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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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>>I<< recommend M44, dammit!! :)

I've been fiddling around with creating my own "balanced" maps, scenarios and rulesets. No more Victory Points now. I came up with an objective-based ruleset where capturing them contributes to a reinforcement system we use. This allows for less "more killing of units = winning" and more importance to strategic taking of chokepoints and the objectives. Still ironing out some kinks and balancing some bits here and there, but things are coming out well. :)

I don't have enough for Overlord, just yet. Need to save some $$ for more expansions and ultimately the Equipment and Terrain packs (and likely another core set).

Killing as the main objective for victory is what basically keeps the game balanced. The main problem with objective taking of positions is that it's much more impacted by the order cards in the game. Players will often get screwed out of claiming objectives because cards not letting them move their forces into position. The most common complaint against the game is not getting the cards to activate your desired sector, this is compounded in the games that do use location based objective. The kill X scenarios are more balanced in reality.

The point of kills being the main victory condition is that it allows a player to still win even if they don't get to move the forces on certain sides. You can just as easily play another sector card and score your kills elsewhere and still have a chance for victory.


Killing as the main objective for victory is what basically keeps the game balanced. The main problem with objective taking of positions is that it's much more impacted by the order cards in the game. Players will often get screwed out of claiming objectives because cards not letting them move their forces into position. The most common complaint against the game is not getting the cards to activate your desired sector, this is compounded in the games that do use location based objective. The kill X scenarios are more balanced in reality.

The point of kills being the main victory condition is that it allows a player to still win even if they don't get to move the forces on certain sides. You can just as easily play another sector card and score your kills elsewhere and still have a chance for victory.

Oh, I totally understand that. But we simply don't like the feel of that as an objective. We increased the hand count and adjusted, very slightly, some of the combat rules. So far, it's been fairly rare that anyone in my group has felt that the game was taken out of their hands due to the Command Cards drawn. In fact, only one game can I think of where we laughed about this. (The common "Ok dammit, you won...but look at THIS card I've been stuck with! And THIS one, and THIS one...!!) Generally, it's the really special Command Card (Air Strike, Artillery Bombardment) usages are what seems to make or break our games. Use 'em incorrectly or mistime their uses, you generally regret it later. My gf used an Air Strike card on some heavy defenses I had to the rear of my line (we have Capitals, where they hold a higher objective "value"). The rolls she pulled were ok. But she had wished instead of saving it for my surging Panzer divisions (naturally, I'm playing as the Axis) at the main front, where she could have slowed them down enough to bring her rear arty onto them. We're actually still playing that game now as she's currently crippled giving up 3 towns to me from the surge. I now have forces across nearly every stretch of the river. Here's a pic of what I can remember it looks like now:

Stars = My Towns Controlled (Objectives)
P = Panzer Unit
X = Her Air Strike early in game

* Old photo of building the scenario (Yes, there are 2 arty pieces instead of the 1 you see for each unit)

She has a fairly high concentration of infantry in her middle sector, keeping my forces on my side of the river. But I'm slowly flanking her with armor. She's even been forced to bring her arty off the hills, that generally guard her capital, so that they're in better range to defend the river.

Of course, this doesn't remotely tell the whole story. The rules WE have in place changes things up quite a bit and the map simple won't make sense if you're only considering the core rules. But one big thing is that I can "heal" my infantry units while they're in towns based on the number of total objectives I control. With this, I can maintain a "front line" of sorts by taking towns, which in turn allows me to push in forces from the rear a bit.

Sorry, I got carried away with my post a bit there, lol. I'll post and share my full house rules sometime in the future once we smooth them all out. :)

All in all, core or custom rules used: I really like M44. It's highly customizable/modular with TONS of expansions and cool unit pieces. It has a fairly simple combat system (with a beginner system so kids of certain ages can play) and it can be learned quite quickly. My gf doesn't generally care of war tabletop games. But she's really taking to M44. I gave up on A&A, thanks to this.

BTW, we need more pics of our games posted. MOAR!! ;-)
It's the Command and Colors system from Richard Borg. Battle Cry, Memoir 44, Battlelore, and the various Command and Colors games all share the same system.

I just finished putting Command and Colors: Ancients together, but if you say it's like those games, then it shouldn't be hard to learn at all. Looked pretty basic to me.
The Command and Colors games (the historicals with that name and the sticker blocks) are a bit more in deptch than Memoir and such. Same basic gameplay but with alot of little things that kind of make them more strategic games. The Napoleonics game is fantastic.


So yeah, Im writing down Memoir '44 for consideration next month then. :p

Have been looking for more quick 2 player games that are fairly easy to teach and play since War of Indines became a success. Memoir seem to fit the bill nicely.


Fail out bailed
Ended up getting talked into Tzolk'in by some dude at the shop. I was thinking of playing with my wife tonight (she is a gamer) to learn the rules, but it looks exhausting to learn.

EDIT: On the subject of the GoT game, my friend has it, and I really dug playing it, but he gripes about there being a newer edition everytime someone mentions it.
I really want to play that game. It looks interesting.

Awesome game, another worker placement game in my collection. The monuments and building iconography take some time to remember but the game's core mechanics aren't too complicated. Because of the gears on the board, players have to weigh short term benefits versus long-term benefits all while figuring out the "timing" of the game. You'll have to feed your workers too!


EDIT: On the subject of the GoT game, my friend has it, and I really dug playing it, but he gripes about there being a newer edition everytime someone mentions it.

The only thing, aside from perhaps preferred aesthetics, that he'd need from the newer edition is the port rule, which could be made easily with a few homemade components and looking the rules up.
Ended up getting talked into Tzolk'in by some dude at the shop. I was thinking of playing with my wife tonight (she is a gamer) to learn the rules, but it looks exhausting to learn.

EDIT: On the subject of the GoT game, my friend has it, and I really dug playing it, but he gripes about there being a newer edition everytime someone mentions it.
Tzolkin isn't that hard to learn. It takes a couple games to formulate a decent strategy, but the rules themselves aren't so bad.

I really want to play that game. It looks interesting.
its an amazing game. One of the best games to come out last year, you should try it.
Tzolkin isn't that hard to learn. It takes a couple games to formulate a decent strategy, but the rules themselves aren't so bad.

its an amazing game. One of the best games to come out last year, you should try it.

Awesome game, another worker placement game in my collection. The monuments and building iconography take some time to remember but the game's core mechanics aren't too complicated. Because of the gears on the board, players have to weigh short term benefits versus long-term benefits all while figuring out the "timing" of the game. You'll have to feed your workers too!

Thanks. I'm trying to get my boss to get it for work. He got Aztlán, I dont know why, maybe he got the two confused. It's not a bad game though.


Fail out bailed
The only thing, aside from perhaps preferred aesthetics, that he'd need from the newer edition is the port rule, which could be made easily with a few homemade components and looking the rules up.

Either way, I don't particularly mind. I don't necessarily need to have the newest, bestest shiniest thing.

I feel like, it's played too rarely for me to buy a copy, but maybe I should hook him up with the 2nd edition for his birthday or something. It's probably my favorite "war game" I've played honestly, but I haven't played that many.
What's GAF's opinion on Space Cadets and Shadows over Camelot? Looking for a cooperative game with 6+ players.
Space Cadets is alright, I guess. I've yet to play it where everybody knew what they were doing so the game would drag on for too long. I think it would be amazing if it was 90 minutes, tops, but I've had games push 3 hours and that's just too much.


Gold Member
Shadows over Camelot is a lot of fun. The traitor mechanic does a lot to spice up what is otherwise a mathematical puzzle with a one leader problem, but for a first game you don't have to have one (a noob traitor will typically reveal themselves too early). It is far more simple than battlestar Galactica, which is a good thing. Still devolves into folks just spamming catapults at times, but with a good metagame of trying to find the traitor it is loads of fun.


Anyone have Sedition Wars or Quarriors? They're on sale and I'm thinking of a quick pickup. Heavily leaning towards Quarriors, first.

Go, go Tabletop-GAF wit yo' opinionz!!!

But I really wanted impressions of each.

Sedition Wars is hefty wargame, big thick rule manual. Has scenarios to play with contents of the box as a two player battle game. Lot of the figures need alot of work to put together as they are made of resin more so than plastic, which is a major pia as some are known to be warped so you have to heat them up to put together. Was a problem alot of folks had with the minis. Rules are kinda your standard miniature game, very heavy and very much not friendly for board gaming crowds. At the discounted prices folks are offering it now, it's worth it if your a miniature gamer as you get tons of cool looking figs to put together and paint. I sold off my kickstarter package of it, nothing really special stood out from the sea of mini games out there and made a hefty profit off selling the kickstarter exclusives.

Quarriors is deck building replaced with dice, you purchase dice, put them in a bag and randomly draw and roll them for their stats and effects. Game plays incredibly fast and not tons of depth too it. Game often ends before anyone can really form a strategy. The expansions add alternate rules and mechanics to try and improve the game but haven't really felt like spending more on it. Seemed to be universally panned around here.

But I really wanted impressions of each.
Quarriors kind of sucks. I played it a god half a dozen times and each time I was excited in the beginning and by the end I was bored. There aren't any really meaningful choices and the best strategy is always to buy the most expensive thing. The "advanced" variant seems to help but the game still feels flat.


What's GAF's opinion on Space Cadets and Shadows over Camelot? Looking for a cooperative game with 6+ players.

Can't think of any other coop game that can handle that many players outside of Arkham Horror. Maybe something like Last Night on Earth, though technically it would be a coop game of 2 zombie players vs 4 human players.

But I really wanted impressions of each.
Quarriors is a dice drafting game in which you're trying to reach a certain number of victory points. It's pretty reminiscent of Dominion; you start off with weak stuff, you spend quiddity (which is money in this game) to buy dice or summon units you've rolled, die types in the general supply are very limited, and you try to grab good dice for the strategy you're aiming for.

But there will be lots of dice rolling involved. You will have great turns, you will also have rather poor turns, and as far as I remember there isn't much you can do to mitigate luck. I don't mind playing Quarriors when it comes up on game night, but if something else is available I'm very likely to play that instead.


What's GAF's opinion on Space Cadets and Shadows over Camelot? Looking for a cooperative game with 6+ players.

Flash Point is up to 6.

Zombicide is still pretty fun with more than 6, but turns will start to take forever so it's nice to have something running on the side as well.

If you like betrayer mechanics (since you mentioned SOC), Resistance is fun and goes from 5-10.

If you want to keep the group at 6+ though I'd go for more party-like games such as Wits & Wagers. Personally, at 6+ I'd want to split the group into 2 and play 2 different games. Nobody ever wants to split but logistically it's hard to accommodate larger groups and it's probably more enjoyable in smaller because of shorter turn times so nobody is twiddling thumbs.
Quarriors is a dice drafting game in which you're trying to reach a certain number of victory points. It's pretty reminiscent of Dominion; you start off with weak stuff, you spend quiddity (which is money in this game) to buy dice or summon units you've rolled, die types in the general supply are very limited, and you try to grab good dice for the strategy you're aiming for.

But there will be lots of dice rolling involved. You will have great turns, you will also have rather poor turns, and as far as I remember there isn't much you can do to mitigate luck. I don't mind playing Quarriors when it comes up on game night, but if something else is available I'm very likely to play that instead.

This seems to be the consensus on Quarriors on here, but I've never not had fun playing it. I am a dice chucking fool, though. I also really like Elder Signs, so I guess I have a type.

I finally (after getting it when it came out) played Spartacus today. Started on influence 1 and played to 7. We played two games (each about 1:30 to 2 hours) it was a lot of fun, and the arena battles while they escalate quickly actually had a tiny bit more strategy than I first thought they would. It was really, really fun. I highly recommend it to anyone even slightly interested in the theme or screw your neigbor card, negotiation, bidding games. I'm definitely picking up the expansion.


Fail out bailed
Anyone have Sedition Wars or Quarriors? They're on sale and I'm thinking of a quick pickup. Heavily leaning towards Quarriors, first.

Go, go Tabletop-GAF wit yo' opinionz!!!

I personally found the base set of Quarriors to be broken and annoying. I only played it twice, but I didn't enjoy it. It has it's fans though, so maybe we were doing it wrong. I suppose they might have fixed stuff in later editions or used expansions to make it feel more... controlled? But I don't know...

In other news, Kingsburg, while completely different, is a pretty fun game with lots of die rolling. I only mention it because I played it recently. It has nothing to do with anything. :)


My group played Airlines Europe last night, what a fantastic game! First play was a bit hesitant, but once everybody had an idea of what strategies to pursue it was a blast. Only negative is that it can be a bit hard to discern the different airlines. Other than that I highly recommend it.
My group played Airlines Europe last night, what a fantastic game! First play was a bit hesitant, but once everybody had an idea of what strategies to pursue it was a blast. Only negative is that it can be a bit hard to discern the different airlines. Other than that I highly recommend it.

It's good fun. The red and orange planes though....
I tied black threads around the orange planes which helped.


It's good fun. The red and orange planes though....
I tied black threads around the orange planes which helped.
Yeah I've painted my orange and green planes with a black marker. Still, the color on the share cards doesn't quite match the color of the planes for a lot of airlines and you have to look at the starting location instead to figure out which is which. Despite this it is a really well made, fun game. My buddy's gf was really sceptical at first but after the first game she loved it.


Gold Member
Another good coop game for 6 is Yggdrasil. VERY puzzley, but the Norse theme carries it and the dice rolling adds enough "push your luck" that it can break the leader situation as folks tend not to just mechanically optimize their moves. Easy to teach, looks pretty, and can be scaled for difficulty (more players is harder, so reduce the the number of ragnarok cards).

Personally though, just play 7 wonders. Scales so well for lots of players, but it just doesn't click conceptually with some folks though.

I wanted to love quarriors SO BADLY, but every game was just frustration after frustration. Need to sell that one.
Has everyone who hates quarriors played the revised tournament rules? It makes it much, much better. Also the base set is really weak compared to the expansions.

The expert rule tweak: When you score a die, you can only cull the die that scored and you can only score the glory for that die if you cull it. I.e, if
you score with a Quake Dragon Die, THAT dragon is the only die you may cull and you only score the glory if you cull it!.

Really changes the game for the better.
Got and played with the first expansion, didn't really change the game for the better, so unless the last expansion did a major overhaul, I dunno. After two purchases and ending up disapointed, didn't really feel like spending anymore on the game.


Thanks for all the great impressions. This has changed my perspective on Quarriors a bit. Not as excited for it now, but it is on a good sale on Amazon. I love dice as well. But man, if the game is REALLY that luck-based, I think I'd have to bow it out of contention.

Sedition Wars I'll pass on. I don't need more minis. I looked into it being a sci-fi fan and the game's theme. But I already had the notion I wasn't going to get into it.

Lame, I was hoping for a order and new game for the weekend... :-/
Has everyone who hates quarriors played the revised tournament rules? It makes it much, much better. Also the base set is really weak compared to the expansions.

The expert rule tweak: When you score a die, you can only cull the die that scored and you can only score the glory for that die if you cull it. I.e, if
you score with a Quake Dragon Die, THAT dragon is the only die you may cull and you only score the glory if you cull it!.

Really changes the game for the better.
Played it using the expert rules and it slows the game down.

blurrygil said:
Thanks for all the great impressions. This has changed my perspective on Quarriors a bit. Not as excited for it now, but it is on a good sale on Amazon. I love dice as well. But man, if the game is REALLY that luck-based, I think I'd have to bow it out of contention.

Sedition Wars I'll pass on. I don't need more minis. I looked into it being a sci-fi fan and the game's theme. But I already had the notion I wasn't going to get into it.

Lame, I was hoping for a order and new game for the weekend... :-/
You want an awesome game with dice, get Lords of Vegas. Seriously, it's an amazing game with tons of die rolling.


You want an awesome game with dice, get Lords of Vegas. Seriously, it's an amazing game with tons of die rolling.

Oh rly? TBH, I don't like the components as much (cheesy looking dice, the money, etc). But I like the theme and gameplay. Just watched the Dice Tower review of it, and I likey so far. Consider me intrigued... :)


Has everyone who hates quarriors played the revised tournament rules? It makes it much, much better. Also the base set is really weak compared to the expansions.

The expert rule tweak: When you score a die, you can only cull the die that scored and you can only score the glory for that die if you cull it. I.e, if
you score with a Quake Dragon Die, THAT dragon is the only die you may cull and you only score the glory if you cull it!.

Really changes the game for the better.

That doesn't help my core problem with the game at all.

The dice need significant interaction ala Dominion or Thunderstone for the game to being to be remotely interesting for me.

Also getting the random result from a random draw is some luckception I'm not into.

You want an awesome game with dice, get Lords of Vegas. Seriously, it's an amazing game with tons of die rolling.

This. Yes the components are kinda shitty/weird, but its everyone-on-their-feet fun at critical moments.
Oh rly? TBH, I don't like the components as much (cheesy looking dice, the money, etc). But I like the theme and gameplay. Just watched the Dice Tower review of it, and I likey so far. Consider me intrigued... :)

I replaced the money with cheap plastic poker chips and the lot markers with Penny Gems. It's so much better that way!


What's board game GAF's verdict on Runewars? I saw it in my local store this week (the revised edition, I think) and it looked really interesting as I'm currently looking for a longer strategy game right now.

I would really appreciate some impressions on the game!
Hi folks, so I recently started out dabbling into board games and I started out with Pandemic, which was hugely enjoyed by many people here. Now I want to buy Carcassonne, which I already played on the 360 and in board-form and know I'll enjoy.

So I am eyeing the Big Box 4 version, since it is cheaper to buy compared to the basegame and two recommended expansions. But it is 60 euros in the Netherlands here and only 37,50 on German amazon without delivery costs.

Now, I know the game itself does not contain language, but I was wondering about the rules. But from what I have seen, the Big Box 4 does not even seem to contain the rules? Because if so that would make it an easy choice.

It would require me to either use online rules or print them out (I found those annotated rules on BoardGameGeek), but I find it less convenient.
Hi folks, so I recently started out dabbling into board games and I started out with Pandemic, which was hugely enjoyed by many people here. Now I want to buy Carcassonne, which I already played on the 360 and in board-form and know I'll enjoy.

So I am eyeing the Big Box 4 version, since it is cheaper to buy compared to the basegame and two recommended expansions. But it is 60 euros in the Netherlands here and only 37,50 on German amazon without delivery costs.

Now, I know the game itself does not contain language, but I was wondering about the rules. But from what I have seen, the Big Box 4 does not even seem to contain the rules? Because if so that would make it an easy choice.

It would require me to either use online rules or print them out (I found those annotated rules on BoardGameGeek), but I find it less convenient.

I have the BB2. It contains the rules for all the expansions. BB4 doesn't seem like that much of a good deal compared to previous BBes.
I have the BB2. It contains the rules for all the expansions. BB4 doesn't seem like that much of a good deal compared to previous BBes.

Yeah, I think I saw the second one had it. But from what I see from unboxings the fourth one does not seem to have them. Not entirely sure though.

And the previous big boxes cannot be found here anymore. And the Big Box is cheaper than Carcassonne and the two recommended expansions so that is the reason I will buy it.


Yeah, I think I saw the second one had it. But from what I see from unboxings the fourth one does not seem to have them. Not entirely sure though.

And the previous big boxes cannot be found here anymore. And the Big Box is cheaper than Carcassonne and the two recommended expansions so that is the reason I will buy it.

Buy it, hunt down instructions online in the language you want, print and voila? I didn't see any specific files for BB4 on BGG, but I'm sure someone has to have SOMETHING.


What's board game GAF's verdict on Runewars? I saw it in my local store this week (the revised edition, I think) and it looked really interesting as I'm currently looking for a longer strategy game right now.

I would really appreciate some impressions on the game!

Runewars is great. The only drawback is that the heroes are.... lacking in the base game. The expansion makes them not nearly as worthless.

A fun empire building game. Very Twilight Imperium light -- albeit still a good 3 hour game with a full compliment of 4, most likely. Note that the combat is based on a fate deck and not dice if that sort of thing bothers you.
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