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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Does anyone here have an interest in doing a big board game swap? I have 10 or so games I'm parting with at a garage sale but thought I'd see if anyone wanted to swap around before cheaping them out.


Gatekeeper, I'm a *big* fan of the math-trades organised via BGG, but it's heavily dependent on what you're looking to trade, and what for. What you got?
Heres what I've got

Quick Wit
How to host a murder: last train from Paris & a matter of faxe
Sword and skull
The great space race
Avalon hill's cosmic encounter

Then some older Ameritrash like double track, payday, beyond balderdash, chinese checkers, aggravation, win lose or draw, and claim to fame.

I don't have any specific trades I'm looking for, certainly nothing that would be me giving fair value; I'm well aware none of these have any value.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Had a company send over Le Havre to me to promote Le Havre iOS releasing. With more and more board games hitting iOS this is absolutely a trend I would be happy to get behind.

It's heavier than anything I've tried yet, but hope to give it a shot soon.


Claustrophobia is great, essentially Space Hulk but you won't get gouged on prices. Fast, deadly, tactical and a total laugh.

Dreadfleet is a miniature game not a board game so you have to put all the pieces together. I love it, great theme, a lot of dramatic moments and it's fun trying to out maneuver opponents and make daring moves. However it needs a LOT (as in a table at least 6 foot if not more) of room to play. It's easy to play in teams but works best with 2. I can't paint for shit and this is one game I wish I could because I want to pimp it.

OMGERD! Dreadfleet is sooo much fun. I love the mechanics, and jesus the minis are something to behold. I can't wait to start painting it.

My roommate and I played the first scenario. I was doing alright until I full sped into some rocks, after getting off the rocks I full sped into my opponent's ridiculous floating castle.
I was thinking I would sink him on turn 3 with my hammer of inconvenient smashing, but rolled a goddamn 2. Then every thing went to hell and to his favor with snake rain, warpstorms, and leech dragons. I didn't care when I eventually sank because it was so much goldurned fun.

I would have paid full price had I known, but free is even better!

Only 5 hours left on Sedition Wars Kickstarter. It's worth taking a look.

I just have to still warn board gamers to be wary of this if your not used to miniature wargames, as it is not a board game. The video gives you a little taste, but expect a pretty hefty game, just the rulebook alone will dwarf most board game rules from what they are showing. Expect very large rules, hobby aspect (building/painting), and potentially long games. If you buy it also probably going to want to buy a storage solution to go along with it as the figs will not be fitting in the box.


I just have to still warn board gamers to be wary of this if your not used to miniature wargames, as it is not a board game. The video gives you a little taste, but expect a pretty hefty game, just the rulebook alone will dwarf most board game rules from what they are showing. Expect very large rules, hobby aspect (building/painting), and potentially long games. If you buy it also probably going to want to buy a storage solution to go along with it as the figs will not be fitting in the box.

Good old memories of my Warhammer days keep me prepared, though I did forget about storage this time. Will probably figure it out by the time they send the box.
The value though for the Biohazard set is far, far greater than any Warhammer box I can ever remember at the price range (or maybe that is because of the swedish prices usually being quite high).
Good old memories of my Warhammer days keep me prepared, though I did forget about storage this time. Will probably figure it out by the time they send the box.
The value though for the Biohazard set is far, far greater than any Warhammer box I can ever remember at the price range (or maybe that is because of the swedish prices usually being quite high).

One of the options you get after you pledge will be to add Battlefoam trays to your biohazard order. Most of the figs should fit in the trays from what I understand


Hail to the KING baby
I just have to still warn board gamers to be wary of this if your not used to miniature wargames, as it is not a board game. The video gives you a little taste, but expect a pretty hefty game, just the rulebook alone will dwarf most board game rules from what they are showing. Expect very large rules, hobby aspect (building/painting), and potentially long games. If you buy it also probably going to want to buy a storage solution to go along with it as the figs will not be fitting in the box.

Prepare for the backlash BM -- I'm still upset about Monsterpocalypse!
So yeah, played Eclipse again on Tuesday.

4 players again (we have five usually). One new player. Game took us about 3.5 hours.

The new guy picked it up pretty quickly, with the main stumbling blocks being the order of upkeep costs and revenues.

Last game we had a guy lose by 1 point, and this time that guy won pretty easily. His strategy both games has been to turtle up, build up a ton of amazing ships, and then blitz the last couple rounds and destroy stuff. The rest of us are going to have to start attacking him early so he can't turtle in peace and build up his ships.

There was a great final turn where the winning player attacked the guy in second, leading to a battle with about a dozen ships attacking each other. I tried to backdoor a guy using the Wormhole Generator after he passed, but he was able to use a gimped Move ability to move one Class 3 ship over, well enough to deal with the two interceptors I was hoping would be enough.

The final scores: 32, 25, 25, 24

This game has a real elegance in the way it's presented. There are a ton of pieces but it's not hard at all to follow the game. Everyone is pretty psyched to play it again, this time with the alien species now that we know the game rules well enough. And hopefully this time we'll have 5!


if we're doing swaps...?

I'm in the UK and have memoir 44, blood bowl: team manager, and wiz war

I'm looking for dominions: prosperity, intrigue, or seaside in exchange


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Bought the LOTR card game: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/77423/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-card-game

I was REALLY impressed with game 1. It had everything I was looking for:

- Co-op
- Deck building
- Easily expandable, with many cheap expansion options.
- Great art.
- Easy for fans to expand and mod.
- Excellent, non-exploitive, and innovative use of the LOTR license (it writes fresh adventures rather than rehashing the books).
- The theme and mechanics are married together perfectly, something I miss in games like Dominion (I never truly feel like I'm building a kingdom).

It made the most positive first impression on me of any board game I've ever played. I'm not claiming it a better game than Dominion or anything. I'm just saying it's the first to "wow" me that way.

...but that was our experience after doing the Difficulty 1 Journey Through Mirkwood starter quest. Tonight the wife and I tried the second quest twice, with a difficulty of 4, and got fucking rocked. Harcore. We didn't make it through the first phase - the troll brutalized us. BGG comments seem to say the same. Great game, really really hard. I like a challenge so I took this as a plus, until I experienced it firsthand. You just seem to get creatures thrown at you before you can counter with allies, and threat-jumping cards that you can't counter :/

My wife has less patience than me so I fear I'm going to need to research and build a couple decks I can be pretty sure will win for next time, because with three strikes she might not want to return, and I love the game and want it to be a regular.

This is demoralizing because almost all the expansions have an EVEN HIGHER difficulty.

It seems strange because it's such an easy thing for FFG to have balanced differently. With so many difficulty complaints why couldn't the current 4s be considered 6s, the current 7s 10s, and anything higher than that "expert only" sets? In fact 4 is the LOWEST difficulty available outside the starter quest, and we can't clear it :(

Maybe it's to train people that "Hey, THIS IS A DECK-BUILDING GAME. You will need to customize your deck to tackle each challenge." This is fair enough, and I looked up some deck-building tips online. But most heavily utilize cards in the expansions and for now I only have the base set.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Bought the LOTR card game: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2603/the-lord-of-the-rings-trading-card-game

I was REALLY impressed with game 1. It had everything I was looking for:

- Co-op
- Deck building
- Easily expandable, with many cheap expansion options.
- Great art.
- Easy for fans to expand and mod.
- Excellent, non-exploitive, and innovative use of the LOTR license (it writes fresh adventures rather than rehashing the books).
- The theme and mechanics are married together perfectly, something I miss in games like Dominion (I never truly feel like I'm building a kingdom).

It made the most positive first impression on me of any board game I've ever played. I'm not claiming it a better game than Dominion or anything. I'm just saying it's the first to "wow" me that way.

...but that was our experience after doing the Difficulty 1 Journey Through Mirkwood starter quest. Tonight the wife and I tried the second quest twice, with a difficulty of 4, and got fucking rocked. Harcore. We didn't make it through the first phase - the troll brutalized us. BGG comments seem to say the same. Great game, really really hard. I like a challenge so I took this as a plus, until I experienced it firsthand. You just seem to get creatures thrown at you before you can counter with allies, and threat-jumping cards that you can't counter :/

My wife has less patience than me so I fear I'm going to need to research and build a couple decks I can be pretty sure will win for next time, because with three strikes she might not want to return, and I love the game and want it to be a regular.

This is demoralizing because almost all the expansions have an EVEN HIGHER difficulty.

It seems strange because it's such an easy thing for FFG to have balanced differently. With so many difficulty complaints why couldn't the current 4s be considered 6s, the current 7s 10s, and anything higher than that "expert only" sets? In fact 4 is the LOWEST difficulty available outside the starter quest, and we can't clear it :(

Maybe it's to train people that "Hey, THIS IS A DECK-BUILDING GAME. You will need to customize your deck to tackle each challenge." This is fair enough, and I looked up some deck-building tips online. But most heavily utilize cards in the expansions and for now I only have the base set.

uh... wait, are you sure you're linking to the correct game? the game you're describing sounds The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, not the trading card game you linked to. ;)


Dungeon Petz

I tried it yesterday for the first time with some members of my family (three girls aged 25-27). I couldn't decide whether to buy or not because of the complexity reviews have reported.

They all liked it a lot, and by the 3rd turn they had all understood most of it. The theme of the game fits the mechanics so well that they got the rules and the details at once, I didn't have to repeat much stuff, mostly clarify specific cases.

They had a bit of trouble planning ahead and maximising the use of the imps (sometimes they had too many groups and missed out on the good stuff, other times they had too few groups with all their imps and got suffer tokens on pets), but learning the optimal use of resources is the beauty of these games I now realise. Optimisation is where all the complexity lies, understanding the mechanics is easy (at least for my family); in the future I'll get to see if some people can be competitive while during the same game others can have as much fun just caring for pets with less planning and most likely less points.

I can definitely see my family playing this for a long time. They loved the pets, the caring for them mechanic, the cages and special items, the distant cousins and their visas, etc. In general I think they (we) liked most how both rules and mechanics can be effortlessly turned into a story.

I'll probably get a chance for another game this time with my mom (59). She's the one who has the most trouble with rules and details. I'll report how it goes.


Sailor Stevenson
There's nothing in here about Stooge's latest game being on kickstarter?? (im in Italy though so maybe it's on other pages)

Totally backed it, looks awesome:



So my copies of King of Tokyo and Eclipse came in Friday. Played a few games of Tokyo but I haven't even touched Eclipse lol.

Gotta say, King of Tokyo is pretty damn fun. Really enjoying the multiple re-rolls. Lets it feel less random and out of your control. Also like the "team combat" aspect where it's everyone in Tokyo vs everyone not in Tokyo. I feel it deals with the ganging up on the leader aspect that's in a free-for-all game pretty well.
Gotta say, King of Tokyo is pretty damn fun. Really enjoying the multiple re-rolls. Lets it feel less random and out of your control. Also like the "team combat" aspect where it's everyone in Tokyo vs everyone not in Tokyo. I feel it deals with the ganging up on the leader aspect that's in a free-for-all game pretty well.

One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.

We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.


I've been seeing an increase in King of Tokyo talk recently everywhere. Did it get another print or something?

One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.

We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.

This is an amazing idea. I will steal it.


One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.

We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.

Wow that IS a great idea. What happens if there's a tie for the bid? I also assume you get 1 card you're out for the rest, which means last player can be really lucky and get a good card on the cheap? Or can someone start with 2-4 cards and be really low on hp from bidding?


yeah I got my copy of King Of Tokyo last week and it went like gangbusters with my friends this weekend.
I was also finally able to break out my elder sign copy which was lot of fun, and cards against humanity also went well because we're horrible people lol.
Ticket to ride is always a hit, we introduced two new people to it = success
Wow that IS a great idea. What happens if there's a tie for the bid? I also assume you get 1 card you're out for the rest, which means last player can be really lucky and get a good card on the cheap? Or can someone start with 2-4 cards and be really low on hp from bidding?

We just roll a die for tie-breakers. And yes, we've had people start with 2 cards before - if they're aggressive on the bidding and/or the cards just weren't very desirable. But we still only bid on as many cards as players.


One house-rule that we've adopted and absolutely love is to give each player a card in the beginning. The cards in this game are where a lot of the flavor come from, so it has made the game more fun from the start.

We started off the rule by each just randomly drawing one card - which, sure, probably isn't very balanced, but we're not as competitive in this game as most. It worked. But lately we've started doing blind bids on cards, bidding our starting health. We each hold 9 cubes under the table (representing our health), and then draw one card. We then do a blind bid, and whoever wins has to deduct that much health. So you can either bid a lot of health, which is risky, and start with a great card, or not bid anything and start with full health. We bid on as many cards as there are players. Another benefit to bidding like this is that health rolls are now viable on the first turn.

I love this idea.

Do you guys redraw until you get a "keep" card? Or do you take "discard" ones at face value as well?


Just out of curiosity, how much room does a game of Eclipse take? And how does it play with 2 players? Want to make sure to have enough people to do a dry run


Just out of curiosity, how much room does a game of Eclipse take? And how does it play with 2 players? Want to make sure to have enough people to do a dry run

We took up a large kitchen island playing with five players. You need room for player tableaus and the expanding game board.
Game nights have been annoying lately due to friends bringing along a girlfriend. Often it makes it that we can't play anything overly involved or they can't handle alot of games. I don't want to be mean and say anything though to them.


Hail to the KING baby
Cross-posting from the iOS board games thread:

Oh, for anyone who plays 7 Wonders IRL the official companion app is really nice -- new Wonder, stat-tracking, etc. Totally worth it if you play 7 Wonders at all -- it actually got me back into the game.
I Played 7 wonders on the games fair in Essen last year, was a fun game, we still want to get it really, but as my gf and I usually play alone it's not such an inviting proposition.


7 wonders is my group's usual warm up game. It fits so perfectly in a half hour chunk, or if you're waiting for another person to show up.
Picked up Agricola today and cannot wait to play it properly. Played a solo game and even that was stressful, in a fun way. Stuff kept piling up which was an issue but other than that I enjoyed just messing around with the system so I can later explain it to others. Really excited about this one!
Picked up Agricola today and cannot wait to play it properly. Played a solo game and even that was stressful, in a fun way. Stuff kept piling up which was an issue but other than that I enjoyed just messing around with the system so I can later explain it to others. Really excited about this one!
You'll need be ordering the animal and veggie pieces too :)


Hail to the KING baby
I know neverfade hates it but man do I love Agricola -- my favorite game probably. Only downside is that I rarely have 2-3 hours and the right group of people to play it.
Summoner Wars was just released on iOS. The game is free now with only one faction, Phoenix Elves, playable. The other factions are available for purchase at a buck a piece or you can get them all by paying $8 for the bundle.

The app was developed by Playdek who did the Asscension and Nightfall app and this one is as good as those. You need to buy at least one faction pack to play online, I haven't done so yet so I can't say how good it is online. The tutorial is really good. I've never played Summoner Wars before and I was able to understand what was going on after one tutorial session. The rule book is also in the menu if you need to quickly look up a rule. My only complaint is that the cards aren't legible until you double tap them. I'm sure once I get used to the cards this would be a non-issue but it's kind of annoying now.


do people think it's /cheating/ to think up a list of potentially good dixit clues ahead of time? creativity hits at the weirdest times, and rarely when playing dixit sadly. intention isn't to win but just to have better games, with less literal clues

as much as you can really /cheat/ at dixit. if you're playing dixit to win, you're kinda doing it wrong
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