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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Here's my super secret BGG profile.

After watching about 2 hours of gameplay vids I broke down and bought Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island during thecultofthenew sale ($49.99+shipping) yesterday. Looking forward to trying it out solo and with the group. I also bought the 2 sets of promo on the BBG store too.

We should all add each other on BBG. My profile: http://boardgamegeek.com/user/daevv
I played a solo game just to get a hang of the mechanics on Monday. Fun game, even though I screwed a couple of the rules up.


Here's my super secret BGG profile.

I played a solo game just to get a hang of the mechanics on Monday. Fun game, even though I screwed a couple of the rules up.

Holy gawd.

For me, I've barely touched my profile because I'm lazy and don't make much of a deal working on it. I rarely post about stuff outside of the Zombicide forums.

blurrygil on BGG

Added everyone who's posted. It's all a first for me, haha.


What do you want for it? I've been looking to trade for Antiquity for awhile.

I dunno, I feel the smart thing to do would be getting some other OOP grail-ish game out of it. I have a laundry list of shit I kinda want though.

Looking at your owns: How do you like Pax Porfiriana? I kinda keep going back and forth on that one.
Holy gawd.

For me, I've barely touched my profile because I'm lazy and don't make much of a deal working on it. I rarely post about stuff outside of the Zombicide forums.

blurrygil on BGG

Added everyone who's posted. It's all a first for me, haha.
lol, I've been collecting for awhile.
I dunno, I feel the smart thing to do would be getting some other OOP grail-ish game out of it. I have a laundry list of shit I kinda want though.
Well, if you are willing to trade it for a couple of games hit me up.Looking at your want list I have both Lancaster w/ New Laws and Among the Stars, that I would be willing to trade away. Maybe add something else if values are a little off.

Looking at your owns: How do you like Pax Porfiriana? I kinda keep going back and forth on that one.
I just got it in a math trade and haven't played it yet, so no idea. I'll try to play it sometime soon, but I'm having a really hard time making it through the rulebook. Phil Ekland's rulebooks are the driest things you would ever read.


I just got it in a math trade and haven't played it yet, so no idea. I'll try to play it sometime soon, but I'm having a really hard time making it through the rulebook. Phil Ekland's rulebooks are the driest things you would ever read.

I can imagine. One of the video tutorials on BGG kinda had my brain pounding. I tend to like these types of card games though. Looking forward to your impressions.

I'll keep an eye on your list and let you know if I can figure anything out.


Here's my super secret BGG profile.

I played a solo game just to get a hang of the mechanics on Monday. Fun game, even though I screwed a couple of the rules up.

I have played one 4 player and 5 solo games of this. It is absolutely amazing IMO. I dropped retail price on it from my FLGS and don't regret it at all.

Good to hear! I haven't told anyone in the group I bought it yet. Gonna bust it out some night as a surprise. :)

Edit: I've added all BGG profiles posted. :)
Figuring out where to store everything for Battlecon: DoI is like a puzzle, and not in a good way like Earth Reborn.

Seriously, where is everything supposed to go? The character envelopes they give you don't fit in any of the spots they seem. Tokens seem to overflow the box, too.

Otherwise, man, can't wait to try this one out.
The game looks really interesting to me, but the theme is a really hard sell to any of my friends and especially my wife who ends up playing most of my two player games. She likes Pixel Tactics (except for the fact that I always win).


Figuring out where to store everything for Battlecon: DoI is like a puzzle, and not in a good way like Earth Reborn.

Seriously, where is everything supposed to go? The character envelopes they give you don't fit in any of the spots they seem. Tokens seem to overflow the box, too.

Otherwise, man, can't wait to try this one out.

You pretty much have to ditch the insert, especially if you got the Extended edition stuff along with it. As the creator says, the insert's only purpose is to make sure everything is okay during shipping.
You pretty much have to ditch the insert, especially if you got the Extended edition stuff along with it. As the creator says, the insert's only purpose is to make sure everything is okay during shipping.

Yup, ditched. Now I just need to find a box of bags so each character can have their own bag with their tokens.

Also, I heard of the deluxe edition, but I just got the standard as I wish I had done that kickstarter. But still, the amount of content in the base set alone is astonishing. I just have the first "flight" opened and sleeved, and feel that's enough for now until I get a few plays in.
Last night I played:
Star Wars The Card Game: It was ok. I want to play it again, but it did not immediately set my world on fire like Netrunner did. I did really like the resource management of SW. The choice between building up a big force at once possibly tying up a resource for a couple turns or playing it safe by slowly building your forces but keeping your resources free from turn to turn was a tough decision to make and I really liked it.

Android Infiltration: Man this game is so much fun. It's never talked about but I really like this as a go to game for 4 or 5 that can be completed in less than an hour. Really solid game with a ton of opportunity for tricky combos and screwing your neighbor.

Euphoria: Played it with 6 and even with all new players (and one player who is slow as shit) we finished in 90 minutes. I played this game once before with 3 and while I liked it I prefer to play this game with 6. Maybe 5 will be good too, but 6 is great. Just enough chaos to make things interesting but not too much where it prevented you from doing anything meaningful.
I have a huge amount of money in credit at Miniature Market and I really want the Star Wars card game for nothing other than the art. I really shouldn't, though. The odds of my wife wanting to play it with me more than every 6 months is almost 0.
I have a huge amount of money in credit at Miniature Market and I really want the Star Wars card game for nothing other than the art. I really shouldn't, though. The odds of my wife wanting to play it with me more than every 6 months is almost 0.
This isn't going to help you save money, but the art is amazing. Really top notch stuff and it's all centered around the OT which is what appeals to me the most.


Last night I played:
Star Wars The Card Game: It was ok. I want to play it again, but it did not immediately set my world on fire like Netrunner did. I did really like the resource management of SW. The choice between building up a big force at once possibly tying up a resource for a couple turns or playing it safe by slowly building your forces but keeping your resources free from turn to turn was a tough decision to make and I really liked it.

Dude are you me?

I broke out SWLCG for the first time last night. I played as Sith and my buddy played as Jedi. I got absolutely demolished, going back over the FFG tutorial vid I assume it's because I had only 1 resource objectives with low health and got unlucky draws that had hardly anything to protect them.

I am looking forward to playing more but it did not grab me like Netrunner did. At all.

Played a couple games of Netrunner yesterday and again today at work. Sweeps Week is not performing as well as I want it to in my Making News deck. I played Celebrity Gift but I would love to free up all the influence.
This isn't going to help you save money, but the art is amazing. Really top notch stuff and it's all centered around the OT which is what appeals to me the most.

I saw the pack that's coming out soon with Kyle Katarn on the cover and I almost dropped a deuce.

The other problem is I'm a completionist...so I will want to own everything even though I won't play it remotely enough to justify it.

For those who have played (and enjoy) Star Wars the card game, what are the essential products? First big box expansion? Anything from the Hoth cycle?
I was wondering if some of you guys could give me a recommendation. My gaming group has played The Fury of Dracula a few times. We really love the concept and the idea behind the mechanics, but we find it to be unbalanced in Dracula's favor and the Dracula player has run into accidental cheating from missing details or misunderstanding the rules.

Do you think there's a better 4v1 that our group should look in to?
I was wondering if some of you guys could give me a recommendation. My gaming group has played The Fury of Dracula a few times. We really love the concept and the idea behind the mechanics, but we find it to be unbalanced in Dracula's favor and the Dracula player has run into accidental cheating from missing details or misunderstanding the rules.

Do you think there's a better 4v1 that our group should look in to?
People are going to recommend Letters from Whitechapel. Don't listen to these people as they are crazy. Letters is basically Fury of Dracula with all the fun stripped from it. It's the board game equivalent of Marco Polo but at least with Marco Polo there is a pool involved.

As far as 1 V Many games. You can look at Mansions of Madness or Decent. I recently got Mousquetaires du Roy, but haven't played it yet so can't really speak on the quality. It looks neat though.


My copy of Superfight came in. Looking forward to trying it out this weekend. Debating on whether to sleeve the entire thing or not.


Sadly, I was mildly disappointed by it. It felt like we were playing CAH, but with a lot more arguing. Will have to run a few more sessions to see if it's a full keeper. Right now, I'm absolutely loving Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination.


I was wondering if some of you guys could give me a recommendation. My gaming group has played The Fury of Dracula a few times. We really love the concept and the idea behind the mechanics, but we find it to be unbalanced in Dracula's favor and the Dracula player has run into accidental cheating from missing details or misunderstanding the rules.

Do you think there's a better 4v1 that our group should look in to?

For something along the same lines, either Letters from Whitechapel, Garibaldi, Scotland Yard/Mister X/N.Y. Chase (different flavors of the same basic game). These are pretty fun games that boil down to hide and seek on a board, but they possibly almost all have balancing issues that the games try to address with different variants. Out of these, I've only played Whitechapel, and I mostly liked the gameplay, but I found the theme weird/off-putting in some ways.

As for other 1 vs Many games, hmm...I'm not recalling any off the top of my head, other than perhaps playing Shadows Over Camelot with a traitor always in the mix. Isn't there some dungeon-crawling game that has one player as the dungeon master and everyone else as heroes pitted against them?


I was wondering if some of you guys could give me a recommendation. My gaming group has played The Fury of Dracula a few times. We really love the concept and the idea behind the mechanics, but we find it to be unbalanced in Dracula's favor and the Dracula player has run into accidental cheating from missing details or misunderstanding the rules.

Do you think there's a better 4v1 that our group should look in to?

Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition. Great 4v1 group game.

I also highly recommend Darkest Night. It's a dark fantasy theme applied to the stat-based dice-rolling of Arkham Horror. The rules, however, are much better streamlined. There's a variant that allows for a 5th player to be the evil Necromancer. It's not SUPER engaging, but it could be fun. I played this variant recently, and it came down the wire, so there was some excitement.

Mista Koo

Hello everyone. I'm new to board games. Currently taking a game design class, which turned out to be all about board games and ignited my interest.

Last night I went to a local board game night for the first time. Played a few game none of which I've played before:
  • Story War: I felt like the combat aspect interfered with the storytelling. I didn't care about defeating the opponents, just wanted to tell an interesting story. I wish we played Once Upon a Time instead.
  • Takenoko: Simple and cute game. The game ended because I completed the cards first and yet didn't win.
  • Tokaido: Really interesting game, it has a very peaceful theme that it didn't seem as competitive as it is. The movement mechanic of player furthest in the back moves first is really cool.
  • We Didn't Play Test This At All: Had no idea what to expect, totally crazy fun game. Full of WTF moments.

Oh and I made my first board game last week. Not the most balanced but it was polished enough.

Sadly, I was mildly disappointed by it. It felt like we were playing CAH, but with a lot more arguing. Will have to run a few more sessions to see if it's a full keeper. Right now, I'm absolutely loving Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination.
Hmm. I can see where it might falter a bit as far as table talk can go. Will come back with some feedback when I do get a play.
My BGG profile. Got a couple boys under three years, so I'm always on the lookout for good kids games. Sometimes feel like I'm building a collection for when they're older and will play with me. Now I just gotta wait 10 years.


My BGG profile. Got a couple boys under three years, so I'm always on the lookout for good kids games. Sometimes feel like I'm building a collection for when they're older and will play with me. Now I just gotta wait 10 years.

It gets a /ton/ better once they start to pick up reading. My 7 & 5 year olds love the likes of King of Tokyo, Blokus etc. "Creatures" is a horrible /game/ but it's been a fantastic 'make a story' experience with my monster obsessed 5 year old boy.

But I totally know what you mean... My 7 year old is a gamer through & through and I /want/ to play games with her that she's just not ready with.
My BGG profile. Got a couple boys under three years, so I'm always on the lookout for good kids games. Sometimes feel like I'm building a collection for when they're older and will play with me. Now I just gotta wait 10 years.
Monster Chase is a great kids game, it's a favorite of my son. It's basically a Memory variant. Should be easy to play with your kids when they turn 3-4. My son, who's 4, also loves Animal Upon Animal and Who Shook Hook, both are dexterity games.

Animal Upon Animal has players stacking wooden animal pieces on top of each other. The first to get rid of their pile of animals wins. Who Shook Hook? is actually a fairly decent licensed Mass Market game. The game is based off of the Jake and the Neverland Pirates show that's on Disney Jr. The object of the game is to collect the most pieces of treasure from the hammock where Hook is sleeping. The board is a little cheap but there are some really nice plastic bits in it. The hammock is actually suspended by two plastic palm trees in the middle is the board. It's a neat looking game and if your kids are into the show they would really like it.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep an eye out for those.

Edit: I should have mentioned that I do have Animal Upon Animal, Monza, Catch the Match and Zitternix for the little ones. I even found Catan Jr for $20 last year at Target and bought three copies. Gave two away as gifts, and will wait a couple years and give the third to our oldest as a birthday or Xmas gift.

Animal Upon Animal is great -- I've played it with my brother-in-law a number of times.


Tichu is the new addiction in my gaming group. Amazing trick taking game. Already ordered a second deck because I know we will wear it out quick.


In case any Fief backers haven't seen, there's a second set of building add-ons for the Templars and Crusaders expansions. It's another 12 bucks to add them in (this is getting really expensive!). Luckily, the last stretch goal unlocked quality a upgrade to make them solid pieces instead of hollow.


In case any Fief backers haven't seen, there's a second set of building add-ons for the Templars and Crusaders expansions. It's another 12 bucks to add them in (this is getting really expensive!). Luckily, the last stretch goal unlocked quality a upgrade to make them solid pieces instead of hollow.

I wonder if the buildings will all fit into the box? I hate having components laying around for games outside of the box.
Since we're posting BGG profiles, here's mines. Yeah, I just use it to track and to see what people are moving towards.

I didn't say polished enough for a commercial release. Polished enough for an unremarkable game made in a week :p

Unless you actually played it, which I doubt.
It's the biggest problem I'm running into when making my stuff now (between both my longterm project and the boardgame jam one that I haven't touched in like half a year): you can work out all the mechanical systems and numbers, and you can run through playtests, but is there ever a time to say you've exhausted your test base and need to move on? There's a worry that retesting with the same group ends up letting the group over-optimize the game because they've seen it enough times, and that could ultimately make it worse.


It's the biggest problem I'm running into when making my stuff now (between both my longterm project and the boardgame jam one that I haven't touched in like half a year): you can work out all the mechanical systems and numbers, and you can run through playtests, but is there ever a time to say you've exhausted your test base and need to move on? There's a worry that retesting with the same group ends up letting the group over-optimize the game because they've seen it enough times, and that could ultimately make it worse.

I guess you should look into designer's blog and things for more info. Here's a post by Richard Garfield that has a few useful tidbits.

Looking to find an old game from Sleuth Publications (out of business), the same company responsible for the awesome Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective game. The game is called Gumshoe, which is basically the Sherlock Holmes game on steriods and set in 1930s San Francisco.

Ebay prices for it are outrageous, but it is vintage. I've also tried BGG with no luck.

I don't know why companies don't make games like these any more. I love reading and solving mysteries/puzzles, but games like Sherlock Holmes and Gumshoe are in a class of their own, and what's worse -- they're the last of a dying class.


This weekend I had a chance to bring out Steampark, K2 and Libertalia to the table, all three are pretty simple to understand and get going but they were all very fun, even if I have to report that both my climbers died in the same turn on K2 lol


In case any Fief backers haven't seen, there's a second set of building add-ons for the Templars and Crusaders expansions. It's another 12 bucks to add them in (this is getting really expensive!). Luckily, the last stretch goal unlocked quality a upgrade to make them solid pieces instead of hollow.

Yeah I saw this. Guh...I hate being nickel n' dimed during a campaign over seemingly basic improvements. :-/

But....I'm a tabletop sucker.
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