some more experience.

It's hard :) It's a great way to learn the game, especially if you start paying attention to how/what the AI does. Make sure to look at what it's playing, what actions it's choosing compared to yours. It'll make you a far better player in the long run.
The secret victory conditions should be explained and made known of the possibilities. Correlating a game having secret objectives and not being thought out doesn't make much sense. Troyes is probably a top 3 game from 2010.

They were. It's a game that clearly rewards repeating sessions, as awareness of all the extra winning conditions / taking them all into account isn't something one can expect to happen when everyone at the table is in their first play-through. As far as repeating sessions on this one go, there's other euro-style worker placement games that we will be trying before coming back to Troyes. It hardly matters if it's a top 3 game from 2010, its what we take more enjoyment from.

This argument has been beaten to death in this thread, most recently only a page or two ago. Everyone in this thread owns light games not to be taken seriously that actually present you with choices that matter. It's not the lightness.

I personally enjoyed Quarriors (with the new, expanded rules) as much as I enjoyed, say, King of Tokyo. But these experiences regarding games / play sessions differ from individual to individual. To each their own.


Bridge game? Perhaps a 3? I think it's much more involved that stuff like PR and such with all the little detail rules. The theme they might like if they are into fantasy stuff, but I imagine it would be a big turn off for most. Something like PR or Stone Age are more streamlined and simple worker placement games for people to get. Agricola is very simple but often scares people right off the bat due to the size of table space it takes up and all the symbols everywhere
Well, I showed a video to my sister and she likes it. I have decided I'll buy it and report how it went with my family.
This is the video she watched: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFTAc0DRgTg
I haven't watched any more videos by him, but from that one I can tell he is fantastic at explaining things.

I agree with Battlemonkey here, it's a 2 or 3. It's just a hard game for non gamers to get a handle on. There are a lot of moving pieces and the main puzzle of the game may overwhelm new players. If you are looking for a next step worker placement, Pillars of the Earth is a good introduction to the worker placement genre. The family game of Agricola might work too. Lancaster is another good one. There is more direct confrontation in Lancaster so if your players are turned off by that be warned.
Get Le Havre instead. Much less wordage.



A much better game. BELIEVE.

Thanks, I'll check out Lancaster and Le Havre as soon as I see them listed in the inventory of my local shops. For now, I'll buy Le Havre on iOS.


They were. It's a game that clearly rewards repeating sessions, as awareness of all the extra winning conditions / taking them all into account isn't something one can expect to happen when everyone at the table is in their first play-through. As far as repeating sessions on this one go, there's other euro-style worker placement games that we will be trying before coming back to Troyes. It hardly matters if it's a top 3 game from 2010, its what we take more enjoyment from.

Not taking enjoyment from something and criticizing it as not thought out are two
different things. I'm not knocking you for not enjoying Troyes, I can totally understand: I'm pretty notorious around here for not liking Agricola, BGG's golden child. However, The secret objective mechanic certainly wasn't something tacked on for shits. The 6 SO are all pretty deeply ingrained into the games core mechanics. Sure there are questions, forgotten rules, and deeper strategies unbeknownst to new players, but that argument is hardly exclusive to Troyes. As for the top 3 comment, I again didn't mean to say "you're wrong for not liking X highly rated game", only that games don't get to that status with mechanics that aren't thought out.

Regardless, enjoy what you enjoy for sure. I'm glad you're open to trying out Troyes down the line though!

Not taking enjoyment from something and criticizing it as not thought out are two
different things. I'm not knocking you for not enjoying Troyes, I can totally understand: I'm pretty notorious around here for not liking Agricola, BGG's golden child. However, The secret objective mechanic certainly wasn't something tacked on for shits. The 6 SO are all pretty deeply ingrained into the games core mechanics. Sure there are questions, forgotten rules, and deeper strategies unbeknownst to new players, but that argument is hardly exclusive to Troyes. As for the top 3 comment, I again didn't mean to say "you're wrong for not liking X highly rated game", only that games don't get to that status with mechanics that aren't thought out.

Regardless, enjoy what you enjoy for sure. I'm glad you're open to trying out Troyes down the line though!


It's all good, I can understand your point of view as well. Regarding the "Tops" thing, I usually don't give them too much credit, although I can understand that a generalized consensus usually only happens in regards to good games.


Hail to the KING baby
Sometimes I read the rules for a game and think fuuuu how am I ever gonna teach this to non-hardcores. Tonight that game was Dungeon Petz.

I've taught Agricola to casuals, and I think all told that's actually more intimidating and complex, but man there's just something about Vlaada's cute manuals that really throws me off.


Neo Member
Screw you guys, I thought I had my boardgame buying addiction under control but I check in this thread and find myself with a shiny new copy of Eclipse within a matter of hours(got a boardgame shop near me which always seems to have new hotness just sitting on the shelf). Cannot wait to play this game now as it looks like a beast!
Screw you guys, I thought I had my boardgame buying addiction under control but I check in this thread and find myself with a shiny new copy of Eclipse within a matter of hours(got a boardgame shop near me which always seems to have new hotness just sitting on the shelf). Cannot wait to play this game now as it looks like a beast!

You did well. It's a must buy game. People who didn't enjoy the theme ended up loving the game.
Finally got to try Space Alert... I like the concept but it really didn't work with our group for some reason. Game is very punishing, one persons little mistake will easily lose the game for everyone.


What are your guys thoughts on Flash Point? I am intrigued by it because I like co-op play. I just don#t know if it might feel too similar to Pandemic which I already own.
Like it, and it plays nothing like Pandemic. The fire mechanics are neat though it can be pretty random the fire, so some games will be very easy while others are incredibly hard. Helps keep game fresh.
Sometimes I read the rules for a game and think fuuuu how am I ever gonna teach this to non-hardcores. Tonight that game was Dungeon Petz.

I've taught Agricola to casuals, and I think all told that's actually more intimidating and complex, but man there's just something about Vlaada's cute manuals that really throws me off.
Watch this video. It helped me learn the rules after reading the rule book. Compared to Dungeon Lords, Dungeon Petz is a breeze to teach. For your first learning game you might want to consider doing the needs step face up and help the other players figure out the needs for the pets.


Lords of Waterdeep, is an amazing value @ $50. I don't have much experience with worker placement games, but if this is indicative of the genre I'm sold.

Anyone else play this yet?
Lords of Waterdeep, is an amazing value @ $50. I don't have much experience with worker placement games, but if this is indicative of the genre I'm sold.

Anyone else play this yet?

Here we go again!


Lot of folks have commented on the previous pages, opinions all over the place.
So has anyone here played Eclipse -BGG Link- ? I just heard about it on the Tested Podcast.

I loved Twilight Imperium the 2 times I played it, haha. so something similar that doesnt take 10 hours to play sounds good to me. Seems like its hard to find online too, any idea where I could get it in Canada?
Lords of Waterdeep, is an amazing value @ $50. I don't have much experience with worker placement games, but if this is indicative of the genre I'm sold.

Anyone else play this yet?
Some people love it, some people think it's just another worker placement game. I haven't played it yet but it does seem like a good example of a worker placement game. If you liked LoW check out Agricola and Caylus for something more challenging. Lancaster is great if you want a worker placement game more player conflict. If you want something brand spanking new check out The Manhattan Project. Really neat worker placement game that has some player conflict and variable player powers with the nations mini-expansion.

So has anyone here played Eclipse -BGG Link- ? I just heard about it on the Tested Podcast.

I loved Twilight Imperium the 2 times I played it, haha. so something similar that doesnt take 10 hours to play sounds good to me. Seems like its hard to find online too, any idea where I could get it in Canada?
Eclipse is the new hotness. It rocketed up the BGG charts and is 6th in the top ten games. I really liked it but it's not the Twilight Imperium lite people make it out to be. It's more economic focused than military building and conquest. It's also more of a victory point chase than Twilight Imperium. That being said I like Ecplise better than TI and if you are looking for a euroized space game Eclipse is it. If you want a more combat focused game then Eclipse isn't really it.

Also finding a decently priced copy of Eclipse can be difficult. If you want one soon I'd recommend picking one up now. I don't think in another month you'll find a copy for less than $100. The third printing is rumored for October so if you miss your chance now you can pick it up then.
Some people love it, some people think it's just another worker placement game. I haven't played it yet but it does seem like a good example of a worker placement game. If you liked LoW check out Agricola and Caylus for something more challenging. Lancaster is great if you want a worker placement game more player conflict. If you want something brand spanking new check out The Manhattan Project. Really neat worker placement game that has some player conflict and variable player powers with the nations mini-expansion.

Eclipse is the new hotness. It rocketed up the BGG charts and is 6th in the top ten games. I really liked it but it's not the Twilight Imperium lite people make it out to be. It's more economic focused than military building and conquest. It's also more of a victory point chase than Twilight Imperium. That being said I like Ecplise better than TI and if you are looking for a euroized space game Eclipse is it. If you want a more combat focused game then Eclipse isn't really it.

Also finding a decently priced copy of Eclipse can be difficult. If you want one soon I'd recommend picking one up now. I don't think in another month you'll find a copy for less than $100. The third printing is rumored for October so if you miss your chance now you can pick it up then.

More economic? sounds perfect for me.

Any places you can recommend to buy it online?
Eclipse is a beast of a game. Has anyone else played it yet? I really need to get my hands on a copy of this gem. Such depth and complexity in a game that takes about 45 minutes per player. The hype is very real.

Got it in the mail a few days ago. My group plays some fairly heavy games (Arkham), and I consider myself a rules-whore, but I have to admit, when I opened the box even I was a little intimidated. For a first impression the game assaults your eyes with numerous icons, numbers and mediocre artwork. I was even second-guessing my purchase, thinking in the back of my mind "I bet if I don't punch the cards and could sell it for almost what I paid".

But then I realized I was just being a pussy. The mechanics of the game look awesome, and I'm dying to play something in space. Dwarves, monsters and WWII gets old after awhile.

I did bring the box to our game night on Saturday, and they all reassured me they were in. Looking forward to diving in.
Once you read the rules the intimidation factor of the game goes down alot, it really is very simple, all those pieces and icons scare people away.
Oh, for our last game night we played Fortress America for the first time. We had 4 players, so it was an interesting 3v1 atmosphere.

It's a pretty cool war game, although a few of the rules seem overly complicated, so it was a little slow to start. I never played the original, but I wonder if that's just some of the 1980's game design coming out.

Also the board is too small, which is a shame. Trying to fit figures and markers into some of those territories is impossible. I would say that's probably my biggest complaint.
You jerks are trying so hard to get me to place an order with Eclipse and get in trouble with the missus and I'll have you know that you're probably going to succeed


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Can someone compare Race for the Galaxy to Eclipse in terms of difficulty/fun/gameplay for me please? :x


Can someone compare Race for the Galaxy to Eclipse in terms of difficulty/fun/gameplay for me please? :x

Totally different styles of games. I love 'em both, but you can't really compare - Race is a card driven hand management game & Eclipse is an economic/combat strategy game.
Can someone compare Race for the Galaxy to Eclipse in terms of difficulty/fun/gameplay for me please? :x
They really aren't all that similar. They share a space theme, have symbols, and...are set in space. Yeah, I got nothing else. Race is more about hand management and selecting the right roles and capitalizing on the roles other players pick. Eclipse is more about exploring and managing your resources in order to upgrade, build, and trying not to go bankrupt.

As far as difficulty, it's not really a hard game to play. The game starts you out small enough to where only a handful of actions are really available to you. By the time you hit the later rounds you have grown an empire and the mechanics become second nature.


Space Hulk: Death Angel the Card Game, is another hard one but it's small, compact, and cheap. So it's easy to travel with, if that's your thing. Think of the game as the movie Aliens. You are a group of Space Marines looking to clear out room after room of aliens trying to survive and complete the final objective.
Anyone have more opinions on this one? I've been eyeing for awhile now, but I haven't been able to get a good sense of whether or not it's a good co-op game. With the little research I've done, it seems like it doesn't change all that much from playing it single-player, which I'm not particularly interested in.


Can someone compare Race for the Galaxy to Eclipse in terms of difficulty/fun/gameplay for me please? :x

As I haven't had a chance to play Eclipse yet, I can't really compare them for you. That said, regarding Race for the Galaxy, I only have experience with the base game I find it to be a deceptively simple (because omg icons everywhere) that's pretty fun and light, and I consider it to be a space themed San Juan.

Gameplay consists of 2 things:

1)Everyone secretly chooses an action phase
2)Playing out chosen action phases and doing what the cards tell you during those phases

There's fun in second-guessing your opponents as to which phases they choose in better to maximize your advantages to build out your plateau and score the most VP. Also frustration similar to Ascension when you've built up your foundation for a military win, but never seeing the cards you want/need.

The reason most people would stonewall on this game is because of the minimalistic layout of the card lacking text and all the symbology which acts more as reminder text, but well done (e.g. a picture of a card in hand with a 2 on the card means draw two cards).
Initial impressions are made worse because you have redundant symbols too, but that's so you can hold your cards in a fanlike manner and still know everything they provide w/o inspecting that individual card.
Even so, I find it to be very intuitive and easy to grasp/pick up despite the complaints.
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