So I've been bitten by the netrunner bug pretty bad, and my copy still isn't here yet lol. Having a big SNAFU with CSI. I asked to swap 2 items around (netrunner and spartacus) so I wouldn't have to wait for a pre-order to ship out, and they somehow added an extra eclipse expansion to my second order as well. Plus the orders look confusing now because they show a total price that includes items at 0 quantity. Oh well. Emailing back and forth with them to sort it out and I don't need it
now now, so it's all good.
Anyway, after a weekend of netrunner I started thinking of a multiplayer variant to play with more than 2 people. The best thing I could come up with was a tag-team of runner & corp trying to steal agendas from a rival runner & corp tag-team while advancing their own. My version was pretty simple, each team needs a total of 10 agenda points, with slight interaction in that the corp could 'fund' the runner's actions by spending a click to transfer 2 bits from their account to the runners.
However, as I was fleshing this idea out, I read about "The Big Sellout" via bgg and googled it to find! Fully fleshed out rules for the very scenario I was creating. Mind you, this is for the original Netrunner, but I think the rules can be tweaked really easily for the current one. Basically the corp treats their runner as another central server, placing ICE to defend their runner. If a successful run is completed against a "runner server", the attacking runner can then place a tag on the runner, or pay the install cost of a program to steal that program from the runner. You can transfer funds as well, though I'm not necessarily a fan of the 1 to 3 exchange bonus the rules list for corp to runner. And in an emergency the runner themselves can pay to temporarily rez ICE defending their server. Game ends when a total of 11 agenda points are scored on a team, a corp runs out of cards, or if a corp's runner flatlines.
Some of the things I would change at first glance:
Corp action to transfer funds to a runner at a 2:2 rate per click (original rules allow transfer of 1 to X funds in ONE action)
Runner action to transfer funds back to corp at a 1:1 rate per click
Runner has to pay full cost to temporarily rez an ICE defending his server.
Runner can also choose to temporarily rez an ICE defending another corp server, again at full cost.
These changes would be all pending playtesting, of course, but I think overall it's a pretty neat variant to try out for a bigger multiplayer Netrunner game.