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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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First tragedy, then farce.
platypotamus said:
Didn't you just make a post in here recently saying that mechanics were far more important than theme for you? Those mechanics pretty much create the entirety of the experience of puerto rico!

By theme I don't mean how immesive the slave owner experience is. I mean, how well the elements of the game flow together and how internally consistent the games logic is.

I like Puerto Rico a lot, but it's all super abstracted and none of the game really flows elegantly within itself. There is just a lot going on, and a good many arbitrary rules that seem to exist just for game balance reasons.

I think Puerto Rico's building phases (both the fields, San Juan and food storage) work together brilliantly. It is the sell, ship and worker phases that just don't flow very well with the rest of the game.

I have a similar problem with Brass. In order to build something that requires coal you have to be connected by rail to a coal source. Makes sense because the game is all about building connections to various cities in order to meet demand for goods that other players create. For Iron you don't need to be connected to it, it just needs to be on the board. Makes no sense at all within the games internal logic, but it had to be done because there isn't enough Iron in the game to require you to be connected to it by rail.

Even though I adore the brain churning in both of these games to solve the system, they are not nearly as elegant as Power Grid or Race For the Galaxy which are far more streamlined way. I think both Le Havre and Carson City fall into this latter elegant category, but I need more plays to know for sure.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chorazin said:
Really impressed with LNoE, even though we only got through half the starting scenario due to an emergency at home (my GF called me to let me know the tub cracked, water everywhere but no real damage, thank goodness). The materials are all top notch, from the glossy, vivid cards to the thick stock used on the map pieces, tokens, scenarios and hero cards. Listened to the CD too, cheesy but a nice touch. Game seems pretty balanced too, I never felt like the heroes were totally at a disadvantage (I played as the zombie master) unless it was their own fault. Really looking forward to playing a game of it until the end, which of course will be me eating the delicious brains of the Heroes.

I've played two rounds of LNOE and was moved to buy every single expansion and supplement the next day.

I was completely blown away by the games fun factor. I think it is horribly broken as far as it being a well balanced game, but the theme and stupid fun of the whole thing is just top notch. Doesn't hurt that I have read everything by Max Brooks, own about 20 zombie movies and have read the Walking Dead either :lol

It also has a very casual friendly vibe. My friends might not share my love of controlling the Western Power Grid of the US, but most people can get into Zombie killing.
Chorazin said:
Got a chance to play my copies of Drakon and Last Night on Earth last night. Loved the simplicity of Drakon and how fun trying to screw the other players while trying to minimize the screwing they do to you is.

Really impressed with LNoE, even though we only got through half the starting scenario due to an emergency at home (my GF called me to let me know the tub cracked, water everywhere but no real damage, thank goodness). The materials are all top notch, from the glossy, vivid cards to the thick stock used on the map pieces, tokens, scenarios and hero cards. Listened to the CD too, cheesy but a nice touch. Game seems pretty balanced too, I never felt like the heroes were totally at a disadvantage (I played as the zombie master) unless it was their own fault. Really looking forward to playing a game of it until the end, which of course will be me eating the delicious brains of the Heroes.

EDIT: I forgot, the ONLY thing that felt cheap about LNoE were the dice, just boring, white die that felt like they weighed nothing. Luckily I had a 32 pack of black, purple, and red mini-D6s with gold pips I got back when I was going to run a Shadowrun game, so I replaced them with those. Just looks nicer!

It's a fun game with lots of replay especially if you get the expansions.

One thing though, I would recommend not using the one scenario that involves the zombies having to destroy a bunch of buildings while the humans just have to stop and hold out till day. The scenario is not really fun and some cards just completely break it. Think it's Zombie Armageddon or something it's called, not sure which but was first game of LNoE we hated.

Also might consider getting the Martian Invasion game the company put out, as the components are compatible and it's basically the same system, so you can add in new characters into either game and other features to mess around with.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dear Ameritrash players:

Bow before me.

Just picked up a complete original printing of Heroquest for 3 dollars in near mint condition.

Man this thing looks awesomely late 80s nerdy.
Cyan said:
Izzat right?

I think I've got my copy of HQ (plus expansions) still lying around somewhere... definitely not mint condition, though. We played the shit out of that game.

If it's all complete, yea you can get some good money, especially if the expansions are complete as you can sell those individually for good money too.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Holy crap, make sure it has all the figs and pieces, you can make mad money reselling it.

All the figs and pieces. The box has some dishing and one of the figs lost the tip of a sword, but it's still in the box for superglue action.

Whoever owned this even has extra skulls to put on the furniture but all the furniture is complete.

I also thrifted "big boggle" which goes for 50 dollars.

I've thrifted about 400 dollars worth of games for less than 30 spent :lol

This is about as mint as you could expect a 20 year old game to be.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cyan said:
Izzat right?

I think I've got my copy of HQ (plus expansions) still lying around somewhere... definitely not mint condition, though. We played the shit out of that game.

Looking at BGG, some of the expansions go for 400+ dollars. The base game looks like around 100-150 is the going rate.

Time to pray mom didn't throw shit away and/or donate it to goodwill.

There is probably going to be a super pissed 40 year old former and/or current nerd when he gets back to his moms house in a few months :lol
StoOgE said:
Dear Ameritrash players:

Bow before me.

Just picked up a complete original printing of Heroquest for 3 dollars in near mint condition.

Man this thing looks awesomely late 80s nerdy.
I actually had a copy of that game when it first came out. I have no idea what my mom did with it but I would love to play it again. From what I remember it was like D&D Jr.


First tragedy, then farce.
joeyjoejoeshabadoo said:
I actually had a copy of that game when it first came out. I have no idea what my mom did with it but I would love to play it again. From what I remember it was like D&D Jr.

You going to BGG-Con?

I can duck my buyer for a day or so :lol


StoOgE said:
I've played two rounds of LNOE and was moved to buy every single expansion and supplement the next day.

I was completely blown away by the games fun factor. I think it is horribly broken as far as it being a well balanced game, but the theme and stupid fun of the whole thing is just top notch. Doesn't hurt that I have read everything by Max Brooks, own about 20 zombie movies and have read the Walking Dead either :lol

It also has a very casual friendly vibe. My friends might not share my love of controlling the Western Power Grid of the US, but most people can get into Zombie killing.
I'm really fighting that urge myself, I want to get them all so bad! I have a feeling it'll happen sooner rather than later.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chorazin said:
I'm really fighting that urge myself, I want to get them all so bad! I have a feeling it'll happen sooner rather than later.

I really only want the scenarios and characters, but some of the new cards are pretty nifty too.

I got in the 3 supplements FF sells off their website and one is "I'll see you in hell". If you have an explosive and play that card you take out yourself, all the zombies on the same space and any zombies within 1 space die on a die roll of 3+ :lol
The extra characters are good. Also the player options do open up lot of different play strategies. Being able to create barricades is really helpful in some situations for humans and fun when you got a team who really works together as it has a very NOTLD feel of survival as they board up the place.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
The extra characters are good. Also the player options do open up lot of different play strategies. Being able to create barricades is really helpful in some situations for humans and fun when you got a team who really works together as it has a very NOTLD feel of survival as they board up the place.

Yeah, I think the thing that really sealed me buying all the expansions were the number of scenarios on BGG (and of course that FF puts out).

Some of them require those kinds of bits, so I'm really looking forward to some of the really advanced scenarios out there.
StoOgE said:
Dear Ameritrash players:

Bow before me.

Just picked up a complete original printing of Heroquest for 3 dollars in near mint condition.

Man this thing looks awesomely late 80s nerdy.

:O I somehow managed to get a used but complete version for 20 not too long ago, haven't payed it yet due to the huge nerd factor but the minis are simply "80s nerdy" awesome.

Which expansion for LNOE you'd say is the meatiest? Growing hunger or survival of the fittest?
BomberMouse said:
:O I somehow managed to get a used but complete version for 20 not too long ago, haven't payed it yet due to the huge nerd factor but the minis are simply "80s nerdy" awesome.

Which expansion for LNOE you'd say is the meatiest? Growing hunger or survival of the fittest?
Growing hunger for sure. More board pieces, extra characters, new scenarios, and more items. Survival of the Fittest just has new scenarios and item cards. It's an ok expansion for what it is but if you can only get one get Growing Hunger.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, Growing Hunger seems like the best bang for your buck.

Survival of the Fittest is good if you want more scenarios, Hero Pack 1 if you want more Heroes.


First tragedy, then farce.
BomberMouse said:
:O I somehow managed to get a used but complete version for 20 not too long ago, haven't payed it yet due to the huge nerd factor but the minis are simply "80s nerdy" awesome.

I'm most of the way through the book right now and the game seems pretty damned amazing actually. I'm going to spring it on my group at some point soon to see how it goes over.

It really is D&D lite. You pick one of 4 characters and go on quests that are increasing in difficulty and seem to sell some rudimentary story as you progress through them. You track character stats between quests, buy equipment, etc and it creates something of a persistent character that is meant to be portable between multiple copies of the game (i.e. I can take my Barbarian and play on a friends copy).

One of the players even takes on a DM role setting out baddies and whatnot and the game encourages you to write your own scenarios using the provided bits.

I wouldn't mind keeping it and getting some expansions for it if the prices weren't so insane. I might look into something like Descent or Heroscape instead since they are still supported and somewhat similar.
StoOgE said:
I'm most of the way through the book right now and the game seems pretty damned amazing actually. I'm going to spring it on my group at some point soon to see how it goes over.

It really is D&D lite. You pick one of 4 characters and go on quests that are increasing in difficulty and seem to sell some rudimentary story as you progress through them. You track character stats between quests, buy equipment, etc and it creates something of a persistent character that is meant to be portable between multiple copies of the game (i.e. I can take my Barbarian and play on a friends copy).

One of the players even takes on a DM role setting out baddies and whatnot and the game encourages you to write your own scenarios using the provided bits.

I wouldn't mind keeping it and getting some expansions for it if the prices weren't so insane. I might look into something like Descent or Heroscape instead since they are still supported and somewhat similar.
Descent: Road to Legend expansion seems to be the most like Hero Quest.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yeah, I guess Heroscape is a mini-battle game not a dungeon crawler.

I'm actually seriously toying with the idea of keeping this game. I'm going to try it out with some friends this weekend and see if it sticks. I've always wanted to get into D&D, but don't have the right friends for it. This might be the closest I get, and there are a ton of quests online for it, plus I can make my own as DM.

Thought it will probably get old with limited stat tracking at some point.
StoOgE said:
I've always wanted to get into D&D, but don't have the right friends for it.

Exactly my case, I think Catacombs makes for an excelent D&D lite game too, it'd be even better if it were more visually appealing


We got a free copy of the new Resident Evil Deck Building Game. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but after reading through the rules it's more or less a Dominion knock-off. It borrows just about every mechanic from standard Dominion including the basic turn structure. It was surprising because I was expecting a CCG.

The art is disappointing because it's mostly just reused art from the games. I'll probably give it a try tomorrow if I have the time.
Yeef said:
We got a free copy of the new Resident Evil Deck Building Game. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but after reading through the rules it's more or less a Dominion knock-off. It borrows just about every mechanic from standard Dominion including the basic turn structure. It was surprising because I was expecting a CCG.

The art is disappointing because it's mostly just reused art from the games. I'll probably give it a try tomorrow if I have the time.
Geez the insert even looks like a mini Dominion insert.


Puzzle Fighter also has a game thats a direct copy of the Dominion formula, although the 'chips' variant you might have seen on BGG.


First tragedy, then farce.
The Resident Evil game should give everyone a little briefcase that your hand has to fit in for card management.

And you need to be able to combine herbs to make better ones.


BattleMonkey said:
Yea same game as the RE I believe, but no news if they will even bother to bring it over.

Is it already our in Japan? If Bandai does not release an Englsh version I will totally get this when I am in Japan again.


StoOgE said:
The Resident Evil game should give everyone a little briefcase that your hand has to fit in for card management.

And you need to be able to combine herbs to make better ones.

And when your buy phase comes up the other players say in an Australian accent, "WHUDDAYA BOYING?"
Really doesn't seem to fit with most properties though, I think they are doing just fine with the GW licenses right now as is.

Course I wait for a reprint of Chainsaw Warrior! ... just because the game was so absurd :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Flynn said:
And when your buy phase comes up the other players say in an Australian accent, "WHUDDAYA BOYING?"

Before you can win the game you have to have a ink ribbon and typewriter cards.

One player starts the game with the "master of lock picking" card that allows her to open doors.


I have to meet a friend after work and they won't be home until 5:40, and I get off work at 5.

My plan is to go to my local comic store and see if they have any of the cheaper LNoE expansions and get one....just one...

Fuck, I'm gonna buy them all if they have them, aren't it?


Hail to the KING baby
Yup we are doing horror-themed gaming tomorrow night. (No AH though ironically -- we'd actually like to play more than one game.)

LNOE+Growing Hunger and some Zombie Dice game my friend is bringing over. Stoked because we almost never get to play LNOE.


AstroLad said:
Yup we are doing horror-themed gaming tomorrow night. (No AH though ironically -- we'd actually like to play more than one game.)

LNOE+Growing Hunger and some Zombie Dice game my friend is bringing over. Stoked because we almost never get to play LNOE.

Zombie Dice is a fun and quick push your luck game. Roll three die, keep each brain you roll, re-roll any fleeing victim die (if you want, along with fresh dice to bring it up to 3 total die), and lose all your brains when you get three shotgun blasts.

Really nice custom dice, too. :)


First tragedy, then farce.
AstroLad said:
Yup we are doing horror-themed gaming tomorrow night. (No AH though ironically -- we'd actually like to play more than one game.)

LNOE+Growing Hunger and some Zombie Dice game my friend is bringing over. Stoked because we almost never get to play LNOE.

Beware Zombie Dice. It's a Steve Jackson game.

I bought Cthulhu dice because I like Lovecraft and it was 5 dollars. The best thing I can say is the die is pretty awesome looking. Why it's called Cthulhu Dice with one die I have yet to figure out.

Speaking of Steven Jackson is having a 30th anniversary party at my local nerd emporium on Sunday. They were telling me of all of the prototype Munchkin expansions I could play.

I was honestly shocked they playtested Munchkin.


StoOgE said:
I bought Cthulhu dice because I like Lovecraft and it was 5 dollars. The best thing I can say is the die is pretty awesome looking. Why it's called Cthulhu Dice with one die I have yet to figure out.

Cthulhu Dice serves best as a drinking game. Drink when you lose Sanity, everyone drinks when the Everyone Gains Sanity roll comes up, and when you pick which effect happens you can make someone else drink.

Outside of booze it's worthless, IMO.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chorazin said:
Cthulhu Dice serves best as a drinking game. Drink when you lose Sanity, everyone drinks when the Everyone Gains Sanity roll comes up, and when you pick which effect happens you can make someone else drink.

Outside of booze it's worthless, IMO.

Ha! That's how I've been using it.
Steve Jackson games for the most part are just casual fun fare. Some people get a kick out of it though, never understood how someone can play so much Munchkin. It was funny like two times and I got sick of it.


First tragedy, then farce.
BattleMonkey said:
Steve Jackson games for the most part are just casual fun fare. Some people get a kick out of it though, never understood how someone can play so much Munchkin. It was funny like two times and I got sick of it.

I had the same issue. It was fun until you realized that it was only fun because the cards were funny and not because the game was actually fun. I may math trade it at BGG-con still.

Bang! for all of it's flaws (and there are many) is a much more fun beer and pretzel game.


This casual game stuff got me thinking about one of the guys at my game group who was making some really obvious remarks regarding Innovation and why he didn't want to play because, to paraphrase, it was too tactical. That's all well and good if you don't like those games (although I'd wager it's only a little worse than RFTG in those terms) but then he brings Red Dragon Inn next week. Benefit of the doubt initially kicks in, as RDI lends itself them-wise to a silly game. But oh no. When another guy plays a card during a round of gambling to take his money, this jackass flings his coins across the table making them go everywhere. I'm not sure how the host was able to keep himself from throwing this jerk out on his ass, but it was pretty awkward for everyone.



Picked up Growing Hunger at my local comic/game store tonight, LOVE how the new box will fit everything from the base LNoE and it looks like plenty more cards and figures too. Really classy! The new rules and scenarios look awesome, can't wait to break all this stuff out some night soon.

EDIT: Well crap, no, you can't fit everything in the Growing Hunger box, it just looks like you could. That's a shame. It looks like it'll hold another expansion's worth of cards and hero/scenario cards until it's full. Right now I have in the original box: chits stuff used in almost every scenario where the CD goes, the scenario-specific pieces where the Hero/Scenario cards went, and green-orange-red zombies where the decks went. In the GH box, I have all the Hero figures where the new Heroes were, and all the Hero, Scenario, and Decks in their proper spaces along with the dice.
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