Was thinking of picking up Race for the Galaxy. Thoughts? Mostly would play it as a 4 player game.
I haven't played race much as a 4 player game but it's a solid 2, 3 and 5 player game so I imagine 4 would be just fine.
It's a lot like purto rico, except if you know what you are doing (aka don't have to look up symbols) can be played in 30-45 min.
the game is broken up to multiple actions you can take each turn, unlike purto rico everyone selects their action at the same time, thus you can have overlapping actions, the end result of every player that choose that action gets a bonus, while everyone else just takes that action in the order of actions.
your action choices are explore (which happens first) which allows you to get some more cards (which is important as cards are not only what you play, but what you use to pay for other cards) the bonus for selecting this action is either seeing more cards to choose from or taking more cards, you choose by selecting one of two action cards for this action.
develop (in order action 2) which allows you to play certain types of cards by paying their costs (they typically are point scoring cards or cards that give you bonuses while playing other cards or taking other actions) the bonus for this action is simple, reduce the cost to play by 1.
settle (action 3) this phase you place planets, these things can really do anything, but the big thing they can do is get goods on them to sell for cards or points in a later phase. the bonus for playing this one is you draw a card after placing your planet.
consume (trade) with this action you first are able to trade a single good from a plant at a predetermined rate of trade (plus any bonuses you have from developments and planets) this often can get you way more cards then exploring would. This is actually a special action only available to the person that took the consume trade card which will still trigger the normal consume phase.
consume (action 4) you sell all of your goods that you can. Planets and developments have actions that allow you to sell the goods for points thus you resolve as many as you can, you get to choose the order though so if you want to keep some goods around and use up certain consumes up first so you can you can do that. There is a second consume card aside from trade that allows you to get double points.
finally the last action is produce... this one just puts more goods on your planets that support them. Those come in two flavors though, normal worlds that get goods, which all of them will get goods if anyone plays a produce action, and windfall worlds which only get goods if you choose produce (but come in play with one on them)... there are some cards that allow you to place goods on windfall worlds with the produce action merely being taken.
With the basic actions taken care of how the gameplay progresses is you just take actions and work on developing, settling, and consuming stuff to get the most points (each of the cards that you play have a point value) the way you end the game is someone gets 10 (or maybe 12... I can't remember which right now lol) cards in front of them or you run out of points (you use a set number based on how many players) to give people from trading.
Personally I really enjoy the game. There are a number of different ways you can win. There are also a number of expansions that alter the gameplay a decent amount (not all of the expansions play well with each other though as the newest one won't play with the older 3 at all) it should also be noted the base game only supports 4 players, it's not until you get any expansion that it supports 5.
It's hard to recommend race to people who can't remember symbols or don't like having a long explanation before a game... once you get the game down though it's very easy to remember and see how things play together. If you don't mind that though, and like the idea of a quick easy to set up resource management game it's really solid.
note: the cards you get are all randomly drawn from a deck... this doesn't mean the game is luck based as you will see enough cards to pick and choose in general... though if you hate the idea of taking from a random deck there is always draft rules in the rule book that would allow you to draft your own deck.
I think that should give you an idea about race