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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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I think the main disappointment I had with it is that there isn't much sense or impact in making the roles secret, or why there are even roles when it feels like it could be a short list of abilities you can elect once per turn. There's no element of bluffing a role, or having to deduce who's who, like other secret role games I like.

Roles just seem to be there to indicate turn order and "this is the special power I'm going to use this turn"...and I didn't get a strong sense for why some roles go before others (besides the assassin, i suppose). It would be one thing if a role let you ONLY do its ability and it wasn't just alongside the general take money/draw a card/build a thing, having you really think about how to adapt to a changing situation, but as an extra power, I sometimes felt like I didn't even care about it.


Fail out bailed
I own it and have played it both 2 and 4 player. It's a fun and quick inbetween game. Not a whole lot of depth but we enjoy it. A few other smaller Kickstarter games have kinda pushed it out of rotation with us now. Zogars Gaze and Dungeon Roll are great inbetween games. I recently got a Magic The Gathering-ish military card game called Strategy of War (Also from Kickstarter). Instead of colored mana you have real life resources like gold, silver, oil, iron, and the like. Instead of creatures you have fighter jets, batttleships, tanks, and soldiers. I haven't plyed it much outside of some learning games but like what I've seen so far.

I think I'll get it. If nothing else it should make for some solid spoofs and goofs.


I think the main disappointment I had with it is that there isn't much sense or impact in making the roles secret, or why there are even roles when it feels like it could be a short list of abilities you can elect once per turn. There's no element of bluffing a role, or having to deduce who's who, like other secret role games I like.

Roles just seem to be there to indicate turn order and "this is the special power I'm going to use this turn"...and I didn't get a strong sense for why some roles go before others (besides the assassin, i suppose). It would be one thing if a role let you ONLY do its ability and it wasn't just alongside the general take money/draw a card/build a thing, having you really think about how to adapt to a changing situation, but as an extra power, I sometimes felt like I didn't even care about it.

There is some decision making - I have a number of yellow buildings in front of me, is it safe to take the King or is that too obvious a target for the assassin or thief etc.
Finally tried Samurai Sword, essentially Bang! but without player elimination, so it can be slightly longer game though it can end super quick too. Instead players when taken out lose honor point, and game ends whenever any player has no honor left. Then players tally up all the honor points as a team effort and figure out who wins. It feels less random than Bang! though perhaps a bit slower, which could be bad for some folks, but the more potential strategy can be a boon.

Got the Pacific Rim card game too... yea it doesn't sound or look amazing but it was less than 10 bucks and it's Pacific Rim :p
Got a few more friends to play Avalon tonight. That game is absolutely so good. only played 5-6 player games too so it wasn't even nearly as much fun as with higher numbers. Easily one of my top gaming purchases ever.
Got a few more friends to play Avalon tonight. That game is absolutely so good. only played 5-6 player games too so it wasn't even nearly as much fun as with higher numbers. Easily one of my top gaming purchases ever.

That's the medieval themed Resistance, right? Is there anything that makes it different assuming you've played both. I know they had a Merlin promo card for Resistance or something.


I think the main disappointment I had with it is that there isn't much sense or impact in making the roles secret, or why there are even roles when it feels like it could be a short list of abilities you can elect once per turn. There's no element of bluffing a role, or having to deduce who's who, like other secret role games I like.

Roles just seem to be there to indicate turn order and "this is the special power I'm going to use this turn"...and I didn't get a strong sense for why some roles go before others (besides the assassin, i suppose). It would be one thing if a role let you ONLY do its ability and it wasn't just alongside the general take money/draw a card/build a thing, having you really think about how to adapt to a changing situation, but as an extra power, I sometimes felt like I didn't even care about it.

Any secrecy and bluffing pretty much boils down to "avoid the Assassin if you are currently winning, or avoid the Thief if you currently have the most gold", and similarly there is only a little bit of deduction when you choose #1 or #2 on guessing who the player you want to affect is going to choose, but that's about it.

I think I'm with you on turn order. It really only matters for those first two and not for much else. One could argue the Magician also matters, because he can mess with the hand of the "money" roles before they actually go, but its not like anyone chooses the magician anyways.

I like the game but I think my biggest issue with it is that it seems to take forever with 5+ players, and we almost always elect to enact a house ruled "bell tower" effect (end the game at 7 districts) before we're even half done.


I'm getting Mascarade on Friday, which seems like Citadels 2.0 / Citadels Lite, using role abilities to get gold, but there's no building, and way more bluffing and trickery because you can lie about who you are. Hopefully it's fun!


I'm getting Mascarade on Friday, which seems like Citadels 2.0 / Citadels Lite, using role abilities to get gold, but there's no building, and way more bluffing and trickery because you can lie about who you are. Hopefully it's fun!

Mascarade is infinitely more fun than Citadels.


That's the medieval themed Resistance, right? Is there anything that makes it different assuming you've played both. I know they had a Merlin promo card for Resistance or something.

Yes, It removes the boring Plot cards and adds Special Roles.

I'm not a fan of Resistance at all. Avalon adds that simple tweak and turns that game into something truly worthy of my time. Upgrade.

Edit: You could use the roles rules with base Resistance with some cooked up tokens or something.
That's the medieval themed Resistance, right? Is there anything that makes it different assuming you've played both. I know they had a Merlin promo card for Resistance or something.

I actually haven't played both both went with Avalon for the reasons Neverfade mentioned. The base roles being Merlin who knows who the bad guys are and the Assassin who has the ability to kill one player at the end of the game and if that player is Merlin, the bad guys win (to counter Merlin simply outing himself and being OP). There are a few other roles which add a little handicap to either side depending on how you want to tweak it. The advantage of the roles being that there is a lot more knowledge on the table for everyone to consider.

You can use the plot cards from Resistance in Avalon as well which is also cool.


I figure in Resistance, you can use the long&grey-haired resistance guy and whoever looks the most distinct in the spies side to act as Merlin/Assassin.


I like the medieval themed Avalon a lot more than the first edition of Resistance. It's easier to teach because it's not as abstract and the Merlin mechanic is pretty great too. Really hard to not reveal yourself as Merlin to the assassin and still be helpful to the team though.
I like the medieval themed Avalon a lot more than the first edition of Resistance. It's easier to teach because it's not as abstract and the Merlin mechanic is pretty great too. Really hard to not reveal yourself as Merlin to the assassin and still be helpful to the team though.

I find it incredibly challenging to play as any of the roles in Avalon though. The normal good guys have it the easiest whereas everyone else really has to really be careful with what they say. It's totally awesome.

The post-game discussions where people have 20-20 hindsight is pretty hilarious too.


I find it incredibly challenging to play as any of the roles in Avalon though. The normal good guys have it the easiest whereas everyone else really has to really be careful with what they say. It's totally awesome.

The post-game discussions where people have 20-20 hindsight is pretty hilarious too.

Awesome and hilarious indeed. One thing we house-ruled because we didn't see it in the book was that the assassin has to come up with who Merlin is on his own, no talking with other spies since at least for our first few playthroughs we felt it was super easy to point out who Merlin was as a spy. We also typically play with Mordred too to nerf Merlin's power. Then throw Excalibur into the mix and things get really crazy.

Tried out the Lancelots but I don't think it's thought out very well. If you play the 5-card version then you can plan out your betrayals to help you win, and if you play the 3-card version just randomly switching sides can be a real downer on the last play. Basically it can just really suck for one of the Lancelots.

Still need to try Morgana/Percival though.
Awesome and hilarious indeed. One thing we house-ruled because we didn't see it in the book was that the assassin has to come up with who Merlin is on his own, no talking with other spies since at least for our first few playthroughs we felt it was super easy to point out who Merlin was as a spy. We also typically play with Mordred too to nerf Merlin's power. Then throw Excalibur into the mix and things get really crazy.

Tried out the Lancelots but I don't think it's thought out very well. If you play the 5-card version then you can plan out your betrayals to help you win, and if you play the 3-card version just randomly switching sides can be a real downer on the last play. Basically it can just really suck for one of the Lancelots.

Still need to try Morgana/Percival though.

The bolded is new to me... What are those things?

Edit: Just looked up the rules on BGG. Sounds incredible. Without having any of them myself, it seems relatively easy to implement them into the base game. Excalibur can be anything really and the two Lancelots can be predetermined "normal" player cards with the 5 card deck just being assigned to sides of a die. Thanks for the heads up! Will be sure to try this out.

As for Morgana and Percival, I had a tricky time playing this setup with 5 players as the other spy. But that was more of a failure for having too many power roles and not enough normal players.


The bolded is new to me... What are those things?

Maybe they were promos I got with the kickstarter.

Excalibur is an item that the leader must assign to a member of the party besides himself. If they so choose to use it, they can use excalibur to force an entered mission vote to change. So if you hand it off to a rebel, they can turn a suspected fail into a pass. Works the opposite too in that if you hand it to a spy by accident, they can force a pass into a fail.

Lancelot you play with a good and evil lancelot. There's a separate deck of 5 or 7 cards you create that consist of 2 change cards and the rest blank. On certain rounds you flip over a card and if it's blank nothing happens but if it's a change card both Lancelots swap allegiances, so a previously known spy is good and a previously vetted rebel turns evil. Complete random chance on what you'll be at the end of it all, though if you play the 7 card version you're supposed to flip up cards for all rounds ahead of time so you know if/when you switch allegiance.


Yesterday I've played the Dunwich expansion for Arkham Horror for the first time. I've already mentioned in this thread that I don't like AH; mainly because of totally random skill-checks happening during encounters and a general lack of interesting choices, there was almost always a clearly superior choice. And I must say that most of this changed with the Dunwich expansion, I would even go as far as to say that I enjoyed playing it this time. Winning by sealing six gates isn't as easy anymore because of the gate-burst mechanic, in our game we've had three gate-bursts but eventually we won by sealing the last gate on the board by the person with the most gate trophies. Injuries and madness cards changed the way we play, you can make a gamble and just take one so you can keep all your stuff but if you ever acquire the same injury/madness then you're devoured. Completing missions and tasks can be an interesting alternative activity for just closing gates, for example one of us completed a mission that lowered the combat rating of the Ancient One by two; as we were always on the verge of losing we were actually expecting a confrontation with the Ancient One. And lastly, although we never came close to awakening the Dunwich Horror on the expansion board (only one monster managed to move into a vortex) we felt that it was necessary to travel between boards just to be sure. Normally we don't care about the terror rating (the highest we ever got was 6) so we rarely fought monsters unless they were blocking the way to a portal, but this actually gave us incentive to properly equip ourselves and prevent monsters from moving into vortices. So all in all I'm glad that I bought Dunwich Horror because it changed an easy game into one that's still not really that hard but I do get a lot more enjoyment out of it.


Yesterday I've played the Dunwich expansion for Arkham Horror for the first time. I've already mentioned in this thread that I don't like AH; mainly because of totally random skill-checks happening during encounters and a general lack of interesting choices, there was almost always a clearly superior choice. And I must say that most of this changed with the Dunwich expansion, I would even go as far as to say that I enjoyed playing it this time. Winning by sealing six gates isn't as easy anymore because of the gate-burst mechanic, in our game we've had three gate-bursts but eventually we won by sealing the last gate on the board by the person with the most gate trophies. Injuries and madness cards changed the way we play, you can make a gamble and just take one so you can keep all your stuff but if you ever acquire the same injury/madness then you're devoured. Completing missions and tasks can be an interesting alternative activity for just closing gates, for example one of us completed a mission that lowered the combat rating of the Ancient One by two; as we were always on the verge of losing we were actually expecting a confrontation with the Ancient One. And lastly, although we never came close to awakening the Dunwich Horror on the expansion board (only one monster managed to move into a vortex) we felt that it was necessary to travel between boards just to be sure. Normally we don't care about the terror rating (the highest we ever got was 6) so we rarely fought monsters unless they were blocking the way to a portal, but this actually gave us incentive to properly equip ourselves and prevent monsters from moving into vortices. So all in all I'm glad that I bought Dunwich Horror because it changed an easy game into one that's still not really that hard but I do get a lot more enjoyment out of it.

And you can use most of those new "toys" on the base game too, which is how I roll. Injuries, madness, gatebursts, personal stories, relationships etc.


Hmm, I love boardgames (recently got Carcassonne and Machiavelli), but I struggle to find people that are willing to play.

I understand that I have probably a much larger appetite for playing boardgames than most people in my proximity, but it seems that most people only like to play once a year.

How do you people experience this?


And you can use most of those new "toys" on the base game too, which is how I roll. Injuries, madness, gatebursts, personal stories, relationships etc.
Yeah I image we do that next time, the extra board doesn't add much but it's these mechanics and cards that change the game significantly.

Hmm, I love boardgames (recently got Carcassonne and Machiavelli), but I struggle to find people that are willing to play.

I understand that I have probably a much larger appetite for playing boardgames than most people in my proximity, but it seems that most people only like to play once a year.

How do you people experience this?
I had the same problem but found that I just needed to introduce the right games, I love Carcassonne and like Machiavelli / Citadels but they're not the type of games that tell a story and generate a lot of discussion after playing (at least with my group). For us it was BattleStar Galactica that really got things going, we'd send emails discussion play sessions and make appointments just to play that game again. After playing that one a couple of times some people were at least interested in playing other games too, such as Carcassonne or Agricola.


First tragedy, then farce.

Been wanting to share this one for a while. We're working with IDW Publishing to bring board games out based on some of their comics.

The first two games are based on Kill Shakespeare and 30 days of night.

Kill Shakespeare has the design team from Yedo. No announcement on 30 days of night designer, but Ameritrash fans should be happy :p

No other titles announced, but they make some very nice comics :)



Been wanting to share this one for a while. We're working with IDW Publishing to bring board games out based on some of their comics.

The first two games are based on Kill Shakespeare and 30 days of night.

Kill Shakespeare has the design team from Yedo. No announcement on 30 days of night designer, but Ameritrash fans should be happy :p

No other titles announced, but they make some very nice comics :)

Congratulations! any info on the gameplay lol


Super Sleuth
Agricola All Creatures Big and Small looks like a lot of fun. I tried reading back a few pages but didn't see it mentioned. Any opinions on this one?


Agricola All Creatures Big and Small looks like a lot of fun. I tried reading back a few pages but didn't see it mentioned. Any opinions on this one?

Its not bad if you like Agricola and need to complete a game in 20 minutes.

After a few plays, I'd just rather play 2p real Agricola, though.


For The Lord of the Rings card game, which sleeves are the best? I want them nice and tight, as little plastic as possible!


so far all the Mayday sleeves I've gotten (and Swan, which I believe are related to them?) have been really thin and really cheap-feeling. FFG sleeves are much better


Hail to the KING baby
Stoked that FFG is going to be at BGG.Con! We'll see what they have. Wish they were running Netrunner and X-Wing tournaments as I would participate in both. :)


Strange: the easy board games don't work with my family. They hate Ticket to Ride, Carcassone and Dominion.

On the other hand, they love Nuns on the Run, Dungeon Petz and my new acquisition: Agricola. A couple of them even said Agricola is the best game they have played so far.

In fact, they said they don't want the easy version of Agricola, they want to use the cards because without them the game lacks variety.

Next game I'm buying: either Arkham Horror or Formula D


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
The Resistance will either go down as the best (because we have a ridiculous amount of fun playing it) or worst (because so. much. yelling. and accusing. :lol) game I brought to my coworker's gaming group we formed.

So far, it's probably the best. Post-game analysis included :lol

Contemplating getting Avalon... is it worth of getting it? Does it improve upon the formula a lot?
The Resistance will either go down as the best (because we have a ridiculous amount of fun playing it) or worst (because so. much. yelling. and accusing. :lol) game I brought to my coworker's gaming group we formed.

So far, it's probably the best. Post-game analysis included :lol

Contemplating getting Avalon... is it worth of getting it? Does it improve upon the formula a lot?

Avalon is better. The new roles make it heaps more interesting.


Strange: the easy board games don't work with my family. They hate Ticket to Ride, Carcassone and Dominion.

On the other hand, they love Nuns on the Run, Dungeon Petz and my new acquisition: Agricola. A couple of them even said Agricola is the best game they have played so far.

In fact, they said they don't want the easy version of Agricola, they want to use the cards because without them the game lacks variety.

Next game I'm buying: either Arkham Horror or Formula D
Hmm, well Formula D is easier than any of the games you've mentioned that don't work with your family. Arkham Horror is on the other end of the spectrum; not that the game is that difficult but there are many rules and things to keep track of so there's a bit of a steep learning curve.



Been wanting to share this one for a while. We're working with IDW Publishing to bring board games out based on some of their comics.

The first two games are based on Kill Shakespeare and 30 days of night.

Kill Shakespeare has the design team from Yedo. No announcement on 30 days of night designer, but Ameritrash fans should be happy :p

No other titles announced, but they make some very nice comics :)



Been wanting to pick up Star Trek: Fleet Captains for awhile now; finally picked it up yesterday. Somewhat a fan of Star Trek and miniature games, so I'm really looking forward to trying it.
Thanks! I'm leaning towards the Mayday sleeves given the cost...any impressions or better choices?

I stay away from Mayday sleeves forever, for everything. They had QC issues in the past but they're just cheap and shitty all around; they don't feel good, they often have varying heights, they stick together, they often slip off the cards. That's why the price is lower. I go with FFG sleeves now but won't spend the money to redo my old ones, so whenever those games come out with the Mayday sleeves I have to shake my fist in the air

Dixit owners, I'm about to order the base game plus expansions 1 and 2. Some confusing shit, I just want to make sure I'm clear.

What I'm buying:
Dixit: Base Game
Dixit Quest which is expansion 2
Dixit Odyssey which is expansion 3

There's also Dixit Journey which is expansion 4, but has a new artist and comes with a different score track. And there's also Dixit Origins which is expansion 5 but doesn't come out till next month.

Which score tracker do you prefer, the one from the Base Game or the one from Journey? Should I get both Journey and the Base game since they have different cards?
Been wanting to pick up Star Trek: Fleet Captains for awhile now; finally picked it up yesterday. Somewhat a fan of Star Trek and miniature games, so I'm really looking forward to trying it.

It's good, a bit light 4x game that kinda is more wargame than anything. The romulan expansion is cool too. Component quality outside the ships is pretty meh, that's the only downside I had with it.


Just put in a free shipping qualified order at CSI. I ordered Cyclades, Airlines Europe, Love Letter, and Mascarade. I had a hard time deciding between Kemet and Cyclades, but I felt with my group that Cyclades may be more approachable and not as daunting to them as Kemet. I would probably prefer Kemet, but I can't play it by myself :p. Besides, Cyclades seems just as good and was first on my radar. I got the Japanese art version of Love Letter, and pretty cheap, too. Mascarade I figure will be a hit, as several of my group really like bluffing and deduction. As a group, we love Resistance. I do have Citadels, but based on what I've read, Mascarade just may be more fun in a more relaxed, party-like way. It will be a good starting game for game night (along with Love Letter).

I'd be curious to hear anyone's impressions on any of these games. I'm gonna break 'em out this Friday.


I stay away from Mayday sleeves forever, for everything. They had QC issues in the past but they're just cheap and shitty all around; they don't feel good, they often have varying heights, they stick together, they often slip off the cards. That's why the price is lower. I go with FFG sleeves now but won't spend the money to redo my old ones, so whenever those games come out with the Mayday sleeves I have to shake my fist in the air

Dixit owners, I'm about to order the base game plus expansions 1 and 2. Some confusing shit, I just want to make sure I'm clear.

What I'm buying:
Dixit: Base Game
Dixit Quest which is expansion 2
Dixit Odyssey which is expansion 3

There's also Dixit Journey which is expansion 4, but has a new artist and comes with a different score track. And there's also Dixit Origins which is expansion 5 but doesn't come out till next month.

Which score tracker do you prefer, the one from the Base Game or the one from Journey? Should I get both Journey and the Base game since they have different cards?

Journey's score track is definitely my preference. The base game has a lot of color, but Journey's is easier to follow and even has number markings to place your cards next to so you don't have to tell everyone every time which picture is number 1.
Just put in a free shipping qualified order at CSI. I ordered Cyclades, Airlines Europe, Love Letter, and Mascarade. I had a hard time deciding between Kemet and Cyclades, but I felt with my group that Cyclades may be more approachable and not as daunting to them as Kemet. I would probably prefer Kemet, but I can't play it by myself :p. Besides, Cyclades seems just as good and was first on my radar. I got the Japanese art version of Love Letter, and pretty cheap, too. Mascarade I figure will be a hit, as several of my group really like bluffing and deduction. As a group, we love Resistance. I do have Citadels, but based on what I've read, Mascarade just may be more fun in a more relaxed, party-like way. It will be a good starting game for game night (along with Love Letter).

I'd be curious to hear anyone's impressions on any of these games. I'm gonna break 'em out this Friday.

All good games, you should be good. Sure someone will try to tell you something is better though, whatevers


So last December my girlfriend got me The Hobbit board game (not the one created for the films) for my birthday, being quite the Tolkien geek that I am:


We finally got around to playing it a few days ago and man...is it terrible - at least for two people (you can have up to five players). It's a challenge, but not in a fun way. There's little player skill involved and comes down to pure dumb luck since there's quite bit of dice rolling involved. The game was kicking our asses so hard that we had to handicap the rules just so we stood a chance at winning - which we barely did.

I don't think either of us had fun after the first 15 minutes, it was quite frustrating.


Just put in a free shipping qualified order at CSI. I ordered Cyclades, Airlines Europe, Love Letter, and Mascarade. I had a hard time deciding between Kemet and Cyclades, but I felt with my group that Cyclades may be more approachable and not as daunting to them as Kemet. I would probably prefer Kemet, but I can't play it by myself :p. Besides, Cyclades seems just as good and was first on my radar. I got the Japanese art version of Love Letter, and pretty cheap, too. Mascarade I figure will be a hit, as several of my group really like bluffing and deduction. As a group, we love Resistance. I do have Citadels, but based on what I've read, Mascarade just may be more fun in a more relaxed, party-like way. It will be a good starting game for game night (along with Love Letter).

I'd be curious to hear anyone's impressions on any of these games. I'm gonna break 'em out this Friday.

Kemet is the simpler (albeit marginally) and superior game. You dun goofed.

Cyclades is still fun.

But seriously. Kemet.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Finally burned some money today on board games after watching the tremendously convincing video reviews of Shut up and Play. Also helped that I hadnt heard of most of these games before.

Picked up:

Arabian Nights

Village Expansion:


Mundus Novus:


The Cave:

And I sure as hell will wish for Mage Knight + expansion on christmas even though I have no fucking person to play it with. WHO CARES. Solo gaming! (I wish I had anyone to play it with, but no chance this is going to happen anytime soon)

And here is the rest of the list I am interested in getting within the next few years :
Lord of the Rings - Quest for middle earth
Galaxy Trucker
Space Alert/Cadets
Game of Thrones
Terra Mystica
Small World
Ticket to Ride Europe
Stone Age
El Grande

Oh and hello boardgame GAF :) Random aside, in my gaming group we usually played stuff like Village, Anno 1503 and some other random games that we found in our local library or gifted to each other like Casa Grande, Vinci and more.

I love, love a game about the crusades where you have a paper tower that you throw your little army cubes in to resolve battles, but no clue how that game is called in english. If you have any other suggestions based on the games I am planning on buying or that we liked to play so far, let me know :) Open for anything, even though my wallet gently weeps.


Kemet is the simpler (albeit marginally) and superior game. You dun goofed.

Cyclades is still fun.

But seriously. Kemet.

Oh, is that so? Well, that's good news then because I like what I've seen of Kemet more. I'll try to change my order before it ships.


I love, love a game about the crusades where you have a paper tower that you throw your little army cubes in to resolve battles, but no clue how that game is called in english. If you have any other suggestions based on the games I am planning on buying or that we liked to play so far, let me know :) Open for anything, even though my wallet gently weeps.

Zeichen Des Kruzes?

Have you checked out Wallenstein or Shogun? They use the cube tower, and from what I understand are both a bit more balanced.
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