Does anyone here have an interest in doing a big board game swap? I have 10 or so games I'm parting with at a garage sale but thought I'd see if anyone wanted to swap around before cheaping them out.
I'm usually up for trading. What do you have?Does anyone here have an interest in doing a big board game swap? I have 10 or so games I'm parting with at a garage sale but thought I'd see if anyone wanted to swap around before cheaping them out.
Does anyone here have an interest in doing a big board game swap? I have 10 or so games I'm parting with at a garage sale but thought I'd see if anyone wanted to swap around before cheaping them out.
Come to this thread for more iOS boardgame goodness.Had a company send over Le Havre to me to promote Le Havre iOS releasing. With more and more board games hitting iOS this is absolutely a trend I would be happy to get behind.
It's heavier than anything I've tried yet, but hope to give it a shot soon.
Claustrophobia is great, essentially Space Hulk but you won't get gouged on prices. Fast, deadly, tactical and a total laugh.
Dreadfleet is a miniature game not a board game so you have to put all the pieces together. I love it, great theme, a lot of dramatic moments and it's fun trying to out maneuver opponents and make daring moves. However it needs a LOT (as in a table at least 6 foot if not more) of room to play. It's easy to play in teams but works best with 2. I can't paint for shit and this is one game I wish I could because I want to pimp it.
Only 5 hours left on Sedition Wars Kickstarter. It's worth taking a look.
I just have to still warn board gamers to be wary of this if your not used to miniature wargames, as it is not a board game. The video gives you a little taste, but expect a pretty hefty game, just the rulebook alone will dwarf most board game rules from what they are showing. Expect very large rules, hobby aspect (building/painting), and potentially long games. If you buy it also probably going to want to buy a storage solution to go along with it as the figs will not be fitting in the box.
Had a company send over Le Havre to me to promote Le Havre iOS releasing. With more and more board games hitting iOS this is absolutely a trend I would be happy to get behind.
It's heavier than anything I've tried yet, but hope to give it a shot soon.
Worth it for the accordion music alone.!!!
<3 Le Havre
Good old memories of my Warhammer days keep me prepared, though I did forget about storage this time. Will probably figure it out by the time they send the box.
The value though for the Biohazard set is far, far greater than any Warhammer box I can ever remember at the price range (or maybe that is because of the swedish prices usually being quite high).
I just have to still warn board gamers to be wary of this if your not used to miniature wargames, as it is not a board game. The video gives you a little taste, but expect a pretty hefty game, just the rulebook alone will dwarf most board game rules from what they are showing. Expect very large rules, hobby aspect (building/painting), and potentially long games. If you buy it also probably going to want to buy a storage solution to go along with it as the figs will not be fitting in the box.
Prepare for the backlash BM -- I'm still upset about Monsterpocalypse!
Heh, did you back it?
Bought the LOTR card game:
I was REALLY impressed with game 1. It had everything I was looking for:
- Co-op
- Deck building
- Easily expandable, with many cheap expansion options.
- Great art.
- Easy for fans to expand and mod.
- Excellent, non-exploitive, and innovative use of the LOTR license (it writes fresh adventures rather than rehashing the books).
- The theme and mechanics are married together perfectly, something I miss in games like Dominion (I never truly feel like I'm building a kingdom).
It made the most positive first impression on me of any board game I've ever played. I'm not claiming it a better game than Dominion or anything. I'm just saying it's the first to "wow" me that way.
...but that was our experience after doing the Difficulty 1 Journey Through Mirkwood starter quest. Tonight the wife and I tried the second quest twice, with a difficulty of 4, and got fucking rocked. Harcore. We didn't make it through the first phase - the troll brutalized us. BGG comments seem to say the same. Great game, really really hard. I like a challenge so I took this as a plus, until I experienced it firsthand. You just seem to get creatures thrown at you before you can counter with allies, and threat-jumping cards that you can't counter :/
My wife has less patience than me so I fear I'm going to need to research and build a couple decks I can be pretty sure will win for next time, because with three strikes she might not want to return, and I love the game and want it to be a regular.
This is demoralizing because almost all the expansions have an EVEN HIGHER difficulty.
It seems strange because it's such an easy thing for FFG to have balanced differently. With so many difficulty complaints why couldn't the current 4s be considered 6s, the current 7s 10s, and anything higher than that "expert only" sets? In fact 4 is the LOWEST difficulty available outside the starter quest, and we can't clear it
Maybe it's to train people that "Hey, THIS IS A DECK-BUILDING GAME. You will need to customize your deck to tackle each challenge." This is fair enough, and I looked up some deck-building tips online. But most heavily utilize cards in the expansions and for now I only have the base set.
uh... wait, are you sure you're linking to the correct game? the game you're describing sounds The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, not the trading card game you linked to.![]()
Gotta say, King of Tokyo is pretty damn fun. Really enjoying the multiple re-rolls. Lets it feel less random and out of your control. Also like the "team combat" aspect where it's everyone in Tokyo vs everyone not in Tokyo. I feel it deals with the ganging up on the leader aspect that's in a free-for-all game pretty well.
One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.
We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.
I've been seeing an increase in King of Tokyo talk recently everywhere. Did it get another print or something?
One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.
We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.
Wow that IS a great idea. What happens if there's a tie for the bid? I also assume you get 1 card you're out for the rest, which means last player can be really lucky and get a good card on the cheap? Or can someone start with 2-4 cards and be really low on hp from bidding?
One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.
We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.
Just out of curiosity, how much room does a game of Eclipse take? And how does it play with 2 players? Want to make sure to have enough people to do a dry run
Got my copy of FTW in the mail. Anyone else get it? Seems fun
You'll need be ordering the animal and veggie pieces tooPicked up Agricola today and cannot wait to play it properly. Played a solo game and even that was stressful, in a fun way. Stuff kept piling up which was an issue but other than that I enjoyed just messing around with the system so I can later explain it to others. Really excited about this one!
You'll need be ordering the animal and veggie pieces too![]()
It's a TMG game that was kickstarted.FTW?
Got my copy of FTW in the mail. Anyone else get it? Seems fun