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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Evlar said:
There certainly is an economic engine. When all of your elves starve in the first winter you'll wish you had spent more time thinking about how you're going to feed your people.

There's no literal worker placement, but you do have a fairly robust simultaneous-reveal action mechanic with limited actions per year and competition with other players for turn order.

There's tons of stat tracking going on... it may not be complicated, I don't know what crosses that line for you, but any game that has resource dials, three different types of chits just to track hero status, four types of units per player, all unique from other players, all with their own stats and abilities, so on and so forth... I call that stat tracking.

This is simply incorrect. The mechanic you're calling an economic engine is just simple area control and nothing more.

Also what you just described goes against many of the core aspects of worker placement.

The point is, if Stooge were to buy this thinking it was the type of game he described, he'd be sorely disappointed.


First tragedy, then farce.
Just finished a solo game of Le Havre.

It plays pretty quickly (just over an hour) compared to the full game. Obviously you can do a lot more in the single player game just because you get 49 actions instead of closer to 30 or so in the main game. Game is also a lot more limited as far as the number of buildings available for construction which wound up leaving grain at a premium.

The "bad" things about the one player game:

1) No one pays to use your buildings. So building them only means you can use them, no source of income from other players.

2) There is no competition over the offer spaces so you can let the fish pile up turn after turn and nab it when you get around to it. That sense of urgency of "oh shit, look at all them cattle, I better grab them now" isn't there. This allows you to develop a strategy and focus on it, but removes the "oh shit, time to change strategies" based on a lack of a certain resource or an abundance of another.

3) Removes the coopetition aspect from the game.. I found in my multiplayer play that you wind up working with other players a lot because you all need the buildings to be constructed. So at times you might leave the coal there for another player on the promise that they will use it to construct building x. Of course, they could still take the coal and build them a ship and screw you over.. but it's an interesting dynamic that just isn't in the single player game.

I got a pretty decent score at the end (178) which seems in line with the session reports on BGG, so pretty happy given my limited exposure to the game.

Really really can't speak highly enough of this game. I really love the idea that the resources all play double duty.

The foodstuffs can either be sold for cash, used to feed your crew or upgraded so that their value (both as food and money) is greater.

The building resources are similar. You can use them to build new buildings to allow you (and other players) to do more with their actions or you can sell them for money.

Cattle is really interesting because it can't be used for food in it's base form (cattle) and can only be used for food once it is upgraded to meat. However, cattle is worth more when you sell it than is the meat so there is a nice balancing game there.

Money = VPs, but interestingly enough you can use money to buy buildings instead of building them or to buy food to feed your crew at the end of rounds.. and if you don't have enough money or food you can take out a loan or start selling buildings back to the town to raise money for food.

Just a fascinating balancing act in this game where every single resource does a multitude of things.. some of which help you to win at the end of the game, but you can't just horde them for that purpose because you will never advance quickly enough without building additional resources.

Lovely game. I think Agricola just rocketed to the top of my want list based on the strength of Le Havre alone. Don't think I can recommend this game enough.. it is clearly going to join RFTG and Power Grid at the top of my favorites list and a game that I really don't have any complaints about at all. Just perfectly made.

It reminds me a lot of Puerto Rico, but with more fun and less slave chits.


First tragedy, then farce.
Flynn said:
At the Gates of Loyang ain't half bad either.

yeah, it is on my radar as well. Plus I could go around telling people I own Harvest Trilogy. Sounding like a tool in gamer groups is a desire or mine :lol

But seriously, go buy Le Havre people.
idk where this falls into but i just played LEGO MINOTAURUS

you start at the corners and try to get all your guys to the center first to win.
roll the dice to see how many steps you take only walking in a strait lines never diagonally.
if you get the black side of the dice you get to move the minator up to 8 spaces.
if you get the gray side you get to move 1 gray 2 spaced brick as a wall to block pathways.

it was awesome :lol


TOM f'N CRUISE said:
idk where this falls into but i just played LEGO MINOTAURUS
you start at the corners and try to get all your guys to the center first to win.
roll the dice to see how many steps you take only walking in a strait lines never diagonally.
if you get the black side of the dice you get to move the minator up to 8 spaces.
if you get the gray side you get to move 1 gray 2 spaced brick as a wall to block pathways.

it was awesome :lol[/QUOTE]

This really looks like Bomberman.


A month ago I asked for some recommendations, one of them being between Stone Age and Dominion. I got a few recommendations for Stone Age, but when I put my order in, it was sold out so I ended up getting Dominion instead.

I may get Stone Age someday but right now I'm loving Dominion. I've only played it 4 times so far, but I can see why it discussed so much around here.

This may be jumping the gun a bit but if you could only get one expansion for Dominion, which one would it be? I don't play games enough to justify purchasing more than one expansion (we only bought I & C for Carcassonne and that is our most played game so far). I'm thinking the Seaside expansion looks good, but that is mostly because the theme suits my interests. I think we will play the base game for the next couple of months but it would be nice to put an expansion on my Christmas list. So, what is the best Dominion expansion?

Also, any chance the iPhone will get a Dominion game? If one comes out as good as the Carcassonne app, I could see getting my expansion needs filled with the app. I'm still waiting for Carc to add some expansions so I can try them out.


Hail to the KING baby
Porthos said:
This may be jumping the gun a bit but if you could only get one expansion for Dominion, which one would it be? I don't play games enough to justify purchasing more than one expansion (we only bought I & C for Carcassonne and that is our most played game so far). I'm thinking the Seaside expansion looks good, but that is mostly because the theme suits my interests. I think we will play the base game for the next couple of months but it would be nice to put an expansion on my Christmas list. So, what is the best Dominion expansion?

Also, any chance the iPhone will get a Dominion game? If one comes out as good as the Carcassonne app, I could see getting my expansion needs filled with the app. I'm still waiting for Carc to add some expansions so I can try them out.
-Getting an expansion fairly quickly is definitely not jumping the gun. Keeps things fresh and forces you to come up with new strategies. Seaside is a great first expansion imo, especially if you dig the theme. Prosperity has been a lot of fun, but I tend to think you'd appreciate it more after having put in a few dozen games with base and Seaside.

-As to the app, it seems like the ultimate no-brainer so therefore you can be assured it will never happen. (Or be handled by some crappy dev and have local-only or ai-only play.) Haven't heard a peep about it.


I second seaside.

The only downside to that... all the expansions afterward are going to be disappointments! :)

(Well, I haven't played Prosperity yet, but I'm not sure if it will dethrone my love of Seaside.)


Holy shit.

I just got in my car to head to work for a quick conference call and I see a box by my mailbox.

51st State is here already! The German post does not fuck around!

Thanks Xater!

Now to sit through this call patiently....


Hail to the KING baby
AstroLad said:
-As to the app, it seems like the ultimate no-brainer so therefore you can be assured it will never happen. (Or be handled by some crappy dev and have local-only or ai-only play.) Haven't heard a peep about it.
Just to follow up on this point, I do wonder if some board game devs/pubs are reluctant to migrate online because they fear the hit to their tabletop sales. I hope that's not the case, because just anecdotally, the iPhone version has opened up Carcassonne to a ton of people, many of whom followed up getting the tabletop. I really think that top-level simple games like Dominion could benefit hugely from the broad exposure that an iPhone release would bring them.


Anyone have any recommendations for good 2 player set ups in Dominion? We've played random a few times but it generally devolves into a race for points.


Neverfade said:
Holy shit.

I just got in my car to head to work for a quick conference call and I see a box by my mailbox.

51st State is here already! The German post does not fuck around!

Thanks Xater!

Now to sit through this call patiently....

Wow that was quick. Like I said, I have sent it out on Friday. Have fun man and give some detailed impressions. Maybe I will still get the game myself. :D


AstroLad said:
Just to follow up on this point, I do wonder if some board game devs/pubs are reluctant to migrate online because they fear the hit to their tabletop sales.

FFG have said pretty much just that and by & large won't allow any fan implementations that allow gameplay without a physical copy of the game.


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Just to follow up on this point, I do wonder if some board game devs/pubs are reluctant to migrate online because they fear the hit to their tabletop sales. I hope that's not the case, because just anecdotally, the iPhone version has opened up Carcassonne to a ton of people, many of whom followed up getting the tabletop. I really think that top-level simple games like Dominion could benefit hugely from the broad exposure that an iPhone release would bring them.

Neuroshima Hex went from a relatively unknown game to hard to find the base game in print.

My guess is the effect is good iphone app = big sales for the base game.

I think we will see more devs pushing to get their games on iphones because of that very reason.

I'm also fairly convinced Catan on XBLA sold a shitload of copies of Catan.

There will probably be some devs of more expensive games that are reluctant to put their games online or iphone simply because it could negate the need to plop 70 dollars down on it. But if the physical game can be had for 30 dollars or less it seems like a good idea to put it online.


StoOgE said:
Neuroshima Hex went from a relatively unknown game to hard to find the base game in print.

My guess is the effect is good iphone app = big sales for the base game.

I think we will see more devs pushing to get their games on iphones because of that very reason.

I'm also fairly convinced Catan on XBLA sold a shitload of copies of Catan.

Probably. I would never play a game with someone on the same PC or console, no matter how fun or good the implementation is. The real thing is just better. I do like having a online enabled to solution though, for the time when you can not get a gaming group together. I could live with a solution where I buy the physical copy and get a code to play it on ethe PC with it as well.


Hail to the KING baby
fenners said:
FFG have said pretty much just that and by & large won't allow any fan implementations that allow gameplay without a physical copy of the game.
Yeah, irony there is that since they have some of the best-produced games, there would be the most differentiation between the electronic and physical product for them. But then again they also probably feel they have the most need for price protection. I dunno how well their games would carry over though tbh. I'm more thinking about simple stuff like Dominion, RoboRally, Pandemic -- most of the stuff from the gateway and next-level categories in the OP actually. (I know many of these already do have online implementations of some sort, but I'm talking about distribution on the appstore, xbla, steam, whatever, not some janky-ass site that only bggers and germans go to anyway.)
Neverfade said:
Holy shit.

I just got in my car to head to work for a quick conference call and I see a box by my mailbox.

51st State is here already! The German post does not fuck around!

Thanks Xater!

Now to sit through this call patiently....
Nice! I'm still kicking myself for not getting to Xater in time. I just hope Funagain gets enough copies (and gets them soon) this game looks great.

So my girlfriend is officially hooked on Dominion. I went home for lunch yesterday and the first thing she asked was if we had time to play a game. So glad I went with Dominion than Space Hulk Death Angel.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, late last night I went to a friends place and ran into an old nemesis.

I know we all talk shit about Risk, Monopoly and other "mainstream" games that have balance issues. For the most part these are games that I can find some enjoyment out of.. especially if they allow for negotiation (Risk and Monopoly) as I tend to be pretty good at talking people into things that are in my best interest.

There are some games I will simply never play again. Uno, Skip Bo, Life. Just because they are nothing but pure luck fests with no skill at all required.

Then there is my nemesis. A game which not only have I sworn off for all time (for the 10th or so time last night) but that actually makes me feel physical pain whenever one of my friends brings it out. Why they all love this POS so much I will never, ever know.

Mille Bornes.

God help me Mille Bornes if I ever find out who designed you I will remove their eyeballs with a dull spoon and pour cement into the cavity.

I can't even put into words why I hate this game. It seems to be better made than Uno and the like.. and I think that is why I hate it. There seems to be some sense of strategy to it, but it is so dependent on getting the "right card" and you might have to shuffle through half the damn deck before you can get gas or get a greenlight or undo whatever stupid crap your friends have done to you.

I think next time one of my friends asks if I would like to play Mille Bornes I am instead going to find a knife and etch "No" into their forehead.


joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
Nice! I'm still kicking myself for not getting to Xater in time. I just hope Funagain gets enough copies (and gets them soon) this game looks great.

So my girlfriend is officially hooked on Dominion. I went home for lunch yesterday and the first thing she asked was if we had time to play a game. So glad I went with Dominion than Space Hulk Death Angel.

Haha next year I should make a thread for people who want me to buy stuff for them.

But then I might need to get myself a mule so that I don't have to carry all of it myself. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Yeah, irony there is that since they have some of the best-produced games, there would be the most differentiation between the electronic and physical product for them. But then again they also probably feel they have the most need for price protection. I dunno how well their games would carry over though tbh. I'm more thinking about simple stuff like Dominion, RoboRally, Pandemic -- most of the stuff from the gateway and next-level categories in the OP actually. (I know many of these already do have online implementations of some sort, but I'm talking about distribution on the appstore, xbla, steam, whatever, not some janky-ass site that only bggers and germans go to anyway.)

I think that really is the case. FFG is so mini dependent that there games have to cost a small fortune for a company their size. They can't afford to undercut their prices in any way.

Hell, they can't even produce the base game of BattleLore right now because they can't afford to. They bought a shitload of French copies and are just throwing reprinted English cards in the box to sell here.


listen to the mad man
I'm starting in on my Christmas shopping for girlfriend.

Looking at:
- Forbidden Island (for groups of casuals where the theme of Pandemic doesn't go over well but the mechanics are fine)
- Jaipur
- Battle Line
- La Isla Bohnita expansion for Bohnanza, because the latter gets pretty good play and I figure that's as good as any of a place to start in on the expansions.
- Knizia's Money.

People tell me that Money's got a decent iOS port, but if I buy it there, she'll ask me about it, and then the Christmas surprise is ruined.


First tragedy, then farce.
Forbidden Island is a real winner.

After several plays I actually think I prefer it to Pandemic. It is much more streamlined, plays much faster and gives a nearly identical experience with a more suspensfull end game.

I think my days of recommending Pandemic are probably over. I've actually thought about putting my own copy up on the trading block and just sticking to FI.


Hail to the KING baby
Stumpokapow said:
I'm starting in on my Christmas shopping for girlfriend.

Looking at:
- Forbidden Island (for groups of casuals where the theme of Pandemic doesn't go over well but the mechanics are fine)
- Jaipur
- Battle Line
Whoo! Haven't played the last two although I have played base Bohnanza. Jaipur and Battle Line are quite different but obviously both 2P. Jaipur is slightly lighter and much prettier (though Battle Line is hardly ugly, just much more serious) and Battle Line is more confrontational and has greater tactical depth.
I think my days of recommending Pandemic are probably over. I've actually thought about putting my own copy up on the trading block and just sticking to FI.
:lol you can join the Astro/neverfade Pandemic Haters Club. Just don't tell anyone at BGG!
StoOgE said:
I think that really is the case. FFG is so mini dependent that there games have to cost a small fortune for a company their size. They can't afford to undercut their prices in any way.

Hell, they can't even produce the base game of BattleLore right now because they can't afford to. They bought a shitload of French copies and are just throwing reprinted English cards in the box to sell here.

FFG's main problem is their size, they put out more product than almost any board game company and it's not just board games anymore either. They are big, but they have the problem that they still aren't big enough to own their own production facilities and have to depend on using shared Chinese factories. Only the giants like Games Workshop have their own production facilities and can produce on demand.

FFG has the problem that they put out way too much and they just can't keep up. Other companies have much simpler products to produce and smaller catalog of products. They constantly get caught with having something sell beyond demand and then it being out of print for many months.


AstroLad said:
:lol you can join the Astro/neverfade Pandemic Haters Club. Just don't tell anyone at BGG!

I still really like Pandemic. I also had no problem at all introducing it to casuals. I don't see the big problem with the theme.


First tragedy, then farce.
I don't dislike Pandemic at all.. it's just Forbidden Island is Pandemic with a lot less fiddly rules going on. It literally takes every mechanic from Pandemic and manages to condense it into about half as many things to keep track of with half the playing time.

And the end game of the whole island sinking and you and your friends trying to keep your path back to the helicopter with the last of the treasures from sinking is brilliant.

Pandemic does actually have one nearly game-breaking flaw that FI fixes. If you eradicate a disease completely in Pandemic the game becomes easy because 1/4th of the cards have no effect. Eradicate two and the game couldn't be lost if you tried.

And if you have a medic on your team, eradicating diseases is really simple and doesn't even cost actions.

It got to the point where I play with house rules that diseases can't be eradicated.
Flynn said:
At the Gates of Loyang ain't half bad either.

So far I think it's the weakest of the three, but it's still pretty darn good. Kind of like Back to the Future 3.

Neverfade said:
I second seaside.

The only downside to that... all the expansions afterward are going to be disappointments! :)

(Well, I haven't played Prosperity yet, but I'm not sure if it will dethrone my love of Seaside.)

Seems like I'm the only one around here that likes Intrigue a lot. I think it's just as good as Seaside.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
platypotamus said:
Seems like I'm the only one around here that likes Intrigue a lot. I think it's just as good as Seaside.

I don't think people actually dislike Intrigue. It's got lots of very interesting cards. It's just that the set doesn't really have much of a theme. It just feels more like an extension of the base set, rather than a proper expansion.

Intrigue strikes me as a collection of cards that were a little too complex/complicated for the base game, but didn't fit elsewhere. So they got lumped together and made into the first expansion:

A) In order to show people the possibilities/potential of Dominion.
B) because later on expansions will have much stronger themes (Alchemy), so a loosely themed expac kind of had to come first.

I use Intrigue's cards interchangeably with the base set's.


platypotamus said:
So far I think it's the weakest of the three, but it's still pretty darn good. Kind of like Back to the Future 3.

I've only gotten one play of La Havre and Gates vs dozens of Agricola. I don't remember being all that wild about La Havre that one time I played it. Gates is different enough that I want to play it more.


Looks like Seaside will be the expansion going on my Christmas list. Glad to hear that it is a great expansion aside from the theme.

I think I'll save Intrigue as a gift for a friend if I can get my friends in to Dominion (or I'll tell them to buy Intrigue instead of the base game if they plan to buy it right away). That way they have a standalone game but I still get to try out the Intrigue cards when we play together.
Flynn said:
I've only gotten one play of La Havre and Gates vs dozens of Agricola. I don't remember being all that wild about La Havre that one time I played it. Gates is different enough that I want to play it more.

If you're having trouble getting into La Havre, start pronouncing "Fish" as "FEESH!" whenever you say it. Instant +10 to fun.

I like Loyang tons too, I think the biggest reason that I like it the least (though still lots!) is the focus on "quests" from your customers. I feel like there's a little bit less choice because of those.


StoOgE said:
So, late last night I went to a friends place and ran into an old nemesis.

I know we all talk shit about Risk, Monopoly and other "mainstream" games that have balance issues. For the most part these are games that I can find some enjoyment out of.. especially if they allow for negotiation (Risk and Monopoly) as I tend to be pretty good at talking people into things that are in my best interest.

There are some games I will simply never play again. Uno, Skip Bo, Life. Just because they are nothing but pure luck fests with no skill at all required.

Then there is my nemesis. A game which not only have I sworn off for all time (for the 10th or so time last night) but that actually makes me feel physical pain whenever one of my friends brings it out. Why they all love this POS so much I will never, ever know.

Mille Bornes.

God help me Mille Bornes if I ever find out who designed you I will remove their eyeballs with a dull spoon and pour cement into the cavity.

I can't even put into words why I hate this game. It seems to be better made than Uno and the like.. and I think that is why I hate it. There seems to be some sense of strategy to it, but it is so dependent on getting the "right card" and you might have to shuffle through half the damn deck before you can get gas or get a greenlight or undo whatever stupid crap your friends have done to you.

I think next time one of my friends asks if I would like to play Mille Bornes I am instead going to find a knife and etch "No" into their forehead.

lol. Bought this on the ipad when on a boardgame binge. I understand your frustrations completely. You aren't actually playing the game, you're just dealing cards which results in an outcome you have no real input in.


First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
If you're having trouble getting into La Havre, start pronouncing "Fish" as "FEESH!" whenever you say it. Instant +10 to fun..

I think Uwe is just bitter that no one can correctly pronounce his name and is just taking it out on the rest of us with really hard to say names of board games.



First tragedy, then farce.
So on the docket tonight are two games at the board game bar night, both of which I have really been wanting to try.

Betrayal at House on the Hill - looking forward to it as I love games with betrayal/co-op mechanic. Ok.. I've only played 3 games like this and one of them is werewolf, but still I like the idea.
I also nabbed BSG for 20 bucks for pickup at BGG-con

Carson City - Hey, I own this one! Been wanting to play this one since I bought it 3 weeks ago, but have been afraid to bust out the economic engine/worker placement/role selection/tile laying/duel mechanics on my more casual friends.

Just got done with my "Can I explain this game to other people?" walk through. It really is Puerto Rico meets Caylus meets Carcassonne. With the added bonus of being able to shoot fools who want to place their worker in the same space as you. I think my game tonight is going to consist of me dueling fools all night long.


StoOgE said:
So on the docket tonight are two games at the board game bar night, both of which I have really been wanting to try.

Betrayal at House on the Hill - looking forward to it as I love games with betrayal/co-op mechanic. Ok.. I've only played 3 games like this and one of them is werewolf, but still I like the idea.
I also nabbed BSG for 20 bucks for pickup at BGG-con

Carson City - Hey, I own this one! Been wanting to play this one since I bought it 3 weeks ago, but have been afraid to bust out the economic engine/worker placement/role selection/tile laying/duel mechanics on my more casual friends.

Just got done with my "Can I explain this game to other people?" walk through. It really is Puerto Rico meets Caylus meets Carcassonne. With the added bonus of being able to shoot fools who want to place their worker in the same space as you. I think my game tonight is going to consist of me dueling fools all night long.

You're in for some good fun. Betrayal is silly good times, although a bit unbalanced at times. Though, that's not really it's goal.

And man, Carson City. Such a tight game. I want to play now.


StoOgE said:
Just got done with my "Can I explain this game to other people?" walk through. It really is Puerto Rico meets Caylus meets Carcassonne. With the added bonus of being able to shoot fools who want to place their worker in the same space as you. I think my game tonight is going to consist of me dueling fools all night long.

That's exactly how I pitch it!


Also, taking the role that lets you buy more cowboys and going last is awesome. Everyone else is out of cowboys and your posse just goes on a fucking robbing spree.

Cash money!


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
Also, taking the role that lets you buy more cowboys and going last is awesome. Everyone else is out of cowboys and your posse just goes on a fucking robbing spree.

Cash money!

I really like that mechanic.

"Oh look, George is going to make fat cash with that bank. Unless I ROB IT"

I've been looking forward to Carson City for a bit. It looked like a blast when I watched other people playing it.


If the banks are making serious cash, taking the second most efficient money --> VP spot is a smart play. Who the hell is going to fight you for 5 bucks per point when 4 per point is open. They fall right into the trap, and you have so much money it doesn't matter haha.


First tragedy, then farce.
Neverfade said:
If the banks are making serious cash, taking the second most efficient money --> VP spot is a smart play. Who the hell is going to fight you for 5 bucks per point when 4 per point is open. They fall right into the trap, and you have so much money it doesn't matter haha.

Yeah, though I imagine on the last turn when there is only the $5 per VP option available pretty much everyone is fighting over it.


Neverfade said:
Yeah, not a good idea last turn. I find the sheriff likes to eat up that spot anyways then.

Yeah, I think the sheriff has claimed that spot with the first move in most of the games I've played; it's an obvious move, but far from being a 100% game winner like I've seen claimed elsewhere...
StoOgE said:
Forbidden Island is a real winner.

After several plays I actually think I prefer it to Pandemic. It is much more streamlined, plays much faster and gives a nearly identical experience with a more suspensfull end game.

I think my days of recommending Pandemic are probably over. I've actually thought about putting my own copy up on the trading block and just sticking to FI.
Forbidden Island is ok, I guess. I do like that it's easy to setup and play but give me disease cubes any day of the week. It's so satisfying running through cities as the medic cleaning up cubes like a boss. There is nothing like that in Forbidden Island, it's either move or shore up a piece of the island, meh.
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