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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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My BGG profile. Got a couple boys under three years, so I'm always on the lookout for good kids games. Sometimes feel like I'm building a collection for when they're older and will play with me. Now I just gotta wait 10 years.

zooloretto and Labyrinth could be good additions. We just donated Labyrinth to a charity shop as my kids are getting a bit old for it, but its great for little ones.


Looking to find an old game from Sleuth Publications (out of business), the same company responsible for the awesome Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective game. The game is called Gumshoe, which is basically the Sherlock Holmes game on steriods and set in 1930s San Francisco.

Ebay prices for it are outrageous, but it is vintage. I've also tried BGG with no luck.

I don't know why companies don't make games like these any more. I love reading and solving mysteries/puzzles, but games like Sherlock Holmes and Gumshoe are in a class of their own, and what's worse -- they're the last of a dying class.
Hi, i sent you a PM


Hail to the KING baby
This weekend I had a chance to bring out Steampark, K2 and Libertalia to the table, all three are pretty simple to understand and get going but they were all very fun, even if I have to report that both my climbers died in the same turn on K2 lol

How did you like Steam Park? Looking to try it out soon.


Yeah I saw this. Guh...I hate being nickel n' dimed during a campaign over seemingly basic improvements. :-/

But....I'm a tabletop sucker.

I don't think id go so far as to call the buildings a basic improvement. Academy games certainly isn't FFG rich, and these molds cost upwards of 10k a pop. There's at least 5 types of buildings totaling up to a not insignificant chunk of cash to get them made, not to mention the added cost of the quality upgrade that got unlocked. It's a little expensive in this instance, agreed, but I don't think there's anyway around it with the size of the print run this is going to get.
zooloretto and Labyrinth could be good additions. We just donated Labyrinth to a charity shop as my kids are getting a bit old for it, but its great for little ones.

Love a bit of Labyrinth. Me and my sister still dig it out every Christmas and rope the rest of my family into a game. Worth noting, I'm 27, she's 32. Never too old.


How did you like Steam Park? Looking to try it out soon.

I thought it was really fun and quick, really easy to pick up, I lost because on the last turn I got caught up in trying to roll fast to not grab dirt but I didn't notice I didn't get an icon I needed to get a crapload of points for my rides.. lol
I don't think id go so far as to call the buildings a basic improvement. Academy games certainly isn't FFG rich, and these molds cost upwards of 10k a pop. There's at least 5 types of buildings totaling up to a not insignificant chunk of cash to get them made, not to mention the added cost of the quality upgrade that got unlocked. It's a little expensive in this instance, agreed, but I don't think there's anyway around it with the size of the print run this is going to get.

Just seems like a huge waste to make them solid. Who gives a crap if they are hollow or solid? It also is just going to bite them in the ass, all those pieces made solid is going to increase packaging weight greatly and incur more costs. People were really bitching about the pieces being hollow for a board game?
So I just bought the most metal board game of all time Cave Evil. Have heard nothing but good about it and as a fan of raw black metal it felt like a must buy. Anyone here had any experience? For example is the optional mounted board worth it (the designer feels that the thinner paper map that you build the game board on top of is better as it allows the option of extending off it if the game gets crazy).

Really the cover alone made it a must buy, that plus a limited print run



Just seems like a huge waste to make them solid. Who gives a crap if they are hollow or solid? It also is just going to bite them in the ass, all those pieces made solid is going to increase packaging weight greatly and incur more costs. People were really bitching about the pieces being hollow for a board game?

I wasn't bitching about it but if I have a choice between hollow or not hollow, I'll take not hollow. My shipping is free within the US, I give no fucks how much it costs them to send to me.


YES, I was going to post that trailer when I saw mention of Cave Evil. More games need live action 'mood' trailers that may or may not have anything to do with the game.
YES, I was going to post that trailer when I saw mention of Cave Evil. More games need live action 'mood' trailers that may or may not have anything to do with the game.

Definitely part of my reason for getting it. I pretty much consider my game collection done, bar one or two items, and Cave Evil is pretty pricey But I love the aesthetic, the game concept and wanted to support indie gaming.


Damn, I should have never checked in on this thread a while ago at work. I saw that connection between Cave Evil and black metal and had to check it out. My opinion on it: It looks fucking awesome. I love the imagery and theme. It looks like it is of good quality too.
I am still too new to this hobby though; I can't even convince myself to buy Robinson Crusoe or Zombicide when it is on sale.
$90 for the base game, $20 for the board, and all indications I have seen saying these are the remaining copies of the final print all add up to mean I will probably never own this. Which sucks because it looks too cool. But I guess there are a lot of things I will want in the world that I will probably never own, so I shouldn't get too bent out of shape over it.

I almost preferred life when I was living paycheck-to-paycheck. I was dumb and was blowing through every dollar I had but at least I was able to convince myself easily to buy stuff I wanted. Now that I have come into money and have a decent savings, I cannot bring myself to spend money on hardly anything I want. Funny how that worked out...

It is probably for the best though. I still am awaiting arrival of Last Night on Earth and I just scored a copy of Firefly at a damn good price ($20 sealed!). And then after running through the inventory for Arkham Horror last week and my coworker and I reading through the manual, I find myself too intimidated by the rules. And then despite our success in Pandemic, him and I seem to be unable to win a game of Forbidden Island. So I don't really need it... But on the other hand, that metal connection and the badass theme kind of mean that I DO need it.


Robinson Crusoe arrived today! I had just finished opening all my X-Wing minis to learn some combat when I heard the knock. Haven't opened it yet. Will have a 2 X-Wing Vs 2 Tie Fighter battle tonight while learning the rules and get lost on the island tomorrow before work. :)

Booking my flights and buying my 4 day pass to Gen Con tonight too!


Played Letters From Whitechapel, the hidden movement Jack the Ripper game, tonight with four others. I screwed up a few times on the rules and I'm pretty sure our Jack made at least one illegal alley run, but it was still really great.

It's kind of cute how it actually becomes a bit of a horror game for the player playing the murderer stalking the shadows as he desperately hopes the police don't guess a certain spot. I really like the "mechanic" of Jack getting to hear all of the police's conversations and strategy since it lets him do a lot of mind games.

It definitely could fall prey to quarterback syndrome if one player tries to run everything on the police side but that at least wasn't an issue for us.

I was really hoping to play Suburbia which just came in but an unexpected fifth person showed up. I actually almost never get to play four player games because we usually have five or six players. One of these times I'll just need to split a night into two groups.


Played Letters From Whitechapel, the hidden movement Jack the Ripper game, tonight with four others. I screwed up a few times on the rules and I'm pretty sure our Jack made at least one illegal alley run, but it was still really great.

Screwing up/being unclear about the rules is one thing that bugged me about that game. I agree that the suspense and the hide-and-seek is very nice fun, but Jack's special action to cross a city block (or however they refer to it) was rather unclear to me, and I was reluctant to use it because I didn't want to cheat.

I've become interested in N.Y. Chase because the gameplay seems exactly the same, but it seems you have more discrete powers (the criminal can use a subway to escape, and the rail line marked on the board), and the police can use roadblocks and stuff.
Oh man I want Cave Evil but holy crap that price for such shitty components.....

A game is more than the components in my opinion. At the end of the day I play games because I'm a fan of games, not because I'm a fan of shiny things. Although shiny things are nice. Plus, ya know, supporting independent and emergent designers who make a good product is a cool thing to do. For me that's enough to justify buying it, if it's not for you that's cool. That's why they only made 1000 copies.


Robinson Crusoe arrived today! I had just finished opening all my X-Wing minis to learn some combat when I heard the knock. Haven't opened it yet. Will have a 2 X-Wing Vs 2 Tie Fighter battle tonight while learning the rules and get lost on the island tomorrow before work. :)

Booking my flights and buying my 4 day pass to Gen Con tonight too!

Nice. I really enjoy X-Wing. I have nearly all of the expansion ships/fighters.

Need to get booked up for GenCon this weekend, myself!


Go say something in the official GenCon thread and I will update the list with your avatars.

Is this the year we finally have an official meetup at GenCon?


Played Concordia and The Agents tonight.

Concordia was really solid. Super simple gameplay - play a card and do what it says. Turn over. It is, however, one of those games where you have to kinda put the feelers out for the first half to figure out whats going on. Also you need to be super clear on the scoring and kind of craft your hand of cards to be most effective or you'll get blown away in the scoring. Ultimately, we all enjoyed it though. Thumbs up.

The Agents was my buddy's game. It played fast enough and had some neat decisions to make. I think I'm content with playing his copy and not owning one though.


Ooooh lawd. As soon as I hit post I get another email about an additional Fief addon. Metal coins for 20 more bucks. What to dooooo.


I just played my/our first game of Terra Mystica tonight. We were 5 and used the starting setup given in the manual. I was the half lings and until close to the end people thought that the half lings were over powered in respect to their ability to terraform the land. While I understood the notion my glorious defeat (by 11 points) to the giants that were dead last most of the game served them right!

Or maybe me, after I regrettably had to shut down the expansion of the witches on the right most island in order to secure myself some more cheap land. I feel like I might have destroyed her game quite a bit by doing so.

Ultimately a very fun game that was a bit overwhelming in terms of colors for the first few minutes. I'd also like a better overview of how a turn goes. Though it's not necessarily as complicated as the manual and the overly colorful graphics make it seem. Now that I've gotten used to that I, and I guess we all are looking forward to our next game.


Are zombies!! Or pandemic on iPad worth getting? They're games I don't think my family would be that into, but I'm curious about. If they are decently made on iPad then it could be an affordable way to try them out


Really excited for Dead of Winter, they just put up a $10 flat shipping to Canada deal on top of the $40 preorder price. Might have to snatch it at that price.


Man, Arkham Horror is kicking my ass with how much there is to learn. We managed to get set up pretty quickly last night (on a table that was too small though, leading to everything being very cramped). Despite my coworker and I having both read the rule book front-to-back, after setting up it was kind of like 'What now?'
We got off to a rocky start of constant looking at the rules and googling stuff and got about three turns in before we hit a part that took a lot of time to resolve what we were supposed to do.
He had first turn of the game and killed a monster/entered a gate on the first round of the game. We spent a while trying to figure out if he fought the monster first or was sucked into the gate first, but then I searched on google and immediately turned up an answer on BGG. By that third round he was emerging back into Arkham but we had difficulties understand the 'closing a gate' stuff. We finally figured out how many successes he needed to roll out of his seven rolls (one success, it took us a long time to find that out though). We were pretty caught up on the "removing the gate after closed and keeping it as a gate trophy" aspect; he didn't have any clue tokens and sealing wasn't an option for him so he went for closing. It seemed like closing a gate is pretty much doing the same thing as sealing it. I couldn't figure out what the rules were saying about a gate re-opening, if the gate had been taken off the board as a trophy by him. He ended up not rolling any successes out of his seven rolls though, so we figured 'Fuck it, we'll figure all of that out when we come to it.'
It took us a while to figure out monster movement too. We saw where it explained the special rules for monster moves, like fast monsters and so on, and saw that it said that unless it fell under one of those rules that it obeyed the rules listed in the text above that section. The text above it listed the rules for determining which monsters move and down which colored path, but we were like 'how many spaces is the basic movement space?' He finally started reading the descriptions of the special movements and saw where some said to move two spaces and deduces that the regular movement space must be one space. Didn't matter anyway though because the monster that had just appeared was a Hound of Tindalos which moved directly to my character and caused me to go to Arkham after making me insane (what a way to end the first turns, him in another world and me insane).

We then ended up running out of time and needed to pack up before shift ended. So three or so hours after setting up and getting ready and we only got three turns in. The first six hours of the twelve tonight should be open for play (after eating it would mean we have five available I guess). So hopefully we can try again and see what happens. I really wish the Arkham Horror wiki wasn't blocked at work...
Really excited for Dead of Winter, they just put up a $10 flat shipping to Canada deal on top of the $40 preorder price. Might have to snatch it at that price.

I got that pre-ordered about a week ago. I had to drop the money after I read the rules and found that I liked all of them. Really hope it lives up to the positive reputation that BSG has in my group.


Are zombies!! Or pandemic on iPad worth getting? They're games I don't think my family would be that into, but I'm curious about. If they are decently made on iPad then it could be an affordable way to try them out

I haven't tried zombies!! or Pandemic on the iPad, but I love the Pandemic board game and from what I've heard the iPad version is solid.


Man, Arkham Horror is kicking my ass with how much there is to learn. We managed to get set up pretty quickly last night (on a table that was too small though, leading to everything being very cramped). Despite my coworker and I having both read the rule book front-to-back, after setting up it was kind of like 'What now?'

If you haven't already, you *need* the Universal Head player summary sheets for Arkham Horror. It will answer a /lot/ of your basic questions like monster movement, the flow for dealing with encounters/gates etc. It's utterly invaluable to playing Arkham Horror - I have laminated copies of the "rule sheet" /and/ enough of the player guides for everyone to have their own ;)

Your reaction is pretty normal to Arkham - the rulebook tells you all the rules but it doesn't necessarily tell you how to attempt to /play/ it in my mind... And there's a lot of gotchas that aren't obvious, as you've found. Read over the Universal Head sheets, it should help.

This flow chart makes the game look /really/ complicated but it's useful to some people and it is a pretty accurate summary.


Unconfirmed Member
Picked up some business card holders (has 8 slots) for Arkham Location cards, good for saving space. If you get two of them you can sort all the location and items cards on them.


Unconfirmed Member
I need to play some Arkham. I got a little bummed out when a section of my board split though. Should probably contact FFG.


Played a few rounds of Carcassonne: South Seas last week, and really enjoyed it. It's fun to play a game where everyone knows how to play already, but with just enough changes to make it fresh and interesting. Great game.

And speaking of playing something we know how to play, we also checked out Trains for the first time. Good stuff. Definitely will benefit from expansions once they start comin' round the mountain.
Last night I played Suburbia with the Suburbia Inc expansion and Robinson Crusoe.
Suburbia + Suburbia Inc.: It was the first time I played the actual game after playing it on the iPad. The game is awesome, but I do miss the auto calculations the iOS version does. The Suburbia Inc expansion was good, but I don't think it's a must buy. The biggest thing it adds are these border pieces that work basically like the regular tile but they are about four hexes long. The borders are neat but it felt a little like more of the same.

Robinson Crusoe: Played this twice last night. Our first game we got smacked hard so we decided to just set it up again and give it one more try. Our second game was better but we still lost about two turns out, so it was a heart breaker. Now I'm not an Ignacy hater, like some people, but I don't fall over myself to try to play his games. The rulebook for this game is garbage, but the game is a ton of fun. I love the event mechanic and how some events might come to bite you in the ass later on.


Last night I played Suburbia with the Suburbia Inc expansion and Robinson Crusoe.
Suburbia + Suburbia Inc.: It was the first time I played the actual game after playing it on the iPad. The game is awesome, but I do miss the auto calculations the iOS version does. The Suburbia Inc expansion was good, but I don't think it's a must buy. The biggest thing it adds are these border pieces that work basically like the regular tile but they are about four hexes long. The borders are neat but it felt a little like more of the same.

Robinson Crusoe: Played this twice last night. Our first game we got smacked hard so we decided to just set it up again and give it one more try. Our second game was better but we still lost about two turns out, so it was a heart breaker. Now I'm not an Ignacy hater, like some people, but I don't fall over myself to try to play his games. The rulebook for this game is garbage, but the game is a ton of fun. I love the event mechanic and how some events might come to bite you in the ass later on.

i'm not in love with the border tiles from Suburbia INC - they are too cheap and can break the early game in some cases.I do think the new tiles and bonus that come along with the expansion are needed to create some more conflict between the players. it's also great how it fits in the box instead of being its own huge needless box.

man the robinson crusoe rules are such hot garbage. i'm glad someone on bgg created that first scenario walkthrough, i doubt i'd be able to set the board up without it.


I started playing Robinson Crusoe again recently and even though I had played the game a couple of times before the manual still didn't make any sense to me. I watched some video on youtube to familiarize myself with the rules again.
I didn't have any trouble with the rules. You just do things in order on the board. Everything's numbered. The only thing I didn't find intuitive was the separation of the beast deck and the hunting deck. The game will destroy you if you aren't lucky though. I think it's easiest with four players.
X-Wing wave 4 announced. Z-95 Headhunter, E-Wing, TIE Phantom. TIE Defender.


Looks like Imperials are getting some beefy options while Rebels will be able to build cheap Z-95 swarms.

ALL OVER MY FACE. I love this EU stuff and no Prequel ships. Z-95 could be the first Imperial/Rebel ship given that the rebels flew some but it's also the official ship of Mara Jade, but it looks like it's only Rebels for now...I think it's a missed opportunity.
Mara didn't pilot a Z-95 when she was working for the Empire.

X-Wing wave 4 announced. Z-95 Headhunter, E-Wing, TIE Phantom. TIE Defender.


Looks like Imperials are getting some beefy options while Rebels will be able to build cheap Z-95 swarms.

Defender should be one of the most expensive fighter scale ships in the game, so assume it's going to be a beast, but still the most popular tactic for Imp players is masses of cheap swarms. Z-95's should be cheap, so be helpful for rebels to get numbers on the table.

With them doing EU stuff, I wouldn't mind them doing a neutral faction for stuff like pirates and hutt cartel ships. Lot of stuff they can pull out to fill a faction of ships up with.
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