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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I am sleeving cards for a few games, but is this a common thing to have the bottom part of the sleeved cards sticking up more than the top? Is there any way to remedy? For example, if I have a big stack of sleeved cards, the bottom is quite a bit higher. I know that's just the way it is but wondering how people mitigate. Using Dragon Shields fwiw.

For newly sleeved cards, it can be pretty noticeable, especially with premium sleeves. This will get better in time to where it's not even visible, for the most part. If you want to help speed it along, you can squeeze the deck (be careful because the cards are now very slippery), or put it in a tight box to help get some of the excess air out.


what i mean is you play germans then your opponent plays germans. necessary for competitive play of any sort since the scenarios are designed to be unbalanced. then winner is whoever got the most medals in both games since usually outcome will be 1-1

Or, as I found out this past week, let the wife/significant other/whomever play as the Allies the first few rounds to get them hooked. The wife wiped my Nazi ass all over Sword beach, and is now looking forward to Point Du Hoc.
Or, as I found out this past week, let the wife/significant other/whomever play as the Allies the first few rounds to get them hooked. The wife wiped my Nazi ass all over Sword beach, and is now looking forward to Point Du Hoc.

I might have to use that tactic. I love M44 and having wife approval to buy all the expansion would be a godsend :p


Hail to the KING baby
Or, as I found out this past week, let the wife/significant other/whomever play as the Allies the first few rounds to get them hooked. The wife wiped my Nazi ass all over Sword beach, and is now looking forward to Point Du Hoc.

Yes, great point. Memoir is about as gateway as you can get too while still being fun, so win-win.


A local supermarket had the newest Caracassonne Big Box for cheap. It includes all these expansions:

Inns & Cathedrals
Traders & Builders
The Flier
The Messages
The Feries
The Goldmines
Mage & Witch
The Robber
Corn Circles

I guess that should keep me busy for a while or are there any other expansions that are must haves?


A local supermarket had the newest Caracassonne Big Box for cheap. It includes all these expansions:

Inns & Cathedrals
Traders & Builders
The Flier
The Messages
The Feries
The Goldmines
Mage & Witch
The Robber
Corn Circles

I guess that should keep me busy for a while or are there any other expansions that are must haves?

I think you'll be covered as far as the must haves are concerned with base + I&C and T&B. I enjoy The Tower on occasion, but that's really all that ever hits the table with my group. Bridges, Castles, and Bazaars is good too (minus the Bazaars part) if you like to add complexity.


Hi Boardgame-GAF!

I decided to get some board games instead of a CPU/Motherboard update mid december and I'm really glad that I did it. After playing some Pen and Paper RPG rounds in the last years and playing some games like Dominion and Magic, I got myself these games as a start of my board game collection:

Game of Thrones + First Expansion
The new Mage Knight
The Forbidden Island
Android: Netrunner + first expansion
Ascension: Storm of Souls and Immortal Heroes
Mice and Mystics

And wow! I played a lot of Ascension before on iOS, but playing a physical game with 5 other people was so good.

I haven't played The Forbidden Island yet, but we want to try it this weekend.

I also really enjoy Android: Netrunner, despite the fact that we had some questions unanswered by the rule book, but the actual game is very exciting and I totally dig the "special" language they use for decks and the different card types after we played the first couple of rounds because it is way more immersive with the names and descriptions. Also the artworks and card quality is really really good.

I'm kind of disappointed by Mage Knight. We had a lot of problems with the rules, even though we just tried the example/first scenario. I guess we have to play it more often to get used to everything. But the content alone was worth the money.

The biggest surprise was Mice and Mystics. I'm glad that I got one of the last copies I could find in central europe through a belgian board game shop. I watched the first two parts of the WatchItPlayed videos and then just downloaded the How to Play video from PlaidHats homepage and after watching it, we totally could start the first scenario. And boy was it a blast. We played the first chapter 3 times, the second one two times, the third one 3 times and the 4th one 1 time and failed a lot (only finished 3 games successfully). But we even had fun while failing simply because the game is easy to learn, the characters and the whole narrative is a lot of fun to play and read and the production quality is really good.

Currently I'm looking to get my hands on the Gears of War Boardgame because I think I have enough fantasy setting games right now (but Descent 2nd edition looks great...I WANT IT) and it looks like fun. Guess I have to watch more videos of it on Youtube to convince myself to buy it.
Also the new Star Wars LCG looks interesting, too, but I want to test it first.

Another strategy game would be good as well, since always playing Game of Thrones becomes kind of boring over time, but I'm not sure which one to test or buy yet. Recommendations are welcomed!
A local supermarket had the newest Caracassonne Big Box for cheap. It includes all these expansions:

Inns & Cathedrals
Traders & Builders
The Flier
The Messages
The Feries
The Goldmines
Mage & Witch
The Robber
Corn Circles

I guess that should keep me busy for a while or are there any other expansions that are must haves?

The previous BB seemed like a better deal since most of these look like small expansions. I highly recommend getting The River II too.

Sooner or later you'll buy the rest of them anyway. They are pretty addictive since they are so cheap and it's always nice to have some extra tiles.


Hey Astro!

We should add some sort of kickstarter section to the OP for board games. I have gotten a few really good ones from KS in the past and I think it may be worth wild to try to post some?

I dunno, was just an idea! If not, that's OK too.


I finally just unboxed my board games/minis/paint/supplies/ect from my recent move. My family was lucky to move into a very large house which includes a room my wife and I can dedicate to our various hobbies. This is my board game shelf!


I saved room by combining all of the existing Talisman expansions into a single box. There is room to grow as well, which is nice because I have several items on my list for this year.

My want list at the moment consists of:

-Descent 2.0 expansion
-5 Print on demand expansions for Mansions of Madness as well as the upcoming boxed expansion
-Blood Bowl Sudden Death Expansion
-Talisman: The City Expansion (I need the werewolf expansion too I think still)
-Both Last Night on Earth expansions (Growing Hunger & Survival of the Fittest)
-Dungeon! Board Game re-re-release
-3 D&D games: Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and Legend of Drizzt
-40k Dark Vengeance

I traded in about 2/3rds of my DVDs to a local game shop last summer and have about 500$ credit still so I'll buy these slowly over time. I still have another 500+ DVDs left that I intend on trading in as well!

EDIT: The sheer volume of my wife's hobby/craft supplies would terrify you. She has more stuff then I have ever seen in an actual house. I joke with her but we could open our own Hobby Lobby. Anything and everything you would ever need for any type of craft is located in this room, along with the tools needed to do anything from sewing to stained glass. It's nuts.

I see that you have the original descent and also the 2.0 version. Can I ask your opinion of 2.0? I never played the first and there is some debate as to which version is better. The first version is unavailable and they are focusing on 2.0, which I recently picked up, but haven't played yet. Is it a lot of fun?


Hail to the KING baby
I'm glad dougz was able to give us a new addiction. As stated, suck it goko!

It's pretty awesome, especially since it takes care of one of the only negatives of Innovation, which is all the little icon accounting. My only issue so far is that I feel really rushed in the isotropic environment (where Dominion games take <2m) and sometimes it can be tough to digest all your info and play at a reasonable isotropic pace.
Anyone have any experience with Airlines Europe? Can't decide if that looks interesting or not.

I played a few games of it, it feels like a slightly more complex game of TTR. The key difference is the market manipulation, I don't know how deep it actually is; I played with some nonhardcore players so we didn't really manipulated it too much, I don't know if it gets old fast or not. New players can just ignore it, play normally, and still have fun so that's a big plus IMO.

I liked what I played, the only downside is that for people with some degree of colorblindness it could get very difficult to differentiate some of the plane colors.
You guys, Netrunner. I'm really liking it so far. Wife and I played two games (her Shaper vs me Jenteki, and me Criminal vs her HBwhatever Bio guys). We both just played starter decks (and we're going to go through with the other starters too before we deck build). I think it's definitely easier to jump into being a Runner as a newb. As the corporation I think I did everything about as wrong as possible.

I think it's really strange how hard it is for corporations to bankroll themselves in this game, considering it's supposed to be a dystopian corporation controlling everything sort of universe... both games the Runner had a much more robust economy than the corp...


Hail to the KING baby
You and Flynn need to come down for GDC and we can do a little GAF Netrunner meetup. :D

Agreed that it's easier to learn as Runner. In terms of economy, no big surprise that Criminal would take the cake, and Jinteki is a particularly tough corp to play. But Haas-Bioroid (my corp) is an amazing corp from an economy perspective with its one credit for first install ability (basically one credit per turn) as well as Adonis campaign, which many others even go out of faction for. I love HB for dropping insane ice, especially with the expansion: http://www.cardgamedb.com/index.php...sis/what-lies-ahead/janus-1-0-what-lies-ahead

Only bummer as always is the click-breaks, but that's why I go OOF with all 15 for ice with HB.


I played lots of stuff over the holidays including a big game day yesterday where we played Legendary, TTR Team Asia, and Escape. Legendary was quite fun and I like a lot of the mechanics, but the setup/breakdown was a huge chore. The co-opish nature takes a little getting used to as well.

Big lesson from the holidays though is TTR series is amazing. Who doesn't love these games? I'm on a huge TTR kick recently. We played Team rules on the USA map (1910) over the holidays and it was amazing.


The previous BB seemed like a better deal since most of these look like small expansions. I highly recommend getting The River II too.

Sooner or later you'll buy the rest of them anyway. They are pretty addictive since they are so cheap and it's always nice to have some extra tiles.

My friends have a big box that comes with The Tower and the dragon expansion instead of the minis. They really dislike those so to me it seemed like a good deal. Some fo those mini expansions seem pretty fun and can spice up the game from time to time. I already did a game with the corn circles and they can be devious. I had 3 meeples trapped on a street because of them...


It's pretty awesome, especially since it takes care of one of the only negatives of Innovation, which is all the little icon accounting. My only issue so far is that I feel really rushed in the isotropic environment (where Dominion games take <2m) and sometimes it can be tough to digest all your info and play at a reasonable isotropic pace.

Alas, I'm still encountering problems when trying to join games on iso. When I try to automatch, the option to accept a match never pops up and I just time out. I think it has something to do with him changing the code on the site and the fact that I'm using 3G internet via PDANet on my laptop. It used to work well, but in the last 6 months, it has just stopped working. It's like there is some port that's getting blocked now. It works fine if I'm using wifi and I've tried different browsers/clearing cache and cookies.


Hail to the KING baby
Alas, I'm still encountering problems when trying to join games on iso. When I try to automatch, the option to accept a match never pops up and I just time out. I think it has something to do with him changing the code on the site and the fact that I'm using 3G internet via PDANet on my laptop. It used to work well, but in the last 6 months, it has just stopped working. It's like there is some port that's getting blocked now. It works fine if I'm using wifi and I've tried different browsers/clearing cache and cookies.

Automatch doesn't really work for me. I just invite people or say invite pls on my status/ask people if they want a game. I wonder if this will have stat-tracking and Elo like Dominion did.


Big lesson from the holidays though is TTR series is amazing. Who doesn't love these games? I'm on a huge TTR kick recently. We played Team rules on the USA map (1910) over the holidays and it was amazing.

What the... why the hell haven't I thought of that?!? We'll be trying that soon. :)

I'll be ordering the TTR Africa map today most likely. Was hesitant at first as it doesn't seem like as good a deal as the other map packs, but the Vasel review convinced me to get it.


Hail to the KING baby
What the... why the hell haven't I thought of that?!? We'll be trying that soon. :)

I'll be ordering the TTR Africa map today most likely. Was hesitant at first as it doesn't seem like as good a deal as the other map packs, but the Vasel review convinced me to get it.

Yeah I haven't gotten to play it yet. I am bummed that it's only one-sided (could have made the second side a Team version or something). Also the new mechanic seems a bit game-y and finicky (unlike the other expansion mechanics which all take <10s to understand) so I'll probably bust it out on a game night instead of for family play.


Re: Netrunner

I bought myself a second core and the What Lies Ahead expansion, and buffed my NBN and Crim decks. But I have no one to play with again. :< The closest person I know that plays lives 4 hours away from me lol. Oh well. I spend all my time playing LoL anyway (and recently, FTL). :x

What the... why the hell haven't I thought of that?!? We'll be trying that soon. :)

I'll be ordering the TTR Africa map today most likely. Was hesitant at first as it doesn't seem like as good a deal as the other map packs, but the Vasel review convinced me to get it.

Wondering why I haven't thought of that as well. Team TTR USA at my next game night confirmed.


What is Innovation?

Son. Boardgamegeek. Now. Enlighten yourself.


Area games website has the limited edition War of the Ring expansion up. I think there's one other CE owner here. If you want it better hop on it before its gone (only 500 being made).


Who doesn't love these games?

I know this is going to come as a huge surprise to everyone here, but I certainly don't love TTR. :p

It's...ok? I keep it in my collection solely because my girlfriend would throw a fit if I traded it.

Too simple of a game for me. I much prefer Airlines for some similar play with meaningful choices.


Really not sure what game to get next... thinking maybe Le Havre as my wife and I have really been enjoying Agricola. Feel free to make alternative suggestions.


Hail to the KING baby
Base TTR maybe is vanilla, but almost every single expansion, including 1910, throws in lots of juicy decisions. Ticket-heavy maps like Team Asia, or really tight maps like Nordic Coutnries, in particular involve lots of really tough decisions.

I'm not a huge fun of really economic games so Airlines never really caught on for me, but I'll still play it once or twice a year.


Really not sure what game to get next... thinking maybe Le Havre as my wife and I have really been enjoying Agricola. Feel free to make alternative suggestions.

Ever hear of Glen More? Interesting little tile-laying game that scales really well from 2-5 players. I just got The Manhattan Project for Christmas which is really excellent as well, though not as excellent with only 2 players I bet. Are you mainly looking for games good with 2p?

Neverfade said:
I know this is going to come as a huge surprise to everyone here, but I certainly don't love TTR. :p

Astrolad said:
Base TTR maybe is vanilla, but almost every single expansion, including 1910, throws in lots of juicy decisions. Ticket-heavy maps like Team Asia, or really tight maps like Nordic Coutnries, in particular involve lots of really tough decisions.
I think the genius of Ticket to Ride is the fact that it manages to bridge the gap between 'casual' and 'hardcore' so well. My regular core group of more serious gamers love it, yet it's still a huge hit when I play it with the wife and another couple once in a while. I know for sure that more people have bought their own copy of TTR after playing a game or two with me than any other game in my collection.

Neverfade, if you haven't at least picked up the 1910 expansion for the US game, I highly recommend it. My wife and I play the 1910 "Mega Game" all the time and it's great fun. The additional tickets (I think it doubles the amount of tickets you use) make it more worth the risk to pick up more tickets, especially toward the end of the game when there is a good chance you'll pick up one you've completed already.

The India/Switzerland map is excellent too. The India map is great for four players and adds an interesting element to achieve bonus points. And the Switzerland map is my favorite for 2-3 players. In Switzerland you don't place untaken destination tickets back in the box, so there is a limited supply that will often run out. I've played many many times where my opponent and I end up in a game of chicken drawing tickets because neither player wants the pile to run out without getting his/her fair share. Good times.


Ever hear of Glen More? Interesting little tile-laying game that scales really well from 2-5 players. I just got The Manhattan Project for Christmas which is really excellent as well, though not as excellent with only 2 players I bet. Are you mainly looking for games good with 2p?

Yeah, would play > 90% of our games 2 player. Shall check out your suggestions cheers. :D


Base TTR maybe is vanilla, but almost every single expansion, including 1910, throws in lots of juicy decisions. Ticket-heavy maps like Team Asia, or really tight maps like Nordic Coutnries, in particular involve lots of really tough decisions.

1910 does nothing for me. The bigger cards are cool, but I play enough FFG games where this wasn't a breaking point for me anyway.

I guess I'm just not made out for gateways.

Really not sure what game to get next... thinking maybe Le Havre as my wife and I have really been enjoying Agricola. Feel free to make alternative suggestions.

Le Havre for sure. Better than Agricola. Better 2 player game as well.

Edit: Agreed that GM is also a great 2 player game. LH is still better though. :)


Is Castles of Burgundy still high on the list of suggested 2 player games? I still haven't gotten around to trying it but it looks pretty interesting.

Omi if you want any 2p games on the more casual side, Lost Cities and Mr. Jack are both pretty neat-o.


Le Havre for sure. Better than Agricola. Better 2 player game as well.

Edit: Agreed that GM is also a great 2 player game. LH is still better though. :)

Sounds like Le Havre is a winner... just depends what my local place has in stock really. Glen More also looks interesting, but perhaps a theme the other half may not enjoy as much.

Is Castles of Burgundy still high on the list of suggested 2 player games? I still haven't gotten around to trying it but it looks pretty interesting.

Omi if you want any 2p games on the more casual side, Lost Cities and Mr. Jack are both pretty neat-o.

Yeah, we play/played the hell out of Lost Cities. Still a game we go back to regularly when we have a short amount of time for a game, along with Jaipur.


Hail to the KING baby
Ugh I missed the dominion base set. Forget this. *Sticks with tonto cuore*

Just get Intrigue and Seaside! You really don't need much more to get a complete Dominion experience, and I say that as someone who owns every expansion (probably about two or three more than I need ahem Dark Ages and Alchemy).


Ugh I missed the dominion base set. Forget this. *Sticks with tonto cuore*

It actually never went on sale for some reason. Glad I was watching the BGG deals forum. I was waiting for Seaside and was planning on checking at 5pm central to get it. It went up and 4pm instead so I probably would have missed it.

Astro said:
I say that as someone who owns every expansion (probably about two or three more than I need ahem Dark Ages and Alchemy).
I haven't been blown away by Dark Ages, but there are some good games in there. One of the recommended Dark Ages + Prosperity games was excellent. I need to play it more to really form an opinion though. I agree about Alchemy, though. All my Dominion cards are crammed into one box for easy lugging around. When I ran out of room Alchemy got demoted to the backup box with the randomizer cards. :)
I won $100 gift card from work and I want to get a new game with part of it.

I have X-Wing minis and Star Wars The Card Game on my list. What do you guys think?

I know they are different types of games but I am curious what you guys would recommend.

Just get Intrigue and Seaside! You really don't need much more to get a complete Dominion experience, and I say that as someone who owns every expansion (probably about two or three more than I need ahem Dark Ages and Alchemy).

oh, I see intrigue comes with base set core cards hm.


Hail to the KING baby
It actually never went on sale for some reason. Glad I was watching the BGG deals forum. I was waiting for Seaside and was planning on checking at 5pm central to get it. It went up and 4pm instead so I probably would have missed it.

I haven't been blown away by Dark Ages, but there are some good games in there. One of the recommended Dark Ages + Prosperity games was excellent. I need to play it more to really form an opinion though. I agree about Alchemy, though. All my Dominion cards are crammed into one box for easy lugging around. When I ran out of room Alchemy got demoted to the backup box with the randomizer cards. :)

I need to do that some day. It's honestly half the reason why I rarely ever play Dominion. If RGG doesn't release a case that can hold everything (they won't) that's a HUGE missed opportunity. They could charge a crazy amount for it and thousands of people would buy it, guaranteed. Someone put Goko on it.


I need to do that some day. It's honestly half the reason why I rarely ever play Dominion. If RGG doesn't release a case that can hold everything (they won't) that's a HUGE missed opportunity. They could charge a crazy amount for it and thousands of people would buy it, guaranteed. Someone put Goko on it.

I finally did that the other day... sorta. I ran out of the more fit baggies so half the cards have to be placed delicately to fit the box lid on top. I bought new bags so now I just have to spend the time re-bagging the half that are in bags too large. On the bright side, it all fits in 2 boxes now! I'm keeping the basic cards (money/VP/Curse) + rules in one box and everything else in another. So much easier for travel. And with all the cards in one box I basically have my own randomizer. Only need to toss stuff back and choose a new one if we pick something that doesn't fit. (like all 5+ cost cards -_-)


I won $100 gift card from work and I want to get a new game with part of it.

I have X-Wing minis and Star Wars The Card Game on my list. What do you guys think?

I know they are different types of games but I am curious what you guys would recommend.


I'm really digging the SW card game. Go ahead and throw a second core in your cart. 2 is the max you'll need for everything (max 2 of same objective per deck) and just completes the deck building game.

Plus, especially if you're dark side, you're going to want Vader and Palpatine out ASAP. Two copies of Vader's lightsabre is also a huge plus -- he's a beast when he gets equipped.
I'm really digging the SW card game. Go ahead and throw a second core in your cart. 2 is the max you'll need for everything (max 2 of same objective per deck) and just completes the deck building game.

Plus, especially if you're dark side, you're going to want Vader and Palpatine out ASAP. Two copies of Vader's lightsabre is also a huge plus -- he's a beast when he gets equipped.

thanks for the tips! will do!
I finally did that the other day... sorta. I ran out of the more fit baggies so half the cards have to be placed delicately to fit the box lid on top. I bought new bags so now I just have to spend the time re-bagging the half that are in bags too large. On the bright side, it all fits in 2 boxes now! I'm keeping the basic cards (money/VP/Curse) + rules in one box and everything else in another. So much easier for travel. And with all the cards in one box I basically have my own randomizer. Only need to toss stuff back and choose a new one if we pick something that doesn't fit. (like all 5+ cost cards -_-)

What are you using in the way of bags? I have been looking for storage and protection options and can't find anything, so at the moment it is easier to bring people to Dominion than to bring Dominion to people. I just have all the boxes together and use an online randomizer so I can mix specific expansions/card types without having to rummage through 7 boxes.
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