Our group played both 7 Wonders and the original Munchkin for the first time last night. Well we started with the always fun Star Fluxx till everyone got there.
We then started with 7 Wonders over Munchkin. I had posted the "Watch it Played" vid of the game in our FB boardgame group but of course I was the only one to watch it.

This made starting and getting into a flow of the game a rather long experience. Two of our 5 players couldn't grasp the game at the start. It took till the 3rd age till we all got it going. Overall the game was fun with the drafting aspect the biggest draw. Once we play a few more games I'm sure we will play it once per gaming night as it is short. Tallying up the scores at the end takes awhile and in regards to the scientific cards surprising complicated.
After Wonders we played Munchkin and we did like the backstab aspect of the game play. As we all play multiplayer Magic the Gathering, screwing over each other is second nature.

We did find that getting to higher levels did take a long time and because Wonders ran late it was almost 1am before we finished Munchkin. In the end I decided to speed up the game and used my cards to help the player in the lead fend off the other 3 players to win the game. It was different to see all 5 of us playing at the same time during the last battle. Not many games have that type of mechanic so I look forward to playing it again.
Battle of the Zombie boardgames in our group is soon. We are playing for the first time Zombicide and Last Night on Earth.