Oooh Go. I like that game. But I suck early game because when you give me a sandbox of choices I have no idea what to do and can never set up my territories properly. Once that's been established though, I do a decent job of defending areas, but end up screwed over because I couldn't establish enough early.
Got in a 6 player game of Eclipse tonight. Really really enjoying that game and can't wait for it to come out in iOS. The game took around 6 hours, but we had 4 new people and there was plenty of times we got caught up chatting and forgetting whose turn it was.
Everyone felt screwed over by tile distribution, and tides turned around round 5-6 when I managed to take the galactic center in a gamble. With that, I got a huge economic and research advantage from the planets there as well as a nice boost from the 2 new diplomatic relations I created from being connected centrally. I managed to tech up 2 rows completely and figured I had an overwhelming lead since I could research, upgrade, build and retaliate with an advanced fleet to any invasions. Turns out I wasn't as far ahead as I thought. I still won, but with 32 points and the runner up had 31, even though I thought he wasn't doing nearly as well. I guess I really had 36 since I broke relations last to defend a previous ally (green) on a whim. Blue, who had invaded green, also ended up with around 25 points, but that was after I had counter invaded and taken his home system plus a couple other choice ones. If I hadn't, I probably would've gotten second place instead of first.
I guess I just felt like saying that in Eclipse, even if you feel like the clear winner, the point totals are probably closer than you think they are and you should really not let your guard down. I think I was pretty lucky to win that one because I didn't attack a lot or try to bring any empires down until the very last turn to avenge green. Either way, having way too much fun with this game and planning to get another long play in in a couple weeks or so.