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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Yes, thanks for telling me just in case, though I do know that I need a core set to play.
But the expansions, I wasn't sure if one was basically useless or that people preferred to play with two of another, etc.

Also, I realize that technically this is the wrong thread for this game, so thanks for not jumping on me about that. :D

As for on topic, I really want that Zombicide game. I know the game has really good production values, but still... there's some sticker shock there I guess. Ironic considering I'll drop the same and more for that X-Wing game though.


Speaking of high-priced games, I saw some sort of RISK Legacy game that involved naming continents and it was quite expensive, like $70.

I also saw and really kinda wanted an expensive pirate game (Pirate King?)...the box was so heavy, and it had glass-looking pieces and everything. It was only for up to 4 players though.
Speaking of high-priced games, I saw some sort of RISK Legacy game that involved naming continents and it was quite expensive, like $70.

I also saw and really kinda wanted an expensive pirate game (Pirate King?)...the box was so heavy, and it had glass-looking pieces and everything. It was only for up to 4 players though.
Risk Legacy is interesting, but its ultimately Risk with VPs. If you are into Risk it's a good version of it and personalizing your game is fun.

If you want a Pirate game get Merchants and Marauders. It's like playing Sid Meier's Pirates in board game form. So fun and with different ways of achieving victory it's very replayable.


Busted out the party games with another couple tonight. Quickie reviews:

Time's Up! Title Recall was the hit of the evening. In this game you play through three rounds trying to get your partner (or team) to guess the title on your card, using the same cards each round (so every card will be guessed three times). In round one you can pretty much say or do anything, akin to Catchphrase. In round two you can only say one word. In round 3 you have to act it out. It's a ton of fun and the fact that you can end up guessing more than once on the same card spawns some funny interactions between teammates. Highly recommend this one for parties. I think it was only ~$20 or $25 too.

Wits & Wagers always works. I assume everyone knows how this one plays.

Say Anything was OK with four, but I think it would be better (i.e. funnier) with more people.

Incan Gold was a lot of fun. It's a press-your-luck style game where each player decides whether to stay in the game as each card is drawn from a deck. Once two of the same "disaster" cards is drawn, the round ends and everyone still in the game looses the treasure they had collected so far. Anyone who bailed out before disaster struck keeps their treasure. Super simple but still very fun with the right group.
Busted out the party games with another couple tonight. Quickie reviews:

Time's Up! Title Recall was the hit of the evening. In this game you play through three rounds trying to get your partner (or team) to guess the title on your card, using the same cards each round (so every card will be guessed three times). In round one you can pretty much say or do anything, akin to Catchphrase. In round two you can only say one word. In round 3 you have to act it out. It's a ton of fun and the fact that you can end up guessing more than once on the same card spawns some funny interactions between teammates. Highly recommend this one for parties. I think it was only ~$20 or $25 too.
Seems like a game we used to play called Celebrity. It's a lot of fun but we used homemade components.


Thought you guys might like to know about this kickstarter, even though it's more for the Miniature board gaming side of things.



Gritty atmospheric, Dark Soul like art.

Best miniatures ever seen, not just in a board game, but in all of gaming period - result of designing them as 3D models in 3D sculpting programs then printing them out with a fine detail 3D printer.

Heros are multi-part, multi-segment and can be pinned together to reflect your character's gear (or just glued together and roughly reflect your gear).

Release: Nov '13

$100 will get you the general board game with all the parts necessary to play.
$155 will get you that plus extra miniatures.

And extras for expansions.

Example character below:


Cliffsnotes: Warhammer Quest style gameplay (assemble dungeons from cards, fight monsters with complex, but very streamlined card based rules, have outside of dungeon campaign style gameplay).


Cliffsnotes: Warhammer Quest style gameplay (assemble dungeons from cards, fight monsters with complex, but very streamlined card based rules, have outside of dungeon campaign style gameplay).

Have they published the rules yet? The miniature stuff doesn't appeal to me at all so maybe I just don't get it, but I can fathom spending $100 on a game without knowing how it works. Might be totally generic and never hit the table.
Not sure if this is acceptable or not, so I hope it is but I just moved to NY (Manhattan specifically), and I had never really gotten into the tabletop scene as I came from Hawaii which was surely lacking in one. Best I had was maybe a game of Catan every few weeks.
Anyway, I was wondering how I could start finding people to play with here in the city.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.


Not sure if this is acceptable or not, so I hope it is but I just moved to NY (Manhattan specifically), and I had never really gotten into the tabletop scene as I came from Hawaii which was surely lacking in one. Best I had was maybe a game of Catan every few weeks.
Anyway, I was wondering how I could start finding people to play with here in the city.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.

board game geek.com?
Not sure if this is acceptable or not, so I hope it is but I just moved to NY (Manhattan specifically), and I had never really gotten into the tabletop scene as I came from Hawaii which was surely lacking in one. Best I had was maybe a game of Catan every few weeks.
Anyway, I was wondering how I could start finding people to play with here in the city.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.

board game geek.com?
Yup, go into the regional forums on boardgamegeek and see if anybody is looking for players. You might also want to check out a local game store and see if they have boardgame nights.
Not sure if this is acceptable or not, so I hope it is but I just moved to NY (Manhattan specifically), and I had never really gotten into the tabletop scene as I came from Hawaii which was surely lacking in one. Best I had was maybe a game of Catan every few weeks.
Anyway, I was wondering how I could start finding people to play with here in the city.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks guys.
Other Realms at Ward has a conference room rented out every Monday for people to meet up and play games. Mostly it was only Warhammer and other miniatures, but for the past 4 months my group has taken over an area for magic and board games. Oh well.

You can try http://www.meetup.com/ for some groups in NY?


LOTR players: What's the best way to get to 50 card decks? Should I nab the big box packs or a few of the tiny adventure packs first?

Edit: Also, what kind of sphere spread do people usually use? I.E: In Magic, I know a lot of players use single or dual color decks only. DO LOTR decks usually stay single sphere or should you dabble an additional sphere into the mix?
LOTR players: What's the best way to get to 50 card decks? Should I nab the big box packs or a few of the tiny adventure packs first?

I've just got the core set and The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill and I get some decent (not amazing) 50 card decks out of the two. Hell The Hobbit comes with some suggestions for time period accurate 50 card decks if you want to go all out with theme.

I go duel sphere, it's the sweet spot of resources and flexibility at least with what I have. I know in the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle there are "Song" cards that let you add resource icons to heroes to increase flexibility, and Khazad-Dum has a dwarven belt that is even more flexible in that regard but I don't own them yet. Khazad-Dum is my next purchase though: more cards and more adventures to take them on seem like the best way to go. Oh and I love the theme.


Edit: Also, what kind of sphere spread do people usually use? I.E: In Magic, I know a lot of players use single or dual color decks only. DO LOTR decks usually stay single sphere or should you dabble an additional sphere into the mix?

I know that going full tactics is a very bad idea. The sweet spot is 2 spheres from what I saw, but I don't own the game. I'm really looking into it though.


Yup, just dropped in price today.

Thanks for the advice guys. The core pack went up in price on Amazon, above retail too, I think.

I'll grab the core set for full retail of $40 from my Indy game shop, but the expansions at eight bucks each is too good not to buy on Amazon.

And yeah, I'll basically be the only one with the game and will let my family and friends play. So it seems I'll just grab one of each expansion at this point, and maybe a second core set in the future.

That is what I have been doing so far and I plan to do in the future. So far I don't think I'll buy doubles. For me this is a dogfighting game, so I intend to continue playing with the 100 points limit. Having 2 X-Wings and 3 Tie-Fighters gives you always the option of a good core force. Then all the other ships are there to add some flavor. If I would treat this as a serious miniature game I would probably buy doubles to build specific kind squads that I can always pull up but that's not how I treat the game. To e it's an always expanding board game with a bunch of options on what to use.

I'll also only get stuff that was in the 3 original movies. As soon as we get into expanded universe or even prequel territory I no longer care enough.


Have they published the rules yet? The miniature stuff doesn't appeal to me at all so maybe I just don't get it, but I can fathom spending $100 on a game without knowing how it works. Might be totally generic and never hit the table.

Made a post here that explains the game in a little more detail.


But no rules published. Game is still very much in development. But the game doesn't appear to be great value if you're not a miniature fan.

OTOH, if you're interested in a Dark Souls/Monter Hunter Cooperative board game, this just might be the ticket you're looking for.


It appears that I might be getting X-Wing for Christmas, is it worth keeping a second core set or should I just return the one I got from Target?

A second set gets you three more ships & extra dice etc, which is nice. The standalone ship expansions get you a bigger variety of pilots + upgrades though.


And Mage Knight is going to be a gold box lightning deal this evening if anyone's bothered.

Anyone seen the Eclipse expansion in the wild yet?


And Mage Knight is going to be a gold box lightning deal this evening if anyone's bothered.

Anyone seen the Eclipse expansion in the wild yet?

Dammit, I specifically avoided a few other deals lately to stop spending money, but I may have to do this one. It's pretty entertaining playing this one solitaire mode.


Correct. Helps you work out card ratios too.

One more question: If the cost of a card from an influence sphere is 0, do you have to have a matching hero of influence? I saw a deck on BGG that randomly had a single Lore card but no lore heroes. I couldn't think of any other reason you'd have that in there if you couldn't play it. Any insight?


Hail to the KING baby
One more question: If the cost of a card from an influence sphere is 0, do you have to have a matching hero of influence? I saw a deck on BGG that randomly had a single Lore card but no lore heroes. I couldn't think of any other reason you'd have that in there if you couldn't play it. Any insight?

I need to try out this game again. Have almost sold it like four different times but most FFG titles if you stick with them are quite great and this one has so much hype. It's just a bit off-putting because of all the deckbuilding elements of it, seeing that you can't beat like 90% of the scenarios without tweaking the hell out of your decks. (And I say this with full knowledge that this is a big part of the fun for most people.)
One more question: If the cost of a card from an influence sphere is 0, do you have to have a matching hero of influence? I saw a deck on BGG that randomly had a single Lore card but no lore heroes. I couldn't think of any other reason you'd have that in there if you couldn't play it. Any insight?

There are certain cards that cause your heroes to produce influence of a different type. Believe theres also some combos of cards that let you basically take cards out of your deck somewhere and direct to play without having to pay actual influence costs.


Hail to the KING baby
I played Mage Knight finally a few days ago. Really cleverly designed game but not my thing. If I'm going to be battling dragons with magics, I want to chuck some dice damn it. It is actually surprisingly Euro-y (even going in knowing this to be the case).


And Mage Knight is going to be a gold box lightning deal this evening if anyone's bothered.

Was going to ask what time this was running at since I couldn't find it on the main Gold Box page, but it's listed at 5:00 PM PST under the Toys and Games section for anyone wondering. Thanks for the heads up!


May contain jokes =>
Hey Stooge, things okay on your end? Seems to me that the Kickstarter community is getting pretty antsy about the Tammany Hall shipping with no update in a while. I hope all is well and I'm sure you're busy but it might be a good idea to check in with people.


Hey Stooge, things okay on your end? Seems to me that the Kickstarter community is getting pretty antsy about the Tammany Hall shipping with no update in a while. I hope all is well and I'm sure you're busy but it might be a good idea to check in with people.

Was going to post something similar.


Mage Knight on Amazon lightning deal thing was $45. Was 100% claimed in about two minutes. Either lots of people were waiting for it or they didn't have that many.
Hey Stooge, things okay on your end? Seems to me that the Kickstarter community is getting pretty antsy about the Tammany Hall shipping with no update in a while. I hope all is well and I'm sure you're busy but it might be a good idea to check in with people.

Yeah, I was going to ask about this as well. I got an email saying that shipping was happening and then... nothing.


Just played a solo/learning game of LOTR with a Aragorn/Denethor/Theodred Lore/Leadership deck. Absolutely buttfucked the intro scenario. I know it's the lowest difficulty rating but was expecting a bit more of a challenge than that!

Theodred/Aragorn paired nicely, essentially forgoing Theodred's resource generation to keep Aragorn questing AND available for attack/defense. Denethor's a nice defender, plus his ability buried most heavy hitters in the encounter deck. Snares rendered the ones that slipped by useless. Got the 10 step level 3 quest but the Spider boss was never in play to prevent us from completing it, so Theodred, protector of lorien went for the sacrifice play and I ditched my entire hand to quest for 10. Against a single staged card, I knocked 8/10ths of that last quest out in one go. From there I left it to the cleanup crew.




So I just put in my order for King of Tokyo Power Up and Flash Point. Sadly it seems like getting it for Christmas will be unlikely. Power Up was supposed to come out before Christmas in mid December but I am kind of losing hope.
Just played a solo/learning game of LOTR with a Aragorn/Denethor/Theodred Lore/Leadership deck. Absolutely buttfucked the intro scenario. I know it's the lowest difficulty rating but was expecting a bit more of a challenge than that!

Theodred/Aragorn paired nicely, essentially forgoing Theodred's resource generation to keep Aragorn questing AND available for attack/defense. Denethor's a nice defender, plus his ability buried most heavy hitters in the encounter deck. Snares rendered the ones that slipped by useless. Got the 10 step level 3 quest but the Spider boss was never in play to prevent us from completing it, so Theodred, protector of lorien went for the sacrifice play and I ditched my entire hand to quest for 10. Against a single staged card, I knocked 8/10ths of that last quest out in one go. From there I left it to the cleanup crew.

The intro scenario is just to fool you on how easy the game is. The difficulty spikes big time after that

So I just put in my order for King of Tokyo Power Up and Flash Point. Sadly it seems like getting it for Christmas will be unlikely. Power Up was supposed to come out before Christmas in mid December but I am kind of losing hope.

It did come out weeks ago
Im not sure if this is an proper place to post this, but I`m looking to get into miniature/boardgames I've dabbled in them in the past but nothing serious. I was wondering if there are groups here that can shoot me a PM that are looking for another player in the Edmonton AB area.

Now back to painting my dreadfleet....so many little pieces
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