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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Why has it taken me soooo long to play Dominion for the first time.
It's freaking awesome, so many possibilities, and add ons.
Also all my friends enjoy it too, we have many hours and nights of fun ahead of us :)

Got the main game with the first harvest add on for 18€ ^^
So In the Year of the Dragon is pretty amazing. Might just be the shine of the first few plays talking but I enjoy it for being a very accessible Feld game. It's a Feld game I can fit into a lunch break with 2 co-workers.

It's an extremely easy game to teach. Take one action, take one person. Here are the consequences. Plus it's a Euro-game with a high body-count.

I feel like it could turn into one of those "this is the best strategy every time" sort of games, but I hope the player interaction kind of keeps that in check. Stefan Feld loves his first-player mechanics, but in this one they're half the game and really leads to some interesting choices.
Pathfinder card game is so good. If deck building was something that turned you off from LOTR LCG, then this would be a much nicer option since you have alot less of it to do and it's more restricted and obvious what are good swaps for a deck.

Only negative we had is the cards seem kinda cheap so they easily get edge wear on them. After only a few games started having lot of edge damage starting to appear. Going to need to sleeve these which is a pain for the swapping out of the adventure decks in the future.

What is a good rebel build then? For now I'm trying to focus on Rebels and stay away from huge swarms because it's just harder to manage. Lando doesn't seem very popular but I dig his ability.

Rebels are hardy either way, you just want to watch out on making a force that is way too low on number. Going for skill and firepower is good but you got to always consider the possibility of going against a cheesy opponent who has 6 or more ships and tries for swarm play. Falcon with right upgrades can put out two attacks a turn and can take a while to bring down. I like to always have Wedge in any of my Rebel lists, and that Marksmanship ability card is fantastic must have. Wedge is often a one shot Tie killer with that.
I'm kind of peeved that I missed out on the Zombicide S2 kickstarter. I had to buy the first from Amazon after missing the KS also.
Apparently I need to stay more in the loop.


Hail to the KING baby
Rebels are hardy either way, you just want to watch out on making a force that is way too low on number. Going for skill and firepower is good but you got to always consider the possibility of going against a cheesy opponent who has 6 or more ships and tries for swarm play. Falcon with right upgrades can put out two attacks a turn and can take a while to bring down. I like to always have Wedge in any of my Rebel lists, and that Marksmanship ability card is fantastic must have. Wedge is often a one shot Tie killer with that.

Yeah, he's really good. I'm realizing the random build I chose was quite bad. Definitely making a 4-strong Wedge-focused build next.

Wedge (100/100)
Wedge Antilles + R2-D2 + Elusiveness (35)Rookie Pilot (21)Rookie Pilot (21)Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Cannon Turret (23)
Weird question about the Star Wars game, can I do a rebel vs rebel match up? or what about mixing in some Tie Interceptors with some x-wings? Do the rules allow for weird shit like that?

Also, to take that even further, does the Star Trek miniatures game have the same rules too? Could I mix a War Bird, a Millennium Falcon and some Tie Bombders together? haha
The Star Trek and Star Wars game aren't compatible despite being based on the same basic game system. There are enough differences that you would have to make a lot of concessions for it to work. Also I wouldn't go near anything that WizKids is making right now. They are in crash and burn mode right now.


I think my group and I have gotten pretty decent at the core Arkham Horror game. What would be a good first expansion to pick up? I was thinking about the King in Yellow or Innsmouth but would be open to any suggestions.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah Star Trek game doesn't look so hot to me. 90% of the appeal for me at least is the aesthetics of X-Wing and I find Star Wars to be lacking there. If you buy in to 2x Core and maybe all of Wave 1 of X-Wing you have a ton of flexibility in building squads. Just check this doc out: http://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/89528/100-point-squads

There's also a great web Squad Builder here: http://x-wing.voidstate.com/build

I think my group and I have gotten pretty decent at the core Arkham Horror game. What would be a good first expansion to pick up? I was thinking about the King in Yellow or Innsmouth but would be open to any suggestions.
The de facto answer is Dunwich because it adds a ton and increases difficulty without going totally nuts (Innsmouth).


Hail to the KING baby
I thought X-Wing was really fun and I just bought most of the Wave 2 ships today. Negative impressions (just based on pics I've seen) were re Star Trek/WizKids version.


Looking to buy one of the five Dungeon Command sets to learn how to play and introduce it to other players. Anyone have any recommendations on which one would be good for this or are all of them similar enough so that it wouldn't matter?


Hail to the KING baby
Oh, so your post is supposed to say Star Trek, not Star Wars then? That makes a lot more sense.

Crap yeah haha. Switched the first usage.

BattleMonkey -- What is a good intro mission? I played my first game as a 100-pt choose-your-squad affair but I already knew the rules. For total noobs, is the suggested starting mission OK? Or something else? I asked on BGG without much success.
Crap yeah haha. Switched the first usage.

BattleMonkey -- What is a good intro mission? I played my first game as a 100-pt choose-your-squad affair but I already knew the rules. For total noobs, is the suggested starting mission OK? Or something else? I asked on BGG without much success.


I should just pick up the base game of x-wing and see how it goes, its pretty cheap.
Weird question about the Star Wars game, can I do a rebel vs rebel match up? or what about mixing in some Tie Interceptors with some x-wings? Do the rules allow for weird shit like that?

Also, to take that even further, does the Star Trek miniatures game have the same rules too? Could I mix a War Bird, a Millennium Falcon and some Tie Bombders together? haha

There really isn't a whole lot that would stop a person from playing the two games together, the differences are minor. But they are not designed to be played together either way. They have most of the same abilities too but Trek just renamed them and added a few new features like being able to actually make your ships do a dead stop, while in X-Wing the ships are almost moving forward. The Trek ships would have a big advantage overall since most have multi directional firing arcs and secondary weapons all recharge, whereas in X-Wing most ordnance is discard upon use.

You can play same factions versus each other, there is no hard rule that you have to play rebel vs. empire.

Crap yeah haha. Switched the first usage.

BattleMonkey -- What is a good intro mission? I played my first game as a 100-pt choose-your-squad affair but I already knew the rules. For total noobs, is the suggested starting mission OK? Or something else? I asked on BGG without much success.

Easiest way to go is just a straight up battle, line up your forces on opposite sides and go at it. Look up the FFG tournament rules stuff for what kind of scenarios they use as that is probably most common. The ones that come with the starter from what I remember are designed around the 1 x-wing vs. 2 ties that come with that starter and not really the full standard play. The big ships each come with unique scenarios.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah, I will probably just have folks pick from one of the 100-pt squads then. Missions seem neat but actually more convoluted than just standard play. I think the 2v1 setup in the original manual is probably too basic.


Played my first paper ANR with strangers this weekend at the start of a season 4 league here in Chicago.

I didn't win a freaking game all day! Dropped 4 matches. 0-8. Making News and Professor got the big goose egg. Multiple games double scorched before I could get a carapace on the table. Multiple games down to final plays. The cards were not in my favor.

Lessons learned.
Run Draco and put him on HQ, dudes love account siphon.
There might be all kinds of other econ but always run MO in Shaper so in a pinch you can tutor.
2 carapace might not be enough, might even run New Angeles. Tag and Bag is still huge.


How long do Netrunner games usually take? Played one over the weekend just with the starter decks from the core set and it felt like it took a really long time. Obviously we weren't playing the fastest though.


How long do Netrunner games usually take? Played one over the weekend just with the starter decks from the core set and it felt like it took a really long time. Obviously we weren't playing the fastest though.

I played 8 games in 4 hours and that felt about average.


Hail to the KING baby
Played my first paper ANR with strangers this weekend at the start of a season 4 league here in Chicago.

I didn't win a freaking game all day! Dropped 4 matches. 0-8. Making News and Professor got the big goose egg. Multiple games double scorched before I could get a carapace on the table. Multiple games down to final plays. The cards were not in my favor.

Lessons learned.
Run Draco and put him on HQ, dudes love account siphon.
There might be all kinds of other econ but always run MO in Shaper so in a pinch you can tutor.
2 carapace might not be enough, might even run New Angeles. Tag and Bag is still huge.

Those are two pretty tough identities to run for your first tournament. I always tell people to go Criminal & Weyland/HB early just to get comfortable with the basics! (Or if you're like me to pick them and stick with them forever.)

As to Corp play:
-Yes, Siphon is brutal. I'm realizing the best counter might just be to be able to make yourself broke or close rezzing your second ICE there. I do have a built-in counter in my deck, which is Roto+Troubleshooter. Absolutely incredible when you pull it off (in many situations you can kill a program), but fairly rare (maybe because I only run 2x Troubleshooter, not enough deckspace for more).
-Jackson Howard needs to come out ASAP. I have been running him on OCTGN for a week now and it's totally tilted the odds. My HB deck doesn't even need card draw very much, but just the fact you can bluff him as an agenda and the ability to retrieve from Archives is incredible. But the real reason he rises way above the rest is that you can run him unprotected on a Remote. He just has so many uses and I think people are overly focused on the card-draw part, probably because Weyland and even NBN combos are very popular in the meta.

Runner play:
-I run 3x NACH in my lategame Andromeda deck and it's fantastic. I run seldom though. Mostly try to pick off agendas here in there to keep the Corp in a bad spot while I build up my 3x R&D Interface which is mostly unstoppable. (It's technically weak to 3x Snare decks, but in that case I don't need to blow the money on all 3 Interfaces and I can use it on other runs.) I have never run Carapace (was Decoy then switched to NACH) and have only been Scorched maybe once out of 40+ tournament games? But who am I to argue against such a popular card?
-Consider Pro Contacts over MO. Love that card so much that I run 2x Hostage just so I can fish out my 1x Pro Contacts. I've ditched all other draw cards because I can reliably get Pro Contacts out early and it barely slows me down.

I'm excited for our next Monthly in a couple weeks though dreading the fact that Opening Moves might not be out by then.


Hail to the KING baby
How long do Netrunner games usually take? Played one over the weekend just with the starter decks from the core set and it felt like it took a really long time. Obviously we weren't playing the fastest though.

Tournament matches are limited to 60m for two games. So that's a reasonable timeframe to shoot for. In casual play games can go a fair bit longer -- it really depends on the decks and strategies being used. Basically do you have an aggressive runner/corp willing to take big chances for big rewards.

I'd say in tournaments I can finish the two games in under 60m about 80% of the time now. If I played every game to completion I think the average would be about 70m for two games.


Thoughts on how to properly face check Jinteki shell games with no expose cards in deck. If they aren't playing ice how can you keep them poor? If they aren't poor how do you stop Ronin without the proper hard counter?


Hail to the KING baby
I run 3x Infiltration. I think at this point, and with the increasing popularity of Jinteki it's pretty justified even if half the time I wind up spending it for the measly 2c. I also have a huge disinclination towards facechecking anything for any faction outside of HB.

But realistically for an unadvanced card you should have little to fear outside of Snare, which isn't hard to prepare for. If you have a 3x advanced Jinteki card that's a tough call. I guess you can go in with 6+ cards to be ready for the worst-case scenario. One of the great players on BGG said basically you should run on all advanced cards. That the benefit just outweighs the risk. I'm too cautious to do that but take it fwiw.

If you can Siphon Jinteki down first that's a great play too. But I run NACH so I'm used to Siphoning without having to spend any extra clicks to ditch tags.
From what I remember the Pathfinder card game box does not fit sleeved cards but it does have a bunch of room for expansion packs so you might be able to fit cards in that portion of the box.

that's kind of frustrating. I give Paizo huge props for making the box expandable for the expansions and stuff but I wish there was a way to allow for the sleeved cards to fit in there too.

I'm hoping by some miracle it gets here the same day (I picked 1-day shipping) and I can take it to the local Tuesday game night

have you played it before?
Nope, but I watched some videos and the game looks like it scratches a few itches I've been having

Same. There are a few people in my normal group that like role playing I really enjoy it but there really isn't enough to really play Pathfinder we did a few scenarios and stuff and had a really fun time. I think most people enjoy the "game" mechanics (checks, rolls, leveling etc) so I think this will fit in perfect! I can play too and not have to worry about being GM.

seems like the game was made for exactly what I was looking for.


Same. There are a few people in my normal group that like role playing I really enjoy it but there really isn't enough to really play Pathfinder we did a few scenarios and stuff and had a really fun time. I think most people enjoy the "game" mechanics (checks, rolls, leveling etc) so I think this will fit in perfect! I can play too and not have to worry about being GM.

seems like the game was made for exactly what I was looking for.

Yeah, after playing Crimson Shroud on 3DS (it's been a bit of a gateway drug to physical board games), I've been wanting some kind of RPG experience with polyhedral dice and checks and stuff, but a bit streamlined and simplified. It seems a lot of the RPG board games I've seen or played are not quite like that. Even though people seem to be wary of the setup time for this game, it's still probably shorter than the stuff you have to do to set up a typical tabletop RPG, or get people to make character sheets and progress through a PnP RPG. I like that this game has the flexibility of playing between a single short scenario to an entire campaign.

I also like that you can play it on your own, so if nothing else, I'll be enjoying it as a single player game.
Yeah, after playing Crimson Shroud on 3DS (it's been a bit of a gateway drug to physical board games), I've been wanting some kind of RPG experience with polyhedral dice and checks and stuff, but a bit streamlined and simplified. It seems a lot of the RPG board games I've seen or played are not quite like that. Even though people seem to be wary of the setup time for this game, it's still probably shorter than the stuff you have to do to set up a typical tabletop RPG, or get people to make character sheets and progress through a PnP RPG. I like that this game has the flexibility of playing between a single short scenario to an entire campaign.

I also like that you can play it on your own, so if nothing else, I'll be enjoying it as a single player game.

You will be able to play the game in one off scenarios to a small degree. The adventure packs are designed to be played in order as each increase in difficulty. Idea being that each new pack is equivalent to two level upgrades in the original RPG. Rewards and upgrades earned through linked scenarios will ease players into the content of each new adventure pack.

The basic set 3 scenarios and the included 5 in the first adventure packs can be played as one off scenarios, but beyond that its going to get too hard. While they do say you can play one off scenarios, its obvious this is not true for the future content.


You will be able to play the game in one off scenarios to a small degree. The adventure packs are designed to be played in order as each increase in difficulty. Idea being that each new pack is equivalent to two level upgrades in the original RPG. Rewards and upgrades earned through linked scenarios will ease players into the content of each new adventure pack.

The basic set 3 scenarios and the included 5 in the first adventure packs can be played as one off scenarios, but beyond that its going to get too hard. While they do say you can play one off scenarios, its obvious this is not true for the future content.

That's a good point. Considering that the game is just cards, though, I imagine there has to be a way to build character decks to be just about where they would be if you had played up to that point. However, I don't know exactly how everything works in the game yet. In any case, I'm in for now, and I think the long campaign play is also a pretty appealing part of the game.


hello gentlemen

so, i've finally be able to get into arkham horror. getting my people together is very difficult, so alot of the time its just me and my girlfriend, which is fine. i was at my local comic/game store today, and being a lovecraft nerd type, couldnt help but notice not one but TWO other lovecraft mythos related games. one looked like a small card-based game and the other one was called Mansions of Madness. i'm considering buying one or the other or both of these at some point. any suggestions, impressions? i love arkham horror, the only drawback is the amount of time it takes to play. with two players, including the time spent cleaning off the eating/living/main table in the house and setting up, i'm spending 3.5ish hours on a game. i assume these other games might take less time. share your thoughts!

bonus question: if i want to get an expansion for arkham horror, which should i get?


hello gentlemen

so, i've finally be able to get into arkham horror. getting my people together is very difficult, so alot of the time its just me and my girlfriend, which is fine. i was at my local comic/game store today, and being a lovecraft nerd type, couldnt help but notice not one but TWO other lovecraft mythos related games. one looked like a small card-based game and the other one was called Mansions of Madness. i'm considering buying one or the other or both of these at some point. any suggestions, impressions? i love arkham horror, the only drawback is the amount of time it takes to play. with two players, including the time spent cleaning off the eating/living/main table in the house and setting up, i'm spending 3.5ish hours on a game. i assume these other games might take less time. share your thoughts!

bonus question: if i want to get an expansion for arkham horror, which should i get?

I think Dunwich is the best first big box expansion... But that's just me.

The other games you saw were "Elder Signs", a dice driven quicker paced take on Arkham, and "Mansions of Madness", an attempt at a more story driven focused Arkham. I think Elder Signs has its place - think 60-90 minutes for a quicker more random attempt at closing gates etc (represented by cards this time) wihtout a lot of the baggage of Arkham Horror... Mansions of Madness is an interesting attempt, supposed to be made a lot better by the last expansion, but I ended up trading it away because of the setup times making it a long & awkward game to set up - if I'm investing that amount of time into an Arkham-like game, I'd rather play Arkham Horror.


I sleeve most of my games. Will they fit back into the box with sleeves?

I'm sleeving it tonight in dragon clears. So far allies, and blessings fit. Blessings fit so close it had to be planned, they are tight. Almost too tight. But the items have extra room which I'm hoping is for the expansions. Will update when I finish.

I bought bulk to sleeve all my new pickups. So tedious!

Positive feedback for Joelseph. Not only did he come through with a copy of Firefly he also threw in some gencon swag. Thanks a lot, man.

Glad I could help a fellow gaffer. Let us know when you get it to the table, I'm eager to try my copy.


Unconfirmed Member
hello gentlemen

so, i've finally be able to get into arkham horror. getting my people together is very difficult, so alot of the time its just me and my girlfriend, which is fine. i was at my local comic/game store today, and being a lovecraft nerd type, couldnt help but notice not one but TWO other lovecraft mythos related games. one looked like a small card-based game and the other one was called Mansions of Madness. i'm considering buying one or the other or both of these at some point. any suggestions, impressions? i love arkham horror, the only drawback is the amount of time it takes to play. with two players, including the time spent cleaning off the eating/living/main table in the house and setting up, i'm spending 3.5ish hours on a game. i assume these other games might take less time. share your thoughts!

bonus question: if i want to get an expansion for arkham horror, which should i get?

Yeah, I would agree that Dunwich is probably the best big box expansion to get first.

I recently picked up Mansions and have played it a few times and I really enjoy it. I love the components that come with it (you can use the investigators with Arkham). Some scenarios are hit and miss and setup (if time is a big facto) are some downsides.

Elder Sign is fun and the expansion that just came out for it adds new characters, ancient ones and a lot of new cards, which is welcome.
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