BGG has an (unofficial) app that is iOS only, but I think it's just an app for getting to their DB anyway, so if you're looking for something that doesn't rely on reaching the internets, it isn't helpful.
whoa! I had no idea this was getting a reprint. looking it up now
Just recently got into Ticket to Ride, and I've been greatly enjoying it. I have most of the expansions except for the new Asia board. I do wish I had more people to play this with.
Just recently got into Ticket to Ride, and I've been greatly enjoying it. I have most of the expansions except for the new Asia board. I do wish I had more people to play this with.
Yea and you can get it online for like $12
Hey guys, Smash Up kind of sucks. The decisions you need to make are not that interesting and for a game as light at it is it can kind of drag. I'd rather play something like Blood Bowl or the vastly underrated Hemloch which have a similar feel to Smash Up but with more strategic depth and interesting card interactions.
Hey guys, Smash Up kind of sucks. The decisions you need to make are not that interesting and for a game as light at it is it can kind of drag. I'd rather play something like Blood Bowl or the vastly underrated Hemloch which have a similar feel to Smash Up but with more strategic depth and interesting card interactions.
Blood Bowl! (Assume you mean Team Manager.) Robo Rally is good too but be sure to play on one of the 2-4-player maps, and not the larger ones.So this weekend I am having another board-game day/night. How I love those!
The only game on the docket thus far is Sentenals of the Multiverse. The rest of the time will be playing some of the usual's, Dominion/Stone Age/Castle Panic/Pandemic/etc.
I have a couple of games I have not played (NP), or not in a long time which I need to read up on so I can explain rules to people. Help me pick ONE for this session. I will have 4 definite and maybe up to 6. But choose the game based on 4!
- Space Alert (NP)
- Traumfabrik
- Ra
- Amun-Re
- Medici
- Robo Rally (NP)
- Blood Bowl (NP)
- Race for the Galaxy
Smash Up is only slightly better than Munchkin... which is to stay it is horrible.
I want to try the campaign again, I played the first mission and failed miserably.Those who haven't check Guillotine games site, lot of new scenarios for Zombicide up including some redone versions of the scenarios in the book to make them harder. Most of the new scenarios are pretty decent with actual challenge unlike the ones the game come with which are all too easy.
Looking for more lightweight cheap party games. .
Unquestionably Time's Up! Total Recall. One of the only party games that just never gets old for us.
Ticket to Ride has a very active online community if you want some competitive games over the internets. The iPad version is the best way to get there in my opinion, but barring that I've heard the PC version is good too. It's available on Steam and is on sale for $5 at the moment. Get the 1910 expansion to play the mega game online. Good times.
I don't care much for Munchkin, but try "Bang!". You can get the collection on Amazon with all the expansions for extra variety: for more lightweight cheap party games. Cards Against Humanity and Wits & Wagers are big hits but we're wearing them out.
I already picked up Munchkin, and I have my eye on Fluxx. My question is simple:
Both have been expanded 500 times. Are these expansions mix & match? ie could I combine Zombie Fluxx with Pirate Fluxx & regular Fluxx into one super-deck?
Same question with Munchkin, Munchkin Zombies, Xmas Munchkin, etc.
My thought is to pick up a handful of modules for each games and mix them up in different combos when people come over.
We enjoyed it, the randomness of it is nice, but yea the only negative we had was that the game can take a while. If it was a bit faster I think it would play better. Consider playing it with a smaller point goal.
A funny tidbit from the Star Wars LCG: Lightside has a card themed from the garbage compactor scene called "it could be worse."
The darkside has a card called "It's worse."
Are there any good mini Kickstarters going on right now? Want to try one out. I know about that big Kingdom Death one but not totally into the theme/boobs.
Ok what's the point of this card? Spend X force to not lose X force at a 1:1 ratio? UhhhRip off:
Ok what's the point of this card? Spend X force to not lose X force at a 1:1 ratio? Uhhh
Anyone can tell me what games are best to play with my 11yrs old son? My wife don't want to play with us...
I already have Kyng of Tokyo, it's fun, but we're only two...
Can I try Agricola, 7 Wonders, Summoner Wars, Legendary?...
Thanks in advance.
Rip off:
Anyone can tell me what games are best to play with my 11yrs old son? My wife don't want to play with us...
I already have Kyng of Tokyo, it's fun, but we're only two...
Can I try Agricola, 7 Wonders, Summoner Wars, Legendary?...
Thanks in advance.
Not sure whether you're interested in Dominion. A friend of mine has an 8 year old and 6 year old. They like Dominion (base and intrigue sets).Anyone can tell me what games are best to play with my 11yrs old son? My wife don't want to play with us...
I already have Kyng of Tokyo, it's fun, but we're only two...
Can I try Agricola, 7 Wonders, Summoner Wars, Legendary?...
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if its mentioned in this thread but played a pretty good board game with my family that my wifes uncle brought. Believe it was called "Ticket to Ride", was a train game where you draw ticket cards and try to build rail lines and score points for it.
Not sure if its known as another game, did say on the box something like "#1If game in Germany"
I have Ticket to Ride in my iPad. It's fun. So, X-Wings it's a good option?
Not sure if its mentioned in this thread but played a pretty good board game with my family that my wifes uncle brought. Believe it was called "Ticket to Ride", was a train game where you draw ticket cards and try to build rail lines and score points for it.
Not sure if its known as another game, did say on the box something like "#1If game in Germany"
Along with Catan and Carcassonne it is considered a perfect "gateway" game. A gateway game is any designer boardgame that is simple enough to attract new gamers into the hobby but strategic enough that hobby gamers enjoy it. I'm actually curious how you came accross it? Did a gamer introduce it to you or did your family just happen upon it at Target? Ticket to Ride is a great game by the way. It's a game most people in the hobby owns but everyone has played it.
That's awesome. Yeah, you really can't go wrong with picking up Ticket to Ride.My wifes uncle is a big board game enthusiast.
We dont see him much but he came down to her mothers houe last night and asked us to have a board game night. He brought that game and her aunt also brother a simple Rummy type game, Rummykub, both pretty fun but Ticket to Ride was an amazing new game to try for someone like me who never plays board games.
Actually looking to buy it now![]()
I'll check Memoir'44, looks very cool!
And what do you think guys, about Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game? He loves Star Wars!! We saw all the movies. It's to much difficult?
I have Ticket to Ride in my iPad. It's fun. So, X-Wings it's a good option?
Any other Seattle GAFers other than platypotamus? If so, we should hit up Raygun Lounge together for some good times!