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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Eclipse looks intimidating but it's actually a fairly easy game to play. I don't think it's any harder than something like Agricola or Power Grid. The game does most of the heavy bookkeeping for you and you are left to focus on your actions.

The book keeping isn't the problem. It just seemed that it might have too many systems going on. I should probably sit down some time and really read the rules instead of just glancing over them.

I got myself X-Wing miniatures and Zombicide.
X-wing isn't a board game and I guess Zombicide could loosely be classified as one, so I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread.

Lots of people here play X-Wing including me. I can see that a lot of real miniature gamers find it too simple. Too me it's exactly what I want out of a miniature game. I love the Warhammer 40k universe but the prices, rules and amount of work it needs always bugged me.
Eclipse looks worse than it is. Once you get a few rounds of it going, everything just clicks. Think it's pretty much like that with alot of Euro games though. Agricola when you pull it all out, looks like one hell of a complex game. Eclipse is fantastic.

Lots of people here play X-Wing including me. I can see that a lot of real miniature gamers find it too simple. Too me it's exactly what I want out of a miniature game. I love the Warhammer 40k universe but the prices, rules and amount of work it needs always bugged me.

Never seen that opinion amongst miniature gamers, it's been well received. It's no different than Wings of War/Glory which has been a miniature gaming classic for a long time. There will always be those that scoff at any miniature game that doesn't have miniatures they have to build and paint though, but whatever.

Cat Party

My wife bought me Twilight Struggle for Christmas. Still trying to make sure I understand the mechanics before trying this out. Is it true it takes about 3 hours to get through?


My wife bought me Twilight Struggle for Christmas. Still trying to make sure I understand the mechanics before trying this out. Is it true it takes about 3 hours to get through?

The rulebook may look daunting, but it really does a good job of getting you through the first few turns. After that, it'll click and shouldn't be hard to play the rest out. Probably will take two hours at first if you've at least read some of the rulebook previously.


Fail out bailed
Anyone know a place I can get a loaded die, and another identical die that is just regular? Preferably, they are not typical looking die.

It's for a comedy sketch some friends and I are shooting.
I got around to playing the Marvel Legendary deck building game.

Played at least three times so far, and it feels like a decent game. Very similar to Dominion and Ascension, but moreso Ascension; one starts with a deck of low power cards and augments the strength of the deck by recruiting heroes and officers. Meanwhile villains are appearing in the city each turn and do nasty stuff, which can trigger upon revealing, upon being fought, or upon escaping. The goal of the game is to defeat the mastermind of the match 4 times (big-time villains such as Dr. Doom or Red Skull). The loss condition changes depending on the mastermind; it can vary from having a scheme card pop out of the villain deck 8 times, to having 12 villains escape, to villains escaping with at least 5 bystanders and so on. I haven't played yet with all the available heroes and villains, so I can't make a fully informed review.

I liked how the some of the hero cards combo with each other, and there was always a decent amount of tension each turn when looking at what would pop out of the villain deck. As it was a co-op game, players would often discuss and strategize with each other to prioritize villains to take out and hero cards to pick up from the HQ lane.

I don't like how the game is set up to be co-op, but players are also competing against each other for victory points and for hero cards. Sometimes cards pop up which work very well together, but then players can potentially be aiming for the same cards. We're all mature enough to work it out and decide who gets what, but mechanically the result is someone likely having an inefficient deck. Sometimes villains pop up which have victory point modifiers that are far more rewarding for certain decks. For instance someone playing with an Iron Man/Nick Fury deck would have mostly tech cards, and one of the villains we fought would reward extra VP for each tech card in the deck at the end of the game.

Potentially, the villain deck could also start dealing out high power villains at the start of the game, and the hero deck could start dealing out high cost hero cards into the HQ at the start of the game. The two together happened in the second game I played, and we lost pretty handily because 1) the villains kept escaping and destroying us with ambush and escape triggered effects and 2) the hero cards we started with in HQ costed 7, 7, 5, 6 and 8 stars. We couldn't reset the HQ lineup and had to spend turns buying up shield officers while the villains kept escaping.

If I came over to someone's house and they were offering this to play Marvel Legendary though, I wouldn't mind jumping in. Mostly just for curiosity's sake, as I haven't played through all the available heroes and haven't developed any strong strategies yet. I know I mentioned a lot of criticism above, but really the second game I mentioned is probably a fringe case due to bad shuffling, and I find the game to be as enjoyable as Ascension at least.
Anyone know a place I can get a loaded die, and another identical die that is just regular? Preferably, they are not typical looking die.

It's for a comedy sketch some friends and I are shooting.
Joke shop or magic shop? Do they even exist anymore? You can also try amazon, unless you need it right away.

I got around to playing the Marvel Legendary deck building game.

Played at least three times so far, and it feels like a decent game. Very similar to Dominion and Ascension, but moreso Ascension; one starts with a deck of low power cards and augments the strength of the deck by recruiting heroes and officers. Meanwhile villains are appearing in the city each turn and do nasty stuff, which can trigger upon revealing, upon being fought, or upon escaping. The goal of the game is to defeat the mastermind of the match 4 times (big-time villains such as Dr. Doom or Red Skull). The loss condition changes depending on the mastermind; it can vary from having a scheme card pop out of the villain deck 8 times, to having 12 villains escape, to villains escaping with at least 5 bystanders and so on. I haven't played yet with all the available heroes and villains, so I can't make a fully informed review.

I liked how the some of the hero cards combo with each other, and there was always a decent amount of tension each turn when looking at what would pop out of the villain deck. As it was a co-op game, players would often discuss and strategize with each other to prioritize villains to take out and hero cards to pick up from the HQ lane.

I don't like how the game is set up to be co-op, but players are also competing against each other for victory points and for hero cards. Sometimes cards pop up which work very well together, but then players can potentially be aiming for the same cards. We're all mature enough to work it out and decide who gets what, but mechanically the result is someone likely having an inefficient deck. Sometimes villains pop up which have victory point modifiers that are far more rewarding for certain decks. For instance someone playing with an Iron Man/Nick Fury deck would have mostly tech cards, and one of the villains we fought would reward extra VP for each tech card in the deck at the end of the game.

Potentially, the villain deck could also start dealing out high power villains at the start of the game, and the hero deck could start dealing out high cost hero cards into the HQ at the start of the game. The two together happened in the second game I played, and we lost pretty handily because 1) the villains kept escaping and destroying us with ambush and escape triggered effects and 2) the hero cards we started with in HQ costed 7, 7, 5, 6 and 8 stars. We couldn't reset the HQ lineup and had to spend turns buying up shield officers while the villains kept escaping.

If I came over to someone's house and they were offering this to play Marvel Legendary though, I wouldn't mind jumping in. Mostly just for curiosity's sake, as I haven't played through all the available heroes and haven't developed any strong strategies yet. I know I mentioned a lot of criticism above, but really the second game I mentioned is probably a fringe case due to bad shuffling, and I find the game to be as enjoyable as Ascension at least.
I played Legendary for the first time last night too. I liked it better than Ascension, but then again, I'm not a fan of Ascension. We played with five and the game seemed to drag a bit but I'm sure with less players it'll go faster. You're right though it is a bit odd to play a co-op where you need to screw your neighbor to be the ultimate winner. I don't know if you can just ignore the individual win and go for a co-op win.
I played Legendary for the first time last night too. I liked it better than Ascension, but then again, I'm not a fan of Ascension. We played with five and the game seemed to drag a bit but I'm sure with less players it'll go faster. You're right though it is a bit odd to play a co-op where you need to screw your neighbor to be the ultimate winner. I don't know if you can just ignore the individual win and go for a co-op win.

We've played it purely coop before and find it works fine, there is no need to screw other players in the game unless your playing competitive. Group just prefers coop so everyone just ignores the victory points.

Game actually gets harder and sometimes longer to play the more players you have. 5 player is not very good since it adds an extra hero in that really can slow things down. But with some schemes, 5 players is basically hard mode since your just increasing the villain card draws.

I do think the whole competitive/coop thing is a bit at odds with each other at times, but as the rules state, your group will determine how you want to play it. Seen many play it as a purely coop game on bgg but pure coop can make some of the game set ups feel way too easy.


Played X-Wing earlier this week for the first time. I really enjoyed it. I used to play Necromunda (Games Workshop) and liked that for the small amount of minis I had to take care of, but the setup was more complicated, and sometimes there were discrepancies over line of sight and whatnot. X-Wing doesn't have much of that. It's a lot easier to figure out movement and range and stuff with the templates, which makes it much easier to get non-minis people into.

We played with just the stuff from the core set for the first game, since we wanted to get a solid feel for the rules before adding in a bunch of extra ships. The one complaint I would have is that the pegs are keyed (which I didn't know), so I ended up snapping off one of them inside one of the TIE Fighters. :(

So yesterday became mod day! I bought some tiny rare earth magnets and now all 10 of my ships can snap on to their pegs very quickly with no chance of anything getting broken. Pretty proud of myself, as this was my first boardgaming mod, other than making custom inserts.


Fail out bailed
So, if I get 7 Wonders and I already have a ton of Dominion expansions, am I making a mistake? I don't think our group wants more deckbuilding games, and there are other genres I want to explore.

Are there enough differences? How much crossover is there in their gameplay? Obviously, I know next to nothing about 7 Wonders other than people like it and it has a card drafting mechanic.
7 Wonders is very different from Dominion. I own all expansions for both, and don't feel like there is much crossover. There is no deckbuilding in 7 Wonders, you play cards onto your board as soon as you draft them, so you are building up your city via the draft, there's no shuffling of hands and decks and what not.

I actually was just coming into this thread to say that I've been playing a ton of 7 Wonders (for the first time in a little while, and the first time with the Cities expansion at all), and I'm really digging it. Forgot how much I enjoy it. The new cards from the city expansion are really neat, they add a little more interaction, and require a little more adaptability while playing.


Fail out bailed
Ah! Good to know!
I decided to get Agricola (how does no one in my circle have t?) Arkham Horror and Legend of Dritz.
I'll make 7 wonders my next game!
I finally just unboxed my board games/minis/paint/supplies/ect from my recent move. My family was lucky to move into a very large house which includes a room my wife and I can dedicate to our various hobbies. This is my board game shelf!


I saved room by combining all of the existing Talisman expansions into a single box. There is room to grow as well, which is nice because I have several items on my list for this year.

My want list at the moment consists of:

-Descent 2.0 expansion
-5 Print on demand expansions for Mansions of Madness as well as the upcoming boxed expansion
-Blood Bowl Sudden Death Expansion
-Talisman: The City Expansion (I need the werewolf expansion too I think still)
-Both Last Night on Earth expansions (Growing Hunger & Survival of the Fittest)
-Dungeon! Board Game re-re-release
-3 D&D games: Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and Legend of Drizzt
-40k Dark Vengeance

I traded in about 2/3rds of my DVDs to a local game shop last summer and have about 500$ credit still so I'll buy these slowly over time. I still have another 500+ DVDs left that I intend on trading in as well!

EDIT: The sheer volume of my wife's hobby/craft supplies would terrify you. She has more stuff then I have ever seen in an actual house. I joke with her but we could open our own Hobby Lobby. Anything and everything you would ever need for any type of craft is located in this room, along with the tools needed to do anything from sewing to stained glass. It's nuts.
So was given DC Comics deck builder for Xmas out of the blue, so gave it a go tonight. It's basically just simplified Ascension so that can be good or bad. Game has a few nice things about it's simplicity but the theme is kinda tacked on feeling and not as creative as Legendary was. Also most players felt like the whole thing where each player plays a random super hero with a unique power was pretty imbalancing. Some heroes like Green Lantern's power is useless for quite a few turns while some like Aquaman are amazing and can be used from the first turn and give quite an advantage. It adds a little flavor to actually play a hero but it's also kind of a bad idea. Thunderstone did a similar thing with the little avatar card expansion and it had mixed reception too.


Fail out bailed
I feel like I went out and bought myself a part time job. Agricola, D&D LoD and Arkham Horror all seem to be organization nightmares...
Sorry to all on my Yucata turns. Christmas & illness etc.
I notice El Grande has been released on there.

Also looking forward to getting to play with my Christmas/birthday present to me, Twilight Struggle.
Glad to hear it shouldn't take too long to play.
Played our first game of Zombicide last night. It was a lot of fun... at first.

Mission 00 is the tutorial and is baby easy. It seemed only natural to continue through the missions in order, so we progressed to mission 01. Over two hours later, I recalled that I had read mission time was supposed to be an hour. WTH

Long story short, we did not survive. The Abomination came onto the board with three objectives left to capture and two of our survivors already dead. Those two were dead due to pulling two zombie cards in a row that gave zombies an extra turn. So without warning or any way to defend themselves, they had zombies move into their zone and attack them, which resulted in their death. As for the abomination, the ONLY weapon in the game that can kill him is a molotov cocktail; ganging up on him does NOT work. The molotov cocktail can only be created, by combining gasoline and bottles. Both of which must be found by searching through rooms in buildings (which also gives the risk of spawning more zombies in the room, even if you have already cleared it out prior to searching).

We did not have any molotovs, so the preferred strategy in this scenario is to bait the Abomination while someone else searches for molotov ingredients. The problem was that by this time, we were in the middle of the map, surrounded on all sides, needing to head north to the other objectives (which happened to be where the Abomination spawned at), and with us being in the "orange", zombies were just oozing out of their respective spawn zones.

Things did get a bit easier once our characters leveled up, gaining us extra skills, or gained good equipment, such as guns and plenty of ammo. Some characters had the ability to take down four zombies per turn.

But still, the zombie hoard proved too much, and it ended in a glorious bloody mess.

It wasn't until afterwards that I looked online for some help, to see what we were doing wrong. And yes, being our first game I am sure that we did make some mistakes. However I did learn that mission 01, despite being the first numbered mission in the book, is one of if not THE hardest mission. It is recommended to not start with that mission but to instead start with something like mission 10.

The rulebook is really vague and hard to understand in a lot of areas, so we were kind of making up house rules with a couple of things as we went along.

So in conclusion this game is a LOT of fun, and lends itself well to customization and allowing thematic modifications without really breaking the game. I would prefer a more in-depth rulebook with some fleshed out scenarios, and the official website already has some corrections in the form of pdf files.

It really only became frustrating towards the end because we felt like for mission 01 we should be able to survive. The difficulty does seem to ramp up if you've made a few poor choices early on, and the zombies are just flowing out of the streets seemingly non-stop. With Zombicide, you may as well just get used to the fact that the zombie apocalypse isn't going to be all kittens and ice cream.
Zombicide is actually way too easy out of the box. Perhaps you were making various mistakes in your game (probably if your house ruling already). We played through all the rulebook missions without losing once and a few of them we beat before anyone even got out of yellow danger. We actually were often disappointed in the game because of it at first because of how cheesy things get in favor of the players.

The online scenarios have even remade a few of the book missions to be harder because of it along with much more difficult missions in general being added.
Zombicide is actually way too easy out of the box. Perhaps you were making various mistakes in your game (probably if your house ruling already). We played through all the rulebook missions without losing once and a few of them we beat before anyone even got out of yellow danger. We actually were often disappointed in the game because of it at first because of how cheesy things get in favor of the players.

The online scenarios have even remade a few of the book missions to be harder because of it along with much more difficult missions in general being added.

Interesting. That contradicts what I read on boardgame geek (the difficulty of 01).
And I'm sure that mission 01 would be much easier once we got some experience under our belts.
Interesting. That contradicts what I read on boardgame geek (the difficulty of 01).
And I'm sure that mission 01 would be much easier once we got some experience under our belts.

Game is easy to abuse. Blue danger level is slow and it takes zombies a long time to get to you since they have to spawn and are going to usually be nothing but 1 or 2 walkers at a time.

Just park your group in building and search and pass around the gear best suited to each player.

Often before the zombies become a threat, your group has all the weapons and gear they need to win the game. Since it doesn't get harder till you kill zombies, it's actually easier to just ignore zombies and gear up and be prepared
Game is easy to abuse. Blue danger level is slow and it takes zombies a long time to get to you since they have to spawn and are going to usually be nothing but 1 or 2 walkers at a time.

Just park your group in building and search and pass around the gear best suited to each player.

Often before the zombies become a threat, your group has all the weapons and gear they need to win the game. Since it doesn't get harder till you kill zombies, it's actually easier to just ignore zombies and gear up and be prepared

That's one of the mistakes I realized that we made. We played it too safe and were hesitant to do a lot of things early on, thinking that the zombies were more lethal that early in the game. We were even hesitant to search in fear of spawning zombies in the room with us.
Now that we are confident in killing zombies and know how everything works, we'd play it differently.
Perhaps playing mission 10 as the community seems to suggest, it would give us a more winning chance and let us make those early mistakes, while easing us into how the game works.

But I'm ready to dive back in and do it right this time.
Today we are going to play X-Wing Miniatures.
We originally played by the quickstart rules or whatever, which are a joke. I mean, they are nice rules to use if you are playing with kids or someone just not bothered by in-depth rules, but I would have preferred to have taken that time and actually learn the real game.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm back home, now I can finally go pick up Cards Against Humanity that has been on hold at Canada Post for the past week! I'll play it this afternoon. And none of us will be sober. This is gonna be goooooooood I'm so excited.

Oh also, something that came up when we were playing Catan: What are the rules with respect to roads around towns? Can you build a road "through" a town of another player (even if it doesn't count as a longest road, but e.g. to access another area)? What about building a town right into another player's road, to "half" their longest road? Is this allowed/common practice?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm back home, now I can finally go pick up Cards Against Humanity that has been on hold at Canada Post for the past week! I'll play it this afternoon. And none of us will be sober. This is gonna be goooooooood I'm so excited.

Oh also, something that came up when we were playing Catan: What are the rules with respect to roads around towns? Can you build a road "through" a town of another player (even if it doesn't count as a longest road, but e.g. to access another area)? What about building a town right into another player's road, to "half" their longest road? Is this allowed/common practice?

I believe you can build a settlement to cut off a road, but you cannot build a road through someone elses settlement.



That's a brilliant collection! Seems like ya really got into Descent 1.0 eh? How was it all? How much are you playing ver 2? I JUST broke into it and liking it pretty good minus the fact that heroes can move about the maps so easily.

My want list at the moment consists of:

-Descent 2.0 expansion
-5 Print on demand expansions for Mansions of Madness as well as the upcoming boxed expansion
-Blood Bowl Sudden Death Expansion
-Talisman: The City Expansion (I need the werewolf expansion too I think still)
-Both Last Night on Earth expansions (Growing Hunger & Survival of the Fittest)
-Dungeon! Board Game re-re-release
-3 D&D games: Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and Legend of Drizzt
-40k Dark Vengeance

I like both of those but get them one at a time, especially with GH. Each adds a good number of rule adjustments and layers. I'm not the fastest learner, so I've been weening them in slow.


Unconfirmed Member
I have a Dunwich Horror question. Can I integrate the investigator and location cards into the base game without using the rest of the expansion(the board, wound cards, etc.)?
Does anyone remember playing Fireball Island as a kid (or adult as the case may be)?
I just had a flashback for some reason and memories of that board popped into my head.


Does anyone remember playing Fireball Island as a kid (or adult as the case may be)?
I just had a flashback for some reason and memories of that board popped into my head.

My cousin owned this one. It's probably decomposed in a landfill by now. A shame, it goes for a premium on ebay.


I got Arkham Horror for Christmas and just played my first game of it today (3 players)

I think this may be my favourite game ever. Can't wait to get a few more play-throughs into it, as we were just learning the rules and I'm sure we didn't do everything correctly.

The box says you can play this 1 player - how feasible/enjoyable is that in actuality?
The box says you can play this 1 player - how feasible/enjoyable is that in actuality?

You have to play multiple investigators in that circumstance. It's doable but not really entertaining in my opinion. Then again I don't really enjoy single-player board games in the first place.


The box says you can play this 1 player - how feasible/enjoyable is that in actuality?

Its not too bad, but if you do try it solo, its best to go ahead and play as multiple investigators rather than as just one IMO. With that said, I have only played a game solo once and that was to get myself ready for the rules before I taught it to our group. Its a bit too bulky for solo play for my liking (3 hours + a huge play field that makes it difficult to keep up multiple days with a house full of cats). It is one of my favorite games though, even my wife who is much more of a Euro board gamer enjoys it...


Unconfirmed Member
I got Arkham Horror for Christmas and just played my first game of it today (3 players)

I think this may be my favourite game ever. Can't wait to get a few more play-throughs into it, as we were just learning the rules and I'm sure we didn't do everything correctly.

The box says you can play this 1 player - how feasible/enjoyable is that in actuality?

My wife and I just finished playing and won by sealing the gates, which was sweet. Played it by myself before, which was fine, but definitely better with others.


Thanks guys - I'd obviously rather play with people, but I'd like to be able to crack through a couple of games by myself so I can get really used to the rules, as we tend to only get the chance to play games every few weeks at best.

I also got War of the Ring for Christmas - played a 4 player game of that and enjoyed it well enough too - though I think it'll really shine as a 2 player game


Hail to the KING baby
Its not too bad, but if you do try it solo, its best to go ahead and play as multiple investigators rather than as just one IMO. With that said, I have only played a game solo once and that was to get myself ready for the rules before I taught it to our group. Its a bit too bulky for solo play for my liking (3 hours + a huge play field that makes it difficult to keep up multiple days with a house full of cats). It is one of my favorite games though, even my wife who is much more of a Euro board gamer enjoys it...

Agreed. Arkham really shines at 3-4, no more no less.


Had a really intense 6 player game of Dominant Species last night. Lots of attempts of diplomacy/alliances/doublespeak as players attempted to get a leg up, with 1 player managing to sneak through all the landmines to pull away at the end. Everyone else was pretty close. A fun 4 hours overall.

Any other recent games that can handle 6 players that can deliver a similar experience?


Ok, so I'm wanting to get a good number of figs painted. But quite frankly, I don't have the time nor the patience to learn to paint. Has anyone gone thru anyone for painting service? I've gone though at least a dozen. And this chap in UT seems to be a solid option:

Blue Table Painting

I also just fired up my first games of Memoir 44 (base only) and had some fun with it. Practiced alone on the Pegasus scenario and ran over the Axis easily. Then practically destroyed my gf as the Axis on Omaha Beach. Anyone else play or can make recommendations to better the experience? Preferred expansions, etc?


Hail to the KING baby
fwiw in case you missed it, Memoir is meant to be played on both sides by both players, then you just add up the total points. Almost all of the scenarios are very unbalanced in some way.

In terms of expansions, I like Eastern Front for just fleshing out the game some more. Beyond that in can get pretty crazy in terms of the customizability of the game.


fwiw in case you missed it, Memoir is meant to be played on both sides by both players, then you just add up the total points. Almost all of the scenarios are very unbalanced in some way.

In terms of expansions, I like Eastern Front for just fleshing out the game some more. Beyond that in can get pretty crazy in terms of the customizability of the game.

Oh yeah, I know it's focus is 2P. But I was learning the first time through.

Add up points? I thought you played til you earned the required number of Medals? Which to me, from the rulebook, seem fairly short.

I thought about getting EF along with the Equipment and Terrain Packs. I picked up Pacific Theater very cheap ($18 + tax) at my local game shop!


Hail to the KING baby
what i mean is you play germans then your opponent plays germans. necessary for competitive play of any sort since the scenarios are designed to be unbalanced. then winner is whoever got the most medals in both games since usually outcome will be 1-1


I'll try to post some more impressions of new games when I have more time, but I will chime in to say that 7 Wonders was surprisingly a hit after the first learning curve game with my family. The second game went much faster...then of course the one after that took forever with only 4 people or whatever since people would spend a long time running numbers in their heads. :p


Fail out bailed
Statement: I really need to get around to painting my RoboRally pieces...

Does anyone remember playing Fireball Island as a kid (or adult as the case may be)?
I just had a flashback for some reason and memories of that board popped into my head.

I love that silly game. We play it regularly.
One fun thing to do, is play with way to many people and use a bigger die. We'll use 8 players (by risk pieces) and an 8 or 12 sided die. Good times.

The poper rules are quite wonky, and so we play with some altered house rules
Seems like ya really got into Descent 1.0 eh? How was it all? How much are you playing ver 2? I JUST broke into it and liking it pretty good minus the fact that heroes can move about the maps so

Well, I haven't played a great deal of version 1.0 and I've played even less of 2.0. Obviously, 1.0 has more of everything (tiles, scenerios, rules, ect), which I enjoy a great deal. It gives me a lot to work with. Having said that, 2.0 seems to play faster which was really really needed for the game. I had several 1.0 games get bogged down due to game length. While it is essentially the same game on the surface, 1.0 has more depth IMO. Does that make sense? However, I do not have the 2.0 expansion yet and perhaps that will flesh out that version a bit more.

I paint the figures and "pimp" my board games, and both Descent games have been great for that aspect alone. The heroes in 2.0 are a better quality but the monsters are pretty much the same quality in both versions.


Hail to the KING baby
I am sleeving cards for a few games, but is this a common thing to have the bottom part of the sleeved cards sticking up more than the top? Is there any way to remedy? For example, if I have a big stack of sleeved cards, the bottom is quite a bit higher. I know that's just the way it is but wondering how people mitigate. Using Dragon Shields fwiw.
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