Finally got my copy of Devastation of Indines sleeved and got a few games in with a friend. The game plays very well as just a basic 2 player duel, and I am now wondering when the hell I will get the chance to play all the other modes that come with the game.
The characters we've tried so far have all felt very different, even though everyone shares 6 "base" cards as part of the mechanics. The system of pairing two parts of an attack together (character-unique styles + "generic" base) seems to work quite well, although we have only scratched the surface of the game so far.
I can't wait to try some 2v2!
Check this stretch list:
Everything with a "K" next to it is free for kickstarters and is $65(!) bucks for the bundle after the fact. Kickstarting it will still be cheaper if I wanted all that (and I do).
Aw bummer that the ships aren't great. I'm getting them in this week and will likely be firing up some Eclipse next week finally.
I think I've said it before but SW:LCG is really cool. Too bad I only have room for one LCG in my life because that one is a ton of fun. And different enough from Netrunner that if I had time I would be happy to play both.
haha yeah, i feel the same way about pandemic. if you play with experienced players and open info there is a very good chance they will just see it as them solving a puzzle, alone. plus at this point it's like trolling; i genuinely enjoy seeing people squirm and whine about having to play without open cards ruining their plans for a single-player game with three spectators.I like the no showing cards rule, I don't find it lazy at all, the whole point of such rule is to prevent players from being lazy. In any game where players don't have to hide any info and it's coop, often you have players who just do not actually play the game, they sit there and the groups big talker ends up playing the game for them instead. The whole point is to simply promote actual participation from all players, it's not about creating some kind of secret table fighting or to make the game harder at all. I've seen it many times where players in coop games just let others play the game for them, so I see no problem with rules that promote communication and participation.
If you don't like it, then just play the game with all info public, the rule police are not going to knock down your door.
I like the no showing cards rule, I don't find it lazy at all, the whole point of such rule is to prevent players from being lazy. In any game where players don't have to hide any info and it's coop, often you have players who just do not actually play the game, they sit there and the groups big talker ends up playing the game for them instead. The whole point is to simply promote actual participation from all players, it's not about creating some kind of secret table fighting or to make the game harder at all. I've seen it many times where players in coop games just let others play the game for them, so I see no problem with rules that promote communication and participation.
If you don't like it, then just play the game with all info public, the rule police are not going to knock down your door.
This is especially ridiculous in another co-op game I've tried called "Space Hulk: Death Angel", where you "can't be specific" or show the card you're playing for the turn, but everyone only has 3 card types to choose from - Attack, Support, and Move. If you say "I'm going to attack" there's really not anything else you can add if you wanted to!
I think one of the reasons they may have the rule is to maintain a quota of individual player agency, so that one person doesn't take over and tell everyone what to do. My response would be that it depends on the personality of those who are playing the game. It doesn't seem like something that needs to be "written in" for the sake of giving everyone a piece of the "action".
I'm in the vast minority but I actually don't mind that rule in Pandemic at all (not being able to just have your cards in the open). Bonus points because it seems that most times where I am playing with people whining about the rule they wind up misplaying at some point because of poor communication. Thematically delicious ironing.
I like the no showing cards rule, I don't find it lazy at all, the whole point of such rule is to prevent players from being lazy. In any game where players don't have to hide any info and it's coop, often you have players who just do not actually play the game, they sit there and the groups big talker ends up playing the game for them instead. The whole point is to simply promote actual participation from all players, it's not about creating some kind of secret table fighting or to make the game harder at all. I've seen it many times where players in coop games just let others play the game for them, so I see no problem with rules that promote communication and participation.
I also think quarterbacks gonna quarterback regardless of whether your hand is open or not.
Important decision in regards to Battlecon: Devastation...
To sleeve it, or not to?
There's quite a few bits of cards, but if I sleeve them they won't fit as well, right? I also guess that because there's no real shuffling in the game, maybe this is one of those times that sleeving isn't necessary.
Finally, I've managed to get a copy of Hanabi.
This is surprisingly relevant to the conversation, as Hanabi is a co-operative game about hidden information. Your hand is held in reverse, so everyone but you can see it. Each turn you can either play a card, or give another player restricted information about cards in their hand.
You still have to try and play in such a way that it's not obvious what you're doing, though, as it's very easy to emphasise which cards you're pointing at to encourage people to play them.
However, the restriction on table talk at least means that no one player can take over the game.
What size in mm does the Battlecon cards use? Gonna have to put an order down for my sleeves as well before the package arrives.
66mm x 91mm is what I used, just the standard "magic card" size ultra-pro sleeves.
To me ED feels more like Glory to Rome than Race. I can see the Race comparison but the whole follow/dissent is lifted directly from GtR's follow/think.I played Eminent Domain today for the first time. As a Race for the Galaxy fan, I couldn't help but feel like they were very similar. But thinking about them more, they are actually quite different games. ED was a pretty cool experience. It felt like a new deck building game, not just another fork of Dominion.
I am looking forward to trying out K2, Steam Park and Libertalia which I just got from CSI
Also, how do you guys get rid of some unplayed or unwanted games that just didn't click with the group?
BGG trades.
What do you have on the cutting block? I'm always on the lookout for trades.
I looked at the trades but got lost on how it works, probably nothing that would interest people here,
I have Thunderstone Dragonspire, Tammany Hall, Flashpoint, Darkest Knight and Quarriors
I am looking forward to trying out K2, Steam Park and Libertalia which I just got from CSI
Also, how do you guys get rid of some unplayed or unwanted games that just didn't click with the group?
BGG math trades has a much better chance of success than straight trades in my experience.BGG trades.
What do you have on the cutting block? I'm always on the lookout for trades.
What do you want for it? I've been looking to trade for Antiquity for awhile.I threw Antiquity up on the chopping block. After rules reading and then acquiring Roads & Boats, I don't see myself talking anyone in to such a brutal game. Even I don't think it looks very fun.
I don't think every game should necessarily keep everyone in the running for winner, but holy shit, at least keep them in the fucking game. (Running out of wood = sitting on your ass unless someone takes mercy on you and happens to have built a market so they can trade it to you.)
This is true. I've been successful trading 1 to 1 but I've been able to trade lots of games at a time with Math Trades.BGG math trades has a much better chance of success than straight trades in my experience.
The beauty of the math trade is that almost never happens. All you are worried about is what you are willing to trade for X game. The computer makes the the loop and will try to get you what you want for your game. If it cannot complete the loop ie, you won't get y game for x game, it won't make the trade. The only time people get what they don't want is when they screw up their wants, but that's not the math trade's fault.I'm too scared of getting some random thing I don't want in a math trade.
How does it handle different values of games?
Generally, it doesn't. The normal math trades favour "number of items traded" vs "trade value". It's up to you to value the games you'd be willing to trade for vs the games you're putting up.
You'll *never* get something you don't want in a math trade, unless you screw up & select the bad item in the trade software.
Math trades /rock/.
I'm too scared of getting some random thing I don't want in a math trade.
After watching about 2 hours of gameplay vids I broke down and bought Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island during thecultofthenew sale ($49.99+shipping) yesterday. Looking forward to trying it out solo and with the group. I also bought the 2 sets of promo on the BBG store too.
We should all add each other on BBG. My profile:
After watching about 2 hours of gameplay vids I broke down and bought Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island during thecultofthenew sale ($49.99+shipping) yesterday. Looking forward to trying it out solo and with the group. I also bought the 2 sets of promo on the BBG store too.
We should all add each other on BBG. My profile:
After watching about 2 hours of gameplay vids I broke down and bought Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island during thecultofthenew sale ($49.99+shipping) yesterday. Looking forward to trying it out solo and with the group. I also bought the 2 sets of promo on the BBG store too.
We should all add each other on BBG. My profile:
I don't sleeve my cards, so I can't really help you out. It is a nice insert though. I transferred all of my Pandemic stuff over to the OTB box a couple days ago and played a game yesterday, my sixth game of Pandemic I guess. I haven't played with anything new from OTB yet though, because I haven't gotten around to reading the rules yet.Just got my copy of Pandemic On the Brink. Can't wait to play with the new game modes tonight!
Anyway, the box insert is cool and all, but I have my cards sleeved. It's a tight fit right now, but there's no more room if end up getting In the Lab too. Have any of you guys figured out the best way to store the sleeved cards in this insert?
I have played one 4 player and 5 solo games of this. It is absolutely amazing IMO. I dropped retail price on it from my FLGS and don't regret it at all.