I finally just unboxed my board games/minis/paint/supplies/ect from my recent move. My family was lucky to move into a very large house which includes a room my wife and I can dedicate to our various hobbies. This is my board game shelf!
I saved room by combining all of the existing Talisman expansions into a single box. There is room to grow as well, which is nice because I have several items on my list for this year.
My want list at the moment consists of:
-Descent 2.0 expansion
-5 Print on demand expansions for Mansions of Madness as well as the upcoming boxed expansion
-Blood Bowl Sudden Death Expansion
-Talisman: The City Expansion (I need the werewolf expansion too I think still)
-Both Last Night on Earth expansions (Growing Hunger & Survival of the Fittest)
-Dungeon! Board Game re-re-release
-3 D&D games: Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and Legend of Drizzt
-40k Dark Vengeance
I traded in about 2/3rds of my DVDs to a local game shop last summer and have about 500$ credit still so I'll buy these slowly over time. I still have another 500+ DVDs left that I intend on trading in as well!
EDIT: The sheer volume of my wife's hobby/craft supplies would terrify you. She has more stuff then I have ever seen in an actual house. I joke with her but we could open our own Hobby Lobby. Anything and everything you would ever need for any type of craft is located in this room, along with the tools needed to do anything from sewing to stained glass. It's nuts.