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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Been playing a few rounds of Netrunner and I absolutely love it. :D

Quick question: On the icebreaker card Crypsis it says "Pay 1 Credit: +1 Strength", is that strength permanent? It sounds too awesome (apart from the "trash if no virus counters" part).

I believe Crypsis strength boost last only for the ICE you are currently encountering. It is a versatile breaker but its very expensive to use. Notice that some of the Shaper breakers note that their strength lasts for an entire run. Making runs against multiple high strength ice with Crypsis is very very expensive.


Is there a good resource/video/site to learn Race for the Galaxy? It doesn't have one of those simple rulesheets posted awhile back, and the rulebook doesn't seem to do a very good job explaining how to actually play.
Is there a good resource/video/site to learn Race for the Galaxy? It doesn't have one of those simple rulesheets posted awhile back, and the rulebook doesn't seem to do a very good job explaining how to actually play.

If you have a windows, Mac or linux system then this is great


It's a computer opponent. Really good.
Don't despair if you get beaten a lot - it's a brutal AI.


Basic rule of thumb in CCG style games. Any effect resolves at end of the turn unless it involves counters which denote permanancy.

I believe Crypsis strength boost last only for the ICE you are currently encountering. It is a versatile breaker but its very expensive to use. Notice that some of the Shaper breakers note that their strength lasts for an entire run. Making runs against multiple high strength ice with Crypsis is very very expensive.

Sounds about right. I got confused with some Icebreakers mentioning "Lasts for entire run".
I know you guys have probably talked about this before but I can't seem to find it anywhere. What 7 wonders expansions is the better of the two?



Hail to the KING baby
Sounds about right. I got confused with some Icebreakers mentioning "Lasts for entire run".

Yes, it's a bit confusing since they have you start with Shapers so many tend to think that persistent icebreaking is the "default" even though it's the opposite.

Here's the relevant text from the rules:

Increasing an Icebreaker’s Strength
Many icebreakers allow the Runner to temporarily increase the
icebreaker’s strength by spending credits. This helps the Runner
deal with stronger pieces of ice, provided he has enough credits
to spend. This strength increase lasts only while the current
piece of ice is being encountered, unless otherwise noted
by card abilities. After an encounter with a piece of ice, the
icebreaker’s strength returns to the value shown on its card. This
applies to any other strength modifiers given by icebreakers as
I know you guys have probably talked about this before but I can't seem to find it anywhere. What 7 wonders expansions is the better of the two?

I own both and I think Leaders is better. Cities has some neat cards and some interesting gameplay but it wasn't as game changing as Leaders. With Leaders you are able to formulate a decent strategy even before seeing your first set of age cards. Cities adds interactions between cities beyond your neighbors. However, most of those interactions just have players losing coins so it's not really exciting and kind of frustrating.

I would say Leaders is a must own and Cities is something you can get after you've exhausted the base game.
I own both and I think Leaders is better. Cities has some neat cards and some interesting gameplay but it wasn't as game changing as Leaders. With Leaders you are able to formulate a decent strategy even before seeing your first set of age cards. Cities adds interactions between cities beyond your neighbors. However, most of those interactions just have players losing coins so it's not really exciting and kind of frustrating.

I would say Leaders is a must own and Cities is something you can get after you've exhausted the base game.
I think you've glossed over some of the more interesting strategies with Cities though, the spy cards works in very interesting ways that changes how you want to handle science, and the whole diplomacy is an interesting counter to military attacks. I do agree that Leaders does give the game more "focus" (whether that's something you want to deal with), whereas Cities adds more wrinkles to the decision making. Cities, as a bonus, does let you play 8 players/Team game.

As a sidenote: stacking both Cities and Leaders together adds even more depth, but the setup time (pulling the cards out, sorting) became even more cumbersome. (Leaders is a separate deck + 4 more guild cards; cities has cards for each age, leaders and guild cards).

Foxix Von

I'm looking through the new rule book for netrunner and I'm not sure if I'm feeling it yet. Maybe it's just because I'm used to playing the original game so much but they've reworked a lot of the terminology and it's screwing with what I already know, lol.
Just played my first game of Netrunner.. WOW I loved it.

just a few quick rule questions maybe you guys can help me out.

-the corp only draws 1 card every turn unless he uses a click right? also you start with 5 cards but the first step of the turn is draw a card does that mean on turn 1 you start with 6?
-when an agenda has been advanced and you score it what happens to the advancement tokens? they just go back into the bank?
-does the ice in front of your central server protect your RD, HQ and archives?
-after you score an agenda any ice protecting it gets discarded?
-when a runner makes a run do they choose a program or is it the combined str of all vs the ice?

sorry I cant seem to find this stuff in the book but I was skimming tonight during my play through.


Hail to the KING baby
-the corp only draws 1 card every turn unless he uses a click right? also you start with 5 cards but the first step of the turn is draw a card does that mean on turn 1 you start with 6?
Draw 1 card, then you have 3 actions. Yes, start of game is draw 5 for both sides but then corp gets its regular draw, which would be to 6.

-when an agenda has been advanced and you score it what happens to the advancement tokens? they just go back into the bank?

-does the ice in front of your central server protect your RD, HQ and archives?
You have three central servers, so the ICE only protects whichever central server its placed on. Your identity card represents your hand/HQ for purposes of putting down ICE.

-after you score an agenda any ice protecting it gets discarded?
No, ICE remains. ICE also remains even after a Runner has passed it.

-when a runner makes a run do they choose a program or is it the combined str of all vs the ice?
In order to break subroutines, you have to first have a breaker that can "interact" with that ICE's subroutines, meaning that it must be the right type of breaker and have strength equal to or greater than the ICE (after any buffing). You can then pay per your icebreaker effects to break as many and whichever subroutines you want. Just remember about ICE, you don't NEED to break subroutines to pass it. If you don't break subroutines, you just get hit with their effects and if "end the run" is not an effect, then you continue if you've survived.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Just to update -

Wife and I are still losing at LOTR LCG. But I (finally) got one of my gamer friends to learn the game and we crushed the first mid-difficulty scenario we tried. Could have been coincidence (LOTR's difficulty is very uneven) but I think it's more likely that my wife just makes non-optimum moves a lot. I don't say that as a knock - I've been playing M:tG and strategy/card/puzzle video games my entire life. So has my bud. But the wife is more casual.

It makes sense. I always have to remind her about board states and card text - "Remember that hero has sentinel and can block for me." "Remember that hero can cancel the shadow effect we just flipped over." In that sense years of Magic, even though it's a totally different game, really helps me keep all of LOTR in my head.


In unrelated news I played my first game of Netrunner. Won as runner, lost as corp. Seems to be a pretty normal experience based on what I've read. I liked the game a lot but I dunno if I like it enough to buy monthly packs and keep up with a deck-building meta-game. I'll probably just leech off my friend and play his decks, because I really really wanna dive deeper into the game.

Its asymmetrical, 2-deck nature makes it harder for me to wrap my head around it as an LCG, though. I would almost prefer if it were a stronger, more flexible stand-alone box. I guess I could still treat it that way. There are a lot of permutations of corp/runner match-ups in the box already.
-the corp only draws 1 card every turn unless he uses a click right? also you start with 5 cards but the first step of the turn is draw a card does that mean on turn 1 you start with 6?
Draw 1 card, then you have 3 actions. Yes, start of game is draw 5 for both sides but then corp gets its regular draw, which would be to 6.

-when an agenda has been advanced and you score it what happens to the advancement tokens? they just go back into the bank?

-does the ice in front of your central server protect your RD, HQ and archives?
You have three central servers, so the ICE only protects whichever central server its placed on. Your identity card represents your hand/HQ for purposes of putting down ICE.

-after you score an agenda any ice protecting it gets discarded?
No, ICE remains. ICE also remains even after a Runner has passed it.

-when a runner makes a run do they choose a program or is it the combined str of all vs the ice?
In order to break subroutines, you have to first have a breaker that can "interact" with that ICE's subroutines, meaning that it must be the right type of breaker and have strength equal to or greater than the ICE (after any buffing). You can then pay per your icebreaker effects to break as many and whichever subroutines you want. Just remember about ICE, you don't NEED to break subroutines to pass it. If you don't break subroutines, you just get hit with their effects and if "end the run" is not an effect, then you continue if you've survived.

thank you SO MUCH Astro!
Just to update -

Wife and I are still losing at LOTR LCG. But I (finally) got one of my gamer friends to learn the game and we crushed the first mid-difficulty scenario we tried. Could have been coincidence (LOTR's difficulty is very uneven) but I think it's more likely that my wife just makes non-optimum moves a lot. I don't say that as a knock - I've been playing M:tG and strategy/card/puzzle video games my entire life. So has my bud. But the wife is more casual.

It makes sense. I always have to remind her about board states and card text - "Remember that hero has sentinel and can block for me." "Remember that hero can cancel the shadow effect we just flipped over." In that sense years of Magic, even though it's a totally different game, really helps me keep all of LOTR in my head.

For LOTR scenarios you will often deal with trial and error since some decks just don't work well with some of the scenarios so as a group you will want to rework your deck. Your deck will cause the scenario to fail horribly, but against a harder one, it might be just right. There really is not optimum deck build and you have to often try and retailor decks to take on a scenario.


For LOTR scenarios you will often deal with trial and error since some decks just don't work well with some of the scenarios so as a group you will want to rework your deck. Your deck will cause the scenario to fail horribly, but against a harder one, it might be just right. There really is not optimum deck build and you have to often try and retailor decks to take on a scenario.
I really enjoy the LOTR:LCG, but dislike this part of it immensely. Some of those scenarios can last over an hour, and tweaking a deck and trying it again over and over isn't my idea of fun. I really wish there was a way to build a "one deck to rule them all" deck that would work against all scenarios if played correctly.

I might switch my LCG purchases over to Netrunner soon if I can find a decent number of people to play with.


Any info on when Merchant of Venus will be out? I'm dying to play this game but I can't find any info on a release date except "available soon" on FFG's website.
I'm pretty sure I not only invited both of you to games last week, but also posted about it in this thread.

Maybe I was drunk though.
Thanks I think there's a spot still open on one of them.
I'm going to need lots of games to work out what's going on.
Also you should get emails when you get an invite now which makes it a lot better.
But if you login with an iOS6 device the overview page is screwy. You might have turns in games but they don't show up.


Gold Member
I kinda want preselected decks for LOTR. I don't have much interest in deck building, I rather play from a deck using cards I have. I'm more into the narrative of the game. I wonder if anyone has done that yet.

What I really want is a game like thunderstone that has lots if possible combinations of heroes and items, a mechanic for bringing them into play (drafting or deck building) but tailors the selection to the specific quest so at least I have a fighting chance (as opposed to having every card available and I gotta spend my time learning them all to build a deck).

I wonder if the quarriors/LOTR game will be like this. You have a pool of heroes and spells to draw from and you "fight" a set of cards to victory.

Anyway, there must be a way to meld the "randomness/expandability" of a card/dice drafting game with the narrative and structure of the typical solitaire/co-op game.
-when a runner makes a run do they choose a program or is it the combined str of all vs the ice?

In order to break subroutines, you have to first have a breaker that can "interact" with that ICE's subroutines, meaning that it must be the right type of breaker and have strength equal to or greater than the ICE (after any buffing). You can then pay per your icebreaker effects to break as many and whichever subroutines you want. Just remember about ICE, you don't NEED to break subroutines to pass it. If you don't break subroutines, you just get hit with their effects and if "end the run" is not an effect, then you continue if you've survived.

One more quick question. Any Ice breaker can be used to encounter a piece of ice? but the icebreaker must be the correct barrier, sentry, code gate or trap to actually shut down the subroutines? so someone can use an icebreaker that says break barrier subroutine to make a run on a peice of ice with sentry subroutines? they can use the icebreakers ability to boost its STR but then they would have to hit every subroutine before passing?

hope that make sense.


Hail to the KING baby
Generally the only reason you would bother interacting with a piece of ICE is to break its subroutines. You will nearly always "encounter" ICE regardless of whether you have an Icebreaker -- the Icebreaker is only relevant in that it might let you break subroutines on that Ice and not be hurt by them. Otherwise you go to Step 3.2 on the Run chart and get dinged by all of its unbroken subroutines. They should call them subroutine breakers, not Icebreakers actually.

So in your example, let's say the ICE has a subroutine you desperately want to break (e.g., "end the run"). In that case you need an Icebreaker with modified Strength equal to or greater than that ICE's strength in order to even begin interacting with it with that Icebreaker. Now you need to rely on your Icebreaker abilities. Does it let you break subroutines on that type of Ice (or on all types like Crypsis), if so then you can break whatever (or all) subroutines you want for the listed cost. But lets say you're poor as hell and the ICE doesn't have any "end the run" subroutines, just damage and stuff. Well in that case you can even choose not to break. Skip to 3.2, execute the subroutines, then move on to the next ICE or the server.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I kinda want preselected decks for LOTR. I don't have much interest in deck building, I rather play from a deck using cards I have. I'm more into the narrative of the game. I wonder if anyone has done that yet.

What I really want is a game like thunderstone that has lots if possible combinations of heroes and items, a mechanic for bringing them into play (drafting or deck building) but tailors the selection to the specific quest so at least I have a fighting chance (as opposed to having every card available and I gotta spend my time learning them all to build a deck).

I wonder if the quarriors/LOTR game will be like this. You have a pool of heroes and spells to draw from and you "fight" a set of cards to victory.

Anyway, there must be a way to meld the "randomness/expandability" of a card/dice drafting game with the narrative and structure of the typical solitaire/co-op game.

This is a common complaint and seems like something the community could probably solve pretty easily. Come up with a collection of duo (and/or solo) decks, made up of only cards that were available at that point in LOTR: LCG's lifecycle, that can beat that scenario on a semi-regular basis if you play well.

I'd love a resource like that, too. I play the game well but have problems deckbuilding.
Ok it's down to blood bowl TM or x-wing minis game.

Blood bowl is a card game for multiple people. Xwing is just a starter for a miniature game, so you will need another player to buy his own figures to play with or spend tons on buying figs for everyone to use. Don't get into a minis game unless you plan to go all the way and have people to play with because the box is not really a stand alone product.
Looks like I will be getting blood bowl then! Thanks GAF!


I just finished sleeving all my Netrunner cards in ultra pro penny's. I love those sleeves.. Always have.

So cleaning up game room by trying to consolidate all my games with their expansions as got way too many boxes taking up space. Really have made a ton of space. Biggest offender working on now is Dominion and got a large storage case coming to put all the cards in. Still working on an easy divider solution to organize all them cards though.

Kinda hate all those extra bits they added to the game in some of the expansions like coins and boards. Stick to cards!

This is a common complaint and seems like something the community could probably solve pretty easily. Come up with a collection of duo (and/or solo) decks, made up of only cards that were available at that point in LOTR: LCG's lifecycle, that can beat that scenario on a semi-regular basis if you play well.

I'd love a resource like that, too. I play the game well but have problems deckbuilding.

We love the deck building aspect *shrug*. Usually don't but because LOTR is a coop game, we make deck building a group experience where we tune our decks together and find it fun especially when keep getting the new cards in. It usually is a turn off for everyone else for other competitive LCG's since they don't have their own cards or time to really focus on building decks on their own time to play. We like Warhammer Invasion and the Game of Thrones LCG's, but the whole deck building in those games turns off the other players as they didn't inveset in their own cards and get stuck with decks I built... which might not work out for everyone. LOTR being coop makes it easier for one person to buy the cards and just getting together to play n build.


New Netrunner question: Can a Runner play Events during a run? A Corporation feels like naturally wont be able to play Operations during a run as it wont have any clicks available, but say a Runner starts his run early in the round and have clicks available. Can he use those for Event cards?
New Netrunner question: Can a Runner play Events during a run? A Corporation feels like naturally wont be able to play Operations during a run as it wont have any clicks available, but say a Runner starts his run early in the round and have clicks available. Can he use those for Event cards?

I am interested what everyone else says but I remember reading that you can't take an action until other actions are resolved and that would include runs right?


New Netrunner question: Can a Runner play Events during a run? A Corporation feels like naturally wont be able to play Operations during a run as it wont have any clicks available, but say a Runner starts his run early in the round and have clicks available. Can he use those for Event cards?

I believe the only things you can use during a run are Paid Abilities on cards you already have active.
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