Any updates on that Blood Bowl expansion?
I think EOY but it hasn't really surfaced yet, so that's more a hope than anything. Wish BGG.Con had it, but it wasn't at Essen.
Any updates on that Blood Bowl expansion?
Played another game of Spartacus.
We've all agreed that Batiatus is the worst character to play as by far. His specials are useless except in the best of circumstances, and he starts off with the least gold of everybody (since you have to do upkeep in the first round, he actually is starting at 8 instead of 10). Further, since he's got more gladiators than slaves, he's constantly at a negative income until he can buy slaves -- which go for a TON of money because they're even more valuable to the other players (well, Solonius and Tullius).
Huh? You start with three gladiators though. Turn One, yeah, you start with 8 gold, so exhaust your two weaker gladiators and end up with 10 gold during the Intrigue step of Turn One.
And we're just talking about "catching up" in gold in Turn One. For every turn beyond that, you personally have an extra source of 2 gold per turn that no one else has. So go ahead and deny Solonius and Tullius of that Turn One slave in the Market. You'll get that money back by Turn Three and deprive them of a required resource they desperately need.
Solonius is the hard one to play. Everyone else's specials plays to their strengths (slaves, gladiators, and guards). What exactly is Solonius supposed to do?
I won Saturday playing Batiatus hehe. Secure some slaves early on and just pick up any shitty cheap gladiators no one wants or deal with players for them. Those gladiators make easy money each turn with the exhibition matches or you can just toss em when you have too many for easy influence. You have to be aggressive early on to get slaves, many players have enough and will care more about getting more gladiators early on which you can just ignore since you have so many.
That "source of 2 gold that nobody has" is basically claimed by the fact that you're -2 in the upkeep phase anyway, so it's a wash unless you always win your bets. Besides, other people can make money by exhausting their starting slaves or guards and then cashing in the cards, etc. Of course, if Batiatus exhausts his gladiators for the money, then he is easily invited to the area for a -1 Influence penalty, etc.
Get Guillotine. It's the exact same game and is $13 on Amazon.Love horror movies so really interested in this one:
Want to pledge as it sounds fun but damn $37 for a card game?
Get Guillotine. It's the exact same game and is $13 on Amazon.
It's pretty shameless. I saw they are planning on changing the rules around to make it a little different. But they only did that because they were getting called on their shit.Wow yea looked into it more and see that they literally just copied the game cards and tossed on a new theme.
But you start with three gladiators. You exhaust two and leave your best one alone. You have just as many as Glaber and since you had three to choose from, you're technically as well-prepared as Solonius and Tullius. Again, on turn One, with your special, you're only paying for the upkeep for one of your gladiators. Falling in line with the show, you want to collect a nice stable of gladiators and kick butt. Sure, you can play him other ways, but I'm just stating the natural starting strength of Batiatus.
The "no -1" in Epic rule must be a typo or whatnot. It needs to count, even if you're at 1. Your fear of losing your third gladiator on Turn One if you exhaust your other two is what poor Glaber deals with all the time.
Edit: It's not a typo. It's not covered explicitly in the rulebook, but it was answered by someone from Gale Force Nine on BGG. You can't go below 1 influence. Yeah, it feels bad, but it's also what happened in the show (no real spoiler).
You can exhaust starting gladiators in the intrigue phase? I didn't think they had a special ability.
Oh...this is the house power? I obviously didn't play that house.
Which means your gladiators, even if they were exhausted before, are made Ready again, and then you have to pay for them in the Balance Ledgers stage. Which means Batiatus starts at a -2 in the first round and stays there unless he manages to get slaves somehow. By exhausting his gladiators in the Intrigue phase he's really just getting the money back from what he paid before -- and that's only if he didn't end up losing all of his money in the Arena or something.
Looks like Eclipse expansion got delayed until mid december, putting it in doubt that I'll get my shipment before holiday gaming time.
So it looks like it's time to pull some shenanigans around and get it into a new order and get my current order shipping now![]()
fuck, guess i'll have to do the same if I want to play Spartacus lol.
Spartacus is a potential contender for fixing up my orders. That and maybe a more recent Dominion expansion I haven't grabbed yet.
Thinking about getting a new game to ply with my girlfriend, but I can't decide what...
Ideally I'd like something that's easy to get into but has some depth. Forbidden island has been fun but its quite simple. Dominion is awesome because its deep but the system is pretty simple and the cards all tell you what they do on them so we don't have to keep consulting the manual.
My main ideas are San Jose, Tigris and Euphrates, a few acres of snow or Puerto Rico.
I looked at the manual for a few acres of snow and it seems like it might be hard to get into since there are lots of different things you can do. Does it have any stuff to help remind you what you can do?
Thinking about getting a new game to ply with my girlfriend, but I can't decide what...
Ideally I'd like something that's easy to get into but has some depth. Forbidden island has been fun but its quite simple. Dominion is awesome because its deep but the system is pretty simple and the cards all tell you what they do on them so we don't have to keep consulting the manual.
My main ideas are San Jose, Tigris and Euphrates, a few acres of snow or Puerto Rico.
so it sounds like a few acres of snow is broken, and might not be fixed any time soonshame because I really like the idea of it
been looking some more and now considering kingdom builder, caylus and ora et labora as well :S
You just made baby Buzz cry.Race for the Galaxy might be a bit too nerdy with the space theme.
Ora et Labora is pretty awesome. It can get a bit heavy at times but if you are looking for a somewhat heavy Euro it's a good one. It plays well with 2 and can go up to four. I've played it 2 player and 3 and both felt about the same gameplay wise. If you are looking for Euro suggestions I really like Village. It came out last year and won the German strategy game of the year this year. You are managing both resources and time. So, like most euro games you are grabbing cubes from one area and turning them in to another area to do stuff. The twist to the game is the time mechanic, each action you do might cost time to do it. The more time you spend doing work the more workers will die of old age. It's an interesting balancing act of keeping your workers around long enough to do what you need them to do but not too long or else you may miss out on the bonus points you will get when they die. The Village works great with two, better with more so that's a it sounds like a few acres of snow is broken, and might not be fixed any time soonshame because I really like the idea of it
been looking some more and now considering kingdom builder, caylus and ora et labora as well :S
so it sounds like a few acres of snow is broken, and might not be fixed any time soonshame because I really like the idea of it
been looking some more and now considering kingdom builder, caylus and ora et labora as well :S
Thought the 2nd edition fixed the original problems some folks had with the game.
Finally showed up. Thanks Xater for the quick shipment (wish I could say the same about my postal service). Looking forward to playing these on Thursday.
Finally showed up. Thanks Xater for the quick shipment (wish I could say the same about my postal service). Looking forward to playing these on Thursday.
My only guess is the hurricane held up my games. No idea why it took a week longer than Neverfade to get my package but at least it's here now.Glad they finally arrived. I was getting worried,especially since Neverfade got his game way earlier.
Eclipse is surprisingly easy to learn and teach. The design is really elegant and since you are only taking one action a turn its easy to step through an action with new players. If you were able to handle TI then Eclipse is going to be cake.2 new games!
Agricola for my friend.
Eclipse for myself!
Im excited to play both, Eclipse seems pretty awesomely hardcore (but not as crazt as Twilight Imperium was). We will be playing Agricola tomorrow, and hopefully Eclipse pretty soon. Any tips or anything for playing these games? Not strategies, just stuff for setting up, or rules to change, or helpful tutorial type stuff.
We played some more Power Grid today too, I love that game. I think I actually enjoy The First Spark more though, haha.
My only guess is the hurricane held up my games. No idea why it took a week longer than Neverfade to get my package but at least it's here now.
Eclipse is surprisingly easy to learn and teach. The design is really elegant and since you are only taking one action a turn its easy to step through an action with new players. If you were able to handle TI then Eclipse is going to be cake.
For your first game I would suggest everyone play humans. It's easier to have everyone doing the same thing as opposed to the aliens which all have different abilities and weaknesses. After that you should be fine to mix things up.
Saw Munchkin in a store and it looked like fun! Might get it, any impressions? Fun for 2p or better for more?
Also, i see looooaaaads of different versions/expansions.... What are they? Expansions? Versions? Are there any that stand out as exceptionally good or bad? Thanks![]()
I think munchkin is extremely stupid. It has weird rules that expand outside of the game, like owning a statue that is currently looking at the game in progress gets the owner a bonus, and you can cheat and hold extra cards just don't get caught. Plus sometimes when you play you will get a monster that is literally impossible to kill for many many rounds so you get screwed.
It's seriously a weird fucking game.
Bbuuuuuutttt every one else in my board gaming group loves the hell out of it. So maybe I'm just weird. Haha. I just find it has way to little strategy and way too much random dumb luck and completely weird and bogus rules.
Saw Munchkin in a store and it looked like fun! Might get it, any impressions? Fun for 2p or better for more?
Also, i see looooaaaads of different versions/expansions.... What are they? Expansions? Versions? Are there any that stand out as exceptionally good or bad? Thanks![]()
You are not weird. Munchkin is just a dumb game.
I'd go with Seaside as well. (Dark Ages is awesome, but it's the most complicated and would be a good third pick)
Also, if you didn't get merc's joke, the phrase is "How come?"
Munchkin is the game that most non gamers like to play.
Fluxx is also the same garbage.
So you're saying my gf will love it? She hardly likes anything deeper than Dominion, and even that not often. I love deep, long games, she likes Cranium. Thought maybe Munchkin was something we both enjoy... But your guys' feedback and if it's bad for just 2p, I'll probablt hold off
Anything that both deep-game lovers and non-gamers would enjoy, for 2p? Maybe King Of Tokyo? :x Dominion/Roll through the ages were successful with her.