Confirming sleeved Pathfinder fits in original molding. Good night!
YES! You are doing gods work! Thank you!!
Confirming sleeved Pathfinder fits in original molding. Good night!
But what about the much room is left with sleeves, i wonder
Yup, super excited to get my season 2 box in. I traded away season 1 recently because I couldn't think of a scenario where I needed both. However, I've been itching to play Zombicide again ever since I traded it away.I see joeyjoejoeshabadoo's got a shipping notification for Zombicide Season 2 already. Bastard
I'm waiting for Prison Outbreak + Toxic Box of Zombies (skipped the mall for now, I'll have enough toxic zombies to mess around with between the promos & this box) + the various kickstarter promos obviously. Looking forward to digging into Prison Outbreak, all the spoilers so far for missions/tiles look really interesting to me. Love the security rooms that block line of fire etc.
It depends, the expansions are not meant to be mixed in and left in the box. You only use the base set cards and when you play a specific adventure pack's scenario, you mix in some of those cards into the pools of base cards, but afterwards you usually will take them out as you are not supposed to mix the adventure cards. The game has slots for the 6 adventure packs to come, but in their original box. It is possible to probably fit all the future cards in there but you will need to get rid of the boxes for them and probably have to just keep them organized in another means, like a rubber band.... you could possibly lay them in the tray then and make em fit.
Yup, super excited to get my season 2 box in. I traded away season 1 recently because I couldn't think of a scenario where I needed both. However, I've been itching to play Zombicide again ever since I traded it away.
But what about the much room is left with sleeves, i wonder
Probably when you are surrounded by a fuck ton of zombies and there are no mini's left so you have to give them an extra activation
Since I was a late backer, I imagine I won't get mine until late September.
The shipping order is dependent on what you ordered in this first round of the season (biggest bulks of "same" order details first essentially) so they can whizz through their queue (i.e. "grab xyz 100 times" that's 100 orders done, "grab xyzvw" for the next 100 etc). So there's no particular order based on when you backed or alphabetical etc. Depends how many people ordered the same as you.
What kind of sleeves do I need to buy to this game?Confirming sleeved Pathfinder fits in original molding. Good night!
What kind of sleeves do I need to buy to this game?
Thanks for the info.Standard (Magic) Sleeves.
Pathfinder card game in hand. The box is ginormous!
Picked it up at my local FLGS (CSI). Sad they don't have Bruges in stock.
Really jonesing for Pathfinder to ship. I'm starting to consider canceling my Amazon order and hunting one down locally, since Amazon is saying that it won't ship until Sept. 12th. Anyone have any impressions of the game yet?
Really jonesing for Pathfinder to ship. I'm starting to consider canceling my Amazon order and hunting one down locally, since Amazon is saying that it won't ship until Sept. 12th. Anyone have any impressions of the game yet?
It's good. As a card gamer after I got a strong grasp of the mechanics I am totally happy with the purchase. Will be interested in how well they support it with future expansions.
The box is awesome, but my minor complaint is the top is so tight it's hard to get off!
Argh I'm standing here between Magic rounds being tempted by the Pathfinder card game. It appeals to me on every axis, but I'll never get to play it. Mostly because I'm currently running my friends through the campaign it takes all its characters from. Spoilers.
People were complaining about this becoming the Netrunner thread -- and now it's the Pathfinder thread! (And no one's posting in the new NR thread.)
Purely joking.
In non-Pathfinder news though, I played Forbidden Desert yesterday. Quite fun and challenging, but I don't think it's as good of a gateway as Forbidden Island. It's definitely more different from FI than I expected.
Yeah I just finished a game by myself and it was pretty fun. Quite simple to play through, as well. I can easily imagine playing through a full campaign with other people would feel pretty rewarding (and wouldn't take that long)
How do you find the setup? Because people said in previews that was what they were dreading the most, but I think it's not all that bothersome. I thought it was actually kind of fun to do.
Make sure to read up on the pathfinder official thread on the game and the rulings. Lot of iffy rules in the game that clarification helps to have.
Paizo. The BGG stuff is ok but the Paizo staff is going to try and stay off it for official answers as much as possible as any official rulings will be done on Paizo's site. They don't want answers being put on two different boards and causing potential conflicts since there is different devs answering questions.
Where is this thread? BGG?
thanks man.
Donated!I am doing the Extra Life fundraiser again this year. I am raising money for November 2nd when me and my buddies will be playing boardgames for 25 hours straight with all proceeds going to help kids in The Children's Hospital Network. Last year my friends and family donated over 1,000 dollars that went directly to the Peoria Children's Hospital. This year, with the help of my gaming crew Lighter Thieves, we are trying to crush that! If you can spare a small donation please take a moment to follow the link. Many thanks fellow boardgaffers.
Joelseph's Extra Life donation page
Mascarade: A lot of fun. If you like Love Letter or Coup, you need this.
Personally, it shits upon Coup from a great height. Completely replaces that one.
Did you mean Coup, the game done by the Resistance team? I thought Coup had a lot of potential, but if what you're saying is true ...
Mascarade: A lot of fun. If you like Love Letter or Coup, you need this.
Personally, it shits upon Coup from a great height. Completely replaces that one.