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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Went out to backers of previous Sentinels of the Multiverse kickstarters, but they just launched new campaign for a tactical board game set in the Sentinels universe: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gtgames/sentinel-tactics-the-flame-of-freedom

Kevin Nunn, the designer, is an all round good guy by all accounts. Interested to try it as I enjoy the card game. The photos are a bit messy though...

Still, it always mildly irritates me when a game is already being printed before the kickstarter campaign begins.

1) While Galactic Strike Force was delayed in order to perfect the gameplay, it is now entirely complete and has been at the printer for over a month. Barring massive natural disasters or other calamities, it will ship to backers in May.

Ok, reading it over again - the base game is just tokens, with an extra $30 for the minifigs? And the base game is $50 vs the RRP of $40 to cover shipping? Hrumph.


Still ages better a rulebook than Super Dungeon Explore's though!

A 3 yr old's crayon-written interpretation of the Bible is more clearer than SDE's rulebook...

Went out to backers of previous Sentinels of the Multiverse kickstarters, but they just launched new campaign for a tactical board game set in the Sentinels universe: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gtgames/sentinel-tactics-the-flame-of-freedom

Oh god...my wallet.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Have you considered Dominion? Another possibility is Gloom.

Doesn't match the theme, but other than taking forever to setup (or in this case tear back down and re-sort everything).. it's so very simple to teach.

My 8yr old and 6yr old enjoy playing it. Hell my 6yr old is actually pretty good at it, if I keep the action cards to some of the simpler choices, she has even beat me before. It's probably her love for buying gold. She get's 6 coins and she's all over it... it's not even a question. Gold.

She gots 8? Province. She's also damn sneaky with attack cards.


My brother bought me Galaxy Trucker for my birthday, I've always wanted to try this game but I found it too expensive for a game which merely looked 'interesting' to me. But I'm glad I have the game now and cannot wait to try it with four players.


Here is a picture of my game shelf (ikea expedit) with bonus cat (Penny) and the hall closet with the games too large to fit the shelf. Myth will live there eventually but for now it's on the dinning room table.



Awesome setup Octo. I'm jealous of your copy of Hero Quest, had one years ago when I was a kid that has been lost to time, would love to find another copy in good condition somewhere. Still debating Descent to scratch that itch, if I could only find someone around here to play.

Also, nod to Axis and Allies. I want your collection.
My cousin just gave me his complete Heroquest about a year ago. I was amazed to get such a gift, he just had it in a closet for years and knew I had a huge boardgame collection so he gave it to me. Still haven't played it lol


My cousin just gave me his complete Heroquest about a year ago. I was amazed to get such a gift, he just had it in a closet for years and knew I had a huge boardgame collection so he gave it to me. Still haven't played it lol

Game was always a blast, has a D & D "Light" feel to it in that it was very accessible (in that we played when we were all as young as 10). Some of the mechanics are a bit dated (roll a D6 to move), but wouldn't hesitate to pick it up if I ever saw it again somewhere. Will make an excellent addition to your collection.
Here is a picture of my game shelf (ikea expedit) with bonus cat (Penny) and the hall closet with the games too large to fit the shelf. Myth will live there eventually but for now it's on the dinning room table.

Excellent collection man. I especially like how with Betrayal and the 2 Cthulhu games on the lower right you've formed a horror corner in the shelf.


Hail to the KING baby
Fun! I gotta take some pics when I get my new phone tomorrow. Have like 30 games at work too so I guess I have to take pics of those shelves too. :p


Excellent collection man. I especially like how with Betrayal and the 2 Cthulhu games on the lower right you've formed a horror corner in the shelf.

Thanks! I try to organize the games either by theme (horror, dungeon crawlers) or game type (worker placement, deck builders).

Fun! I gotta take some pics when I get my new phone tomorrow. Have like 30 games at work too so I guess I have to take pics of those shelves too. :p

Definitely take pictures. I think the more pictures I this thread the better!


I'm not sure if anyone besides myself cares about the Inceptor updates. I suppose I'm especially interested since I wanted the briefcase and it's the first time I ever backed a Kickstarter. =P

At any rate, they apparently received an initial vague response from Warner Brothers and thought they could use the Inceptor name and various role names. Since then, the board game people hired a copyright attorney, and determined that there could be overlap, and there was an unused Inception copyright already covering board games.

Because of this, they are currently planning to call the game "Dream Agent", with the four roles of Designer, Shifter, Informer, and Initiate.

That's a bit lame but at least they're still trying to make it. :p


My cousin just gave me his complete Heroquest about a year ago. I was amazed to get such a gift, he just had it in a closet for years and knew I had a huge boardgame collection so he gave it to me. Still haven't played it lol

I have that and Batlle Masters sitting next to my game shelf, but I don't know if I'll ever have a group that will want to play them. I grabbed it from my parents house a few months ago, but its still collecting dust...


Still, it always mildly irritates me when a game is already being printed before the kickstarter campaign begins.

I think you read that wrong. That's a reference to an older kickstarter they held that's been delayed in shipping.

In other news, I've finally been getting use out of my Spartacus: Blood and Sand game that I bought 2 years ago. I like the game but I've only played it 5 times, 4 of which were in the past few months. Still don't quite understand how to win the game properly, but I don't mind because I have a lot of fun and figure it will come with play experience and knowledge of the cards.

I got to try out the Civilization board game recently too, and it seems to me that going for a military or economic victory are the ways to go, with culture being way too slow. But that may only be true if it's a 2p game. We had a bit of an odd game the second one where my opponent mistook flight as a level 3 tech and I ended up pretty far behind from then on, especially because I was trying out a culture victory since I started with Americans.

I also added a few expansions to my base games. First was the Escalation expansion for Eminent Domain. The starting scenarios are my favorite part of that, making asymmetrical starts for each player and I need to find a way to combat someone vying for a trade victory. I never really pay attention to that until it's too late.

Second was Suburbia Inc. to Suburbia. A bunch of new tiles for each building group comes with that, and the addition of border tiles and bonus/challenge tiles. Simple enough additions that new players can learn the expansion simultaneously with the base. I like how the border tiles can help direct the SimCity nature of the game and some of the new buildings that I saw seem very strong, like the future development tile. I'm not sure how I feel about the Bonus/Challenge tiles though. It's a random bonus given at the start of the B/C tile stacks if you meet certain requirements, but the goals to meet them seem really tough to get if you didn't know you needed to get them earlier (which you don't, as they are random and face down to start), so basically random events.

Next was Adventure packs 3 and 4 for Pathfinder. I up to Adventure 3 so I broke it out and added it to the box but I haven't had the time to set up a solo play yet for my party of 6. I've cycled out 2 members already (Sajan died early and Seoni died due to absent-mindedness). But I'm pretty excited to get class specializations for the rest of my team sometime soon.

Lastly, I got some expansions to my BSG base, I think pegasus and daybreak, but I haven't even opened them. Not sure if I will for a while either as it's a pretty meaty game and we usually get too many people and end up doing party games like telestrations+CAH (which is amazing) to fit everyone in. I also intend to get One Night Ultimate Werewolf sometime in the near future, and I've kickstarted 2 rooms and a boom. With that, I've got a lot of stuff to fit the social deduction slot, leaving less time for BSG.
In other news, I've finally been getting use out of my Spartacus: Blood and Sand game that I bought 2 years ago. I like the game but I've only played it 5 times, 4 of which were in the past few months. Still don't quite understand how to win the game properly, but I don't mind because I have a lot of fun and figure it will come with play experience and knowledge of the cards.

I still have trouble winning at this game too, but it's always tons of fun. It's a very social game where you need to figure out how to manipulate the other players into thinking you're not going to win in order to win. Like a lot of games, being in the lead always leads to doom. Leaning on your House's special is usually the key to victory for all the games I've participated in.

I got to try out the Civilization board game recently too, and it seems to me that going for a military or economic victory are the ways to go, with culture being way too slow. But that may only be true if it's a 2p game. We had a bit of an odd game the second one where my opponent mistook flight as a level 3 tech and I ended up pretty far behind from then on, especially because I was trying out a culture victory since I started with Americans.

Military, Economic, and Science are the true paths to victory. I don't know if the expansions fixed this, but there's no way Culture can win, even with the Chinese early-game boost. I love this game too, but it's long, so it doesn't come out as often.


Ok, here's the closet. Excuse the mess. I really need to do a culling and a reorg.

Nice collection (and someone else who has Legacy:Gears of Time!) one thing I don't think I could ever do is store games on their sides, something about that just doesn't jive with me (although it seems to be the best option for maximizing space on most shelves)
Nice collection (and someone else who has Legacy:Gears of Time!) one thing I don't think I could ever do is store games on their sides, something about that just doesn't jive with me (although it seems to be the best option for maximizing space on most shelves)
Thanks. Legacy is indeed a great game. As long as you got things bagged up storing games on their side helps prevent dishing of box lids. It also has the added benefit of not needing to awkwardly pull a box from the bottom of a pile.
[Incoming Myth rules bewilderment post incoming]

So... I'm debating my previous statements, and thinking that the Myth rulebook might be worse than Super Dungeon Explore's. While some of the concepts and layouts and ideas are nicer in Myth's, at least SDE's book told you how to set up a game, and explained what status effects do!

Seriously, you can be poisoned in Myth, and nowhere in the rulebook does it tell you how poison functionally works in any clear way.

But let me also be clear, I'm thinking this is going still a really neat experience, despite frustrations with the rulebook. Megacon games released some starter guides and stuff (such as this super cheesy guide on how a typical game might play out, complete with fake casual gaming group dialogue) and I think it really helped align my expectations.

I like the idea. A freeform game where you can either
- Do a long story quest in a book or created online
- Draw a random quest from a deck that has multiple parts
- Draw random "act" cards which are mini quests to do
- Or just freeform explore and decide "let's go in this room and fight 1 spawn, then go here and see what trap spawns, and here, in this final chamber, let's spawn the boss and see if we survive"

It's going to frustrate people, for sure. Heck, some BGG forums seem to act like a conspiracy is going on or something (#rulesdowngrade, #YOULIED), but I'm kinda looking forward to how open it is. Uh, I just hope I can get my group into that mindset. This is a co-op game where the host might still have to act as dungeon master.


[Incoming Myth rules bewilderment post incoming]

So... I'm debating my previous statements, and thinking that the Myth rulebook might be worse than Super Dungeon Explore's. While some of the concepts and layouts and ideas are nicer in Myth's, at least SDE's book told you how to set up a game, and explained what status effects do!

Seriously, you can be poisoned in Myth, and nowhere in the rulebook does it tell you how poison functionally works in any clear way.

But let me also be clear, I'm thinking this is going still a really neat experience, despite frustrations with the rulebook. Megacon games released some starter guides and stuff (such as this super cheesy guide on how a typical game might play out, complete with fake casual gaming group dialogue) and I think it really helped align my expectations.

I like the idea. A freeform game where you can either
- Do a long story quest in a book or created online
- Draw a random quest from a deck that has multiple parts
- Draw random "act" cards which are mini quests to do
- Or just freeform explore and decide "let's go in this room and fight 1 spawn, then go here and see what trap spawns, and here, in this final chamber, let's spawn the boss and see if we survive"

It's going to frustrate people, for sure. Heck, some BGG forums seem to act like a conspiracy is going on or something, but I'm kinda looking forward to how open it is. Uh, I just hope I can get my group into that mindset. This is a co-op game where the host might still have to act as dungeon master.

I agree with you, I think I like this format of game. It has a mmo feel to it in that it's so open. I have some confusion still about how many and which type of quest cards to use in a given session, but I am going to hash that out tomorrow when I play again. It also seems they are addressing some of people's issues by releasing additional print info with the second shipment of items (either a FAQ or a set-up guide) but their online supplements are being updated regularly so I have no fear that in the end there will be a real cool sandboxy fantasy game.
I agree with you, I think I like this format of game. It has a mmo feel to it in that it's so open. I have some confusion still about how many and which type of quest cards to use in a given session, but I am going to hash that out tomorrow when I play again. It also seems they are addressing some of people's issues by releasing additional print info with the second shipment of items (either a FAQ or a set-up guide) but their online supplements are being updated regularly so I have no fear that in the end there will be a real cool sandboxy fantasy game.

Yeah, their online supplements go over that a bit. If you want to do a quest that has multiple parts, you pick one of the Chapter "C" cards that have chain-link symbols in them (I think you pick one of the cards that has the first link or something... I'd have to look).

If you're doing the free open world stuff, you can mix in random Act "A" cards together and activate them when you enter certain chambers (realms) by drawing one randomly. Some of those will even trigger linked Act quests, if you've mixed in some of the part-1 chained Act quests into the Act deck.

They also released a tutorial quest online, which has 3 rooms and some enemies, so I'm going to start and try to learn off of that.
Yea gonna see if I can get all my LOTR LCG cards in the box. The whole scenario stuff made me get a separate box with dividers to store them in, but rather have it all in one place.

The Pathfinder set looks nice too, but doesn't look like it will work with sleeves, and I had to sleeve those cards as they are pretty crappy quality.


Yeah, I've looked at his stuff before. I'd be tempted by an Arkham set (or two...) if he did them. The Eclipse one looks interesting as I'd love to reduce the box footprint.


The Pathfinder set looks nice too, but doesn't look like it will work with sleeves, and I had to sleeve those cards as they are pretty crappy quality.
I ended up buying three 800ct(?) card boxes and cutting the lids off. They fit in the Pathfinder box almost perfectly. Just need to get around to making some little dividers now.


Hail to the KING baby
So excited. Game is already amazing. It might be getting a little rules-dense for a pretty light romp but I don't mind. Thought Sudden Death was a fantastic expansion.
I love me some Smash Up but never had the inkling to play Blood Bowl. What makes it superior?
I'm a curmudgeon who hates Smash Up, but I'll try to be fair. My main problem with Smash Up is there is it's a light game that plays in about 90 minutes. That's about 45 minutes longer than I would want to be playing Smash Up. There isn't much strategy to the game and that is fine for a short game, but Smash Up isn't short. It's a mindless take that game that can be extremely frustrating if you don't know which teams work well with each other. I also find the theme gimmicky and pandering to "geeks".

With Blood Bowl, the mechanics are relatively the same, you are playing cards to a Highlight (think Base in Smash Up), whomever has the most star points at a highlight by the time the hand is done you get a reward based on how well you did and the type of highlight. Each hand is roughly five cards and the game lasts over five rounds. At the end of the game the person with the most fans is the winner.

I find that Blood Bowl is surprisingly deep for a game that takes about as long as Smash Up. The game has elements of deckbuilding and gaining team upgrades. Choosing which highlight to focus on isn't as cut and dry as which gives me the most points. You can receive team upgrades or new players as well as points. It's just a fun game that I think gets overlooked by Smash Up.


Thanks for the insight, i may have to look at bloodbowl.
My family plays Smash Up Bi-weekly only issue we tend to have is it bogs down due to reading the text on the cards. My wife has serious "PA" (paralysis by analysis) so it can slow it down.
Im may take a trip tomorrow to my FLGS and try out a demo copy of BloodBowl. Plus i have to see if the new Smash Up expansion is in.
My copy of Suburbia came in the other day, and I messed around with the solo game last night. Can't wait to play it with my GF this weekend!

Also, my buddies and I tried out team 7 Wonders last weekend (2v2), and I must say that playing this format was phenomenal. Having a teammate allowed for more strategy, planning ahead and anticipating moves and transactions. The game took longer than usual, but it was worth it.

Side question, has anybody ever successfully attacked an opponent's economy through the debt cards in the Cities expansion of 7W? I think it's a cute mechanic, but it hasn't really been used as a viable strategy. I feel like you're better off building up your own civilization than wasting a turn trying to lower another player's coin count.
Joeyjoejoe, what do you think about playing Smash Up for less points, for a shorter game?

The problem with dropping the points down is that there isn't time for certain decks to catch up. Some decks are aggressive and jump out fast (robots, zombies) and some take their time to build (wizards, ninjas). The point total they chose was correct.

However, I completely agree with joey. It doesn't play at all like you'd think. Some deck combinations don't work at all, it's a much slower game than you'd think it'd be, and, I honestly have never had fun playing it. I'd say I think I now have played at least ten games.

I'm a curmudgeon who hates Smash Up, but I'll try to be fair. My main problem with Smash Up is there is it's a light game that plays in about 90 minutes. That's about 45 minutes longer than I would want to be playing Smash Up. There isn't much strategy to the game and that is fine for a short game, but Smash Up isn't short. It's a mindless take that game that can be extremely frustrating if you don't know which teams work well with each other. I also find the theme gimmicky and pandering to "geeks".

Replace Smash Up with Munchkin and replace 45 with 450 and for those who haven't played Smash Up, I've given you a point of reference to relate to. =)


Replace Smash Up with Munchkin and replace 45 with 450 and for those who haven't played Smash Up, I've given you a point of reference to relate to. =)

I got really into Munchkin at one point, and one day I woke up and said "Wait a minute, this game is awful", and now it is the shame of my gaming collection.
My Munchkin sets have long been relegated to the basement, underneath the boiler.
Steve Jackson's Hackers is there too.
I got really into Munchkin at one point, and one day I woke up and said "Wait a minute, this game is awful", and now it is the shame of my gaming collection.
My Munchkin sets have long been relegated to the basement, underneath the boiler.
Steve Jackson's Hackers is there too.

Speaking of Steve Jackson, I keep trying to get people to like Revolution, but it's tough. People don't hate Revolution after they play it, but they also failed to check the box that says "I'd like to play it again someday"
Speaking of Steve Jackson, I keep trying to get people to like Revolution, but it's tough. People don't hate Revolution after they play it, but they also failed to check the box that says "I'd like to play it again someday"
It's going to sound like I hate every game, but I swear I don't.
I don't like Revolution. I really hate how bidding is done in the game. Blind bidding and if you lose you also lose your money fucking sucks, man. You can get yourself (and I have) in a loop where almost every bid gets out bid because you don't have enough money to do anything. It really sucks being in that position.


I'm glad to see some good impressions of Myth in here. I've had Descent and a couple other fantasy/RPG-style games on my list of wanted games for a while. I started looking at Myth in January and thought it looked really cool. I wont be buying it more than likely; I missed out on the KSer and do not want to get into something that has tons of extra exclusive bullshit things to buy (I know I don't have to buy them, but the completionist/hoarder in me would force it). Nice to see that it turned out fairly good though I guess.
My kids like Smash Up, and we have the first 2 expansions.

But, now that you mention it Joey, I recall that they usually give up about an hour into the game. I thought that it was just them, but I'm starting to think differently.
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