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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Fail out bailed
I'm actually thinking of selling AH and getting into this. Even though I love AH more than most, it just gets so little play and takes up so much shelf space with the expansions. Last Night on Earth is also in this category.

I love the theming myself, though same theme and reuse of art are two very different things (really hate the latter).

I had a similar thought when I saw this. I just can't get people to play Arkham with me.


Howdy friends.

I have read the OP, but I was hoping to get some good suggestions for board/card/dice games not mentioned in the OP that would be fun for my girlfriend and I to play. She does have some 'nerdish' leanings, so games of that nature would be fine.

Anything out there right now good for two players?

Couple lighter weight games the wife and I enjoyed early on were Lost Cities and Jaipur. Both fun.
Howdy friends.

I have read the OP, but I was hoping to get some good suggestions for board/card/dice games not mentioned in the OP that would be fun for my girlfriend and I to play. She does have some 'nerdish' leanings, so games of that nature would be fine.

Anything out there right now good for two players?
Are you looking for games just for two or games that play great with two but can be expanded to more players?

For two only:
Jaipur - a simple trading game. Players are trying to gather as much like goods as possible in order to sell them later at a higher price. It plays quick, easy to teach, easy to learn, and fun. It's also cheap.
Agricola All Creatures Big and Small - the 2 player version of the 2nd ranked boardgame (as ranked by Boardgamegeek). Players are running a farm, raising animals, and building buildings. It's a bit more complicated than Jaipur but its not as difficult as its big brother.
Pillars of the Earth : Builder's Duel - it's essentially a race game where you are trying to complete a building before your opponent. The interesting thing about the game is how you choose your actions. There is a 3x3 grid of actions. The first player places his three action markers in a row (either horizontally, vertically, or horizontally) the second players then does the same but they need to cross the first player's line at one spot. That contested spot is then flipped for using special seals. It's an interesting mechanic that I really like. It's a simple mechanic that adds confrontation and a bit of luck.

2 player games that expand to more players:
Hanabi - This year's German game of the year. It's a co-op card game where players are trying to build an ascending order of fireworks. The hook is no one knows they have in their hands as they are held backwards. So, everyone will know what everyone else has except for their own hands. You are able to give clues but you only have a handful of clues to give. It's a fun one and getting a perfect score is tough.
Takenoko - really pretty game about growing bamboo and keeping a panda happy. It's a very pretty game and that tends to draw in new players in.
Sentinels of the Multiverse - another co-op where each player is a superhero trying to fight off a super villian from taking over the world. Each player gets their own decks that represent their character. Each character plays differently and fits different play styles.
Howdy friends.

I have read the OP, but I was hoping to get some good suggestions for board/card/dice games not mentioned in the OP that would be fun for my girlfriend and I to play. She does have some 'nerdish' leanings, so games of that nature would be fine.

Anything out there right now good for two players?
Jambo - which is a 2 player card game where each player runs a market stall, set in Africa.
There's lots of synergy between the cards and a bit of interaction (using animals like crocodiles, elephants and leopards to disrupt your opponents plans). It's fairly quick to play and easy to learn.
Lost the first 2 games of Netrunner in league tonight. 2 brutally close games, that went 40+ rounds and came down to the final play. So draining but so fun.

Started as runner where I ran a Noise Trash deck. I learned that 21 viruses is too much without the proper support. You will have MU and credit problems! Also Freelance Coding only nettted me 6 and 4 and that was dropping entire hands, not too hot. Still, need for the Runner to shake tags a few times and archive harassment put me in a good spot to win until HB got up their SanSan.

Corp I loaded a Weyland Transaction deck. I enjoy their Agendas and making money through events works for me more than assets. I was light on agendas the entire game and had plenty of ice to guard only RD and my one remote against Kate. Had the better Gila Project out and was installing and keeping credits high for 2 clicks a turn. Mid to late runner did work behind 2 fairies smc and scavenge, got his rig up and pulled out a nail biter on the last turn.

Real nice guy, very helpful. Look forward to future games in the league.

That's unfortunate but I always love reading stories like this. Can't believe I have been missing out on this game.


Oh I almost forgot about Android Netrunner, really want to play that game. Looking at the list of games I still want to buy this year it looks like I'll hold off on the new game consoles.

- Twilight Imperium 3
- Battlestar Galactica Daybreak
- Robinson Crusoe
- Thunderstone Advance
- Descent 2nd edition
- King of Tokyo
- Android Netrunner


All the talk about Android Netrunner makes me think I would really enjoy it, but I don#t think I know anyone who would want to play it with me. :(

Also looking into getting Dobutsu Shogi this year. Mainly because I think it's just beautifully done:

my game group takes some time off in the summer but college football season is coming fast and rumors of tabletop games is starting to come back. I am pretty excited.

any new games that I should be aware of that people are playing since fall of last year?
my game group takes some time off in the summer but college football season is coming fast and rumors of tabletop games is starting to come back. I am pretty excited.

any new games that I should be aware of that people are playing since fall of last year?

I'm pretty excited for Terra Mystica, and that should be out soon.


I'm pretty excited for Terra Mystica, and that should be out soon.

It's my second stop Thursday morning after the FFG booth. I hope and pray that the gaming gods smile down on my fortune 8 days from now. My one wish above all others is to have something, anything Netrunner related. C&C is cool but I'm not playing HB because everyone plays HB. I need the next hit!


Hail to the KING baby
It's my second stop Thursday morning after the FFG booth. I hope and pray that the gaming gods smile down on my fortune 8 days from now. My one wish above all others is to have something, anything Netrunner related. C&C is cool but I'm not playing HB because everyone plays HB. I need the next hit!

I hope Opening Moves is available there.


I have been thinking about what kind of game I am missing in my collection, and what I would really enjoy. I think I really want a city building game. Suburbia disappointed me because it was way too fiddly with how things interacted with each other. Also I thought some of the rules were just unclear. Anyone here have an idea of a good one?


I have been thinking about what kind of game I am missing in my collection, and what I would really enjoy. I think I really want a city building game. Suburbia disappointed me because it was way too fiddly with how things interacted with each other. Also I thought some of the rules were just unclear. Anyone here have an idea of a good one?

Does 7 Wonders count?


Technically yes, but so would Carcassonne. What I am looking for is something that delivers the feel of Sim City in board game form.
Don't look at Urban Sprawl. It's a decent game, but it's really long. And if you thought Suburbia was fiddly, I find this just as bad (or worse), althought maybe in a different way.
I have been thinking about what kind of game I am missing in my collection, and what I would really enjoy. I think I really want a city building game. Suburbia disappointed me because it was way too fiddly with how things interacted with each other. Also I thought some of the rules were just unclear. Anyone here have an idea of a good one?
Urban Sprawl is my favorite city building game I've played but its pretty damn fiddly. Each turn players are acquiring permits in order to build buildings that have some sort of game effect. There is zoning to take care of, city elections to take part in, but it's mostly a mean, selfish game of looking your opponent in the eye and punching them in the face. I love it because its so unashamedily confrontational. Things you do in this game will screw your neighbor but it never feels unfair. He fiddliness of the game comes in determining the values of certain city blocks. Since the game is so dynamic it feels like you are constantly having to check for changes in property values.

For something lighter, I guess Sunrise City might be considered a city building game but it falls more in line with Carcasonne as a tile laying game. The difference between the two is that SC is more focused on verticality than sprawl. Each tile you place has to match the color of the tile you build on top of or next to, doing so will earn you city points (or whatever it's called) earn enough city points and you get actual victory points. It's a light game that I think is crazy underrated.


Our group played both 7 Wonders and the original Munchkin for the first time last night. Well we started with the always fun Star Fluxx till everyone got there.

We then started with 7 Wonders over Munchkin. I had posted the "Watch it Played" vid of the game in our FB boardgame group but of course I was the only one to watch it. :( This made starting and getting into a flow of the game a rather long experience. Two of our 5 players couldn't grasp the game at the start. It took till the 3rd age till we all got it going. Overall the game was fun with the drafting aspect the biggest draw. Once we play a few more games I'm sure we will play it once per gaming night as it is short. Tallying up the scores at the end takes awhile and in regards to the scientific cards surprising complicated.

After Wonders we played Munchkin and we did like the backstab aspect of the game play. As we all play multiplayer Magic the Gathering, screwing over each other is second nature. :) We did find that getting to higher levels did take a long time and because Wonders ran late it was almost 1am before we finished Munchkin. In the end I decided to speed up the game and used my cards to help the player in the lead fend off the other 3 players to win the game. It was different to see all 5 of us playing at the same time during the last battle. Not many games have that type of mechanic so I look forward to playing it again.

Battle of the Zombie boardgames in our group is soon. We are playing for the first time Zombicide and Last Night on Earth.


Has anyone here played Doom: The Board Game? I've found it in store and am considering buying it instead of Descent 2nd Edition.

Having played neither, here are my expectations based on reviews I've read on BGG:

+ Has a large campaign (I would like the sense of progression)
+ Has more expansions and maybe even more on the way
+ Character growth
- Easy to win for the adventurers, the DM needs to be very committed to keep interest if players want to finish the complete campaign.

So while I'm excited for the campaign, the fact that someone needs to be a DM for more than 20 hours sucks. Especially in combination with character growth it doesn't look like you could just rotate the role of DM.

+ Sci-fi theme (I personally prefer this over fantasy)
+ With Doom it should be easier to rotate the role of DM (Invader)
+ This game looks more interesting for the DM, more effective ways to stop players from winning
- No campaign
- Issues from this game have probably been addressed in Descent as that game's more recent.

I hope someone can help me make an informed decision.
Doom is essentially same game as Descent 1st edition with some minor differences. Main problem with Doom is that it's kinda limited while Descent had ton more support. Doom had a great expansion set that some say is required to unlock the games full potential, but that goes over $100 by itself.

The expansion added more variety as well as allowing for competitive DM modes to replicate online MP of the classic doom games, kinda like a game of FRAG with nice components.

As for Descent being easier for adventurers, that is not true at all. Especially with expansions, the game just got harder on the adventurers, many were whining like nuts with the first two expansions with how crazy high the difficulty got tuned. Base set Descent with no expansion material was easy for the heroes, but the expansions completely changed that. They had to put in some new stuff for hero options in later expansions to try and give them a better chance. Doom on the other hand was always extremely tough on the hero players.

Descent 2nd Ed is just so bland to me. They made it a fast playing game and one that the DM takes quick turns and feels more like another player whose just against the others instead of a RPG like DM. But frankly they really diluted the whole experience in 2nd Ed. D1 was just so meaty in comparison and felt RPG lite. 2nd Ed is more board gamey. So it really depends what you want out of the games.


Woah man, thanks for those impressions BattleMonkey. Unfortunately they only make it harder to decide. Especially with Descent 2nd edition being bland compared to the original. Doom being extremely difficult is an advantage to me, as it adds replayability and opportunity to rotate the DM, unfortunately I don't think I can find the expansion for this game. So for me it's Doom without expansions or Descent 2nd Edition, but perhaps I can look at variants on BGG to make Descent more interesting.
Woah man, thanks for those impressions BattleMonkey. Unfortunately they only make it harder to decide. Especially with Descent 2nd edition being bland compared to the original. Doom being extremely difficult is an advantage to me, as it adds replayability and opportunity to rotate the DM, unfortunately I don't think I can find the expansion for this game. So for me it's Doom without expansions or Descent 2nd Edition, but perhaps I can look at variants on BGG to make Descent more interesting.

D2 is easier to rotate the whole DM bad guy position, they simplified that so much in comparison. With D1 and DOOM it was harder to do and most people found that the DM position in both games tended to be the guy who knew the game best and read all the rules. With D2 you have only a small deck of cards and your bad guys to move and attack with, it's not like having to manage the entire encounter like it is in DOOM and D1

D2 expansions are adding more complexity to the game by essentially bringing back stuff from the original, but piece by piece in more modular form. General scale of games in D2 are smaller and the encounter idea is neat, but the campaigns are not that involved and long. In D1 campaigns could take months to play through, but with D2 you have a narrative connection of scenarios that a group could play through in a few sittings.


Ok I'm leaning towards D2 then, possibly with a couple of expansions right from the beginning. The store owner had played neither and since they had Doom in stock which afaik is very hard to find I wanted to ask for impressions first, thanks!


Ok I'm leaning towards D2 then, possibly with a couple of expansions right from the beginning. The store owner had played neither and since they had Doom in stock which afaik is very hard to find I wanted to ask for impressions first, thanks!

Have you had a look at Gears of War by FFG? It's strictly a co-op, but it captures that feeling of team play/cover etc very well.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So, Love Letter had had huge success in my work group, but sadly it's only 4p... Can you combine it with the other Tempest game to expand it to more players? Or are they 2 completely separate games? :x


Have you had a look at Gears of War by FFG? It's strictly a co-op, but it captures that feeling of team play/cover etc very well.
Yeah I really like that game, honestly it's because of GoW that no one in my group wants to play DM, so that's why rotating the DM is so important to us. And GoW made me interested in Doom in the first place, being a fan of the old video games its theme appeals to me more than Descent. But I must say that BattleMonkey's outline pretty much convinced me that I'd get more enjoyment out of Descent.
Our group played both 7 Wonders and the original Munchkin for the first time last night. Well we started with the always fun Star Fluxx till everyone got there.

We then started with 7 Wonders over Munchkin. I had posted the "Watch it Played" vid of the game in our FB boardgame group but of course I was the only one to watch it. :( This made starting and getting into a flow of the game a rather long experience. Two of our 5 players couldn't grasp the game at the start. It took till the 3rd age till we all got it going. Overall the game was fun with the drafting aspect the biggest draw. Once we play a few more games I'm sure we will play it once per gaming night as it is short. Tallying up the scores at the end takes awhile and in regards to the scientific cards surprising complicated.

After Wonders we played Munchkin and we did like the backstab aspect of the game play. As we all play multiplayer Magic the Gathering, screwing over each other is second nature. :) We did find that getting to higher levels did take a long time and because Wonders ran late it was almost 1am before we finished Munchkin. In the end I decided to speed up the game and used my cards to help the player in the lead fend off the other 3 players to win the game. It was different to see all 5 of us playing at the same time during the last battle. Not many games have that type of mechanic so I look forward to playing it again.

Battle of the Zombie boardgames in our group is soon. We are playing for the first time Zombicide and Last Night on Earth.

Everyone in my group found the scientific card calculations hard too (except me) which was strange but I ended up downloading the companion app to do the scoring and keep our stats. Definitely worth it if you play enough.

I love Last Night on Earth. One of the first games I bought when getting back into games and we played it to death. I should pull it out again.


Yes, but it will cost you a lot if you want a good variety of units.

What's the minimum you can get away with to have a decent 4 player game of X-Wing? I know you need two base sets. Anything else? And is the 4 player version an official thing or something else?


What's the minimum you can get away with to have a decent 4 player game of X-Wing? I know you need two base sets. Anything else? And is the 4 player version an official thing or something else?

The game is made for 1v1 with 100 point armies. Army totals are the ships and all cards attached. I play 2v2 often and just raise the point totals.
What's the minimum you can get away with to have a decent 4 player game of X-Wing? I know you need two base sets. Anything else? And is the 4 player version an official thing or something else?

Starndard build size for tourny and organized play is 100 points which can be on anywhere from 3-6 ships depending on your build.

It's a miniature game though, so you play it as you like really, there is no set in stone official rules on multiplayer.


Yeah you can totally build a 100 point army with 3 ships, but you probably still need to buy a couple of extra miniatures to the base game. otherwise I don#t think you can make it really viable. I don#t know how well a 2 X-Wing and 1 Y-Wing Squadron could do for example.

PS: It didn#t take long after the SU%SD review for me to order Kemet... FUCK!
As many SU&SD reviews tend to do, their review of Kemet definitely keeps it on my radar.

But to be honest, as much as I loved Cyclades, as it was one of the original board games I bought, it really fell out with our group and I had no wanting to play it anymore. Something about the way the battles went, and how the finale came down to a big bid fest, it just lost our interest, which is a shame.

It's still fantastic and I would recommend Cyclades to anyone who wants a beautiful board game that's easy to teach for the level of strategy it has.


Hail to the KING baby
xwing: bought all the ships, and the first wave, and a nice playmat/poster to play on.

...then started playing netrunner.

gaaah i still haven't even gotten xwing to the table.
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