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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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First tragedy, then farce.
Stumpokapow said:
Get Bohnanza, dude! Great game.

... wait... you've never played Agricola?


The theme isn't all that appealing to me even though I am sure it is a good game. Which is why I haven't picked it up. I can't tell you exactly what it is about a shipping channel that gets me excited that farming doesn't do for me.. but all the same.

It is however the only Euro-game (other than Catan) that anyone I know owns. So, it's really a game I have zero excuses to not have tried at this point. :lol Actually, the same guy owns Bohanza, but his wife hates it and refuses to ever play it again.

I'll get it remedied at BGG-con for sure. I think Astrolad is planning a tournament or something.

Also, I am buying Nottingham at BGG-con for 5 bucks, so it's another game from the same designers I'll own.
Played some Scattergories last night, which I'll again say is pretty much my favorite super light party game sort of thing.

It's BS that my group didn't accept my answer of "slime" as a baby food though.


First tragedy, then farce.
Good gaming session today.

2x Power Grid.
1x Endeavor - this game is still growing on me, though the end game is pretty weak. It just.. ends.
1x Le Havre - I like it. It's complicated as you can possibly imagine and set up is a bitch and a half. But I really enjoyed it. It's going to be one of those I am going to have to play 3-4x before I know what I'm doing.

Last Night

2x - Bang! - had fun. Although I was so drunk I could hardly form a coherent sentence. Luckily someone less drunk could explain the rules to others.
1x - Time's Up. Way too drunk to play this, but made it more fun.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chorazin said:
Ordered Last Night on Earth and Drakon, can't wait to get them on Wednesday for game night!

where did you get LNOE? Seems to be out of print.

I'm picking it up at BGG-Con for 35 dollars off of a poster. Wish I could have gotten it for Walking Dead night next Sunday.


Played through step 2, the Advanced Game of Through the Ages.

Christ, I don't know if my brain can handle the full game. I think I'm redlining my head as it is.
Neverfade said:
Played through step 2, the Advanced Game of Through the Ages.

Christ, I don't know if my brain can handle the full game. I think I'm redlining my head as it is.

The jump from Advanced to Full is much less stressful than the jump from Basic to Advanced. You can do it!


First tragedy, then farce.
PSA: Sorry Sliders is 15 bucks at Target right now.

It's a fun little dexterity game with a modular board that allows for a lot of different game styles. I've been tinkering with solo games for a few minutes and can see how it would become fun at a party with people knocking each others shit around.


platypotamus said:
The jump from Advanced to Full is much less stressful than the jump from Basic to Advanced. You can do it!
Is there an index of the absolutely stupid icons on some of the new territory cards? I have no idea what half of those damn things meant do we just guessed.
No, I don't think there is, but I don't remember many of them being very confusing.

The only one I really remember being a little odd is the one that lets you move a dude into your workforce for free. I think it's the Inhabited Territory one? You get a couple new yellow tokens permanently (into your population bank at the bottom), and you get to move one for free into your work force (as an unemployed dude).
StoOgE said:
where did you get LNOE? Seems to be out of print.

I'm picking it up at BGG-Con for 35 dollars off of a poster. Wish I could have gotten it for Walking Dead night next Sunday.

thewarstore seems to have it in stock
Neverfade said:
Whats the best way to collect science? I missed out on a lab and then never fucking saw one again. Things were slow.

Libraries can be pretty good as well. Less science than labs of the equivalent level, but you get a little culture too.

Newton and Da Vinci as leaders both have science boosting abilities, but I'm tempted to say they are only useful if you have labs. Can't remember the specifics of their powers.

At least one of the Wonders is nice and science-y (Universitas Carolinas). I think it's three science per turn, which is really nice considering you don't even need a worker there (though, of course, building a wonder is tough/costly).

Remember that you don't HAVE to hit each level on the lab track either. You can go straight from Alchemy to Computer Labs (or whatever the last age labs are called). So if you miss a tech from one age (and you will, pretty much every game, you can't collect them all), it's not over.

You could go for the one-shot yellow action cards that provide science. I think they are called research breakthroughs? Not really a permanent solution, but can make a difference at times.

You've also got military options. Both the brown "aggression" cards and the black "war" cards have potential options for stealing science from opponents.

Finally, You can hit up a new government. This is sort of a last resort sort of option, but as you move to more advanced governments, you get to have more buildings of each "type", so you can put another worker in the labs of whatever level you DO have.

Damn it, I want to play now.


StoOgE said:
PSA: Sorry Sliders is 15 bucks at Target right now.

It's a fun little dexterity game with a modular board that allows for a lot of different game styles. I've been tinkering with solo games for a few minutes and can see how it would become fun at a party with people knocking each others shit around.

Yeah, this is a no-brainer for $15. It's really fun for what it is, and there are 4 game variations included.
I just got done playing a couple games of Dominion. I know this is nothing new but its really damn fun. I'm not sure why it took me so long to pick up the game but I'm glad I have it now.


About to order a MyMonopoly from the UK but seriously struggling to decide what to put over Northumberland Avenue / Virginia Avenue


Astro, don't know if you caught it, but the Clever Mojo guy said CSI should be getting their shipment of Alien Frontiers tomorrow(I'm pretty sure you said you nabbed a copy), which hopefully means some play time this week!


Hail to the KING baby
Neverfade said:
Astro, don't know if you caught it, but the Clever Mojo guy said CSI should be getting their shipment of Alien Frontiers tomorrow(I'm pretty sure you said you nabbed a copy), which hopefully means some play time this week!
Cool; I think The Goodies comes in around the same time so hopefully that will be the case.

Played some M44: Eastern Front yesterday. Really fun, and I enjoy the Russian-specific rule where you have to decide on your next play a turn ahead of time. We played the first Russia-Finns map and the Russians have an insane numerical advantage, but can easily get bogged down by having that restraint and fewer command cards. Only thing that was a bit unfortunate was that their new base units (like the anti-tank gun) don't have unique characteristics.


Hail to the KING baby
BattleMonkey said:
The new monsterpocalypse starter sets are out. These are a great way to get into the game and not need to be buying booster packs. These new starters include two complete sets of forces (you get two random army sets) unlike the old starters that gave you a couple random figures. It's meant to be playable for two players right out the box.

Good game that has lot of board game similarities, and now you can get in cheap. Also note the Voltron 2 player boxed game of monsterpocalypse is also available for clearance of $25 on http://www.miniaturemarket.com/inc/sdetail/919453 . Works as stand alone or a person can mix with regular Monsterpoc.
Thinking about jumping on this as I've been eyeing MP since before it came out. One question -- I know that this plays well as a self-contained experience, but doesn't come with any buildings or anything. Are those not needed for this/don't add much? I have to stay away from anything that requires deck/collection-building outside of the actual game.
AstroLad said:
Thinking about jumping on this as I've been eyeing MP since before it came out. One question -- I know that this plays well as a self-contained experience, but doesn't come with any buildings or anything. Are those not needed for this/don't add much? I have to stay away from anything that requires deck/collection-building outside of the actual game.

Voltron set doesn't use buildings as it has preprinted terrain on the maps it comes with.

The new 2 player starters of the regular game comes with several random buildings to play with.

The use of buildings is up to the players, I've seen people show up to play in events with an army, but no buildings even :lol

It's best for a self contained thing to get a selection of buildings if you want more and just use it as a pool for both players to choose from. Normally what you do is each player brings a collection of buildings of their own and each takes turns placing buildings to create the battlefield. It works just fine to have a pool of buildings for both players to just choose from one at a time.

The new starters come with 6 buildings. More buildings and variety adds alot to the game as each building has unique abilities that can change many aspects of each game.


Hail to the KING baby
Cool I'm gonna try Voltron first (at that price, why not?) and just get a feel for how well the gameplay goes over and take it from there.
Yea Voltron set is a good deal for that close out price and good for begginers. Same rules so transitioning into the regular monpoc game stuff is easy as well and fully compatible.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Bit the bullet on a new copy of SW Queens Gambit. Never paid so much for a board game but it seems worth alot and the fanboy in me demands it.

It's a pretty nice looking game with a ton of stuff going on... I dig anything with multi-levels going on.

And like I said, it seems like it is actually worth the price of admission given the size of it. It isn't that much more than a new wargame of it's size would be either.

I've also got someone willing to pay 60 right now for my Star Wars Duel game at BGG-con. Hopefully the bidding goes up, but given the condition of the box, I would feel bad if this didn't sell at some kind of a discount to the going rate.
Yea I have paid alot for those big Fantasy Flight games and this being discontinued and pretty jammed packed I figured it was worth it, and finally was a copy in near mint condition unlike most on ebay and such that are all beat up looking.

Never really wanted the Duels game since I got a large collection of the actual miniature wargame, which is a much more complex game system that has similar dream team battles type of set up.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, got my missing pieces of Micro-mutants today from FFG. Those guys rock. Got a hand written note on a card with Twilight Imperium on the front.. they sent me extra pieces for all of the characters including ones I hadn't lost just in case.

Anyway, played a game with one of my friends who works nights.. she was hung over (bartender) but still enjoyed it.

The game can best be described as advanced tiddlywinks go to war. It is a lot of fun.. you get armies of various sizes and roll dice to determine which ones you get to "move".. then you launch them tiddlywinks style with the aim of destroying 2 of your opponents 3 bases or killing their soldiers. It has some mechanics for landing on resource chits that can be used to upgrade your bases (so they take more damage) or to give your units special attack abilities.

Some allow you to move a unit twice, some allow you to launch missles across the board.

There are also special zones you can land in that eliminate your piece, but allow you to hurl cardboard chits across the table to try and do massive damage to your opponents.

It's a fun little dexterity game that has a good amount of strategy to it and after the first play we figured out it was worth upgrading your bases to start with instead of an all out assault on your enemies base.

Obviously the depth is pretty limited and bad strategy but good tiddly winks skill will rule the day, but given equal skill levels (or levels of inebriation) the strategy can have an impact.

The main thing I learned was to play this on the floor.. chasing flying plastic disks all over the kitchen as they lept off the table wasn't a lot of fun. I have this one up for the math-trade at BGG-con right now, but I may limit my trade to top flight games. Don' think I'm willing to give this one up for any old piece of junk now.

Not bad for 3 dollars either.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Yea I have paid alot for those big Fantasy Flight games and this being discontinued and pretty jammed packed I figured it was worth it, and finally was a copy in near mint condition unlike most on ebay and such that are all beat up looking..

Yeah, I assume you'll have to be pretty careful with the game. I am sure the cardboard quality isn't going to be as good as what we get with FFG or any other Euro maker, and I'm sure the mini's are going to be softer than we are accustomed to.

That said, it still looks like a pretty nice game.. and 100 bucks isn't unheard of for a game that probably retailed near 60 when it came out.

Duels on the otherhand retailed for 20 and is now going for 100, which is much more out of whack.

I felt bad paying MSRP for Mall of Horror because it is OOP. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
and speaking of Bargain Finds, paid 50 cents for a game called "Who, What, Where" at the Goodwill next to my friends house. It is ranked pretty low on BGG simply because there are very few reviews, but the average review score was above a 7 so I thought it was worth a crack (iphone is an amazing ally when thrift shopping.. pull up BGG, search for the game.. inevitably see it is rated 5000+ with average scores in the 3's and move on).

It seems like a pretty nifty party game that is a mix of Pictionary and Mad Libs. You draw 3 cards (a who, what and where) and then have to draw it and have other people guess what it is.

Some sample ones I've drawn are Spiderman winning a body-building competition at the circus. So it is more about insane things. I have no idea how people are supposed to guess some of these, but it might be a good game to play while drinking and helps shore up my non-gamer games collection a bit more.

Build quality is pretty lousy on the cards though. The cuts are absolutely *horrible*. My guess is this was a very limited printing which is why so few people have rated it.
I was pissed that I didn't buy Mall of Horrors from the shop that closed near us couple months ago. They had a new copy just sitting on the shelf for like 2 years and I almost bought it a few times.

Quality of FFG's plastics can vary, they use pretty rubbery cheap plastic in there figs still and some of their scultps are too ambitious for such material, and tend to break. So many pieces in Chaos in the old World and Horus Heresy sets have broken off parts. The Starcraft board game also is a mess of broken pieces.... tossing so many delicate figs in one bag together is pretty stupid.

I'm hoping their quality for Dust Tactics is much better.


First tragedy, then farce.

Thanks for sending the link to the virtual flea market when you did.

It got posted to the front page of BGG and has turned into a feeding frenzy now. I don't think I would have gotten any of those games cheap had I waited to get in there.

Also, I'm tempted to outbid you on that copy of Game of Thrones :lol


StoOgE said:

Thanks for sending the link to the virtual flea market when you did.

It got posted to the front page of BGG and has turned into a feeding frenzy now. I don't think I would have gotten any of those games cheap had I waited to get in there.

Also, I'm tempted to outbid you on that copy of Game of Thrones :lol

You're welcome :) I missed out on Space Alert for $15 - the guy accepted a lowball bid out of nowhere.

I expect that Game of THrones bid to get outbid quickly. It'll likely go for its BIN.


Okay played some games of Dominion: Prosperity. WTF is the point of loan?!? Seems the only viable thing would be getting rid of coppers... but there's so much better ways of doing that.


Hail to the KING baby
Few things:
-It's cheaper than other trashers.
-Gives you one coin like a copper.
-Allows you to trash a copper without taking a copper from your hand (so you can still get a decent buy in) and without using an action. (This is the big one.)

Also there's always some cool combo wherein weak cards become awesome. Just last game I used both Pearl Diver and Embargo -- two of the most reviled cards in all of Dominion -- to great effect.

That said I don't personally love the card either. :p


First tragedy, then farce.
fenners said:
You're welcome :) I missed out on Space Alert for $15 - the guy accepted a lowball bid out of nowhere.

I expect that Game of THrones bid to get outbid quickly. It'll likely go for its BIN.

yeah, it's strange.

Some guys are in there asking MSRP for opened games that are easily found new and others are taking half the price of ebay for games. Nuts.

I also bought LNOE for 35 there just 3 days ago and then someone put a BIN of 45 with the expansion. DOH!


AstroLad said:
Few things:
-It's cheaper than other trashers.
-Gives you one coin like a copper.
-Allows you to trash a copper without taking a copper from your hand (so you can still get a decent buy in) and without using an action. (This is the big one.)
Loan also helps you cycle through your deck more quickly, which is always a good thing. Much like Lookout, all of its individual functions can be done better by other cards, but it can still be useful since it has several utilities in a single card.


Hail to the KING baby
Flynn said:
Dale Yu spoke to Uwe Rosenberg about his new game at Essen.

It will be "like Le Havre but a bit more involved as the placement of the buildings will be more important."


First tragedy, then farce.
Someone needs to make a workerplacement/economic engine game.. except instead of producing VP it produces troops which you then place on a giant fucking hexagonal multi-tiered map with 80 different dice ranging from D4 to D20 and multiple character stat sheets to keep track of for your commanders.

A game all of BGG can agree on in hating.

Also, maybe throw in some kind of dexterity challenge. Like.. resolve battles with a game of crokinole or something.


StoOgE said:
Someone needs to make a workerplacement/economic engine game.. except instead of producing VP it produces troops which you then place on a giant fucking hexagonal multi-tiered map with 80 different dice ranging from D4 to D20 and multiple character stat sheets to keep track of for your commanders.

A game all of BGG can agree on in hating.

Also, maybe throw in some kind of dexterity challenge. Like.. resolve battles with a game of crokinole or something.
They did, and they called it Runewars.

(Except you use a randomized draw deck in lieu of dice.)


First tragedy, then farce.
Evlar said:
They did, and they called it Runewars.

(Except you use a randomized draw deck in lieu of dice.)

Please don't make me go out and buy a 70 dollar game :(

This is why I refuse to watch videos about FFG's big box games. I think paying 40 dollars off of CSI is too much :lol


Evlar said:
They did, and they called it Runewars.

(Except you use a randomized draw deck in lieu of dice.)

And there's no worker placement. And there's no dexterity. And there's no economic engine. And no complicated stat tracking.

In fact, that doesn't describe Runewars at all, aside from hexagonal maps and troops.


Neverfade said:
And there's no worker placement. And there's no dexterity. And there's no economic engine. And no complicated stat tracking.

In fact, that doesn't describe Runewars at all, aside from hexagonal maps and troops.
There certainly is an economic engine. When all of your elves starve in the first winter you'll wish you had spent more time thinking about how you're going to feed your people.

There's no literal worker placement, but you do have a fairly robust simultaneous-reveal action mechanic with limited actions per year and competition with other players for turn order.

There's tons of stat tracking going on... it may not be complicated, I don't know what crosses that line for you, but any game that has resource dials, three different types of chits just to track hero status, four types of units per player, all unique from other players, all with their own stats and abilities, so on and so forth... I call that stat tracking.
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