I can't give any details.. but you Ameritrashers may have won.
I think we will be putting out two thematic games early next year. Possibly with minis and lots of custom die.
Minis and dice! I'm already in.

I can't give any details.. but you Ameritrashers may have won.
I think we will be putting out two thematic games early next year. Possibly with minis and lots of custom die.
Bumping. I'm not looking for "stress-free" necessarily. Just not competitive. Sometimes I want to play a board game and not be competing with whoever I'm playing with, you know?
How about something like Tales of the Arabian Nights. It's technically a competitive game but if you are playing it to win you are playing it wrong. The game is a story telling game and the only thing you are really doing in the game is traveling a map having encounters. The encounters are little stories read from this giant book. Each encounter is different and each will either reward you with new skills or curse you in some fashion. Think of it like a more elaborate Choose your Own Adventure.Bumping. I'm not looking for "stress-free" necessarily. Just not competitive. Sometimes I want to play a board game and not be competing with whoever I'm playing with, you know?
So I'm mulling over kickstarting Alien Frontiers, Upon A Fable and Galaxy Defenders...decisions decisions.
See that its by game salute and then also read the first line of the kick starter lol. Fuck them, I'll wait to get it at coolstuff for 40% off.
Think I'm done with alien frontiers and their piecemeal expansions and updating of the original game. Good game worth owning but not spending $30+ every few months over because they keep tweaking the board or dice or tokens or something.
Another way to go is to look for board games that don't have much interaction. A lot of people say that when you're playing Agricola you're actually playing against the game rather than the other player.
Much depends on whether you get really worked up about those scores at the end of the game.
look into co-op games? Elder Sign, the ones listed there Pandemic, FlashPoint, the D&D dungeon crawlers, mice and mystics.. there are quite a few co-op games out there.
Can't comment on the games you mentioned (aside from Pandemic, which is pretty good, but definitely stressful). If you want a lighter game that isn't co-op, but is still very stressfree, check out Dixit. Basically: Beautiful art cards, a player makes up a little "story" about one secretly, each other player provides a card from their own hand that matches the story, and then everyone tries to guess which was the original. Repeat until you have a winner.
How about something like Tales of the Arabian Nights. It's technically a competitive game but if you are playing it to win you are playing it wrong. The game is a story telling game and the only thing you are really doing in the game is traveling a map having encounters. The encounters are little stories read from this giant book. Each encounter is different and each will either reward you with new skills or curse you in some fashion. Think of it like a more elaborate Choose your Own Adventure.
Agricola is a pretty deep dive. I'd suggest something light and co-op like Pandemic or even Forbidden Island (even simpler than Pandemic but still fun and works great with casuals).
Listen to Astrolad. Agricola's a fantastic game, but it's not like the others you've discussed at all.
Today, I might make my first board game purchase ever: Netrunner. Pretty hyped, looks great, and hopefully my SO will like it as well. We need something a little more deep than Scrabble.
Jumping from scrabble to a ccg like game is a pretty big leap.
Jumping from scrabble to a ccg like game is a pretty big leap.
Riff Raff: Best dexterity game? It's up there. Real laffs.
Any recommendations for co-operative games? I already own Pandemic (Reprint) and am awaiting the expansion reprint in July.
I've been watching Dice Tower reviews and it seems like Shadows over Camelot, Ghost Stories, Atlantis Rising and maybe Robinson Crusoe (I can't even tell if this is out yet) seem best. Arkham Horror looks like it might be too deep (or even bloated with expansions) to pick up for the group I'm playing with.
What Stooge said. Flash Point is really good and on par with Pandemic. Ghost Stories is fun but be prepared to get your ass kicked 90% of the time, but when you do win its an accomplishment. As far as other co-ops not mentioned, I really like Sentinels of the Multiverse. It's a super hero card game where everyone is working together to defeat the big bad.Shadows is a really nice game with similar complexity to Pandemic.
Also check out Flash Point: Fire Rescue.
Uh you ditched Emergency Shutdown? Why?Netrunner deckbuilding can be agony. Do I put Bank Job back in because multi-server Corp is becoming a (big) thing again? Are traps enough of a threat that I really need to keep those Infiltrations? What about Forged Activation vs. Emergency Shutdown vs. Account Siphon? For now I've ditched Shutdown entirely even though pre-release people hilariously claimed it was game-breakingly strong. Ha. I have 3 Account Siphons but always misplay them, so maybe now that I have Kati Jones (and an actual resource to protect), I should reduce or eliminate them.
Sometimes I'm jealous of people who have pure gimmick decks that have little flexibility in the deckspace. When you play Aggro Gabe and old-school Big-Ice/Accelerated-Beta-Test HB there's just way too many tough decisions in the deckbuilding.
Was able to pick up a copy of Zombicide. I wonder when Season 2 stuff will be available to non-kickstarter people?
Forgot to cross post from AusGAF....
Played Kingsburgtonight, with a stack of modules from the expansion set.
Kinda fun light dice roller, although you don't get to make a huge amount of interesting decisions. Board is awesome though.
Was able to pick up a copy of Zombicide. I wonder when Season 2 stuff will be available to non-kickstarter people?
The first round of kickstarter season 2 deliveries are due in September.. But CoolMiniOrNot have been pretty good at adding people 'late' to the kickstarter if you email them - I know the "open window" for people upgrading their kickstarter pledges via their tool is still open so now could still be a good time to jump in.
I'm a big fan of kingsburg, I love unconventional dice rolling. How are the expansion modules?
Worth it for the player board expansions alone. I would never play without.
The 'destiny' cards and 'role' cards I can kinda do without, but still use them![]()
Not a reprint![]()
Thanks' I'll check it out. Do you like any other games with unconventional dice rolling? I really enjoyed the space one too, but I can't remember the name.
Thanks' I'll check it out. Do you like any other games with unconventional dice rolling? I really enjoyed the space one too, but I can't remember the name.
Uh you ditched Emergency Shutdown? Why?Seems like a fairly solid card, what changed?
I put it back in because I'm waffling now. Going with 2 ES and 2 Siphons. I think. Might ditch the E3 feedback implants even though they work so well in certain situations.
Macao has an interesting use of it's dice. I think the game is too unforgiving to be fun but that one mechanic is really neat. I also thought Rolling Freight is a very good game that uses it's dice for different actions. Troyes is supposed to be good too, but I've never played it.Thanks' I'll check it out. Do you like any other games with unconventional dice rolling? I really enjoyed the space one too, but I can't remember the name.
Really good game, so many choices when all you do it roll two dice.Castles of Burgandy is supposed to be the new hotness with die-rolling. I haven't played my copy yet though
Yeah, but we both want something challenging and varied, and the theme of the game is something we both love, so it fits. There's plenty of patience between the two of us so we'll be fine. I'll be sure to update about our first game though, and how it goes.
Great thread btw.
So with Kickstarter, if I want to add one of the options, I just add the listed price to my pledge amount right?
Welcome to the family. Cheers!
No one's replied?
To answer your question, you don't need to. Most KS's will use their PledgeManager to forward you a link to where you can add stuff later. Just pick your pledge level (double check it has all of the bonuses you want/don't want!) and go with that.
What are you checking out, IIMA?
For me, I'm thinking of diving in on Galaxy Defenders. Only 27 hours left on the KS. Man, I'm a sucker for the sci-fi "homage" style minis. Where else can you pair up Robocop and Lt. Ripley?!
It all gives me this SEGA Aliens Syndrome feel. I'm diggin this.
Galaxy Defenders on KS