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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Cool Smoke Luke
Had another great Tide of Iron match that came down to the last round rolls to determine winner.

We started using a laser leveler and it is FANTASTIC for determining line of site for Tanks using long range. So much faster and easier to tell when someone moves into your units OP fire line of site in big tank battles.

the laser will stretch across the map in the pic the flash washes it out abit.

Highly recommend picking one of these up if you like TOI on large maps
currently addicted to Summoner Wars iOS. My wife and I got 3 games each against the AI, then played 2 games against each other.

As of late I've lost the will to read rulebooks and manuals. SW has been on my radar for quite some time but I wanted to wait for the iOS version to try it out; plus 2 player games NEVER happen with my gaming group. So it's nice to have the tutorial to teach us and the computer does all the calculations, etc. Tbh, I still don't know how many spaces/directions a unit can move but what's great is that the computer just highlights where I can go.

There are some nuances though, like my Jungle Elf archers say that can shoot through units, but I thought that meant over walls as well, so I borked an entire turn this way. My wife had some problem with the Undead guys; her champion said you can sacrifice units to bring the casting cost down by 2 magic per. She did 2, which should have meant he was free, but for some reason she couldn't summon him then. No idea.

So yeah, there's some things lost in translation but not a big deal. We're both currently in love with this game and dying to play more after work today. Gotta try those other races! I currently favor the Tundra Orcs.


Penny Arcade card game needs kickstarting now? smh

And 30 buck pledge to get a small card game? yea no

And pledge price doesn't include shipping in the US...

And powered by Game Salute too...

Won't be backing that one.

Is this project run by Penny Arcade?

This Springboard campaign is being run by Game Salute, who is working with Penny Arcade to bring Paint The Line to individuals and Select Stores all around the world. The purpose of a Kickstarter campaign is to make a public show of support for Paint The Line to help expand its presence. As part of our celebration of the launch of Paint The Line, this campaign will help show the world how much support this independently developed title can gain here.

Certainly, you can preorder directly through PA or through this Kickstarter campaign, as you prefer. Either way you're directly supporting Penny Arcade and Paint The Line. This campaign serves as a public meter of sorts for the excitement around this title (really the entire Paint The Line game line). Your support will help Springboard this title into the hands of individual fans as well as stores and local game groups all around the world. Thanks for your support!

In other words, this kickstarter is for a game that's going to get made regardless, is being used as a glorified preorder scheme directly to our pockets, and should be ignored.

From PA:

We have a pre-order thing going for Paint The Line: Red Tide, but it comes out in like five days, so it’s not the kind of pre-order that is for something off in some nebulous future. I mean, it’s on the desk in front of me, still in the shrinkwrap. What the Pre-order does give you is a mini-comic by one of the designers, Steve Bowler, which details a fateful match of nations. Kiko was able to take the design and make an immaculate package out of the experience, and his phalanx of freelance artists struck their targets unerringly. I was pleased that he came to me for flavor text, because I’m the sort of person who actually reads that shit in this type of game and I’ve always wanted to try my hand at it.

The kickstarter's even /more/ ridiculous in light of that.
So much cardboard.
I took 2 hours to punch and sort the bits last night.
Looks good though.

The missus is going to be in heaven, she loves punching.

What's hotseat, pass and play? yep, it has

Yeah, back in my day, we did this on non portable devices, and you had to get out of the chair to let the other player sit at the computer or whatever, so we called it Hotseat.

We also had to walk uphill 8 miles through the snow, barefoot, in order to take our turns :(


Unconfirmed Member
Had another great Tide of Iron match that came down to the last round rolls to determine winner.

We started using a laser leveler and it is FANTASTIC for determining line of site for Tanks using long range. So much faster and easier to tell when someone moves into your units OP fire line of site in big tank battles.

the laser will stretch across the map in the pic the flash washes it out abit.

Highly recommend picking one of these up if you like TOI on large maps

Thats awesome, might have to pick one up. I love Tide of Iron,but I wish FFG would support it better.
I picked up Munchkin Deluxe and the boxed Mansions of Madness expansion. I have yet to play either , but the Munchkin rules look like a lot of fun. Both were cheap too!
Thats awesome, might have to pick one up. I love Tide of Iron,but I wish FFG would support it better.

They've put out 3 big expansions for it and the scenario book and tile set. Support for it has been pretty good, it just is an expensive big game and can't be supported as easily/fast as Memoir and such have.


Unconfirmed Member
They've put out 3 big expansions for it and the scenario book and tile set. Support for it has been pretty good, it just is an expensive big game and can't be supported as easily/fast as Memoir and such have.

Yeah, I got all that except Fury of the Bear. I guess that's not too bad. Would like to hear some news about new scenarios books or expansions though.


Had another great Tide of Iron match that came down to the last round rolls to determine winner.

Highly recommend picking one of these up if you like TOI on large maps

I just received Tide of Iron in the mail (via BGG math trade) this past week or so. I'm not a noob to wargames per se, though I generally suck at 'em. What's the best way to learn it?

And if anyone in the Austin area wants to teach me, even better :)


Cool Smoke Luke
They've put out 3 big expansions for it and the scenario book and tile set. Support for it has been pretty good, it just is an expensive big game and can't be supported as easily/fast as Memoir and such have.

I think this game could have been so much more of a hit, but it felt like they skimped out on the scenarios.
That and the original scenarios weren't all that balanced.

Maybe most wargames expect that, but from regular boardgamers it felt like they shortchanged the game..where as they did so well on it when it came to rules and components.

TOI only has 6 ingame, Day of the Fox had 6, Normandy had 8, to me itfelt like it only had about half the scenarios that it should have.

The designer series book I got for cheap and it came with 21 that use TOI and DOTF adding that to the 20 from the first 3 boxes really feels like a complete system.
When I saw the Russian addon I didn't bite figuring I'd wait till the Pacific and Designer series book 2 came out to get it.

I know you can download a ton of homemade scenarios(or you could before) but I tend to stick to official maps for this.

I really do like the game and the system and now that we've decided to play thru all the scenarios chronologically as a campaign its been great.(well I've won the first 3 North Africa matches as the brits so I might be bias :)


Cool Smoke Luke
I just received Tide of Iron in the mail (via BGG math trade) this past week or so. I'm not a noob to wargames per se, though I generally suck at 'em. What's the best way to learn it?

And if anyone in the Austin area wants to teach me, even better :)

I dont' think there is an easy way to learn the system other then reading the manual..i do know that there is a BGG file that is a rules clarification document that is invaluable its taken all the official rulings over the years and combined them into one document.

As well you'll need the latest faq and ERRATTA

3 of the 5 official free add on scenarios are 4 tile small introductory maps which i would say would be better to start with to get a hang of the game.

IF you've played other war games TOI will probably not seem overly complex.
Its definitely a step up from Command and Colors but nothing near as complicated as ASL or things like that.


Unconfirmed Member
I really like that idea of playing the scenarios chronologically. One of these days I would love to get another copy of the game and try the scenario in the Designer Series that requires two copies of the game.
I picked up Munchkin Deluxe and the boxed Mansions of Madness expansion. I have yet to play either , but the Munchkin rules look like a lot of fun. Both were cheap too!

munchkins is fun, but only a few games really then you know all the cards and the funny factor fades away and its just like any other card game...


Cool Smoke Luke
I really like that idea of playing the scenarios chronologically. One of these days I would love to get another copy of the game and try the scenario in the Designer Series that requires two copies of the game.
I'm kinda afraid to play that giant scenario.. you really would need a dedicated war room for it and a serious commitment. I suspect it would make Twilight Imperium seem like a quick light game in comparison.

heres the spreadsheet of the scenarios in best guess order..some don't give an exact date and had to fluff it abit..but it gives a better feel of moving from one theater to the next and a better progression thru the scenarios.
As well the unbalanced maps aren't as bothersome when playing this way.
I think this game could have been so much more of a hit, but it felt like they skimped out on the scenarios.
That and the original scenarios weren't all that balanced.

Maybe most wargames expect that, but from regular boardgamers it felt like they shortchanged the game..where as they did so well on it when it came to rules and components.

TOI only has 6 ingame, Day of the Fox had 6, Normandy had 8, to me itfelt like it only had about half the scenarios that it should have.

The designer series book I got for cheap and it came with 21 that use TOI and DOTF adding that to the 20 from the first 3 boxes really feels like a complete system.
When I saw the Russian addon I didn't bite figuring I'd wait till the Pacific and Designer series book 2 came out to get it.

I know you can download a ton of homemade scenarios(or you could before) but I tend to stick to official maps for this.

I really do like the game and the system and now that we've decided to play thru all the scenarios chronologically as a campaign its been great.(well I've won the first 3 North Africa matches as the brits so I might be bias :)

Yea war games, especially historical, are rarely balanced. They are more for simulation with the random factor presenting players with the ability to change what really happened. Playing fan made scenarios and creating your own has always been a big part of war gaming. Conflict of Heroes has been the same way.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm kinda afraid to play that giant scenario.. you really would need a dedicated war room for it and a serious commitment. I suspect it would make Twilight Imperium seem like a quick light game in comparison.

heres the spreadsheet of the scenarios in best guess order..some don't give an exact date and had to fluff it abit..but it gives a better feel of moving from one theater to the next and a better progression thru the scenarios.
As well the unbalanced maps aren't as bothersome when playing this way.

Awesome, thanks! Think you will pick up Fury of the Bear?
I was curious if anybody here knows, I'm heading into my first San Diego Comic-Con and wanted to know if you guys had any info on board gaming there? Any info on possible exclusives or first looks at the show?
So no D-Day Dice yet, but I did get my copy of Dominant Species The Card Game. It seems interesting and I really like the designer so I'm looking forward to it.

I was curious if anybody here knows, I'm heading into my first San Diego Comic-Con and wanted to know if you guys had any info on board gaming there? Any info on possible exclusives or first looks at the show?
It's been a few years since I've gone but I don't remember there being any boardgaming at Comic-Con. There might have been Magic but that was it.
I was curious if anybody here knows, I'm heading into my first San Diego Comic-Con and wanted to know if you guys had any info on board gaming there? Any info on possible exclusives or first looks at the show?

Not really much, as gencon is around the same time and all the game companies save up their new releases and budgets for it.
I'm actually going to Gen Con for Thursday. As of now, Android: Netrunner and Smash Up are my only two "Run to the booth and grab them before they are gone" games. I'll have my Descent 2nd Ed. prior. Anything else people recommend being on the lookout for?
Finally got around to playing some Citadels, rather disappointing. Game dragged on a little too long, wasn't very involved and just didn't really grip anyone. Not sure if it'll even get another play.


played a game of citadels with 7 and wanted to gouge my eyes out... it was interminable. nothing worse than a game that majorly outstays its welcome

found it OK with 3/4
Love Citadels, but you got to play it with about 4 players, 5 max. Too many and you just get the same roles and it basically is a cycle of repetition. At lower players the choosing of cards is much more important.
infiltration yay or nay? robert florence makes it sound interesting, and it is vaccarino...

It's a decent game, worth buying, but probably not as fantastic as that review makes it out to be. Calling it a potential 'game of the year' is a little much.

I think I might have said this before, but for whatever reason I find that Infiltration lacks a certain energy to it. Whenever we're playing there's not a lot of excitement around the table - although we're still enjoying the game. It's hard to explain. I do know what whenever King Of Tokyo or Blood Bowl gets busted out, everybody is a lot more animated (with ample shit-talk).


Cool Smoke Luke
Awesome, thanks! Think you will pick up Fury of the Bear?

Looks cool but probably not. there are no homemade scenarios for it on the geek,FF hasn't released any bonus maps or tools to update an editor on the official site and I'm not into making my own.

If they released the Pacific addon and a Designer Series book 2 which focused on parts from those addons..heck even a Campaign book that used parts from all 4 existing ones I would buy it in a heartbeat.


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Man...my cousin got Risk Legacy and we had such an epic holiday break playing that. Such an insanely great concept involving the players dramatically changing the map and the factions and having events take place...ugh!

I went out and bought my own so I can start up a game with some of my local friends.

Don't read any spoilers about the game if you want to play it though, it's so great finding out what happens!


Finally got Dixit to play with my "party games" crowd and everyone actually really liked it which made me happy. I wasn't even sold on the game myself, but everyone picked it up really quick after some initial hesitation and was begging to start a second game immediately after the first. Playing with 7 people though made us churn through the cards really quick. I'm guessing 6 people is the sweet spot for that game...but if we play again I may end up buying the Xpack just to get more cards in there.


Unconfirmed Member
Man...my cousin got Risk Legacy and we had such an epic holiday break playing that. Such an insanely great concept involving the players dramatically changing the map and the factions and having events take place...ugh!

I went out and bought my own so I can start up a game with some of my local friends.

Don't read any spoilers about the game if you want to play it though, it's so great finding out what happens!


Finally got Dixit to play with my "party games" crowd and everyone actually really liked it which made me happy. I wasn't even sold on the game myself, but everyone picked it up really quick after some initial hesitation and was begging to start a second game immediately after the first. Playing with 7 people though made us churn through the cards really quick. I'm guessing 6 people is the sweet spot for that game...but if we play again I may end up buying the Xpack just to get more cards in there.

Thinking picking up Risk Legacy as well. My buddies and I just tried to play regular world dom Risk recently and it got old quick, but this sounds fantastic.


Claustrophobia is pretty awesome -- great miniatures too. A nice 2P vs. dungeon-crawl that you can teach in about 15m and get right to it. TS is an all-time classic of course. REALLY different games in case you didn't gather that already. :D

You are correct. Claustrophobia is a lot of fun. It was actually one of the first dungeon crawls I've played that made me feel despair. All the scenarios are pretty much suicide missions...

TS is my next buy.


Hail to the KING baby
I do know what whenever King Of Tokyo or Blood Bowl gets busted out, everybody is a lot more animated (with ample shit-talk).

Haha, two of my games of the year. Wish I could play Blood Bowl more, but unfortunately for being a relatively light game it takes quite a while to teach and play. With 4p at a reasonable pace, teach & play can easily reach 3h. Awesome game though and I'm glad they errata'd it to make it a bit more balanced.


Got in a mock game of eclipse last night. That game is still soo intimidating during setup. Pieces everywhere! Once we got the rules read though, play moved very fast. Definitely like this game a lot. I had a more materials based empire and my buddy ran a huge econ based one, so I had to strike before I fell behind too much. We had explored such that the central tile was the choke point to both our areas. I built a couple dreadnaughts and took out the GDS, but I waited a round too long to move into attack his base, so he managed to upgrade and research a million things with his huge economy and defend. We ended up calling it a draw because it was late, I had more VP through battles with only 2 rounds left, and even though he took out my fleet, we realized he had gotten a few key sectors w/o having to fight ancients with his interceptors. All in all, pretty fun and will definitely play it again now that I don't have to sort out all the chits at the beginning and have pre-existing knowledge of the rules and board placements.
Almost everyone I try to get into Eclipse hates on it till they actually play it. The whole euro aesthetic is so strong in it with all the odd symbols and gazillion pieces that it scares people away.

If possible it's best to have most of the game already set up as much as possible and on the table, because it does have a heavy set up time that just makes things worse as you keep putting out more and more components.
Just ordered Cyclades to play with the family. Love the setting and the board+pieces are beautiful. anyone play this?

Sigh. My gaming group is so overburdened right now (not a bad problem to have) that we could never take on another game, but I've had my eyes on this one for awhile. Looks great, with amazing production values. I'm also really wanting to play Civilization.

Here is our current lineup:
Chaos In The Old World (the current go-to 4p game)
Blood Bowl: Team Manager
King of Tokyo
Fortress America
Arkham Horror (haven't played in a couple months, but talk of bringing it out again)

... and on deck is Eclipse, which I just bought, but still haven't punched or read the rules. That one will definitely take some commitment.

And one of the guys is gung-ho for Decent 2, which I guess is coming out in the new few weeks. Along with Tammany Hall in Oct/Nov sometime.

We need to start gaming like 3 nights a week just to keep up. =(
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