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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Trying to consolidate expansions into single boxes to make room in the game room... for more games. Pissed that I can't fit all my Descent 1st ed stuff into one box hehe. Only got a few extra pieces but the main big box is full to the brim with goodness.
I need to do that some day. It's honestly half the reason why I rarely ever play Dominion. If RGG doesn't release a case that can hold everything (they won't) that's a HUGE missed opportunity. They could charge a crazy amount for it and thousands of people would buy it, guaranteed. Someone put Goko on it.

We spent like 6 hours printing/cutting/assembling dividers from some PDFs on BGG, then sorting all the cards from the expansions into a massive card box. Wife even cut up the boxes for the game and glued decoration so it wasn't just a big boring white box.

Never again.
Just get Intrigue and Seaside! You really don't need much more to get a complete Dominion experience, and I say that as someone who owns every expansion (probably about two or three more than I need ahem Dark Ages and Alchemy).

Did what you said. I have your address so if this idea sucks I know where you live.

I don't know where you live

Just kidding about the implied death threat

If there's any parts that can be interpreted as implied sexy times they're all true


Hail to the KING baby
Oh and my only other real complaint about Legendary (which, again, I like) is that I wish they would have just gone full co-op. The co-op but there's a best winner when you're all winners thing is weird and I really like the idea of a co-op deckbuilder like this.


Played a bit more Smash Up over the past few days and I think having a few more factions to choose from will make choosing first a lot less unbearable. I've tried starting with ninjas twice in a row, but got saddled with tricksters the one game and aliens the other (both forced "last picks"), which both end up having too weak of a board presence IMO. At this point it feels like you can't really play what you want if you're choosing first and need to choose a "safe" faction like zombies, robots, or pirates, or else get struck with a combo that's too tricky for its own good.

Also along the lines of expansions, I love leaving stuff on the sidelines in the more modular type games (for example: not using all the kingdoms in Dominion, not using all the goals in Kingdom builder, etc). It helps keep things fresh! Lookin' forward to that one.

Also got a few games of Flash Duel in, though we had to cut the play session short. Our "simple" 4 player game with no abilities felt a bit lack luster, but adding in abilities in our second game really changes up how each person plays. Surprisingly so, actually (Rook is just a big bully). Can't wait to play more of this in the future.
Oh and my only other real complaint about Legendary (which, again, I like) is that I wish they would have just gone full co-op. The co-op but there's a best winner when you're all winners thing is weird and I really like the idea of a co-op deckbuilder like this.

When we play we generally completely ignore the points and play it as a full coop game.
Thanks to this thread I am now interested in Innovation and Glory to Rome. Unfortunately I do not know where I can get these in Canada (and Amazon.com won't ship games here). Does anyone know where I could get these in Ottawa, or order online and get them shipped to Ottawa? Thank you.


Really not sure what game to get next... thinking maybe Le Havre as my wife and I have really been enjoying Agricola. Feel free to make alternative suggestions.

Personally, I much prefer Ora & Labora over Le Havre. I think it has more interesting mechanics and decision making.

Thanks to this thread I am now interested in Innovation and Glory to Rome. Unfortunately I do not know where I can get these in Canada (and Amazon.com won't ship games here). Does anyone know where I could get these in Ottawa, or order online and get them shipped to Ottawa? Thank you.

Starlit Citadel and Fun Games Cafe comes to mind, can't vouch for them since I'm not Canadian but that may help you get started.

Oh, I did a quick search and it appears that BoardGameGeek has a geeklist of Canadian boardgame stores, check it out.
Can someone recommend a monopoly-like game that goes into greater depth inside the financial/real estate sector? Basically looking for an advanced, more complex, but equally as polished form of the game. Thanks
Can someone recommend a monopoly-like game that goes into greater depth inside the financial/real estate sector? Basically looking for an advanced, more complex, but equally as polished form of the game. Thanks

Though completely different - Acquire might be worth looking into. Basically you are drawing and laying tiles and buying stocks. The game plays out over a number of rounds where you are trying to grow and merge hotels while increasing your stock value. You start with a limited pool of cash that you can use to buy stocks and then you only get money when you merge hotels (that you have purchased stocks in). Thus the strategy of the game is to own stocks in smaller hotels that you can merge for good returns while trying to be the majority stock holder in the hotel that will ultimately grow to be the largest (some strategic buying, tile placement and futures planning).


Acquire is probably a good bet (I've never played it so I'll leave it to the_prime_mover and others).

You may want to read about Power Grid and Airlines Europe, both of which are well regarded games with a money management aspect (not specifically what you asked for, but hey). ;)


You guys convinced me. I bought Eclipse today. Found it while I was in Düsseldorf. The game seems to be sold out everywhere so it was a lucky find.


Acquire and Power Grid are good suggestions. I would also suggest Le Havre or Agricola, since there is a big focus on economy, although not based on stocks explicitly.

If you would to go off the deep end into economics, I would say the 18XX games, since those are all about train management and worrying about stock growth and depreciation. I heard Age of Steam is a lighter version of the 18XX series.
Though completely different - Acquire might be worth looking into. Basically you are drawing and laying tiles and buying stocks. The game plays out over a number of rounds where you are trying to grow and merge hotels while increasing your stock value. You start with a limited pool of cash that you can use to buy stocks and then you only get money when you merge hotels (that you have purchased stocks in). Thus the strategy of the game is to own stocks in smaller hotels that you can merge for good returns while trying to be the majority stock holder in the hotel that will ultimately grow to be the largest (some strategic buying, tile placement and futures planning).

Been looking for the 1999 Edition everywhere, but no luck. They're selling it on Ebay for 130-200. Wtf. Anyway, the newest edition hasn't been getting much love, so I'm hesitant to pick it up.


Hail to the KING baby
Been looking for the 1999 Edition everywhere, but no luck. They're selling it on Ebay for 130-200. Wtf. Anyway, the newest edition hasn't been getting much love, so I'm hesitant to pick it up.

I was not familiar with the 1999 version and have the 2008 reprint. The tile holders are cheap crap, but the paper the money is printed on, and the tiles themselves seem durable enough. Having slots that the tiles could fit into would be great (though I haven't had issue with tiles sliding around or knocking things over).

Waiting to find the 1999 version on the cheap is probably just doing yourself a disservice. Better to pay $20 or so and grab the 2008 version.

Depending on what elements of Monopoly you like you might find some pleasure in Imperial (I only have experience with the 2030 version) as it is about resource/stock management and map management. It has war elements to it, but they are actually not that important if you play the game like an investor. I enjoy it because it is viable to allow others to do all the dirty work and then move in at the end and buy the victory right out from under them. This game is a bit like risk in that there is lot of early game cold war tactics, followed by mid game back room compromises and ultimately late game back stabbing. Great fun, but you really need 4+ players to enjoy.

Powergrid is fantastic, but is more about resource management and market price manipulation (buying when you don't need it in order to strangle the market in the next turn) to try and force your competitors into paying more than they should for commodities (while ensuring that you always have the potential to power more cities than them). However, I don't really like the maps that come with the game and find the expansions to be major improvements. The player order mechanics make how you approach each round quite interesting as it will often lead to people trying to be in last place for most of the game and then trying to pick the optimal time to slingshot into the lead.
My flatmate is desperate for Space Alert and I'd love to get it for his birthday but it seems to be out of print and I can't find anywhere that will ship it to the UK. Anyone got any idea where I can get this or am I shit out of luck?
Have you tried the Board Game Geek store? That's where I got mine for $5. The store is down for me at the moment so I can't check if it's actually in stock there but that's another option.

No, I saw the store was down and I wasn't sure how long it was that way. I'll keep looking for it to come back up. thanks


Because I have a sickness I am already looking into the expansion for Eclipse without even having played. One thing I can definitely say about it is that it is fucking expensive. The main game costs around 55€ and the expansion goes for like 45€. I don#t know if that's worth it no matter how good it is.
Yeah, I checked that out as well. Still think I am leaning towards Le Havre at this stage though.

Both are quality games, so I wouldn't stress too much over which one you grab. Your biggest worry is really that you'll probably end up wanting both eventually :)

Because I have a sickness I am already looking into the expansion for Eclipse without even having played. One thing I can definitely say about it is that it is fucking expensive. The main game costs around 55€ and the expansion goes for like 45€. I don#t know if that's worth it no matter how good it is.

I can't say yet, as I've received the expansion but haven't played it... but it's worth it.
Depending on what elements of Monopoly you like you might find some pleasure in Imperial (I only have experience with the 2030 version) as it is about resource/stock management and map management. It has war elements to it, but they are actually not that important if you play the game like an investor. I enjoy it because it is viable to allow others to do all the dirty work and then move in at the end and buy the victory right out from under them. This game is a bit like risk in that there is lot of early game cold war tactics, followed by mid game back room compromises and ultimately late game back stabbing. Great fun, but you really need 4+ players to enjoy.
My man. Imperial is what I was thinking as a deeper economic game. By the way, Imperial 3030 is a slightly more streamlined version of the regular Imperial, but they are basically the same game.
Because I have a sickness I am already looking into the expansion for Eclipse without even having played. One thing I can definitely say about it is that it is fucking expensive. The main game costs around 55€ and the expansion goes for like 45€. I don#t know if that's worth it no matter how good it is.
The expansion is pretty good. I have only played one game with it but I really enjoyed the new pieces we played with.


Both are quality games, so I wouldn't stress too much over which one you grab. Your biggest worry is really that you'll probably end up wanting both eventually :)

I am totally fine with that... downside is, I need to find more space for my games... I already have a stack I can't shelve. :x


Both are quality games, so I wouldn't stress too much over which one you grab. Your biggest worry is really that you'll probably end up wanting both eventually :)

I can't say yet, as I've received the expansion but haven't played it... but it's worth it.

The expansion is pretty good. I have only played one game with it but I really enjoyed the new pieces we played with.

Don't do this to me guys! I am trying to justify not getting it!

I also have a Carcassonne question about something I am not sure about. Is it legal for red to put a meeple in this city?


Basically are diagonally adjacent city tiles already one city or do the have to be next to each other horizontally/vertically?
I also have a Carcassonne question about something I am not sure about. Is it legal for red to put a meeple in this city?

Yes. It's a devilish strategy and we use it a lot when playing "competitively".

Basically are diagonally adjacent city tiles already one city or do the have to be next to each other horizontally/vertically?

They have to be orthogonally adjacent to be the same city.


Yes. It's a devilish strategy and we use it a lot when playing "competitively".

They have to be orthogonally adjacent to be the same city.

We were trying to steal cities we just weren't sure if in cases like the picture it actually is two cities. Now we can play without any questions left. :)
We were trying to steal cities we just weren't sure if in cases like the picture it actually is two cities. Now we can play without any questions left. :)

Stealing cities is awesome, I highly recommend that you hace a cheat sheet with the tiles distribution. It makes it easier to know if anyone is gonna actually be able to pull it off.
My family just left after a really enjoyable 2 weeks with them and we had a lot of fun with the game recommendations I got from you guys. King of Tokyo and The Resistance got a ton of use I think both of them got played at least once every day after I taught the game to the group. I can't recommend King of Tokyo enough even my dad who never plays games asked to try it. Ticket to Ride also got a lot of use, but unfortunately the Asia board wasn't a success. A lot of the people were really turned of by their lack of familiarity with Asia's geography. Its something that didn't occur to me before, but it makes perfect sense. I know I was far more stressed playing Asia, because I had to hunt around the map for exactly where the routes went. 7 wonders was probably the least played thing I picked up, but that was expected.

Seriously all you guys who gave me recommendations I can't thank you enough, while my family always has fun when we get together it was clear people were really enjoying themselves when we played the games.


Hail to the KING baby
My family just left after a really enjoyable 2 weeks with them and we had a lot of fun with the game recommendations I got from you guys. King of Tokyo and The Resistance got a ton of use I think both of them got played at least once every day after I taught the game to the group. I can't recommend King of Tokyo enough even my dad who never plays games asked to try it. Ticket to Ride also got a lot of use, but unfortunately the Asia board wasn't a success. A lot of the people were really turned of by their lack of familiarity with Asia's geography. Its something that didn't occur to me before, but it makes perfect sense. I know I was far more stressed playing Asia, because I had to hunt around the map for exactly where the routes went. 7 wonders was probably the least played thing I picked up, but that was expected.

Seriously all you guys who gave me recommendations I can't thank you enough, while my family always has fun when we get together it was clear people were really enjoying themselves when we played the games.

That's awesome! Yeah KoT is unbeatable for family fun.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Don't do this to me guys! I am trying to justify not getting it!

I also have a Carcassonne question about something I am not sure about. Is it legal for red to put a meeple in this city?


Basically are diagonally adjacent city tiles already one city or do the have to be next to each other horizontally/vertically?

That field-meeple is confusing the hell out of me.


Hail to the KING baby

Heh, not saying it's a great move but it often is lots of free points. The situation in the picture looks a bit dire but have to know when the meeple was actually dropped. Part of it also depends on the social aspect and how many you're playing with. i.e. will people cash in on the 4-point cities like the usually do or actively try to screw you out of field points by jamming those cities together. It works better with I&C alone though (T&B encourages too much big-city building.
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