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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Played Tzolkin last night and really enjoyed it. It obviously was everyone's first play of the game and we were all feeling out different strategies. I ended up losing by one point which was heartbreaking but thems the breaks.

I'm not going to go too in depth with how to play but basically on your turn you either place workers or pick them up. The main hook of the game is the central gear that turns at the end of the round. This gear is attached to five other gears that will move your workers ahead one space. The longer you leave the worker on a gear the better the reward will be when you pick him up. The mechanics are super simple and the challenge comes in balancing your pool of workers and knowing when to place or take them off. It's surprisingly challenging to come up with a good engine. I'm sure with more plays certain strategies will start to become clear but for your first few rounds it feels like it's hard to get started.
Played Spartacus again this week. We made a minor change -- we upped Batiatus' special ability to give 3 gold per 2 gladiators exhausted instead of 2. It helps a lot and makes him a viable character to play, especially with such a simple change.

We also have decided not to play Epic games anymore, but even so, we've also decided that if anybody drops to 0 Influence then they have a hand limit of 0.


Anyone else at BGGCON? It's my first time and I'm having a great time playing new games and stuff that's new to me.


Hail to the KING baby
Yep me mercviper and fenners. Been playing a ton of games with merc and crew actually. And yeah it's a really fun con.


Just got back from my first bgg.con. Quite the blast! Played so many new games, and so many games of netrunner. Wish I had a few more days. :(


Yeah, got back this afternoon. Bumped into Astrolad but never managed to get a game together, mainly because I'm a tech ludditte.

Was a great Con. I'd been a little apprehensive about the increase in size/location changing the "feel" but the crew totally made it feel like a small size scale con still. Filled with friendly people, lots of gaming, and lots of fun. I was constantly amazed by the number of "First Timer" badges.

I made a point to play with people outside of my Austin/Round Rock crew where I could and had a blast. The BGG.Con Beer Trade was a blast & great for putting faces to avatars over beer. Played Escape! with an old co-worker from SF. Got to hang out with some Canadians I met last year & play some fun games. Cards Against Humanity until 2am. Math Trades. And finished 2nd in the poker tournament.

All in all a good con. If you've got the time/money, do it. Friendliest ~2000 people you'll play games with.


I've never been to BGG con despite living here in Dallas. The $110 scares me off a little. ;)

Any local folks ever hit DGM in Plano? I've only been once, but it was a good time. I specifically went to try Power Grid to make sure I wanted to order it (turns out I did - great game).



Hail to the KING baby
Oh man, if you live in Dallas, enjoy board games, and don't go to BGG, you are INSANE! (Presuming you can pay the ticket price.) First off, the ticket price comes with like 3-5 free games, and they are usually decent to very good. This year some of the standout door prizes were Puzzle Strike, the New York version of Alhambra, Rome (Stefan Feld), and a few others. You get like $50 worth of games just for showing up.

Beyond just that simple thing, you get access to a gaming library that seems to have almost every single BGG-listed game (including rares like McMulti and Dark Tower, as well as every expansion and promo you can think of -- their copy of Ghost Stories White Moon (which goes for $100 on ebay) had like two copies of every promo in it (some rare), just as a single example among thousands). There's also a really cool large floor area where 10+ dexterity games are set up and an insane amount of gaming floor space -- one gigantic ballroom, one big cafe area, and a ton of smaller rooms if you need something more quiet. It's pretty much open-gaming nirvana. The one time we didn't have anyone to play with my friend and I just put up a Players Needed sign (which they provide, also Teacher Wanted, etc.) and I think we filled up our game in <3m. sogood
What are some good quick playing card games I might have forgotten? They often work good for large numbers and quick play.

Got Chrononauts, Citadels (which can take long to play at times), Resistance, CAH, Gloom, Bang!.....

Want to expand my inventory of cheap good card games for quick play. Games that can do at least 5+ is best
What are some good quick playing card games I might have forgotten? They often work good for large numbers and quick play.

Got Chrononauts, Citadels (which can take long to play at times), Resistance, CAH, Gloom, Bang!.....

Want to expand my inventory of cheap good card games for quick play. Games that can do at least 5+ is best
No Thanks (5 players max)
Jericho (5 players max)
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre
Is that actually good? It looked interesting, but also looked like it might be Munchkin-esque and fun/funny the first time, then rapidly diminishing returns.
Somewhat yes and no? It really sits on the "quick 15 minute" game spectrum, so I'd occasionally pull it out if we're waiting for people or in between games.


bgg.con recap:


Landed and met with Astrolad for Netrunner goodness. Played many games with him over the course of the con, and some of the longest netrunner ones I've had too. We almost decked the corp twice lol. One card I'd like to see for the Corp in an upcoming expansion would be something like:
Back to the Drawing Board

Cost: 3


Draw a card. Return up to two cards from your hand back to R&D, then shuffle R&D.

This way the Corp isn't completely screwed if they draw into 3-4 agendas early in the game.


Registration line was looooong when it opened but cleared up around noon.

Le Havre

Finally got to play this and it's a really good worker placement game. We cut it short to make time for playing others, but I'm sold to play this anytime someone is offering.


Not too bad. I definitely see this as a 4 player only game, and I see what GAFers are talking about with the arena thing being a little bad, but if your defense/attack is high enough then you're likely okay just charging in and giving them the first hit anyway. Would love to play this more and test out different strategies, but I don't think it's at a 'must play again now' sort of level.

Shadows of Camelot

BSG level of betrayal goodness. I ended up as the traitor this game and probably played it too passively. Things were actually looking pretty good for me so I didn't see a point to revealing as I get a bonus for staying hidden the entire game too. We were down to 2 swords from losing excalibur and everyone was split with the grail half corrupted. Astrolad was teaching the game and one of the randoms we played with accused him of being traitor right off the bat for "not being clear with rules explanation" lol. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to evoke enough emotion for everybody else to accuse him in turn for his gaffe to get another free accusation out of it, and waited too long to accuse him myself. Another mistake I made was probably helping out with the Grail quest for 2 turns instead of 1. Most of the game I just wasted time by drawing cards (I held 3 of the 7 available merlins in my hand for a majority of the game) and advancing evil w/o giving myself away. The evil cards didn't roll my way though so in the end Good prevailed at 7 white swords to 5 black. Would play again but man, we either had an easy game this go-around or the traitor really has to play perfectly to win.


I ran down early to take part in the Escape Experience, but the line was kinda long and I didn't realize they had 8 tables of 5 playing so it really wouldn't have been more than a 10 minute wait, so I went to the Queen booth instead to learn/play it.

Escape from the Cursed Temple

This game is fun. At least for the first couple times anyway. For a first time play, you feel really frantic because you're unsure of a lot of things and the soundtrack really adds a lot to the experience, and just barely eking out an escape or reaching safety in the last few seconds feels really really good. Unfortunately, I think the base game ends up being too easy once you get a better hold of your faculties. I played the game about 5-6 times over the course of the con and each one was progressively easier. Tried a few times with the curse mode and while they add difficulty, it adds enough that it feels almost impossible. With the curse model you're solving curses on your own and getting 3/5 die or more often 3/4 (because of that always locked die *shakefist*) can be a real chore to do for 2/3s of every explorable tile. I feel it takes away from the 'fun' aspect of the game which is also the main reason I would want to play escape.

Descent 2.0

Pretty good dungeon crawler. We played on and off during the con, completing 3 and a half missions total. The adventurers and the DM both level up from each mission, raising difficulty to match the hero upgrades. As an adventurer, it felt like all the missions were stacked against us, even the one we eventually won. But thinking back on it there were a few tactical mistakes we made that probably would've won us the mission otherwise. Aside from the normal hack and slash aspect, I'd say the game is best if you can get starting gold/XP to customize your character, or play a campaign or two to build your character from scratch. The game plays pretty fast once your party can decide what to do. I'd say about 20 minutes for set-up/teardown combined and about 40 minutes per map(some encounters have more than 1 map).


It's a video game and not a board game, but I played it at the con so I'll put it here. If you don't know what it is, imagine Star Trek. Now imagine the main room with the Captain telling the crew what they need to do. This game is exactly like that. You and a team of 5 others take positions as Captain, Helm, Tactical (weapons), Science, Comms, and Engineering to pilot a starship around your sectors of the galaxy and defending it from the invading enemies. It requires good communication between all stations as well as good orders from your captain. For example, I was the helm and after getting the heading to a friendly station, I had to turn our ship around in order to fly that direction after a command of "Helm set course to bearing 270, warp speed". Well I didn't realize our Engineering team could control my maneuverability and was turning really slow to do a full 180 because Engineering was still getting used to the station and had turning at minimum capacity. After 5 seconds of turning and not moving forward I received 2 more repeated commands of, "Warp speed to bearing 270, helm". I said fuckit, if the captain wants warp speed, he gets warp speed and hit the warp drives at my current heading. This ran us headlong into a minefield and nearly into an asteroid field, taking out our warp drives and we spent 5 minutes trudging back to DS1 half a sector away at impulse speed to get repaired lol.

This is turning out to be a lot to type so I'll do a recap of the second half of the con later.


Hail to the KING baby
Spartacus really exceeded my fairly low expectations. I can also see gaming the combat, but thankfully none of us cared enough to worry about it. :p At its core it's actually a crazy simple game with lots of screwage that you can actually defend yourself from (which is a nice departure from most screwage games). Only other downside I think is how weak Batiatus is but I've seen people house-rule him.

Descent was neat. mercviper's friend taught us and DM'd us as well. We only got to play through a single chapter or whatever (3 missions) but I buffed the hell out of my dude to the point where he was killing a dragon/turn so I was happy. :D

Played tons of Netrunner too; love that game but I can't wait for the data packs.
Shadows of Camelot

BSG level of betrayal goodness. I ended up as the traitor this game and probably played it too passively. Things were actually looking pretty good for me so I didn't see a point to revealing as I get a bonus for staying hidden the entire game too. We were down to 2 swords from losing excalibur and everyone was split with the grail half corrupted. Astrolad was teaching the game and one of the randoms we played with accused him of being traitor right off the bat for "not being clear with rules explanation" lol. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to evoke enough emotion for everybody else to accuse him in turn for his gaffe to get another free accusation out of it, and waited too long to accuse him myself. Another mistake I made was probably helping out with the Grail quest for 2 turns instead of 1. Most of the game I just wasted time by drawing cards (I held 3 of the 7 available merlins in my hand for a majority of the game) and advancing evil w/o giving myself away. The evil cards didn't roll my way though so in the end Good prevailed at 7 white swords to 5 black. Would play again but man, we either had an easy game this go-around or the traitor really has to play perfectly to win.

You likely got lucky, as game is hard on the good guys always.
BGGCon was great :) I got to try out a lot of new games that I've never played before, and I made some new friends too (it was awesome to play games with AstroLad and mercviper!).

The most distinct experiences were learning (and playing!) Net Runner for the first time, those long involved missions of Descent and the Proto Alley (for trying out game prototypes and talking to game designers).

I can't wait to try and do it again next year!


Is King of Tokyo really good? It doesn't have the greatest score on BGG. I've been looking at it however since our gaming group is 4-6 people (with usually 5-6). However I'm also looking at Tzol'kin which looks great but only goes to 4. I'm at a bit of a crossroads here :(

As an aside, King of Tokyo won Best Family Game, Best Kids Game, and Best Party Game at BGG this year.


Hail to the KING baby
King of Tokyo Power Up is realllly good. At first I was skeptical that it would add too much complexity to the game but actually it's a ton of fun and adds uniqueness to each character without much in the way of new rules (as in, game is still super-light).
Is that actually good? It looked interesting, but also looked like it might be Munchkin-esque and fun/funny the first time, then rapidly diminishing returns.
It's pretty good. Like AlphaTwo00 said, the appeal to it is it takes so little time to play. Unlike Munchikin, which can drag on, Epic Spell Wars can be done fairly quickly. You play until a person wins two games but you can always stop before then. It's not a game you plan a night around but something that's fun to pull out every now and then.


So this weekend I finally got a chance to play some (to me) new games at Vienna's Spielefest:

In order of playing:
The Palaces of Carrara (3 players)
Suburbia (2 p)

Race for the Galaxy (3 p)
Eminent Domain (3 p)
The Palaces of Carrara (3 p)

Carrara which was more of a choice of convenience is a fun little game, trying to buy marble of varying qualities and with different prices, but whenever you buy they become cheaper - not just for you, but for all other players as well. You also have to decide whether you want to build a building, buy marble or score some of your buildings/cities - which you are only allowed to do once either to gain VPs or more money depending on the city you built your buildings in. I didn't progress to the advanced game, but from what I saw it's a good way to spend an hour.

Suburbia was a game to my Sim City likings as expected, somewhat like a light version of Agricola it felt to me. And once I got explained that already built buildings don't all affect newly builts negatively scoring became that much easier and quicker ;)
I like it.

Race for the Galaxy: After reading about it here I was really looking forward to finally playing it, and though I had quite a tough time coming to grips with the symbols and what to do and in which phase to do it for the first half of the game, once it suddenly clicked and I really started to get into it. I really liked it, with people choosing what phase to play and then everyone playing those phases after another. In comparison to Dominion that's a very nice way to actually foster thinking about what the other players might do. Nice.

Eminent Domain: Played that one right after RFTG and it seemed so much easier to get into, but in comparison it seemed also a bit simpler. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, and the plastic space ship figurines are a big plus as well, but I can't help to feel that playing ED prior to RFTG would have increased my enjoyment of ED a bit. Still I think it along with RFTG and Suburbia are on my definite to buy list now.
Did another Mansions of Madness game, while the group enjoys it, this has to be one of the worst games when it comes to set up lol. Timing it, it literally took 30 mins to get the table set up before folks show up. Learned the first time to not set up when folks arrive so I put it all together before the group arrived but damn that's quite some work. It's not even a very long game, it plays very fast so it's so odd for such a big complex set up to have such a quick game then.

A coop card game like lotr seemed like it sold itself. I wonder what drove that decision

There was a bunch of crying on the boards about it being coop. The CCG fans are all about one on one competitive games. Star Wars being a big expensive license for FFG, I think they just freaked at all the initial backlash and just wanted to please folks.

This new LCG though does look interesting, it has some nice ideas, especially how deck building is being tied to the objective cards. But 1 on 1 LCG's limit amount of play it will get with us sadly. LOTR coop gets played a ton because its made for multiplay and is easier to work with the whole card collecting aspect.


For anyone playing Android: Netrunner, what're your thoughts on splashing Aggressive Negotiations in your corp deck? Or rather, what're your thoughts on the card in general? As a tutor, it's really useful and normally I wouldn't see any case against running it, but it's requirements so strict that I wonder how many times it'll end up a dead card in my hand. Additionally, if you do splash/run it, how many copies do you run and why?

Edit: I should add, I'm considering including it my NBN deck as a cheaper influence solution to multiple copies of Scorched Earth. I like the utility of Negotiations and you don't always necessarily want SE so early. With Negotiations you can get by reliably with 1 copy of SE, which hides it longer from the runner until you can score a Breaking News and use it if they aren't careful, or find something else that you may need like Melange Mining.


We've had some discussions here in the past about Tasty Minstreal, GameSalute & their attempt to squeeze/ignore online retailers. Seems it didn't quite work out as planned:

Once upon a time, I decided to publish great games. Somewhere along the way, I decided to revolutionize and improve the board game industry, unlocking greater awesomeness for gamers through “improved” methods... Revolution in the board game industry is difficult for a plethora of reasons, which I will choose not to list.

I have realized that I need to just “Shut up, and just make great games”.

I know that this might worry some TMG fans, so let me restate:
TMG continues to be devoted to making fantastic games with the foundation of quality game play.
TMG continues to concentrate on game design, game development, artwork, rulebooks, usability, production (manufacturing) quality and so forth.
TMG continues to carefully select quality games to import to North America in English, especially if they would otherwise be difficult to obtain.
TMG will rely on our partners to bring our games to stores so that stores can bring them directly to you. Our partner in this will be PSI, who sells to all distributors, so if you want to carry TMG products in your store, then please contact the distributors that you use.
Thankfully, we are trusted by thousands of people for their gaming dollars.

We tried to run as we just started to understand how to walk, and as a result, some individuals feel abandoned or slighted by TMG or myself personally, despite best intentions.

We have been far from perfect, and constantly work to become better. TMG has come a long distance, and much is expected of us, I expect much. I not only hope and pray to fulfill those expectations, but I work hard to do so.

Thus, I would like to apologize to anybody and everybody that has felt hurt by our actions. If there is an outstanding issue that still bothers you, then please email me directly, at michael@tastyminstrelgames.com to resolve it, I will do the best that I can. I don’t want resentment from the past to continue forward.

I started Tasty Minstrel Games because I love games, and I want to see high quality games published. I believe that TMG sees great support in the community, because we do just that.

I am tired of trying new things, and it is especially exhausting when something goes wrong.

Maybe I suffer from a bad case of the “OOOOOHHH! SHINY” syndrome.

TMG will experiment less, keep awesome games in stock, and concentrate on making awesome games.

All TMG products will be available through regular distribution channels if those distributors will have us. And I hope that they will. Distributors will be able to obtain our games through our long-term and wonderful partner PSI, who has been here for me through every dumb thing I have done. I am glad to be out of the business of worrying about how to improve the hobby board game ecosystem.

Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your devotion to TMG. Thank you for every time you play one of our games. I make games for them to be played, and I like to know that you enjoy them.

I feel blessed to be able to find success as a board game publisher, it is truly awesome.

Your Humble Game Servant,

Michael Mindes, Founder
Tasty Minstrel Games

Essentially, their attempts/planned strategy to skip/ignore the traditional online retail channels flopped or would have cost too much to do. So back to "the hobby board game ecosystem" they go...


We've had some discussions here in the past about Tasty Minstreal, GameSalute & their attempt to squeeze/ignore online retailers. Seems it didn't quite work out as planned:

Essentially, their attempts/planned strategy to skip/ignore the traditional online retail channels flopped or would have cost too much to do. So back to "the hobby board game ecosystem" they go...

Did he have a problem with CSI or something? I read the initial post about the situation and came away with no new understanding about what his problem was. I think he may be on to something with the "Shut up and make games" idea.


Did he have a problem with CSI or something? I read the initial post about the situation and came away with no new understanding about what his problem was. I think he may be on to something with the "Shut up and make games" idea.

Not CSI, all of the online retailers because they undercut the RRP & they obviously get the relationship with the consumer, not TMG.

So, they decided to cut them out & sell directly to physical retailers, and only sell online via Amazon & their own site, so they could control prices. Obviously, they're not getting the sales they thought they would.


Blows my mind that he thought it'd work. Products available via fewer avenues generally equals less sales. I don't even have a business degree. Give me a game company please!
So got in the Marvel deck builder Legendary

Actually pretty darn good. It's really a coop deck building game with some ideas taken from Acsension for sure. Lot of easy expansion potential with how they handled the heroes and villains. Didn't expect this to actually be good.

You create a hero team with 5-6 random heroes or choose the ones you want to use. Each hero is represented by 14 cards, so you take all the heroes you chose and shuffle together to create the hero deck that the players will populate the board with and buy cards from. You then also have a selected master villain who is the boss the players must defeat. You also then have henchmen and villains of various types (themed by series, such as Spiderman foes) and create a villain deck which are the enemies you try to beat. The game also has a universal scenario which are based of major marvel story lines and alter the rules of the game.

The only negative with the game is the price. For a DBG the price is pretty ridiculous.
So got in the Marvel deck builder Legendary

Actually pretty darn good. It's really a coop deck building game with some ideas taken from Acsension for sure. Lot of easy expansion potential with how they handled the heroes and villains. Didn't expect this to actually be good.

You create a hero team with 5-6 random heroes or choose the ones you want to use. Each hero is represented by 14 cards, so you take all the heroes you chose and shuffle together to create the hero deck that the players will populate the board with and buy cards from. You then also have a selected master villain who is the boss the players must defeat. You also then have henchmen and villains of various types (themed by series, such as Spiderman foes) and create a villain deck which are the enemies you try to beat. The game also has a universal scenario which are based of major marvel story lines and alter the rules of the game.

The only negative with the game is the price. For a DBG the price is pretty ridiculous.
Really want to get this one. MSRP of $60 is a bit out of control though.


BGG 2012 Gift Guide: http://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/Board_Game_Gift_Guide_2012

Short version:

All-Time Favorites --- Blokus, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Pandemic, Dominion
For All Ages --- Pitchcar, Incan Gold, Qwirkle, King of Tokyo, Forbidden Island
For Teens & Adults --- Stone Age, Small World, Alien Frontiers, Risk Legacy, Lords of Waterdeep, 7 Wonders
For Older Children --- Ingenious, Escape: The Curse of the Temple, Castle Panic, Survive: Escape from Atlantis!, Zooloretto
For Younger Children --- Animal Upon Animal, Loopin' Louie, Go Away Monster!, Chicken Cha Cha Cha, Labyrinth
Party Games --- Dixit Odyssey, Telestrations, Say Anything, Time's Up, Wits & Wagers, The Resistance
For Two Players --- Lost Cities, Jaipur, Hive, Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, Mr Jack, Summoner Wars: Master Set
Stocking Stuffer --- Zombie Dice, Coloretto, Hey! That's My Fish, Monopoly Deal Card Game, For Sale, Bohnanza

I had never read about Mr. Jack. Sounds fun. :)
Really want to get this one. MSRP of $60 is a bit out of control though.

Yea and don't see anywhere what in the game justifies that price. Saw someone from UD defend it by saying how they had to get all new art made for the game that was "pro" comic art or some bs like that. All DBG use art in some form and all the hero cards in the game have the exact same art on them. The game board itself also doesn't use original art, it's all ripped from various issues of comics. It's a nice big board but outside of that there is no justification for the price.
We played several rounds of Poison yesterday. Really fun little game that is super quick to teach and play.

Also finally got a copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse and played some more, fantastic coop card game. It's pretty tough game to fine as it keeps selling out now, only can find the old edition of the game but the one you want is the Enhanced Edition. Again it's a great game that I think many looked over because of it's crappy art.


Hail to the KING baby
CSI has a crazy 10% off everything sale. Hope people took advantage. :)

Legendary Marvel Deckbuilding Game (New, Board Games, Upper Deck Entertainment) at $42.99 each
Summoner Wars: Saella's Precision Reinforcement Pack (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: Bellor's Retribution Reinforcement Pack (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
King of Tokyo: Power Up! Expansion (New, Board Games, IELLO) at $13.99 each
Android: Netrunner - What Lies Ahead Data Pack (New, Android: Netrunner, Fantasy Flight Games) at $9.99 each
Ticket To Ride: Halloween Freighter Train & Station (New, Board Games, Days of Wonder) at $8.49 each
Summoner Wars: The Filth Faction Deck (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: Phoenix Elves vs Tundra Orcs (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $16.99 each
Summoner Wars: Rukar's Power Reinforcement Pack (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: Goodwin's Blade Reinforcement Pack (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Dragon Shield Sleeves - Black (New, Card Sleeves, Dragon Shield) at $9.99 each
Summoner Wars: The Vanguards Faction Deck (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: The Fallen Kingdom Faction Deck (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: Jungle Elves Faction Deck (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: Hawk's Strike Reinforcement Pack (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
Summoner Wars: Cloaks Faction Deck (New, Board Games, Plaid Hat Games) at $6.49 each
CSI has a crazy 10% off everything sale. Hope people took advantage. :)

Love Letter (Alderac Entertainment Group)
$6.49 $6.49
Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game (Flying Frog Productions)
$65.99 $65.99
King of Tokyo: Power Up! Expansion (IELLO)
$13.99 $13.99
Legends of Andor (Fantasy Flight Games)
$32.49 $32.49
Mage Knight Board Game: The Lost Legion (WizKids Games)
$34.99 $34.99
Resident Evil DBG: Mercenaries (Bandai America)
$23.99 $23.99
String Railway (FoxMind)
$19.99 $19.99

Actually dropped a couple things from the order (Legendary in particular) so I don't get into too much trouble with my wife.


CSI has a crazy 10% off everything sale. Hope people took advantage. :)

No can do, in the dog house already after my wife found out about how much the BGG Secret Santa 'costs' for your target. Still, worth it as my Secret Santa sent through a big bundle of X-Wing stuff - base game, extra dice, and 4 extra ships :) :) :)
Made a big order from them but on a buying freeze now till next year. Already peeved off two people it seems because I bought stuff that they got me for x-mas lol

The Mercenaries Resident Evil set is pretty good. They basically altered much of the games numbers due to feedback to make the game move at a better pace as well as the new skill system is pretty neat and promotes more aggressive play.

Did more Legendary and everyone really digs it, if you got comic fans playing it really should be popular especially. Read up on the rules for the DC deck builder and it seems a bit light. Like Legendary its obviously based off Ascension but it kinda feels more streamlined than both those games. Kinda prefer the way Legendary is set up.


First tragedy, then farce.
We've had some discussions here in the past about Tasty Minstreal, GameSalute & their attempt to squeeze/ignore online retailers. Seems it didn't quite work out as planned:

Essentially, their attempts/planned strategy to skip/ignore the traditional online retail channels flopped or would have cost too much to do. So back to "the hobby board game ecosystem" they go...

Oh man do I wish I could have public opinions on things still :(


I played that Kickstarter game Fleet about fishing. It is a nifty game, a little fiddly at first sussing out the rules around buying licenses and fishing vessels, but once everybody groks the rules the game has several approaches (income and point machines) that you can tackle.

I'm looking forward to playing it again.


King of Tokyo Power Up is realllly good. At first I was skeptical that it would add too much complexity to the game but actually it's a ton of fun and adds uniqueness to each character without much in the way of new rules (as in, game is still super-light).

Just looked this up and I had no idea it was out. Looks nice! Another one for me to watch out for.


You got Moxie, kid!
Can I ask a few questions while I dig back through the thread?

First, after reading about the Star Wars: X-Wing miniatures game on RPS, my brother and I picked up a starter set. They didn't have a good selection of the (pricey!) extra ships. Reading around, it's not clear what provides a sweet spot between spending all my money and really making the game sing. Any suggestions for initial ships to add in and then maybe what you need to take it to the next level? How about to make it fun having, say, teams of 2 piloting their own squadrons?

We're interested in SWXW:Miniature game because we want to get an aerial combat game for our dad. He's a huge WWII aviation buff and has recently gotten into WWI planes as well. Wings of War/Glory seems like the natural fit. I've heard that the WWII planes all "fly" the same, however, which ruins some of the fun. Is the WWI version the one to get? Again, how many planes will we need to get a decent 4-player match going (without spending a fortune)?

At the end if the day, is the Star Wars game that much better that it trumps a theme my dad would really love?

Thanks for your help. As I comb through the thread, I'm sure I'll find some opinions on these questions. :p
Can I ask a few questions while I dig back through the thread?

First, after reading about the Star Wars: X-Wing miniatures game on RPS, my brother and I picked up a starter set. They didn't have a good selection of the (pricey!) extra ships. Reading around, it's not clear what provides a sweet spot between spending all my money and really making the game sing. Any suggestions for initial ships to add in and then maybe what you need to take it to the next level? How about to make it fun having, say, teams of 2 piloting their own squadrons?

We're interested in SWXW:Miniature game because we want to get an aerial combat game for our dad. He's a huge WWII aviation buff and has recently gotten into WWI planes as well. Wings of War/Glory seems like the natural fit. I've heard that the WWII planes all "fly" the same, however, which ruins some of the fun. Is the WWI version the one to get? Again, how many planes will we need to get a decent 4-player match going (without spending a fortune)?

At the end if the day, is the Star Wars game that much better that it trumps a theme my dad would really love?

Thanks for your help. As I comb through the thread, I'm sure I'll find some opinions on these questions. :p

We've covered both games quite a bit in the Miniature gaming thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=389064

As for sweet spots though... not really going to have one as with miniature games your going to want to continually expand the games as variety is a major part of the games. X-Wing is good but needs more variety at this point since it only has 4 ship types.

For Wings of Glory it's often best to just stick to one plane per player when doing more than 2 player games.
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