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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I don't want a game but I would be really interested to see a picture of the
Power Grid UK and Ireland expansion map (specifically the Irish side).
There's no images up yet on BGG.
Wait, what? Another expansion? I thought the Quebec one was the last one (and that my "collector box" is now full)

Edit: The images are up, and the UK board, as some have noted, is really interesting: uneven balance of cities in areas, disconnected networks, and new power plant cards that limit where you can start.
I keep pulling out the Mage Knight book to learn it, and I just put it back down when I see it's size. Really seems ridiculous the amount of rules for it.
Guys, this "Spartacus hasn't released yet" thing is killing me.


Just make sure that your players decide the fate of the fallen gladiators the right way: You extend your hand out in a neutral position, hold for about 5-10 seconds, then slowly turn it thumbs up or down to the roar of the crowd (fellow players)
Just make sure that your players decide the fate of the fallen gladiators the right way: You extend your hand out in a neutral position, hold for about 5-10 seconds, then slowly turn it thumbs up or down to the roar of the crowd (fellow players)
Ugh, can't wait.
Wait, what? Another expansion? I thought the Quebec one was the last one (and that my "collector box" is now full)

Edit: The images are up, and the UK board, as some have noted, is really interesting: uneven balance of cities in areas, disconnected networks, and new power plant cards that limit where you can start.
I think there's also restrictions on nuclear plants in certain countries. (Ireland, N. Ireland, Norway).
And will you set up separate sets of plants for for the different networks.
Expect the German rules will be out soon which will explain more.
I keep pulling out the Mage Knight book to learn it, and I just put it back down when I see it's size. Really seems ridiculous the amount of rules for it.

The rules aren't really that complex. Once you understand movement and combat you can pretty much play the game. Player vs player rules are the only confusing ones in the game, but fighting another player is usually pretty disadvantageous anyway.


Hail to the KING baby
At the Gates of Loyang is up on Yucata.

Wow, they are moving fast and furious. Have barely had a chance to play Rattus even though I'm quite liking their implementation.

Anyone gotten to deckbuilding in Netrunner? I've got two pretty polished and playtested decks (Crim & Haas-Bioroid), some medium playtested (Jinteki & Shaper), and two quickly made ones (NBN & Anarch). BGG has an online tournament that I'm playing in, and then there's an unofficial tournament in Santa Clara next week as well.

Netrunner...whoo :D


Gold Member
Gotta get those new power grid maps. Been waiting for a UK map forever.

Gonna get some more xwing minis. And Leviathans. Can't resist any longer!
Tried out Level 7 [Escape]. Has some neat ideas though the game is a finicky rule nightmare. Seemed like after doing anything we had to go online to consult the official forum for some rule guidance, and the forums make it clear that many others are having the same issue.


Dunno if it's already been mentioned, but Alien Frontiers is up on the app store, and it's pretty damn good.

Edit: bah, just saw it's being talked about in the community thread.
From someone who knows the rules and plays the real version, i'm really happy with it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
what are your opinions on the lord of the rings LCG?

my group is loving netrunner and getting back into magic and a co-op LCG seems cool.

Absolutely love it, as I've outlined in this topic before. It's rapidly becoming my favorite board game... ever.

The co-op structure also makes each $15 ($10 at CSI) adventure pack feel like a better deal than in other LCGs. Each one gives you a new quest to defeat so it feels like a never-ending stream of DLC content to experience. Once I got hooked on the game I bought most of them to caught up. Now I've spent hours and hours playing and still have several quests we haven't even attempted. Great value, although it is becoming more and more expensive for new players to "catch up." FFG might wanna consider $60 "big boxes" that combine a base set with its 6 supporting Adventure Packs. I know that cuts into the $$ they make now but... the product line is already getting huge.

In other LCGs the packs feel more like a $15 tax you have to pay to keep up, with just a small handful of money cards. The rest might never even see play time. It LOTR it feels much more reasonable - each pack advances the fiction meaningfully and adds heroes and adds player cards.

Plus, the modular structure makes it easy for fans to create fan-quests, using existing enemy cards and just 1-3 custom print-on-demand quest cards. Super smart.

Another big plus that I don't hear brought up often is that the game is actually a fantastic use of the LOTR license. Although FFG is now releasing content based directly on the books, the bulk of the sets build on the existing fiction. Telling original adventures based on the LOTR lore instead of re-hashing the books again and again is super smart.

And finally, the game theme and game mechanics are married much more closely than almost any game I've played. I never felt like I was building a Kingdom in Dominion for example. And how, exactly, are you "winning" in Carcassonne? If you're not someone that cares about theme this won't impact you. But I love flavor. The card art reinforces it, the detail on things like the wound markers reinforces it... even the "exhaust" (card tapping) mechanic feels more natural than a game like "Magic: The Gathering.

TL:DR: I Lurrrv LOTR: LCG and want to have its babies.
I'm thinking of picking up Fury of Dracula tomorrow or something to have a nice themed game for halloween.

Anybody here played it, and what do you guys think? Our group is usually 5 people and I've heard it's great for that number.
I'm thinking of picking up Fury of Dracula tomorrow or something to have a nice themed game for halloween.

Anybody here played it, and what do you guys think? Our group is usually 5 people and I've heard it's great for that number.

What about one of those zombie games? I read FoD can drag for too long.


LNOE is friggen awesome.

I really enjoy Fury of Dracula, but it doesn't hit the table often as it's hard to play well & it's pretty long. Last Night On Earth is the halloween game you're looking for - far easier to teach & play, and 'fits' the zombie theme well.
I'm thinking of picking up Fury of Dracula tomorrow or something to have a nice themed game for halloween.

Anybody here played it, and what do you guys think? Our group is usually 5 people and I've heard it's great for that number.
Fury of Dracula is awesome. It's not a perfect game and there are issues I have with it. Mainly the combat, I find it clunky and not too exciting. The game also hinges on a good Dracula player. If you have a crap Dracula player it's not much of a challenge.
That being said, I've had a lot of fun playing the game as both Dracula and the hunters. Playing Dracula is really satisfying and tense. At times you feel like the board is crazy tight and the investigators will find you at any moment. On the flip side as the investigator you feel the board is really big and Dracula's trail is impossible to find.

Like what, Zombicide? I've heard it's not really balanced well.
There are certain scenarios that are flat out broken with the right mix of survivors. However, I think it's one of the best Zombie games out on the market today. I'd put it up there with Last Night on Earth and I love LNOE.
There are certain scenarios that are flat out broken with the right mix of survivors. However, I think it's one of the best Zombie games out on the market today. I'd put it up there with Last Night on Earth and I love LNOE.

I think most of the scenarios in Zombicide are just way too easy. Wanting to try them with increasing the starting danger level or messing around with custom scenarios. Big issue with most Zombicide scenarios is that they mostly don't have any zombies on the board and they spawn and move slowly. Players often can just rush to the objectives before zombies get to them as well as load up on ton of gear before the shit hits the fan. By the time things get heavy, the players are a bunch of rambos. In several games we've had several characters max out their xp and pretty much laugh at the enemy swarms. The downloadable campaign the put out seems to have some tougher scenario designs as well as recommending starting at higher danger level for quicker zombie deployments.
Thanks for the recs guys... I'm really struggling between Fury of Dracula and LNOE now. :p

Our game nights are usually about 4 hours long so I'm not too concerned about getting a full game of Fury of Dracula in, though I've heard it can drag.

One worrying criticism I've heard of LNoE, beyond the "too chancey" aspect, is that playing as the zombie team is boring. Any truth to that? I think one of the main reasons I'm leaning toward FoD is that it seems like it's fun to play both sides.


Played Castle Panic last night after getting home from the Packers game. Everyone was pretty on edge so we figured a co-op game would be best! It's the first co-op game I've ever played. Fun stuff. The first time we played it we breezed through it and I thought it was pretty freaking lame, but the second game we lost and I was pumped. The third game came down to a couple of tight rounds in the middle and we had every enemy champion on the board at once but we prevailed. Lots of fun for angry drunken people who just wanted to chill out.
Thanks for the recs guys... I'm really struggling between Fury of Dracula and LNOE now. :p

Our game nights are usually about 4 hours long so I'm not too concerned about getting a full game of Fury of Dracula in, though I've heard it can drag.

One worrying criticism I've heard of LNoE, beyond the "too chancey" aspect, is that playing as the zombie team is boring. Any truth to that? I think one of the main reasons I'm leaning toward FoD is that it seems like it's fun to play both sides.

Depends on number of players, most will play heroes. I usually take on role of game master and such in rpgs so I have no issue playing the zombies. Zombies aren't as fun as a hero is true though having a partner playing zombies with you helps. Some don't care for zombie role as they feel they aren't really playing the game and are just controlling bad guys for the heroes to beat up and run from. It will depend on the player and how competitive he is too.


Hail to the KING baby
Zombies is fun. You have a hand limit and draw up to your hand limit so are strongly incentivized to use tons of action cards. There's a real "gotcha" aspect to playing zombies in most games.
Also, I just saw that LNoE has a bunch of expansions. Are there any that I should look at getting if I end up getting that game? Like anything that really improves the gameplay, kind of like Dunwich did for AH?


Hail to the KING baby
No mandatory-type expansions. Growing Hunger adds a ton of stuff, including event and item cards you can integrate into your core decks, which is really nice, but again only for if you've gotten sick of the base game (which comes with a bunch of scenarios). The other expansions for the most part are mini-ones that give you an additional scenario or two and maybe some cool minis.


Hail to the KING baby
Rattus is sooooo good on Yucata. Yucata setup is really perfect for it. Only thing I wish is that it showed you last moves by default a la Carc iOS but there's even a way to do that manually.
Also, I just saw that LNoE has a bunch of expansions. Are there any that I should look at getting if I end up getting that game? Like anything that really improves the gameplay, kind of like Dunwich did for AH?
Growing Hunger and Survival of the Fittest expansions are the two good ones. If you want a big box of stuff, Growing Hunger is what you want. It adds more of everything, boards, scenarios, characters, and pretty much everything else. Survival of the Fittest is good if you are looking for a cheap smaller expansion. It adds scenarios and some survival cards. Timber Peak sounds interesting but that can also be played as a stand alone game.


The German rules for Fremde Federn (Copycat) are out. So far I am not sure about the game. Gotta try it out next week in Essen.

Has anyone played Arctic Scavengers before? I need expressions because I am looking into deck building games but not Dominion or Thunderstone.


Has anyone played Kingdom Maker? Just bought it with the gf to play with friends and family. We were supposed to play it this weekend but things got in the way we've only tried it for a few minutes. Didn't know what to make of the rules really, they seem very simple and straightforward.
The German rules for Fremde Federn (Copycat) are out. So far I am not sure about the game. Gotta try it out next week in Essen.

Has anyone played Arctic Scavengers before? I need expressions because I am looking into deck building games but not Dominion or Thunderstone.

Are you looking into the Japanese "Trains" game.
Has anyone played Kingdom Maker? Just bought it with the gf to play with friends and family. We were supposed to play it this weekend but things got in the way we've only tried it for a few minutes. Didn't know what to make of the rules really, they seem very simple and straightforward.

It is very simple game, should be easy to teach the more casual folks.
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